Strength of Family

I went and revised this a little. It may seem a little choppy that is because it's telling the most important parts. Hope you enjoy it. And don't forget to review! Tell me what you think.

The Prologue is in two parts because it would be too long if I didn't.

Full summery: After Chichi's death, Goku must now raise Gohan and Goten alone. But stuff threatens to tare them apart. They must fight to stay together. But there is one obstacle Goku doesn't know if he can over come. Learning to love again. But can an old friend from the past help Goku to love again?

Note: I changed a few things around. First, Goku is still alive. Tein and Launch is married and has a son named Tenshion. Gohan and Videl meet shortly after the Cell Games. And Vegeta will slowly change over time. Gohan still trains and is still the strongest in the universe. And Goku isn't as dumb or naive as he is in the shows.

Happy reading! And don't forget to review!

Disclaimer: Still doesn't own DBZ. (arms crossed and pouts)


Part 1

She paused back and forth, worrying. She didn't know where they were. Her boys should have been home by now. Where could they be?

She, like the world, watched as her husband and son fought Cell. Her son shocked the world for what he had done. A boy, only 11 years old, defeated the monster. Every channel covered the Cell Games. Every person stopped what they were doing and watched. Their lives and the lives of every being on the planet rested upon the shoulders of a boy. If this boy lost, then it was over. She sat and watched, along with her father. Yelling from the small house could be heard. When the father stepped down and the son started to fight, her father had to restrain her. She had begged her husband not to let their son fight.

The world watched as this boy ascended to the next level. She knew what that transformation meant. There were only a few who know as well. The reporter at the scene, kept asking, how could this boy be stronger then the World Champion?

The front door opened and standing there were her boys; cuts, bruises, and clothes ripped. Her husband smiled and waved. Unable to contain herself, she ran to her husband. He wrapped her up in his muscular arms as she wept. Still crying, she hugged her son. She was beyond relief to see them home safe. The quite mountain area wasn't going to be quite for much longer, as shouting erupted.


"Calm down, Chichi." Goku put his hands out as a shield. "Gohan was the only one who could defeat Cell."

"What about you? Why couldn't you beat him?" Chichi demanded.

"We were evenly matched. I knew I couldn't defeat him. Gohan could. You see, Chichi, Gohan's the strongest fighter in the universe. Ever since we were training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, I knew Gohan was the one. That's why I made him become a Super Saiyan. He has this hidden power that only wakes when he becomes angry. I knew if Cell could get him angry, then Gohan could defeat him. I knew he could do it. The only reason why I fought Cell so he could see how he fought, his techniques, his flaws." Goku explained.

Chichi looked at her son. She couldn't help not be mad or proud. "I'm so proud of you, Gohan. My little hero." She did a complete 180-degree change. She hugged her son. "And you." she said, kissing her husband.

"Maybe now we can go back to being a family again." Goku said putting his arm around his wife's shoulders.

"And maybe we can expand that family. Like we originally wanted too." Chichi added.

"I guess I'm back to studying again." Gohan spoke up for the first time.

"That's right."

"I have to agree with your mom this time, Gohan." Goku said, shocking Chichi.

"Can I say one thing?" their son asked.

"What is it?"

"Can I have a brother?"

The parents smiled at their son. The four celebrated their victory that night. She can relax now. Her boys were home, for good.

One Week Later. . .

A cup of hot coffee was sat in front of Goku. He took a sip as Chichi poured herself a cup as well. "What do you think of Gohan going to school?" Chichi asked as she sat down next to her husband at the kitchen table.

"You mean a regular school?" She shook her head. "I don't see what would hurt. He wants a normal life. How much of a normal life can you get by going to school?"

Chichi was surprised by his answer. She never would have expected that from him. He was actually agreeing with her. Before, all he cared about was his training. What changed? "He can be around kids his own age and fine my future daughter-in-law and give me grandbabies."

"He's only eleven, Chi. He's too young to have a family."

"If I had my way, we would have been married when we first met."

Goku smiled at the memory of their first meeting. How could he forget that day. Of course he did forgot about Chichi until that day at the World Tournament when she showed up, years later.

"Gohan, can you come down here please?" Chichi shouted, interrupting Goku's thoughts.

Gohan walked down the hall and into the kitchen. "What's up?"

"Sit down, son. Your mom and I want to talk to you about something."

Gohan sat down at the table, hands folded together. "Is something wrong?"

"How would you like to go to school?" his mom asked.

"School? With other kids?" Gohan asked, a little stunned.

"Yes. You can met kids your own age and make friends your own age. And fine my future daughter-in-law.

You know how I want grandkids."

"What about training?"

"Training is still second, next to your study. There will be time for training after school and when your homework is done and on the weekends. But school comes first." Goku answered.

"Dad, are you feeling well? What happened to dad, mom? Is there a new evil that took over dad's body?"

Goku laughed. "No, son. I just think your mom is right about your studies is all."

"What do you think?" asked Chichi.

"I get to go to school and have a normal life." Gohan's face lit up. "When do I go? Where will I be going?"

Several Days Later. . .

"Orange Star Elementary School."

Goku and Gohan looked up from the magazine they were looking at. Chichi laid a pamphlet down on the table in front of Gohan. The boy picked it up and the two started to look through it.

"Where is Orange Star?" Gohan asked.

"Satan City."

Both men blinked several times. "Isn't that where the World Champ lives?" asked Goku.

"Yes. It's the best elementary school there is. So is the high school. You have to go and take placement tests the day after tomorrow."

"I can't believe this. This is totally unfair. Two weeks ago, we didn't know if we were going to live or die, now we have to take a test." a blonde hair girl whined.

"We have to get on with our lives," her raven hair friend said, from her left.

"How's your dad doing?"

"He hasn't left his dojo since he came home. Every time I try to get him to come out, he just murmurs about being weak and no kid was going to up stage him." answered the raven hair girl.

"Have they figure out who the kid was?" a blonde hair boy asked, sitting in front of the raven hair girl.

"No. I wonder why he hasn't come forward. He would be famous and rich." the blonde girl, Erasa, said.

"Maybe he doesn't want the fame and publicity." the other girl stated.

"Who knows. That boy can be anywhere. Hell, he could be going to school with us and we wouldn't know about it." the boy, Sharpner, exclaimed.

The blonde girl looked over at the door. "I wonder what's taking Mrs. Yuska so long?"

"Mrs. Yuska is talking to someone. Looks like the principle, a boy and his parents." the raven hair girl, Videl, said.

The door opened and Mrs. Yuska and the boy walked in. The boy had spiky, jet black hair that defied gravity. A book bag swung over his shoulder. He looked at the class nervously. They stood at the front of the class. "Class, I would like to introduce you to our new student. Everyone, please meet Gohan Son. He scored a perfect on his entrance exam. Gohan, tells us a little about yourself."

"He's a cutie." Erasa whispered to Videl.

"Ah ha." Was all Videl could say as she stared at Gohan.

"My name is Gohan. I live in the 439 Mountain Area. I live camping, fishing, martial arts, reading. And I'm the only child."

"The 439 Mountain Area? You must be very dedicated to your studies." the teacher exclaimed.

"Yes, ma'am." the demi-Saiyan said.

"Why don't you take a seat next to Videl and we'll get class going. Videl, can you please raise her hand?"

Videl raised her hand and Gohan took the seat to her left. As he was sitting, she smiled at him. He smiled back.

At lunch, Videl told Gohan he could sit with her and her friends. They sat down across from Sharpner and Erasa.

"Hi, I'm Erasa and this is Sharpner."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Gohan."

"So, Gohan, did you really travel 500 miles to get here?" asked Sharpner.

"Yeah. I could have gone to the nearby village, but my mom wanted me to go to the best school."

"You do marital arts?" asked Videl. "If you do, maybe I can get my dad give you some lessons."

"I've been training since I was four."

The three friends were shocked.


"Who was your sensi?"

"Four years old?"

"I guess my dad won't be of any help." Videl muttered.

"Who is your dad?" asked Gohan.

"Why the World Marital Arts Champion, Hercule Satan." Erasa stated.

"You're Hercule's daughter? Wow. I didn't know he had a daughter." the young Saiyan replied.


"Why? You must be proud of your dad." Gohan wanted to know why Videl felt this way. He knew Hercule isn't as strong as he makes himself out to be.

"He's been bruiting ever since the Cell Games." the raven hair girl said.

"Oh. You mean when Cell swatted him away like a fly?"

"How embarrassing." Videl hid her face in her hands.

"Maybe you might know who the boy is, Gohan." Sharpner changed the subject.

Gohan nearly panicked. He had thought people would forget about the boy who defeated Cell. If the world found out it was him, his life would be over. "No. Why does anyone want to know?" What? Are you kidding? That boy defeated Cell! A boy our age! He has to be the strongest person on this planet. He did something the adults couldn't do. That boy is famous. Everyone wants to know who he is. He'll be rich and famous forever. Schools, cities, streets, will be name after him. Not to mention the girls that would want him. Lucky kid." Sharpner exclaimed.

"How can you say that? It's been all over the news." Erasa said.

"I don't watch much TV. Has anyone stopped to think that maybe he doesn't want people knowing who he is? He just wants to live a normal life like any other kid? That maybe he doesn't want the fame or the publicity? Maybe he just wants to be left alone?" Gohan stated.

Erasa and Sharpner looked at each other. Videl glanced at Gohan. Somehow he looked vaguely familiar to her. But where? She was agreeing with the new kid.

"Maybe he want to be alone with his family." Videl added.

Gohan turned to her and smiled. "I'm not the only who thinks that."

"Tell us more about yourself, Gohan." Videl wanted to know more about the new kid. Gohan was glade she switched the subject of the conversation.

Life was indeed gone back to normal. Or as normal as the Sons could get. Gohan was finishing up his second week of school. He was enjoying himself. He had several friends, everyone liked him, and he was glade no one was calling a nerd or a bookworm. He was worried about what everyone would think if they found out he was smart. Chichi and Goku was happy for their son. Goku had meant what he said about training. Every night when Gohan got home from school, he went straight up to his room, do his homework, eat dinner and the rest of the evening, he could train. The only thing he didn't like about school was gym class. He had to hide his strength so he wouldn't hurt anyone or have them find out he beat Cell. Videl and Gohan had become good friends. She still thinks he looks familiar and still can't figure out where though. Chichi has been teasing Gohan about finding himself a girlfriend who would be her future daughter-in-law. The demi-Saiyan had told them Videl was Hercule's daughter. At first, Chichi wasn't sure she wanted him to hang around her. Gohan had argued that Videl was nice and nothing like her father. She couldn't be blamed for what her father was. Goku thought it was cute. The World Champ's daughter was friends with the savior of the world. Hercule had tried to prove to everyone he was the strongest fighter, only to be knocked aside like a bug. Goku had wondered if the games weren't broadcast or no one saw who really defeat Cell, if Hercule would had taken the credit. Hercule was a fraud and a cheat after all. He probably would have.

Chichi and Goku have been talking about having another child. Chichi wanted a girl. Goku, didn't care. As long as the baby was healthily. Their son kept telling them he wants a baby brother. If it was a girl, he didn't care. He would still train the tike.

"Don't forget your science test on Monday." Mrs. Yuska said as the bell rung, signaling the end of school.

Gohan had gathered his stuff and was about to head out of the door when he heard someone call his name. He turned towards the voice. The voice belonged to Videl.

"What's up, V?" he asked.

Gohan had started calling Videl "V" or "Vivi" as a nickname. He was the only one who calls her that. Videl liked the nicknames. It was something only she and Gohan shared. If anyone else called her that, she would punch them. She was still thinking up a nickname for him.

"I was wondering if you could help me study for the test?"


"Great! How about Saturday? Does that sound okay?" she asked.

"Saturday is fine. Maybe after we're done studying, we can hangout for awhile. Do you want to study at my house or yours?" Gohan replied.

"How about your house. Will that be okay with your parents?"

"They wouldn't mind. They keep telling me to bring home some of my friends. But I have to warn you about my mom."


"She wants grandkids. So if she starts about weddings and grandkids, don't encourage her. That's all she's been talking about."

Videl laughed. "I'll be careful. Call me tonight to tell me what they said."

"Sure. Talk to you later. Bye."

Gohan waved as he hurried out of the room. Erasa stepped up behind Videl and smiled.

"You like him, don't you." the blonde said.

"Yeah." Videl wasn't paying attention to what her friend was asking. Her mind was still on Gohan. Ever since they meet, she hasn't been able to get him out of her mind.

"I knew it. You two are perfect together."

The blonde's words finally sunk in. "We're only friends. That's all."

"Sure. How come you can't keep your eyes off him? Or doodling his name all over your notebook? Hmmm?" Erasa said as she walked out into the hallway.

"You're crazy, Erasa. We're only friends." Videl denied, following her friend.

"I'm home!" Gohan shouted as he walked into the house.

He didn't see his mom in the kitchen, cooking. He didn't smell dinner cooking either. Hell, there wasn't anything being cooked. He wondered where she was. If she had gone out, she would have left a note saying so. He didn't see his father anywhere. Sometimes his dad was out training when he comes home or helping his mom cook.

Gohan searched for their Ki. They were in the house, in their bedroom. He started walking down the hallway to the room when he heard noises. Noises he wished he wasn't hearing. The thought grossed him out as he fled back to the living room. He knew what they were doing. And it grossed him. He turned the television on to drown out the noises that were still in his head.

Goku rolled onto his back, out of breath. He put his hands behind his head as he stared up the ceiling. Sweat trickling down his forehead. He felt weight on his chest and stomach. He looked down to see Chichi snuggled up against him. Her head resting on his chest, right over his heart. His arm circled her shoulders to hold her close.

He loved his wife deeply. More then she would ever know. He had promised himself while he, Gohan and Piccolo were training for the Androids and while in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, if they win and there was finally peace, he would make it up to Chichi. After all she had been through, standing by as he went to fight, not knowing if her husband would be coming back. She had lost him once when Raditz came, then nearly lost him when Namek exploded and when he had the heart virus. Chichi deserved better. A better life then the one faith had dealt. He was going to be a better husband and a better father to Gohan. Gohan, his son.

He couldn't be more proud of him. But he had also hurt him along the way. For the first four years of Gohan's life, he was there, every minute of the day. Then Raditz came. His evil brother kidnapped his son; he was unable to prevent it. He wasn't strong enough. If it weren't for Gohan's hidden power, he wouldn't have escaped. Goku had wondered how things would have turned out if things went differently that day. Who know where they would have ended up? Then for a year, Gohan had to survive alone out in the wild. Then Vegeta and Nappa arrived. Then Namek, Garlic Jr., the Androids and then Cell. Ever since that day at Kame Island, his son's life was filled with battles after battles. It wasn't until the night they defeated Cell, Gohan was sound asleep in his bed. Goku had gone up to check on him. He had stood in the doorway for some time, just staring at his son. That's when it hit him. Gohan never had a childhood. His childhood was spent fighting, see death and horror. And how badly he had hurt his son. It cut into Goku's heart like a knife. Goku hoped now life would be back to normal, like it was, seven years ago.

"I love you, Chichi."

"I love you too, Goku." Chichi looked up only to be captured by his lips.

The kissed turned passionate as they laid there, in each other's arms. This was what both had missed over the years. Their love. Sure they made love before. But this time it was different. Something had changed. Chichi liked this change. She had wanted her life and family back. She had gotten her wish. Gohan was going to school, Goku was home more often, but still trained. Life was perfect. No more battles, evil monsters trying to destroy the planet. She even finally excepted Piccolo, Yamcha, Krillin, Tien. She was still working on Vegeta. She didn't like how he could treat everyone as if they were lower then him. But from the stories Goku and Gohan had told when Trunks was killed by Cell and how Vegeta flipped, there might be hope for the arrogant prince after all.

Chichi wanted to stay in bed, snuggled up against her husband. But she knew she have to get up and get dinner ready. Gohan would be home soon. She sighed at the thought of her son. He was growing up fast. She only wanted the best for him. And she wanted him to give her lots of grandkids. "Gohan's home." Goku announced as he felt his son's Ki in the living room.

"Better get dinner started." Chichi said as she started to get up.

Goku stopped her by kissing her. He kissed down her neck to the base where he licked the bit mark. His mate shivered as a wave of pleasure washed over her. The bit mark, a symbol of their love and to let the world know, they belonged to each other, as Saiyan mates.

"Saturday is the Full Moon." he whispered into her ear. She smiled. The Full Moon. She won't be getting any sleep that night or the next two nights. "A preview later?"

"After Gohan goes to sleep." A loud growling noise interrupted them. Goku looked sheepish as he gave the famous Son smile and put his hand behind his head. "Better feed you. I don't want you to die from starvation."

"Guess not." Goku laughed.

They finally got up and dressed. He wouldn't let go of her as they walked down the hall. They found their son sitting on the couch, watching television.

"Next time, give warning." Gohan called from the couch. "Are you trying to scar me for life?"

"Sorry, son." Goku said.

Chichi stood at the kitchen counter, chopping up vegetables for soup. Goku had his arms around her waist, holding her from behind. He was kissing her bit mark, which was making Chichi giggle.

"Goku. Stop that. I'm trying to make dinner."

Gohan, from the couch, rolled his eyes. "Do you mind? I'm in the same room!"

"Wait until you're older. You'll be doing the same thing." the tall man said as he started to help cook dinner.


"How was your day, sweetie?" his mother asked.

"Okay. I have a science test on Monday. Videl asked if I would help her study for it. Is it okay if she comes over on Saturday? We were planning on studying and then hangout."

"Videl? The same Videl who is a girl and whose father is Hercule Satan?"

"Yes, mom. The same Videl." Gohan said, getting a little annoyed at his mom's constant nagging about girlfriends and grandkids.

"So we finally get to met this girlfriend of yours." Goku exclaimed, teasing him.

"We're only friends!"

"Sure you are. Is that why you keep talking about her? And why you wrote her name on your notebook with a plus sign and you name next to it?" Goku loved to tease Gohan about him and Videl.

"AHHHHH! WE'RE ONLY FRIENDS! WHY CAN'T YOU GET THAT THORUGH YOU HEADS! SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!" Gohan shouted in frustration as he throw his head back against the back of the couch. "YOU PEOPLE ARE DRIVING ME NUTS!"

"Ah, come on, Gohan. I'm only teasing." Goku said walking over to the couch and looked down at his son.

"You're starting to sound like mom, now. Are you sure you're still my dad? And not some clone or android?"

"It's me. Go do your homework before dinner."

"Anything's better then listening to you two. I'm going to be scared the rest of my life. I'll have to go to a shrink for the rest of my life." Gohan muttered as he walked down to his room. The sound of a door being slammed shut, echoed through out the small house.

"Poor Gohan." Goku exclaimed as he got a pot of rice fixed on the stove.

"He's growing up. Our little boy is growing up. And there's nothing we can do."

"I know." Chichi heard the sadness in his voice. She knew what he was probably feeling.

"Goku, don't go beating yourself up over this. You did what had to be done. You were protecting your family and Earth. Gohan knew that. We missed you terribly when you were gone. He's going to need you still. Who do you think he'll go to when he's confused and has questions about girls and sex? And about mating? He'll be going to you. He looks up to you. We'll learn from our mistakes in the past and make sure they don't happen again." Chichi stated as she rested her hands on his chest and looked up into his ebony eyes.

"I know." He looked at his wife, puzzled. "You've changed your opinion? What happened?"

"Thinking. Lots of thinking."

"I promise, I'll be a better husband and father." Goku kissed her passionately.

Saturday morning came quickly. Videl was coming over around eleven. Goku and Gohan decided to train a while before she came. They staid close to home. Both father and son powered up to Super Saiyan. Neither one wasn't paying attention to what was going on around them.

Videl decided to come early, that way they could get some more studying in. An hour before she was due, her scooter flow down the road towards a small dome shaped house. All night she couldn't wait until morning. For what, she really didn't know.

As she got closer to the house, she saw two figures outside, fighting. She figured it was Gohan and his father. But what she saw shocked her. Goofing around in front of her was the boy and the fighter from the Cell Games.

Goku and Gohan finally noticed Videl. Both looked like a deer caught in headlights. Chichi had emerged from the house when she heard the scooter. In a state of shock, Videl slowly got off the red scooter and slowly walked towards the Saiyans.

"G. . . G. . . .Gohan? Is that you?" Videl asked. "Y. . .you're the boy who defeated Cell?"

"Yes." Gohan said stepping up to her.

"I don't believe it." Videl came out of her shock. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?" she yelled.

Gohan backed away, cringing. "I didn't want anyone to know."


"Actually, I'm half alien, half human." the young man added.

"Huh? I was being sarcastic. You're an alien?" the young girl was shocked again.

"Yeah. You see, my dad is an alien and my mom is human." Gohan searched her eyes to see if she was believing him.

"My best friend is an alien. This is so bizarre."

"Videl, this is my mom, Chichi, and this is my dad, Goku." Gohan introduced his parents.

This brought Videl out of her shock. She turned to the woman and smiled. "Hello, Mrs. Son. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Call me Chichi. It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Videl. Gohan has said some wonderful things about you. You're all he talks about."

"Really?" The young girl looked over at her best friend.

"So, you're Videl," Goku smiled as he walked over. "Gohan's girlfriend."


shouted, face turning beat red.

Goku smirked. "Sure, son."

Videl looked between both father and son. It hit her what Goku had said. "HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND! WE'RE ONLY FRIENDS!"

Chichi clapped her hands together and beamed. "You'll make the perfect wife for Gohan."


"Gohan, you know how I want grandkids."

"Mom, I asked you not to mention weddings or grandkids. Can you please not embarrass me?"

"Ah, come on, Gohan. We're only joking." Goku spoke up.

"I see what you mean." Videl whispered to Gohan.

"Videl, if you're going to be marrying Gohan, there is one thing you'll have to have. It's the only thing that can control a Saiyan. A frying pan. Don't worry, dear, I'll give you one. It works. Trust me."

"Oh no. Not the frying pan!" Goku shrieked, backing away from Chichi.

"What's a Saiyan?"

"I think it's best if I tell you everything. Lets go inside." Gohan said taking his friend's arm and guided her into the house.

Inside, Gohan guided Videl over to the couch. Goku sat in the chair as Chichi took the last seat on the couch.

"Gohan, what's going on?" asked Videl.

"I'm half human, half Saiyan. My dad is a Saiyan from a planet called Vegeta-sei. Saiyans were once a powerful race of warriors. They look just like humans, except they are born with tails. On a full moon, if a Saiyan sees it, they turn into Oozaru. A giant ape. Once in a Oozaru form, strength is doubled or even tripled. The only way to stop a Oozaru is to cut off the tail." Gohan explained.

"A tail? Since you're part Saiyan, wouldn't you have been born with a tail?" his friend asked. Chichi went to the fireplace and took down the picture of the family, when her baby was four. Before the Saiyans arrived. She walked back over to Videl and handed her the picture. Videl looked at the picture and laughed.

"You were cute when you were little." Her eyes fell upon the tail. "What happened to your tail?"

"Vegeta cut it off."

"Why would he do that for?"

"I'll get to that part." Gohan said.

Something Gohan said finally dawned on her. He had said Saiyans were once a powerful race of warriors. She wondered what he meant by it. "What did you mean by were once a powerful race? Did something happen?"

"The Saiyans worked for a tyrant named Freiza. He was powerful and he ruled the universe. He had the Saiyans purge planets of their civilizations and then sold the planet to the highest bidder. Freiza was afraid that a Super Saiyan would be born and defeat him. Because he couldn't let that happen, he destroyed the planet. Nearly wiping out the Saiyans." Goku added.

"What's a Super Saiyan? If you were on the planet, how did you survive?" she asked Goku.

"I wasn't on the planet. I was either on my way here or already landed." the father answered.


"From what I was told, when a Saiyan was born and their power level was below a ascertain number, they were sent out. I guess when I was born, my power level wasn't very high, so I was sent here,"

"To purge the planet so this Freiza guy could sell the planet." Videl finished. "So, you're the only survivor?"

"No. There is one other. Vegeta. He was off planet at the time."

"Vegeta? Named after the planet?" the young girl asked.

"Yep. His father was king of the planet." her friend exclaimed.

"Vegeta's a prince?"

"An arrogant one. Treats everyone like they're lower then him. Rude, demanding, cares nothing about his wife and child." Chichi spoke up.

"That's not true, Chichi. Vegeta cares about Bulma and Trunks. If you would have seen him when Trunks died, then you would think differently." Goku said, defending Vegeta.

"What's a Super Saiyan?" Videl asked. "And how did Gohan beat Cell?"

Goku started from the beginning. He started from living with his grandpa to now. Videl sat, wide eyed and hanging onto every word they said. She had heard stories about a King Piccolo and the Ox King. She just thought her father was only telling stories and everything was from a story. She couldn't believe that seven magical balls, could bring someone back to life. She excepted everything they said and promised not to tell anyone. Their secret was safe with her. Videl thought it was pretty cool to have a friend who was half alien. And who beat Cell.

Chichi had dragged out the baby pictures of Gohan, Videl laughed as his mother told embarrassing stores. Gohan had asked his father to make his mom stop. Goku debated whether to stop Chichi or join in. He decided to share a few embarrassing stories while they were in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Gohan thought he was going to die from embarrassment. Finally, Gohan grabbed Videl's hand and dragged her to his room so they could study.

After two hours, they stopped studying. Videl asked if she could see some of his moves and to see what a Super Saiyan looks like up close. Gohan took her to the cleaning where he and Goku trains. She asked if he could teach her how to fly. He was more then happy too.

Later that afternoon, Goku was helping Chichi hang up the laundry. A chopper landed not from the clothesline. The wind from the chopper, blow the flesh cleaned clothes everywhere. Goku watched as a man with a big afro jump out the chopper.

"Oh look, the world champ is here." he whispered sarcastically to Chichi.

"Goku, hush." she scold him.

"I'm looking for my daughter. Where is she?" Hercule demanded.

"First off, couldn't you have landed somewhere else? I just finished the wash. Second; Videl is with Gohan. She's fine." Chichi pointed out.

"She said she was coming here to study for a test. Videl hasn't returned home." Hercule said.

"They finished our studying and they're hanging out." Goku said. "Relax. Gohan won't let anything happen to Videl."

"He better not. She's not suppose to be hanging around boys. She has to get my permission first. Who are you?"

"Gohan's parents. I'm Chichi Son and this is my husband, Goku."

Hercule looked at Goku closely. Goku looked very familiar. So did the name. Then it dawned on him. "Y. . . you're the legendary Goku, the famous Martial Artist." Goku and Chichi looked at each other, puzzled. "I didn't know I was famous and a legend. Hehe." Goku said, putting his hand behind his head and gave his famous smiled.

"Of course you are. You're the only kid to make it to the finals. All your matches were amazing. With all the tricks you did."

"Tricks? They're not tricks."

"They're not?"

"Hey, daddy!"

The three looked up in to the sky and saw Gohan carrying Videl. She waved at her father. Hercule freaked when he saw his little girl. As soon as they landed, her grabbed her hand and pulled her away from Gohan.

"You're not to date a boy unless he's stronger then me." her father said.

"Well, Gohan is stronger then you." Videl pointed out.

"Oh really? He doesn't look that strong." Hercule said, looking at Gohan.


Goku had to hold his wife back from attacking Hercule. "Calm down, Chi."

"How can I prove to you I'm stronger then you?" Gohan asked, a smirk on his face. His Saiyan side kicking in.

"Fight me."

"Daddy, don't. Gohan can seriously hurt you."

"He be lucky to land a punch. What do you say?"

"Fine. Not here. There's a clearing not far from here."

Gohan started to walk away. The others followed. Five minutes later, they arrived at the clearing. He and Videl had just left this place when they heard Hercule yelling.

Goku, Chichi and Videl stood off to the side as Gohan and Hercule faced each other. The boy told Hercule to try to hit him. The man throw every punch and kick he knew. Gohan easily blocked them. The boy did a low kick to knock the man's legs out from under him. Before the World Champ could hit the ground, he was then kicked in the stomach and was sent flying into a tree. Hercule was knocked unconscious.

Goku and Gohan carried Hercule into the house. They laid him on the couch as Chichi went to get a senzu bean. Videl had gotten a class of water to splash on his face. Hercule finally woke up an hour and five glasses of water, later. Goku told the other man to eat the senzu bean. As soon as it took effect, Hercule bolted up right. He couldn't understand how one minute he was in pain and the next her was completely healed. The Saiyan father explained about the healing properties of the senzu bean.

"What are you? No kid could be that strong." said Hercule, staring wide eye at Gohan. "The only other kid who is strong like that is the boy who defeated Cell."

"Daddy, Gohan is the boy who defeated Cell." Videl told her father.

"What? He doesn't even have gold hair."

Gohan looked over at both of his parents, silently asking for premise. Both shook their heads. Gohan stood away from everyone and powered up. Hercule's eyes bulged out of their sockets. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"It's you! But how?" asked the man.

"This is a Super Saiyan." the young man stated.

"A. . . a what?"

"A Super Saiyan. Like I said, if it wasn't for my boy, you would be dead." Chichi crossed her arms, looking very proud.

"You can't be human." Hercule was babbling.

"He's half human." Videl added.

"Did you say, half human?" he asked his daughter.

Gohan powered down. They had to explain to Hercule about the Saiyans and everything else. In the end, Hercule believed them, but was still a little leery though.

Chichi made Videl and Hercule stay for dinner. Neither father nor daughter could eat because they weren't use to how Saiyans ate. The human father asked Chichi how she could stand to watch them eat. She just replied that "You get use to it".

As evening was rolling in, Goku started to act very strange. Chichi and Gohan knew what was wrong with him. To Videl and Hercule, they just thought something was wrong. Gohan told his friend that it was best that they leave. Tonight wasn't going to be a good night for visiting. When asked, he explained that it was something to do with Saiyan mating. All he knows is that every full moon, his parents act weird and he goes camping during the full moon. Videl asked where he was heading this night. Gohan was going to go stay up on the Lookout. She asked if she could come too. She would like to see this Lookout and meet Dende, Piccolo and Mr. Popo. By this time, Goku had disappeared into the house, waiting for Chichi. Chichi told her that she'll need to ask her father. Videl asked her father if she could go camping with Gohan. At first, Hercule was going to say no, until Videl mention that he could stay with them Sunday and Monday night because of school. Hercule liked that idea. He gave his permission. Gohan told Videl they'll go back and get her stuff and then they'll head to the Lookout.

Gohan ran inside to grab his stuff. He ran by his father, who was impatiently waiting for Chichi. When he got outside, he told his mother that Goku was waiting and he was impatient. Quickly saying goodbye to her guests and telling Gohan to be good and be careful, she hurried up into the house. The ride back to the Satan mansion was anything but quite. Both Hercule and Videl were asking questions. Mostly about Cell. Once back at the mansion, Videl gathered her stuff and Gohan carried her to the Lookout. She was amazed that Gohan knew God. They were best friends. Piccolo had started to tease them as well. Gohan knew, he would never hear the end of it.

"Today we're going to start talking about the Legendary Marital Artist Goku." The teacher announced.

The class was excited by the news. Well, not the whole class. Gohan and Videl looked at each other and rolled their eyes. They knew all about the Goku. Gohan had grown up hearing about his father's adventures as a kid. So learning about the Saiyan was no bid deal. As for Videl, she had heard the stories from Gohan.

"The Legendary Martial Artist. Wow." Erasa exclaimed.

"Everyone at the dojo wants to meet him and maybe get a few pointers or even a private lesson." Sharpner told his friends.

"I highly doubt that." Gohan spoke up.

The teacher over heard their conversation. "How's that, Gohan?" Mrs. Yuska asked.

"Yeah, Gohan. How do you know?" someone asked.

Gohan looked around the class. He became a little nervous. He knew he couldn't tell them Goku was his father. He didn't want to deal with all the questions. "I. . . just know."

Videl picked up on her friend's nervousness. She could understand why. If the class knew Gohan was the son of the legendary martial artist, no one will leave him alone. And questions about his past will be brought up. And someone might connect Goku and Gohan to the Cell Games. And also might figure out it was Gohan who defeated Cell. She had to help her friend.

"If he wanted to give lessons or what not, don't you think he wouldn't have disappeared? Maybe he just wants to be alone with his family?" Videl spoke. She looked over at her friend and smiled. Gohan smiled back.

"That is very true, Videl. Now, not much is known about Goku. As a boy, Goku trained under the famous Turtle Hermit. Like I said, not much is known about his life and his training. At the 21st World Tournament, Goku made it all the way to the finals. He is the youngest to ever make it to the finals. In the finals, Goku faced off against Jackie Chan."

Mrs. Yuska went on to tell the class about Goku's fights in the tournaments, defeating the Red Ribbon Army and King Piccolo. Several times Gohan couldn't help but roll his eyes. Some of the facts were wrong. It was as if someone changed them because they didn't really knew what happened. Several times he was tempted to correct this teacher. But decided not to.

"The 23rd World Tournament was where Goku proposed to his opponent, Chichi. This isn't known until later that Chichi was the daughter of the Ox King. Now some of you may have heard storied about the Ox King. Stories say the Ox King was evil and ruthless. And he didn't change until after the wedding of his daughter."

That's not true! Grandpa changed when he first met dad. The villagers loved him after that. Gohan thought.

"Now the fight with Ma Junior in the finals are now in the history books. The only one, besides his friends, who saw what truly happened during the fight, was the announcer. So there is no footage of the fight." stated Mrs. Yuska.

"I thought Ma Junior was King Piccolo?" a red hair boy asked.

"It was." Answered Mrs. Yuska.

"No, it wasn't." All eyes turned to who said it. "Ma Junior's real name is Piccolo. But he's not King Piccolo. He's his son. Before King Piccolo died, he spite out an egg. That was how King Piccolo reproduced. The egg hatched and during the three years before the tournament, Piccolo grew up. The only reason why he even entered the tournament so he can defeat Goku." explained Gohan. "He wanted revenge on Goku because he killed his father."

"How do you know all this?" Sharpner asked his friend.

"Mrs. Yuska, some of your facts are wrong. For starters, the Ox King changed when he first met Goku. And the villagers loved him after that. The reason Goku proposed at the tournament was he promised Chichi he would marry her when they were kids. That's why she was at the tournament."

"If you know what really happened, please tell us." the teacher told Gohan.

"Yea, Goku defeated Piccolo. But he could have killed him after he won. But he didn't. He let him go. After the tournament was over, Goku and Chichi got married." explained the Saiyan.

"Goku married a princess. So he would be a prince then."

"No wonder no one has seen him. If you're royalty, you don't have to do anything."

"Man. It must be nice."

"He's not a prince."

"Gohan, will you stop it. How do you know all this stuff?" a boy stated.

"When Chichi got married, she gave that life up so she could have a quite, peaceful life with her husband."

"That's right. The only information about the Son family is that a year after they were married, they had a son named Gohan." Mrs. Yuska announced.

Everyone turned to stare at Gohan. The Saiyan knew he wouldn't be able to keep it a secret anymore. And Videl knew. She felt sorry for him. She knew what he would be going through.

"I know all this stuff is because they're my parents."

The class was shocked. They stared opened mouth at him. Everyone, except Videl. Sharpner got over his shock and leaned forward to slap Gohan on the shoulder. The Saiyan turned to his friend.

"Your parents are Chichi and Goku? The daughter of the Ox King and the Legendary Martial Artist? And you never told me? Gohan, I thought we were friends!" Sharpener yelled.

"Yeah, Gohan!" Marker added.

He shrugged. "I never knew my dad was a legend."

"Then you must know the Turtle Hermit." the teacher stated.

"Master Roshi? Sure. He's nice and funny sometimes. But he's a dirty old man. Roshi also taught Krillin, Yamcha, Tien and Choutzue."

"Yamcha? The baseball player?" Angela shrieked.


"Who else do you know?" someone asked.

"Mr. Satan, Bulma, Piccolo, Vegeta, Dende." the young Saiyan named. Again, the class was quite. "What?"

"Bulma? As in Bulma Brief? The president of Capsule Corp?" Erasa asked.

"Yeah. She's kinda like a second mom to me. She is my godmother. She and my dad have been friends since they were kids."

"Have you been to Capsule Corp?" a girl asked.

"All the time. I have my own room there. What's the big deal? Videl's been there as well." stated Gohan.

"Videl! You're holding out on me!" This time it was Erasa who shrieked.

"Sorry, Erasa." Videl shrugged.

"Wait a minute. Gohan, you mention Piccolo. The same Piccolo from the 23rd tournament? The same Piccolo who's father wanted to destroy the planet? The same Piccolo we were just talking about a few minutes ago?" Marker asked.

"Yeah. He's good now. He and my dad are good friends. Piccolo was my first sensi before my dad started training me. Of course, at the time, his training methods were different. And hard."

"How so?"

"How old were you?"

Gohan thought back to that time. Things were different back then. "I was four. My dad got pretty hurt in a fight. The person who my dad fought, warned us that two people were going to hurt my family. Piccolo took me so he could train me. For six months, I had to learn to survive on my own. And then for another six months, Piccolo trained me. This was done so I could help fight."

"Where was your parents during this time?"

"My dad was in the hospital for a good while. It took him the whole year to recover." answered the young Saiyan.

"Who could have hurt the great Goku so badly that it took him a whole year to recover?" Tidus, another of Gohan's friends asked.

"His brother."


"His brother?"

"Come on, Gohan, tell us what happened?" asked Erasa, battering her eyelashes at him.

"Master Roshi was having a reunion. My dad took me so everyone could me met. And to show me off, I think. Bulma and Krillin were the only once who showed up. We were having a great time until this man showed up. It turned out to be my evil uncle. We didn't know my dad had a brother until then. You see, my dad has no memory of his family. The only person he remembers is his grandfather, Gohan, who raised him until he died. Anyway, my uncle wanted my dad to help him take over the world. And if he didn't, he would kill him. So to make my dad do as he was told, my uncle kidnapped him. Piccolo showed up to help fight my uncle. During the fight, my dad got seriously hurt." explained Gohan. Of course, he had to edit it some. He couldn't tell the class he was half alien and half human.


"You have a screwed up family, man."

"Thanks, I know."

Videl looked at her friend. She knew all of Gohan's secrets. So what if Gohan's family isn't normal. They were still a family and they loved each other. I wouldn't mind being part of that family. Where did that come from? That thought surprised her. They were becoming close friends. But was she beginning to like him more then just a friend?

"Next, you'll tell us you beat Cell." Tidus said.

This made Gohan extremely nervous. All he wanted to do was run and hide. Putting his hand behind his head, he gave the famous Son grin and laugh. "No. No. No. Not me. I couldn't have beaten Cell. My dad's stronger then me. And he was evenly matched against Cell."

When she head that, Videl looked wide eyed at Gohan. He just let it slip that Goku fought Cell. As soon as the last word left his mouth, Gohan realized what he just did.

"Shit." Gohan mumbled to himself.

The class couldn't believe what they just heard. The Great Goku fought against Cell and was evenly matched with the monster. The room was an eerie silence. Gohan slouched down in his chair. Now he wished he could run and hid. He knew he was in for it.

"Your dad fought Cell? Then he must have been the second fighter, the one who let the kid fight. If your dad was him, then you were the one. You defeated Cell!" Tidus yelled.

Gohan held his hands out in front of himself, as if to defend himself and shook his head. "No. No. It wasn't us. We were at Capsule Corp during the fight. My dad had a run in with Cell after he announced the Cell Games. My dad wanted to fight. But my mom begged him not to. She was afraid he might loose. Honestly, it wasn't us. I don't know who those people were."

"You sure, Gohan?" Mrs. Yuska asked, stopping to stand next to the young Saiyan.

"Yes, Mrs. Yuska. It's the truth."

Tidus looked doubtful at his friend. Something about Gohan's story didn't sit right with him.

"He's telling the truth. His mom even said so herself." Videl jumped in, to rescue her friend.

"Rats. Here I thought I figured out who the kid was who defeated Cell." Tidus snapped his fingers. He still wasn't sure about his friend's story.

By the end of lunch, the whole school knew Gohan's father was Goku, the evil Piccolo was his first sensi and Bulma was his Godmother. First graders went u to Gohan and told him he was their idol because of his dad. The cheerleaders made up a cheer about him. Now everyone wants to be his friend. When the last bell ending school rung, Gohan couldn't wait to leave. The moment the bell rung, the young Saiyan grabbed Videl's hand and flew away as fast as he could. Within fifteen minutes, they arrived at the Son house.

The smell of cooking fish filled the house as the two kids entered. Chichi was standing at the stove cooking while Goku sat at the table, looking through the mail. Both looked up when they heard Gohan and Videl enter.

"Hi, sweetie. How was school?" asked Chichi.

Gohan ignored his mom and headed straight to his room, mumbling. "Stupid. Stupid. Stupid."

"What's wrong with him?" Goku asked, walking over to Videl.

"The school now knows you're his dad." the girl answered.

"How?" he asked. "Mrs. Yuska was talking about the Legendary Martial Artist, you. She got some facts wrong and Gohan corrected her. Needless to say, the class was speechless when they learned that he also knows Bulma. Then he accidentally let it slip that you fought Cell. Then Tidus figured out that both of you were at the Cell Games. And that Gohan was the kid who defeated Cell. But Gohan denied it. They bought it for now. All day, the first graders kept going up to him and telling him he's their idol. And he also has a following among the second graders. The third graders voted him as their class president. And I think the fourth graders built a statue of Gohan and worshiping him like some kind of god. And we can't forget the cheerleaders. They made up a cheer about him. Then you have the sixth grader cheerleaders. Little hussies." Videl stated, crossing her arms and looking pissed.

"Wow. I didn't know I was that famous. Poor kid." the father exclaimed.

"That's one thing he didn't what. Lets hope no one fines proof he killed Cell. We don't the publicity. We like our quite life. That's why Gohan never stepped forward to take the credit. We don't' want reporters snooping around and discovering things we don't want people toknow." explained the mother.

"I know. That's why I helped him out. He told them you weren't at the games. And that you were at Capsule Corp during the fight. And that Goku wanted to fight but you begged him not too. Because you were afraid of loosing him. And I said that was true because you told me yourself. I knew you guys didn't want it know about certain things and that's why I promised to keep your secrete."

"Thank you."

"So, how long has he been saying 'Stupid. Stupid. Stupid'?" asked Goku.

"All day. He won't quite saying it." The girl stopped to think. "You know what, I think the sixth graders are planning something. They kept whispering and passing notes. I heard one of them talking about the sacrifice. What ever that means."

Gohan stomped into the kitchen, grabbed one of the chairs and sat down. He folded her arms and slammed them down on the table. The others looked at him. The parents felt sorry for their son. They knew Gohan didn't want any part of his life revealed. They were surprised how calmly he told Videl. As if he was looking forward to telling her. Of course it was a lot easier to tell her after she discovered Gohan beat Cell. Goku and Chichi had also noticed how the two act around each other. And how Gohan is always talking about her. There is something going on between them. For now, they would just stand back and see what will happen. In her thoughts, Chichi was already thinking wedding and grandchildren.

The morning sun shinned into the windows as it landed in Goku's face. Squinting, he rolled over on his right side to lay an arm around his wife. His arm only found sheets. Opening his eyes, he found the other half of the bed emptied.

At first, he thought she was cooking breakfast. But he didn't smell any food. He searched for Chichi's ki and found her in the bathroom. Another day. It's been a week now. For a week, Chichi's been sick. In the mornings, she would spend most of it throwing up. But as the day goes on, she feels better. Goku had told her if she wasn't any better in a week, she was going to the doctor. Getting up, Goku goes to the bathroom and opens the door. He found her in the same potion as before. She looked up at him from her position on the floor.

"You're going to the doctors." Goku said in a stern voice.

"I'll be fine." Chichi said.

"It's been a week. And you're going, Chichi." Goku crossed his arms. Chichi saw the determination in his eyes and knew she wasn't going to win. He had to threaten her he'll drag her to the doctors if he had to. And he meant it.

"Fine. I'll go." Chichi said, standing up. Goku waited as she cleaned herself up and the two headed downstairs to fix breakfast.

"Are you going to call Doctor Chew?" Goku asked, pouring some juice and handing it to her.


Doctor Chew was the family doctor. Chichi have been going to him since she was a little girl. Doctor Chew had delivered Gohan. He knew Goku and Gohan were Saiyans.

"The last time you were this sick, was when you were pregnant with Gohan."

"Goku, I'm fine. I'll call Doctor Chew when his office opens."

"You better. If not, I will."

Goku kissed her on the head and told her he was going to get a shower before Gohan woke up. Before leaving the room, she told him to wake Gohan up after he got out of the shower so that way their son could actually sit down and eat breakfast instead of shoveling it down at he runs out of the house. After getting out of the shower, Goku quickly changed and woke up Gohan. The young man groggily got up and got ready for school. As he was walking down the stairs, he was nearly run over by his mother as she ran to the bathroom.

"Mom's sick again, I see." Gohan exclaimed, sitting down at the table with his father.

"Yep. She's going to the doctors today." the father said.

After Gohan left for school and the dishes were done, with Goku's help, Chichi called the doctor. Two hours later, Goku and Chichi were flying towards Satan City.

Goku sat, twiddling his thumbs. It's been almost two hours since Chichi had gone back to see the doctor. The doctor's office was crowded anywhere from infants to the old. The office was able to squeeze her in. He wondered what was taking so long. He started to think. Chichi was pregnant with Gohan the last time she was sick. Could this mean Chichi was pregnant again? He didn't want to get his hopes up just in case she wasn't. The two wanted another child and have been trying to have one.

A nurse stepped into the waiting room and called for Goku. She lead him back to the examining room Chichi was in. His wife sat on the exam table. There was no one else.

"Chichi, what's taking so long?" he asked, walking over to her.

"Doctor Chew is waiting for a test result." she answered.

"For two hours?"

"Oh, no, just an hour. The first hour we talked. He asked how everyone was doing. He was shocked to learn Gohan beat Cell and not you."

At that moment, Doctor Chew walked in. The doctor was tall with short graying-blue hair and a beard. "Goku, it's go to see you. The last time I saw you, you, Gohan and Krillin were wearing bandages. Something about a fight with three androids?" Chew asked, shaking Goku's hand.

"It's been that along?" Goku smiled as he shock his hand. He turned series. "Doctor Chew, what's wrong with Chichi?"

"Nothing nine months won't cure."

"What are you saying?" Chichi asked.

"Congratulations. You're pregnant."


"Are you sure?"


The husband and wife looked at each other and smiled. Goku hugged his wife. They were finally going to have another child. Gohan was going to have a baby brother or sister. They left the doctors soon after. They went shopping to get a few things. Goku told his wife, he was going to add a room for the baby. That way Gohan can still have his own room. They couldn't wait to tell Gohan. That night after Gohan got home from school, they sat their son down because there was something they wanted to tell him. Gohan was thrilled. He couldn't wait. He was going to have a baby brother or sister. After they told him, he had gone to call Videl to tell her the good news. The next day, Goku told the rest of the Z fighters. Everyone was happy for them, except Vegeta. But in his own way, he was happy for them. Bulma had told Chichi and Goku, Trunks now has a playmate.

Goku, with the help of Gohan, built the extra room. Chichi was already starting to decorate the nursery. She wanted clowns but Goku wanted dragons. To make along story short, Chichi won. The Sons were becoming friends with Hercule. Hercule even invited them over to dinner. The man approved of Gohan. One; he liked the kid. Two; he knew Videl was in good hands and Three; he knew Gohan could kill him without a thought.

Everything was going fine. Chichi's mood swings were getting worse, which wasn't anything new. While pregnant with Gohan, Goku use to get hit with the frying pan ever second. He had asked her why. It was because he got her pregnant. One night, Hercule and Videl were over for dinner. Herucle made a comment and it pissed Chichi off. All three men were hit by the deadly frying pan. Videl was spared because she was her future daughter-in-law.

Three months have pasted and Chichi had started to show. She was already complaining about being fat and how Goku doesn't love her anymore. Goku would always give her a hug and tell her he still loves her, no matter what she looks like. It usually quiets her down, for a little while. For a couple of days now, Chichi hasn't been feeling well. At first, they thought it was because of the pregnancy. But Chichi could tell something else was wrong. She decided to wait a week. If this feeling didn't go away, then she'll go see the doctor. After a week, she still wasn't feeling good and didn't go to the doctors. Goku knew something was wrong. He had begged her to go. As the days pasted, Chichi seemed to become weaker and paler. Goku couldn't stand it. Something was seriously wrong. Going against her wishes, Goku called the doctor. Doctor Chew wanted to see Chichi right away. Scooping her up in his arms, they headed towards the doctors.

At the doctors, Goku had gone in with her to see the doctor. The moment Chew saw her, he knew something wasn't right. He checked her and the baby and both seemed fine. He was sending her to the hospital to get some tests done.

After leaving the doctors, they headed straight to the hospital. They spent a good portion of the day there. By the time they left, it was almost time for Gohan to get out of school. Goku telepathically told Gohan to meet them at the front of the school.

When school got out, Gohan, Videl, Erasa and Sharpner walked out together. Goku and Chichi were waiting. Gohan asked if everything was all right. He had known his mom wasn't feeling good. They have to wait for the tests results. Goku suggested they eat out so she wouldn't have to cook. The family spent the evening enjoying themselves. Goku kept asking his wife if she was okay or if she wanted to head home. She was fine.

The next day, Chichi had just finished making lunch when the phone rang. It was Doctor Chew. The tests results had come back. He needed to see them right away. Something appeared in one of the tests. Chichi and Goku sat in Chew's office. Both were clearly nervous. The doctor was seeing a patient at the moment. They were told to wait in his office. Goku held his wife's hand. He didn't like all this waiting. Different possibilities of what could be wrong ran through their heads. Neither one had said a word since they left the house.

"Where is he?" Goku demanded, his patients were running thin.

"Sweetheart, he's a busy man." Chichi stated padding his hand.

The door opened and Doctor Chew walked in. The man looked troubled. He sat down at his desk and opened a file that was lying there. "Thanks for coming."

"Doctor Chew, what is wrong?" Goku asked.

"The results came back. Something was found." said the doctor.

"What is it?" Chichi wanted to know.

"There is no other way for me to say this."

"Just say it." exclaimed Goku.

"Chichi, you have cancer."

To Be Continue. . . . .

There you have it. That's just the first part of the Prologue. Thought it would be best to end it here. Tell me what you think.

Don't forget to review!!!!!!!!!!!