[A/N: this story takes place before the previous chapter; Aron and Garon are younger in this one]


It was a lazy day at the Pelekai residence...well, actually, the Pelekai residence was empty, except for Owen and Aron and Garon; everybody else had gone out to the beach. Owen had complained of stomach pains [courtesy of a strawberry-paste and Tabasco sandwich], and had requested to stay behind and watch the twins [who were both wary of the beach anyway].

So now, Owen lay stretched-out on the coach, with a hot-water bottle on top of his grumbling stomach.

He moaned out of discomfort. He had taken above five alka-seltzer tablets before, but it appeared that his sandwich had eaten them.

Owen turned on his side, hoping for some sleep, when...


Owen fell off of the couch in surprise and his water bottle spilt all over the floor. He ran towards the source of the sound, namely the kitchen.

He slid into the doorway, expecting to see a burglar climbing through the shattered window...

But there was no burglar.

Aron and Garon, standing on each other's shoulders, had reached the cookie- shelf in the pantry. With the box of oatmeal delight in their hands, they had become completely mute to the fact that they had smashed a bottle of vinegar all over the floor.

"You-!", Garon shouted.

The twins looked around at their father, and immediately became very stiff in posture.

Owen trudged over to them and took the box of cookies from Garon's hands.

"How many times have I told you not to do this?!", he said loudly.

"I tell you this every time, don't go eating cookies without permission! Haven't I told you that?"

Aron and Garon nodded in unison.

"Uh-huh", they chorused obediently.

"What did I just tell you?", Owen repeated.

Aron and Garon looked at each other questionably...and then stammered;

"Y-you said...you said for us not to not eat cookie."

"Every time I tell you that, don't I?", Owen asked again.


"Now what did I just tell you?"

"You said for us not to not eat cookie."

"That's right!"

Owen directed his attention to the great syrupy puddle on the floor. He thought twice about cleaning it up, and simply dropped a paper towel over it.

He eyed his children disdainfully, and utilized his almost-forgotten ability of wall-crawling to place the box of cookies on the very top of the food cupboard. Aron and Garon hadn't inherited this ability from either him or Peka, and he was sure that it would be safe up there.

He dropped to the floor heavily.

"I don't want to see you two in any more trouble today!", he ordered.

"Go upstairs and play with your toys or something, and let your dad get some sleep."

Owen left the kitchen, feeling the tension in his stomach increase to addition to the past events.


As soon as their father had left the room, Aron and Garon looked at each other seriously, and without saying a single word, nodded.

They opened the cupboard back up, and began emptying it of all boxes and cans of food; Aron sat inside the cupboard and tossed things behind him for Garon to catch.

As soon as this was done, they eyed their work with some sense of accomplishment. But without wasting time, the two young ones began to build a very sophisticated ladder consisting of the cans and boxes. Once this was stabilized, both of them climbed up the newly-built structure, Garon got on his brother's shoulders...and attempted to reach the cookies.


It was in Owen's favor that he heard the paper rustling and the cans clinking, for Aron and Garon did not yet know that sound travels. It was also fortunate for Owen that both of them had to be on top of the structure, because now there was nobody to keep a lookout.

And Owen heard the commotioning-noise enter the living-room, and he sat up straight once more.

"Oh no, not again!", he groaned, and raced back towards the kitchen.

He skidded through the door...and [without admitting it] was quite impressed at the architectural accomplishment that stood before him.

He saw his children atop the climbing-thing, and saw that Garon had already grabbed the box of sweets!

"What are you DOING?!", he shouted.

Garon froze on his brother's shoulders...and then, using his premature quick-thinking, replied by saying;

"I was getting a cookie for you!"

"I don't WANT a cookie!", Owen said angrily.

Garon thought for a moment...but before he could say anything, his brother asked;

"Can we have it?"


The End


[A/N: what didya think of this one? I'll admit that I could've made it longer, but then again, there's gonna be another chapter]