Seto continued to honk the boat horn as they neared the yacht. Mokuba got on the intercom and got connected with Serena's yacht.

"Stop that boat this minute and let me get my mom!" Mokuba yelled.

"He came for me." Serena said happily as she ran to the edge of the yacht and looked at them through some binoculars.

"She's behind this!" Grant said to himself. "I'm going to put a stop to this." He said angrily as he ran to his room.

Serena waved happily to the boys as they waved back.

"What does the manual say?" one of the coast guard officers asked another who was looking through a book.

"There's nothing in the manual about proper procedures for pulling another boat aside and telling a passenger that you love them sir!" he protested flipping through the book.

"Well, get your nose in there and find something Lucas!" he ordered as the little boat neared the yacht. Serena smiled as she watched them get closer when the coast guard boat started to turn away.

"Hey," Seto yelled angrily. "What's going on? Why are we turning around?" he asked Duke.

"We're going after salmon poachers!" Duke said after talking to his friend. Seto looked back as the yacht started to get farther away.

"He's leaving!" Serena said sadly to Andrew as he came up to see what was going on.

Seto ran to the end of the boat and jumped on the railing.

"Katarina!" he yelled out using the name of the girl in the story he had told Serena. Seto then jumped off the boat and started swimming toward the yacht.

"Man overboard!" Lucas yelled as the little coast guard boat turned around to pick him up.

"Arturo!" Serena yelled back as she ran toward the edge to do the same as Seto. But she was stopped as Andrew grabbed her wrist.

"Oh no madam. I can not let you do this." He said as he dragged her toward one of the lifeboats. "Not without a life jacket." He said as he put a life jacket on her.

"Seto, I'm coming." She called as Andrew finished strapping her to the life jacket.

"Madam, you really should play a little hard to get." Andrew advised as he finished.

"Tell Nana, I'll call her." Serena instructed as she jumped off the edge and swam toward Seto.

"Woman overboard!" Lucas yelled as they neared them.

"Halt!" Grant yelled as he aimed a pellet gun at Serena, intending to pop her lifejacket. "Conspiring with the enemy at sea is mutiny." Andrew turned to see Grant about to shoot Serena when he came up behind him and gave him a kick from behind. Grant lost his balance and fell off the side of the yacht. Grant sputtered in the water as another shout of "Man overboard" filled the air. Seto and Serena continued to swim toward each other ignoring all of the action happening around them. They met in the middle as Seto kissed her on the lips.

"Seto, I love you." Serena said breaking the kiss.

"I love you too. You're my Kanna, and you always will be."  Seto answered as he kissed her again.

"Man overboard is kissing woman overboard!" Lucas yelled as Grant got pulled back into the yacht, sopping wet.

"It's a hell of a day at sea, sir!"

"You know what this means Seto?" Serena asked as the coast guard pulled them out of the water. "We can move out of the little house."

"Actually we already have." Seto answered as Serena gave him a questioning look.

"The truth is that I am the CEO of KaibaCorp. And make the same amount of income as you do." Serena stared at him in surprise as she slowly smiled and hugged him.

Once back on the coast guard boat and being greeted by the boys, Serena and Seto stood at the front of the boat, wrapped in blankets, holding each other, the wind blowing at their hair.

"What are the boys doing?" Serena asked as she looked at them sitting in a row scribbling on pads of paper.

"Well, since we now have two sources of income, they are fixing their Christmas lists." He explained as Serena gave a laugh.

"But that gets me to thinking though." Seto added. "What could I possibly give you…ever… that you don't already have?" Serena looked at him then at the boys and then turned back to him.

"A little girl." She answered as Seto smiled and kissed her.


Authors Note- Hey, I hope you all enjoyed this story and please let me know what you thought of the story. For those of you who have read Love's Never Ending Faith, I'm working on the sequel as we speak and I hope to be able to post it soon. So be on the look out for that story and if you have any questions or comments please be sure to e-mail me. I love hearing from you guys.