Together Again

AN: First I want to apologize to all those on MM.Org whose reviews I didn't mention. I had set it to tell me when I had a review and somehow it must have reset. I didn't notice my mistake until after I had posted the chapter. Sorry all!

These are the ones I forgot to mention last chapter:








Sango Taijiya





And here are the reviewers for this chapter:





Yugi Mutou


Sarah Harvey

wandering shadow





Thank you all. This is the longest list I've ever had at once.

Addressing the sequel, please feel free to send me ideas. I have some idea of what I might do, but any suggestions would be very helpful and greatly appreciated.

You know the rest.

~*~*~*~Last time~*~*~*~

"It was all an act. It was meant to keep you all at a distance while we did everything. We all knew of Yugi's feelings though I was the only one who guessed yours. I did this because I didn't want him to get hurt. But now I know that it's okay." Selene said. She continued when she saw Yami's confused look. "You said your link opened back up. Well, from Yugi's story I gathered that the strength of your bond depended on your trust in one another. That's why it started to dissipate when you ignored him. He still loved you, but you'd broken his trust. And then it came back tonight. That means that he trusts you again. I wouldn't do anything to hurt him and if it's you that makes him happy then I'll let him stay without a fight. But know this, if you ever hurt him, I'll personally make sure that what ever remains of your life is a living hell."

With that said Selene walked out of the room. Yami sat down and thought over what she said. And what she did. She'd willingly let Yugi stay with Yami if it made him happy, all because he loved him. And that was another thing, Yugi loved him. Now everything made sense. That's part of the reason he'd been so hurt and also part of the reason he'd been able to trust Yami again. Yami was brought out of his thoughts as he heard a groan came from the bed.

Yugi was waking up and it was time that everything between them was cleared up.

~*~*~*~One with the story~*~*~*~

Yugi groaned as he slowly woke up. It seems that what ever they had used had been very potent indeed. Slowly he became aware that he was lying on a bed and that someone else was in the room. Though he had yet to open his eyes, he could sense that it wasn't one of the Venators, but that it also made him feel safe. He wondered for a moment how he'd gotten to where ever he was. Then he shot up from his previous lying position when all that had happened yesterday suddenly came to the forefront of his mind.

First thing that he noticed was Yami sitting down in a chair at the edge of the bed he was on, the second thing was that the room was the one he used to have and that it was exactly as he'd left it.

Yami watched as his hikari slowly woke up, though he kept his eyes closed. Suddenly he shot up and his eyes shot open, quickly scanning the room and coming to a rest on himself.

"Yami? Is this my room?" Yugi asked just to reassure his hunch. Yami nodded. "Where are the others? Are they okay? Is Selene okay? Are you okay?" Yugi asked, remembering how much Selene was hurt and who exactly had come to the rescue.

"Calm down Yugi," Yami said, "don't worry, they're all fine. They're all downstairs." Yugi calmed slightly at this.

"What happened?" he asked, wanting to know what had happened after he'd passed out.

"After we found you and Damien and the others opened the door, they charged in, drawing their weapons. They managed to take down all but one of the other guys, though that was because that guy fled. Well anyway, then we carried you all back to the game shop, as it was closest." Yami said. Yugi nodded in understanding, but he still had another question.

"How did you all find us? Knowing Selene, I doubt that she told anyone that she was coming after me. And there have to be at least a dozen warehouses scattered all around the city. How did you find us in just one in so short a time?" Yugi said, his curiosity piqued.

Yami debated for a minute about the best way to tell him, then he decided that the best way would be the direct way. //The link opened up again. I managed to find you thanks to it.//

Yugi, to say the least, was shocked. That was the last thing he'd expected. Then again he did remember calling out for help in his mind. And he could've sworn he'd heard a reply, but he'd figured that that had just been whatever drug they'd used on him. /But how?/ Yugi asked.

//I'm not sure but Selene had a theory.// Yam said, though he wasn't entirely sure that Yugi knew what he was talking about. Selene might've mentioned it before, then again she might not have. He was really hoping that it was the former.

/What theory?/ Yugi asked, curious. Selene had mentioned several times that she had a guess as to how the link worked, but she'd never told anyone because she hadn't been entirely sure.

//Well...// Yami started, unsure of exactly how to phrase it. Then he hesitantly said //According to her, the link is based off of how much trust there is between the yami and the hikari.//

Yugi eyes widened. Then again, that did make sense. The link had been the strongest when they'd been closest and weakest after Yami had forgotten about him. And that also meant that he trusted Yami again. And if he was truthful with himself, he did. He did trust his yami again. /That makes sense./ Yugi said after a moment.

//There was also something else she said.// Yami said, unsure of exactly why he was bringing it up now. Then again, maybe it was because of Selene, the girl did have a way of convincing people to do something even if they didn't want to.

/What?/ Yugi asked, sensing the apprehension practically radiating off his yami.

Yami looked into the violet eyes of his hikari and, for the first time in a while, saw them completely unguarded with the innocent light shining through. He gulped. How did he think he could do this. Then he remembered Selene's words and his resolve hardened. Though that didn't make it very much easier to explain himself. //Well, after she asked the others to leave so she could talk to me alone, she confronted me about something. I had known part of what she'd told me before but not all of it. And to say the least it shocked me.// Yami stared and he would've continued on this track had Yugi not interrupted him.

/Yami, your rambling./ he said in a very amused voice. It wasn't often that he'd ever heard the ex-pharaoh do something like that and even rarer that he'd be able to stop him and tease him before Yami noticed himself. Yami's cheeks turned slightly pink.

//Right...I guess the best way to say this would just to say right out, right?// Yami said. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves. //What I was trying to say is...I love you.//

Yugi sat in shock for a moment. That was the last thing he'd expected, but he also knew that his yami was waiting, nervously I might add, for an answer. Yugi smiled a big smile, throwing his arms around a slightly shock Yami before saying /And I love you./

Yami smiled down at his hikari and, tilting Yugi's head up slightly, captured the others lips in a kiss.


As Selene walked down the stairs she heard the sound of someone awakening coming from the room she'd just left. It looks like she'd timed it perfectly.

'I'll distract the others for another twenty minutes before I allow them back up. Hopefully Yami will have told Hikari by then.' Selene thought. When she entered the living room where the others where she was met by a group of curious gazes.

"So," Jake started, "what did you do to the poor guy? Did you decapitate or castrate him or something. I just hope you at least used your sword to do it. Those shuriken would probably hurt like hell." Jake somehow managed to keep his face straight for a minute after he said that before he started sniggering.

Selene shook her head, chuckling inwardly at Jake. "No, I didn't maim him. I just talked to him. Contrary to popular belief I don't abhor him. The only reason I didn't like him was because he'd hurt Hikari." This statement was met by mock shocked gazes from everyone. They'd all already known this, but that didn't mean that they wouldn't take the chance to tease her.

"Did I just hear those words come out of the Selene Chousen's mouth?! The world must be coming to an end. The next thing you know, you'll be saying that you got paid for doing a mission" Jake said, his eyes glittering in merriment. He absolutely loved pushing her buttons.

"Or maybe Akuma will decide that he would prefer to go disco dancing with a bunch of fluffy pink bunnies and large-eyed hamsters to chasing after us!" Jason said. This caused everyone in the room to crack up immediately. The mental picture was just too funny to ignore.

"Yeah," added Jake after a moment, "and he'll be singing the Barney song all the while." They set off the slightly calming group to automatically to crack up again.

"Wearing a pink tutu with military boots and his hair up in a high pony tail." Derek couldn't help but adding.

"Oh, don't forget the make-up and tiara, the outfit wouldn't be complete otherwise." Selene added.

"And his hair dyed a bright neon pink with glitter in it." Damien said, adding his piece.

The mental picture of proper and prim Akuma doing all this caused the whole group to go into a laughing fit that lasted around ten to fifteen minutes and the only reason it stopped then was because their stomachs were starting to hurt from laughing so hard.

"Well," Selene said after she'd finally regained her composure, "that was certainly interesting. Anyway, what I was going to say was that I confronted him about his feelings for Yugi and warned him that if he hurt Yugi again, I would personally make his life a living hell."

"Feelings?" Jason asked. He might've been really good at inventing things, but reading people he didn't know wasn't one of his strong points. Especially when he hardly ever saw said person.

"He loves Yugi." Selene said simply.

"And you're okay with this?" Damien asked skeptically. Selene may not have despised Yami, but she far from liked him at the moment.

"Well, I'm not entirely happy with it, but if it makes Yugi happy then I'm not going to hold him back. Though, as I said before, if he hurts Hikari I will personally make him pay big time." Selene said, knowing that it was impossible to lie to her friends. Then she glanced at her watch and grinned.

"Hey guys," she said slowly, a mischievous grin finding it's way onto her face, "how about we go up and see what they're up to."

The others, catching onto her scheme, grinned in return and the quietly climbed the steps. When they reached the door they were happy to see that Yami and Yugi had forgotten to close it. They peeked in just as the other two kissed. They watched, grinning for a moment, before Selene cleared her throat rather loudly.

Yami was just about to try and deepen the kiss when he heard someone standing near the doorway clear their throat rather loudly. Startled both he and Yugi jumped away from each other, both blushing beet red, only to go redder and the laughing group of teens at the door.

"Sorry you guys," Selene said after her laughs had subsided to light chuckles, "but I couldn't resist doing that. I just had to see your faces."

Yugi glared at his friend and muttered something about killing a certain stupid neko. This caused Yami to grin as he had been the only one to hear it.

"Well, I think that it's about time for lunch, don't you?" Derek said after they'd all finished laughing. "If I remember correctly none of us has had breakfast and Yugi didn't get a chance to eat dinner last night."

Yugi nodded, as did the others, and they all headed down for a very enjoyable lunch.


It was two weeks later and Selene, Damien, Derek, Jake, and Jason were all ready to leave, having gotten the stolen item back when they'd raided the warehouse later on. Yugi had decided to stay behind. He may miss his friends, but he wasn't going to leave Yami.

"Well, it's time to go." Selene said. They were standing outside the plane the organization had prepared for them.

Yugi, who had Yami's arm wrapped firmly around his waist, looked close to tears. He really wished his friends didn't have to leave.

"Hey, cheer up Hikari," Jake said, "it's not like we're never coming back. We'll visit every chance we get. And you know from experience that that can be quite often. We'll be back before you know it."

Yugi sniffed and smiled. Jake was right. And if they said they'd be back soon, then they would be. "I know," Yugi said, "I'm just going to miss you all."

"It will seem rather different without you all here." Yami said. While they hadn't exactly become close friends he had developed a fondness for the Venators.

"Don't worry," Jason said, mock saluting Yugi and Yami, "we'll make sure to visit so often that you'll get sick of us soon."

"Or at least you'll get sick of the dimwit over there." Derek said, gesturing to Jake who fumed. Derek had adopted the teasing nickname shortly after he, Jake, and Jason had gotten together.

"We'll be back soon enough, don't worry. After all, we're friends and you know that we'd never forget our friends." Damien said.

"Bye Hikari, we will be back soon, I promise," Selene said smiling at Yugi and he smiled back.

"Goodbye!" the Venators called one last time as they got on the plane.

"Bye!" Yugi called.

Yugi sighed sadly as he watched the plane take off and he leaned back against Yami.

"I miss them already." Yugi said.

"Don't worry, like they said, they will visit. And if I've learned one thing it's that they refuse to break their word." Yami said.

The two watched the plane until it was out of sight before heading back to their home. The Venators would visit, so there was no use mulling over it. They'd just let things come as they came and face it when it finally did.

The end.

AN: That's the end of this fic. I'll try to start the sequel soon and I do need ideas. Thank you to all those that reviewed and read this story all the way through.

You'll never imagine how much you all helped me. And here is a special thanks to all those who reviewed:











Crystal D. Starlit Aka Dark_fox

Tjay Motou

Rain and Styorm

Sarah Harvey

Silver Mist4




MoonFox and MoonLightWolf

Yugi Mutou

Princess Strawberry

Crystal D. Starlit


Akane (aka Yami_Ryou)

Ann Onymous

Master Elora Dannan


Koishii No Tenshi

Curtis Zidane Ziraa


Sailor Centauri









Nekostar 2



Izumi Satoshi



The four cousins

Obsiquious Sadist







Sango Taijiya






wandering shadow



Sorry if I left you off or put you on twice, but I had a lot of reviews to sort through. Thank you all!