Title: Just Another Day

Pairings: B/F

Disclaimer: I own absolutely jack....Joss, ME, UPN, WB, whoever has control over story, actors whatever, thats who owns 'em. I just try to find the fun a little.

FeedBack: Yes Please....its my first really thought out and wrote down fic, be gentle ; ) Plus no Beta so excuse poor spelling and grammar

Summary: Pretty much just a day in the life of Buffy and Faith if they were together. Which they should be! ~I switch POV all of the time so get used to it, or bite me~

Dedication: Mostly to anyone who writes Fuffy, cause I've pretty much read 'em all!

Faith POV

I'm guessing the breeze blowing in through the opened window pushed the curtains out of the way, cuz i just got a face full of California sunshine. Thats what woke me up, plus the sudden urge to pee and the fact that there was a knee in my bladder which wasnt helping my situation. I struggled against the sun to get my eyes open and finally just decided on a squint to get the basic picture of where I was and who exactly was lying on top of me.

Buffy. Who else would it be exactly? No one else and thats just how I like it.

I never thought that me and B would ever get together, ya know, cuz when I first got here she had Angel and the Scoobs she didn't need a class A fuck up like me to mess things up for her. After I killed Alan she came by my dingy hotel room and talked to me. I lay here staring at this angel that basically saved my life, remembering one of the best days I've had in 18 years.

// Faith rushed around the room throwing things in her duffel. She zipped the bag and plopped down on the bed to pull on her boots. When she was done she grabbed her bag and headed to the door, as she put her hand on the doorknob there was a knock from the other side.

Opting to stay quiet hoping that whoever it was would leave she just stood still until she heard the other persons voice.

" Faith I know you're here! I can like sense you or something! Open up!"

Sighing and rolling her eyes the brunette adjusted her bag on her shoulder and swung the door open.

"What the hell do you want B!" the taller girl said eyeing the blonde.

Buffy looked from the duffel hanging off Faiths shoulder to the brown-eyed girl "A-are you leaving?" the blonde asked with a touch of sadness in her voice.

*Why do you care* "Why do you care B? I'll be gone, you'll be rid of the murdering psycho slayer...then everybody will be five by five." Faith said tossing her bag next to the door and walking back into the dirty motel room to sit on the bed. The older slayer followed her in closing the door.

"I do care Faith, I don't want you to leave, and your not a murderer, I could have easily done the same thing if our positions were switched... you wanna take the easy way out and run from this than, by all means go right the hell ahead and do it."

Faith got up of the bed and grabbed her bag swinging it onto her shoulder; she stopped at the door as Buffy said one final thing.

"Just remember that you'll always be wondering what we could've had, and I'm not gonna sit here and wait for you to wake up and realize that you don't have to be out there in the darkness, I have more than enough light to give"

**Geez Buffy could you get anymore corny, thats gonna make her leave definitely, she probably thinks you're a thundering loony!**

Faith turned around looking at the blonde slowly trying to process what she was being told. Going off the brunette's look of confusion the fact that her duffel was once again on the floor, Buffy did a mental happy dance and walked to the younger girl grabbing her hand.

" Faith, I really, really like you. Maybe even more than like, and I want us to be able to get through this...together, Okay?" Faith nodded yes and looked down at the blonde. Smiling just a little she said,

" I think I'm kinda falling in love with you B." Buffy grinned from ear to ear " Good, cause I think I'm kinda falling in love with you to F." The older slayer stood on her toes and kissed the other girl on the lips shortly. It was a kiss that promised everything would be okay. //

And everything is still okay....better than okay, it's fucking wonderful! EXCEPT I STILL HAVE TO PEE!!!

...TBC....if I get some response....I don't care what kind, just wanna know someone's reading it!