
An: I'll start this off by saying please don't kill me. If you read the AN on my other story you'll see that I am currently very stuck. I'm very very sorry for that and I promise you that I haven't given up on it. But this idea has been bugging me since I read the first story like it and I had to get it off my shoulders. And if you want to give suggestions for said story just tell me because I will appreciate them. That's about it.

Disclaimer: This will be the disclaimer for my whole story, so that's why it won't be on the other chapters. I don't own the Yu-Gi-Oh! gang and I never will. Though the original characters and plot are mine and mine alone.

This will be set after Battle City, though I haven't seen the end of it so please don't hurt me if I get a few details wrong. Also, Yami Yugi will be known as Yami and Yami Bakura will be known as Bakura while the regular Bakura will be known as Ryou. Also, Yami and Bakura have their own bodies though they can still escape into the items if need be.

I will be using Japanese names as it seems simpler to me, don't ask.

I have based the ages off of the American schooling system where high school is 9 through 12 rather than 10 through 12 like in Japan.

Finally, this is a yaoi, shonen-ai, gay, slash story, however you want to say it. All it means is that there are homosexual relationships in this story and if you don't like it leave right now. You have been warned.

/.../ is Yugi to Yami

//...// is Yami to Yugi

Now, on with the story.


Yugi walked to school alone that day as he had been for the past six months, since his friends began to ignore him.

It had started shortly after Yami had been granted his own physical body. Yugi's friends Katsuya Jonouchi, Hiroto Honda, Anzu Mizaki, and Ryou Bakura had begun to ignore him in favor of Yami. He could see Ryou not having as much time because he had his own yami to take care of, and at first he thought that it was only natural that the others would pay more attention to Yami as he was, basically, new to the group. But then it had started to get worse. It started out as them simply forgetting he was around or accidentally leaving him out of a conversation for a short while. Then they started to forget to ask him to hang out at the arcade after school, only asking Yami and usually Ryou and Bakura. Finally, they seemed to forget about him all together. The never were around him, they didn't talk to him the few times he was where ever they happened to be. It was like he had suddenly become part of the wallpaper.

But that wasn't the worst of it. He could've handled his friends forgetting about him if Yami had been there, but even he had forgotten about the tri-haired hikari. Yami had been caught up in hanging with his friends and he and Yugi hardly ever talked anymore. He was often out with Yugi's ex-friends and wouldn't be back until around dinner if not after. The link that had once been stronger than diamond, like nothing could ever break it, was now hardly there, almost like a simple sewing thread that could easily be snapped under pressure.

And Yugi, without his friends, had once again become a prime target for bullies. His once smooth skin was now covered with scratches and bruises of all sizes, and no one seemed to notice.

He had thought he could handle it, after all that was pretty much how it had been before he had moved to Domino at the age of 8 and until he met his friends and Yami when he was 14. Back when he had been...but he didn't want to think about that.

Yugi sighed as he spotted his school ahead of him. It was time for another day of torture, another day of being forgotten.

Suddenly a boy with red hair and wearing the same school uniform as him ran past him, carrying two school bags, and he heard a shout from behind him. It was a woman's voice and she seemed to be yelling at the man who had just ran past him in the direction of the school and away from the voice. The boy sped up as the girl shouted and dropped one of the bags he was carrying.

"Jake, I swear when I get my hands on you, you are so DEAD!!!! Get back here you jack ass! STOP RUNNING!!!!" the girl's voice said as the red head, Yugi assumed his name was Jake, dived behind three other boys.

"No thank you!! I DON'T have a DEATH WISH!!" The boy shouted back.

As the girl was about to run past Yugi she saw the book bag and stopped. As she did Yugi saw that she had long tan colored hair that reached to about the center of her back and was tied into a ponytail a little below the base of her neck and bright emerald green eyes. He also saw that, despite the fact that she was a girl, she was wearing the boy's uniform. She sighed at the mess the fallen book bag had made and bent to pick the stuff up. Yugi, being Yugi, helped pick up the stuff that had fallen out when the bag had been dropped.

"Thanks." The girl said as Yugi handed her the stuff he had picked up.

"It's nothing." Yugi replied. For some reason he had the vague suspicion that he had met her somewhere before.

"Now if you'll excuse me I have to go kill my friend. By the way, my name is Selene. Maybe we'll see each other again." And with that she took off after the red head, Jake, who was still cowering behind the other three boys, all of whom, Yugi noticed, stepped out of the way as Selene approached. She raised her right hand and slapped Jake upside the head, after which he promptly fell over.

Yugi smiled as he watched the group of five interact, it was clear that they were good friends. He sighed as he opened the front doors and headed toward his and his 'friends' homeroom. When he walked in he saw them talking in the right-hand corner of the room and walked over to his seat which was in the left-hand corner along with what would be some of the only empty seats when every body took their seats. Just then the teacher, Mrs. Miyaki, walked in and every body headed back to their seats.

"Hello class." Mrs. Miyaki said and after the class answered continued. "Today we have a group a transfer students joining our class. Please make them feel welcome. You may come in now." She directed the last bit to the open door and in walked the five people that Yugi had seen that morning.

The first to walk in was the red head followed by a boy with light brown hair who was slightly taller than the red head, a boy with blond hair who was in between the two in height, a boy with ebony black hair who was the tallest, and finally Selene who was about as tall as the boy with blond hair and thus a head shorter than the one with black hair. Yugi watched in shock as did all of the girls and some of the boys (sans the Yu-Gi-Oh! gang) in the class, though for different reasons. Yugi because the five people in front of him just happened to be the same group he'd seen earlier and all the others for two reasons. One was because the girl was wearing a boy's uniform and two because the five of them were pretty much the hottest people they'd ever seen.

"These are the new students. Will you please give your name and a hobby of yours?" Mrs. Miyaki said.

The red head spoke first. "My name is Jake Meitou and my hobby is collecting different types of weapons used all over the world."

Jake was followed by the boy with light brown hair, "My name is Derek Bushi and I love to learn about different forms of fighting."

Derek was followed by the blond, "My name is Jason Chisei and I like to make things."

Jason was followed by the ebony haired boy, "My name is Damien Kushin and I always work towards what ever I want."

Finally it was Selene's turn, "My name is Selene Chousen and I like any type of challenge."

It was then that Yugi realized where he recognized her.


AN: I know I'm evil but what did you expect. If you want to read more please review. And if you don't like it, that's okay with me, just please tell me why and please be polite about it. Basically if all you're going to say is something along the lines of 'I don't like it.' and don't have a reason then don't waste your and more importantly my time.

Also, this is what their last names mean.

Meitou means celebrated sword.

Bushi means warrior.

Chisei means intelligence.

Kushin means diligence.

Chousen means challenge.