
Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to Harry Potter and Co. I'm not making any money out of this story. The only thing that I own is maybe the plot. So please don't sue me. I don't have any money.

Chapter 1: The beginning

The setting sun made her hair look as red as blood as she stared into the horizon, rubbing her bulging tummy protectively. The breeze gently playing with her burgundy curls that fall down to her mid-back. Ginny Weasley sat on her balcony swing, rocking slowly back and forth. Being 8 ½ months pregnant. Ginny rarely left their house anymore as she found it hard to get around. Having twins was not fun. "Being married to a Malfoy does have it's advantages," she thought as a house-elf came up to her to offer some fruit juice. " Thank you Fran. Just leave it there in the table," said Ginny as she reclined back and continued to watch the sunset.

"Knut for your thoughts?" a baritone voice interrupted her thoughts. Turning towards the direction of the door, she eyed the blond man leaning against the doorframe with relief. Draco Malfoy, the Slytherin Prince, at 26, looked nothing like his 17 year old self no longer gangly and pointy- faced. His broad shoulders had filled out; his arms muscular and his body toned as any Quidditch player would be after many months of training. His face was no longer pale, but tanned due to the training in the sun. His silver grey eyes with their perfectly arched brows and the chin with the slight cleft, all the characteristics that made women sigh and fantasise about him as he walked pass.

Draco was the Falmouth Falcons' seeker, instrumental in their Quidditch Cup victory over the Wimbourne Wasps. Draco was relieved that the season had ended, as he didn't want to be away from his heavily pregnant wife during this final trimester of her pregnancy.

"Oh Draco, I didn't hear you come in. You startled me. Help me up, I'll Fanny to fix us some dinner," she said as she struggled to get up. " Damn. This is what I hate about being pregnant. I can't hardly stand up by myself anymore." The blonde man hurried to her side placing his hands on her shoulders, preventing her from getting up. "It's alright love, I got us some dinner from the Thai restaurant down the road. Got your favourite, Tumeric chicken," Draco said as he sat down beside his wife. " Mmmm, tumeric chicken. Yum," mumbled Ginny, practically drooling at the thought of the chicken.

"I told one of the house-elves to keep it warm for us," said Draco. "What were you thinking about anyway? You had a far away look in your eyes when I came in." "Nothing much really. Just that I love sunsets. They bring back a lot of memories. Don't you thinks so?" she said, smiling slightly. " It was during a sunset like this when it all started. You remember?"

"Yeah I do. The day I had screwed up enough courage to come talk to you," he said as he held his wife close, remembering that day in vivid detail.

Hogwarts: 9 years ago

The sun was setting as Ginny sat by the lake, her back against tree, reading a novel that she had borrowed from Hermione. The sky was slowly turning from yellow to orange to red, making the lake shimmer with different shades of red and orange. Too engrossed in the novel, Ginny didn't notice a pair of silver grey eyes watching her from afar.

Draco Malfoy had noticed the youngest Weasley offspring transform from a small shy girl with flyaway hair and freckles, into a ravishing beauty. Burgundy curls that shimmered every shade of red in the sun, a body that was every teenage boy's fantasy, flawless ivory skin and legs that went on forever. "How did a scrawny girl like that be so hot?" he thought. "Wait, she's a WEASLEY! How can I think about her that way! But you can't deny that she is damn beautiful." Draco had watched this beauty ever since the beginning of the school year. The way she laughed, the way she moved, everything about her made his heart jump. He didn't know why but he found the feeling quite nice.

" Why don't you go over and talk to her?" a sultry voice came from behind.

"What are you talking about Zabini?" addressing the raven-haired girl standing behind him without turning around. He recognised that Blaise Zabini's voice anywhere, having known the girl since they were kids. "I've seen you Draco, staring at her. Everyday during meals, after classes and every chance you get. I'm getting sick of it. If you're so obsessed with her, just go over there and talked to her," she continued.

Knowing that he can't hide anything from his best friend, he sighed and turned around and looked at her. "As if she'll talk to me after all these years of torment that I put her brother through," he said, running his fingers through his hair impatiently. " Just try, you might be surprised with the outcome," with that, Blaise turned around and left Draco standing there. " Here goes nothing," he said to himself as he made his way to the tree where the youngest Weasley sat.

Hearing someone approaching her, Ginny looked up to find the Slytherin bad boy looking down at her. " What do you want Malfoy?" Ginny said, trying to clamp down on her nervousness. After witnessing many accounts of Malfoy tormenting other people, namely her brother, she didn't want to be at the receiving end of his harassment." Nothing, just enjoying the view. Mind if I sit for a while?" he said, looking down at the beauty before him. Feeling slightly confused, but didn't want any trouble she just nodded and went back to her book.

"Can I ask you something?" Draco said after a while. " What is it?" Ginny asked. " Well, I was wondering, how does a beauty like you get to be related to that red-haired, hulking brute that shadows Potter all day?" he asked. Ginny didn't know whether to laugh or be angry that her brother was called a brute. After much consideration, Ginny answered, " It's all in the genes. It would be very freaky if I was big and hulking and my brothers are petite and effeminate." Hearing her answer, Draco laughed, his first real laugh in a while. He was stunned at how the fading sunlight makes her look like and angel.

"The setting sun makes you look like an angel with a halo of fire," Draco continued, gently stroking her hair. " I think you're beautiful," he continued. A blush crept up Ginny's face, as she gave him a small smile. " You look good too," she said shyly, looking down at her lap. Draco lifted her chin up and stared into her hazel eyes. Draco leaned forward and gently kissed her on the lips. She tasted sweet, like cherries.

The kiss took Ginny by surprised. When she recovered from shock, she quickly got up and stammered, " I.I go to go." She ran all the way back to castle as the sunlight began to fade and the stars started to come out. Her hair cascading down her back like a fiery waterfall.

Draco looked on as Ginny ran back to the castle. He didn't know why he felt disappointed that she left. He stood up and brushed his black corduroy pants clean of dirt. He was about to leave when he realised that Ginny had left her book at the tree. He picked it up and went back to the castle for dinner, thinking about the red-haired girl he just kissed.