Once Upon a December

Chapter Four

Selene Serenity

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or Anastasia. Please don't copy or steal!

Author's Notes: Hey everyone! Next chapter up and ready! I'm really getting into this fanfic. I wasn't to begin with but now I'm beginning to love it. Hopefully I'll get it up on my site soon. Oh! By the way, this is a shout to the masses. Since I have my own site, I'd like a beta reader for my fanfics, so if u have beta reading skills please e-mail me if you're interested. ^_^

~Chapter Four~

         "Yahoo!" Shippo let out a cry of excitement. "Kagome it's so big!" He laughed and peered over the dock into the water. "I've never seen a boat before."

"Yeah. It's pretty amazing. I've seen them before, but I've never been on one before." Kagome looked over the ship. "Can we go on now?" She turned and looked back at Miroku and Inuyasha.

"Of course." Miroku nodded. "But I warn you, we'll be anything but first class. Neither of us have enough money to cover anything extravagant so don't expect much."

"I won't. It's just exciting to be on a boat at all I think. The ocean has always amazed me."

"Keh, you and your stupid romantic ideas." Inuyasha cackled and boarded the ship. "Lets get going!"

Kagome huffed a bit, but then called to Shippo and Kirara to get on and followed them, with Miroku behind her.


Early evening arrived and the group was out on the deck of the boat. Shippo was showing his skills with a top with Kirara looked on in interest, Inuyasha sat grumpily next to Miroku, sharpening his sword.

"Kagome." Miroku beckoned.

"Yeah?" Kagome turned to look at him. "Inuyasha has something for you."

"Huh?" Inuyasha looked up at Miroku. "What are you babbling about now?"

"You know what I'm talking about." Miroku nodded wisely.

"Oh, that. Yeah." He said and took a nearby bag and opened in, digging through for something. He pulled that something out and tossed it to Kagome, who caught it. "Here."

Kagome looked down at the item and studied it. It was a beautiful silk kimono that was a pale lavender color sprinkled with a plum blossom pattern. Kagome starred at it and blushed. "It's…beautiful." She mumbled.

"It once belonged to Kikyo…your deceased mother." Miroku added.

"It…it did?" Kagome looked a bit shocked and held the kimono closer to herself.

Miroku took notice and smirked. 'It has to be her! She seems to have a connection to the kimono.' "Kagome, would you mind changing into the Kimono? There's one last thing we need to teach you."

"Um…okay…" Kagome nodded slowly, then stood up. "I'll be back in a few minutes." She said and walked away.

"So what are we teaching her now. I thought we had covered everything on the trip here." Inuyasha wondered as he stretched out.

"Well she has to know how to dance doesn't she?" Miroku chuckled.

"And you'll be covering that department right?" Inuyasha starred at him.

"Of course not…you will."

Inuyasha jumped to his feet. "WHAT!? Are you insane Miroku! I'm not that good at dancing anyways. You're much better with dancing and girls in general. There's no way you'll get me to dance with her!"

"Ah yes, I may be better with the ladies, but the only girl I dance with is Sango." He sighed dreamily.

"Are you kidding!? You're always hitting on girls!"

"Yes, but do I ever dance with them?"

"I'm ready!" Kagome's voice called from the other end of the ship. Inuyasha, Miroku, Shippo and Kirara looked to the steps that connected the upper and lower decks as Kagome came up them.

"Ah Kagome! You look marvelous!" Miroku commented as he walked over to her. "Doesn't she Inuyasha?"

"Uh…I suppose…" Inuyasha grumbled, his cheeks turning pale pink.

"Oh thank you." Kagome said to both of them and blushed.

"Kagome, you look really pretty." Shippo walked over to her.

"Aw…thank you Shippo." She looked down at him and smiled. She then looked back up at Miroku. "So what are you going to teach me now?"

"Not me Kagome, Inuyasha. He's going to teach you how to dance." Miroku replied.

"D…dance?" Kagome sputtered.

"Yes." Miroku nodded. "Now Inuyasha come on." He motioned for Inuyasha to come closer. Inuyasha reluctantly put down his sword and walked over to Kagome and Miroku. "Now we're going to do the western waltz."

"Waltz? I've never done a western dance before." Kagome blinked.

"Don't fret about it Kagome. It's rather simple actually. See, you just step…together…step…together. One, two, three, one, two, three." Miroku repeated as he showed her the movement to the dance. "Now, Inuyasha, take her hands."

Inuyasha gulped and held out both of his hands to Kagome. She slowly reached down and held his hands, a sudden warmness surrounding her as she did. Inuyasha then brought both of their arms into the air, in the position he remembered. "Okay!" Miroku smiled and walked over to the bag Inuyasha had dug through earlier. He looked through the bag as well and brought out a small, delicate music box. "There we go, he said with triumph. He opened it up and a soft…melodic tune spilled out of it. (Imagine Dearest…). Together the two of them stated moving back and forth to the tune, each in perfect step with each other. At first they both looked down at their own feet as they danced, but as they got used to it they slowly brought their heads up to stare into each other's eyes. Everything seemed to go silent except for the music box and Kagome felt as if the only thing in the world at that moment was she and Inuyasha.

On the other end of the ship Miroku noticed the closeness between the two of them and groaned. "Well this is no good." He whispered.

"Huh? What's wrong Miroku?" Shippo wondered as he and Kirara sat next to him.

"Look at them." Miroku motioned at Kagome and Inuyasha. "They'd deny it but there's defiantly chemistry between them. Of course there was when they were little too…though it was different them…more cold…"

"Well why is that a problem?" Shippo wondered.

"Because…if Kagome really is Kikyo, then she'll receive the full responsibility of guarding the Shikon no Tama, not to mention defeat Naraku and get the other half. Watching over the jewel would be her first and only priority. She just wouldn't have time for love. It's well known the Miko family never married for love…simply to keep to family line going."

"Oh." Shippo said simply. "That's not fair."

"Shippo…you'll soon learn that life usually isn't fair." Miroku sighed. "Hey, why don't you do me a favor…interrupt them before this goes any further okay?" He asked.

"All right…I guess." He nodded and stood up, then began running to the two dancing. "Kagome!!!" He cried.

Snapping out of their own little world, Kagome and Inuyasha quickly broke apart and blushed heavily. "What is it Shippo?" She asked, flustered.

"Um…nothing!" He said quickly and ran downstairs.

"Okay…" Kagome looked after him strangely.

"That was great guys! Kagome, you're a wonderful dancer!" Miroku applauded then closed the music box and put it back in the bag. "Why don't we eat then get to bed. It's getting late." He suggested.

"Okay." Kagome agreed while Inuyasha mumbled something similar.


Kagura sat lazily in a corner of the room while Kanna faced the frozen form of Naraku. "Kagura failed at killing them Master Naraku. What should we do next?" Kanna asked.

"Kanna…you deal with them now. I will be free from this soon and I will want ALL of the Shikon no Tama."

"Yes Master." Kanna nodded then stood up. She held out her mirror and in an instant she was gone.

"Kagura…" Naraku's voice called. "I expect you to try harder next time."

"Yes…Master Naraku." She replied dryly and stared at the ground.

Author's Notes: That's all for now. I hope I pleased the fans looking for some Inu+Kag fluffiness cause it was defiantly there this time! More to come of course and boy are they in for an interesting night…*shifty eyes* Also more Sango soon! ^_^