Dream a Little Dream

By Siren

Yes, here's the sequel to 'Bleed for Me'. It's been a year since my bizarre dream of Middle Earth, and that's all I had thought it to be. A dream. But something happens that I never thought would. Insanity, romance, and much more. Enjoy!


A year.

It's been one year since my fall and my dream.

Ever since I woke up in the hospital, I've felt different. I remember only bits and pieces of my little 'breakdown', but the dream I remember clearly. I remember Legolas, Hodoer and Astaider. I remember Gandalf and the others. I remember the clear air of Rivendell, and the beautiful buildings. I remember the fear I felt when the orcs attacked. I remember the cruel elf, Olos. But most of all, I remember the certain someone I met.


Just thinking about him makes my heart ache. I remember his scent, his eyes, the feel of his lean body underneath his shirt. I remember the way he smiled and laughed, the way his eyes burned with anger. I remember the way he tasted, I remember the way his lips felt. Most of all, I remember what if felt like to be loved. I miss him. It's strange to miss a dream. That's what it was, right? Just a dream my mind came up with to cope with the trauma of my fall.

At first I thought it was more than a dream. I told my parents what happened, about Avarier and my friends. I told them every detail about it, even how I had fallen in love.

I ended up in the psych ward for three weeks.

After the first two weeks, I decided to tell them that I realized it was all just a dream. But inside, I still thought it was more than that. After I was released and we moved into our new house, I immedietly went to the place where it all began. I followed the path I had taken and even saw the footprints made by the bear that had chased me. I went to that ledge and peered down. I saw the root where my foot had been caught. It was broken and mangled. I climbed down the ledge and found myself standing in yet more woods. I searched the forest floor for any of the blood stains I may have left. I found them. Near some rocks I saw dark stains, undoubtedly from the wound that I had recieved from the fall. Because of this, I knew that my dream was just that. A dream. I had never gone to Middle Earth. I had never seen the elves, the hobbits, or the wizard. They were all fiction.

So was Avarier.

After my discovery, I felt my conviction begin to crumble. A bit of hope remained in me, but it was fading quickly. I wanted so badly to believe that I had gone to Middle Earth and met those people. I wanted to believe that I had befriended them, and that I was indeed loved by Avarier. After a month though, that last bit of hope died. Legolas and the others were and always will be, fiction. I never traveled to another world, I never did anything curageous, and I was never involved with Avarier. But that didn't make the pain of it any less. If anything, it only made it worse. Being in love with a dream...it's no way to live.

But now I've settled into my new home in PA and have made some new friends. The guys here are nice, a bit perverted, but nice. I've found someone who shares my love of anime, writing, RPG's, and Lord of the Rings. I've never told any of my friends about my little dream, knowing that they would only think I'm crazy. But maybe I am. Maybe I finally cracked and went completely insane. I mean, I always knew I was a little nuts, but never truly insane. Until now, anyway.

So, this is where I am today. I'm currently at the stable, grooming my brown and white paint mare, Fancy. Holding the curry-comb, I glance over at her face. She's studying me curiously, as though to say 'are you gonna groom me, or what?' I lift an eyebrow and begin grooming. "You're so impacient," I scold lightly. She merely snorts in reply. "Don't be sarcastic with me, missy. You know I don't like it," I mutter, watching the loose hair fall to the ground. Once I'm done, I grab the pick and run my hand down her foreleg, gripping the ankle lightly. She picks up her foot obediently, and I begin to pick the dirt out of it. "Y'know, I don't mind you walking around in the dirt, but why do you have to step in your own shit?" She nips me on the butt as a reply, snorting at my yelp. "You are such a brat! Do as I say, not as I do, remember?"

Huffing, I move to her hind leg and lift it up. I begin to clean it out when she lifts her tail and lets one loose, right in my face. "GAH! FANCY!" I put her foot down and clamp my hands over my nose and mouth. "Oh God, what DIED up there?" If horses could laugh, she'd be laughing her ass off. I walk in front of her, hands on my hips. "Was that really neccessary? Honestly!" She simply blinks and gives me her most innocent face. "Oh yeah, play innocent why don't you." Her innocent look continues and I feel my anger begin to melt away. I rub her forehead and muzzle affectionately. "Oh you know I could never stay mad at you, you spoiled princess," I say with a smile. She leans into my touch, letting out a low nicker. She knows she can get away with practically everything. Sighing, I finish grooming and tack her up. After leading her to a mounting block, I swing myself into the saddle and head out to the trails.

I study the scenery, always checking to make sure that there's nothing harmful in our path, like glass. After we're a few minutes away from the barn I finally start to relax. The trails here are absolutely beautiful. At the old stable in Jersey, the trails were small and unimpressive. But here there were mountains and forests and lakes. It's absolutely breath-taking. Fancy is in her element here. She skillfully avoids the rocks and branches, making the ride as smooth as possible. "Good girl Fancy," I tell her, encouraging her. Soon we become more immersed in the woods and its' beauty. The trees here remind me of Middle Earth. They're large and ancient. If you try hard enough, you can almost hear them whispering to each other, sharing secrets.

I look past the woods and at the mountains when Fancy suddenly stops walking. I quickly look for something that could have spooked her, but I don't see anything. "It's okay baby, there's nothing there. Just trees, that's all." Despite my soothing words, I strain for any sounds of someone or something. I don't hear anything, and I certainly don't see anything. I nudge her sides, but she refuses to move. "Fancy, there's nothing out there! Why are you so afraid?" I'm beginning to get worried and I know Fancy can feel it. She's becoming restless, moving from side to side. "Fancy, calm down. There's nothing out there." She continues to fidget, and I can tell that she wants to bolt away from this place. She's never acted like this before.

"Fancy, what in the world--"

I let out a shriek as she bolts and I slip out of the saddle, unprepared for such a jolt. I watch the ground rush up to meet me and let out a grunt as the left side of my body hits it with a loud thump. I shut my eyes tightly, and try to relax my tense muscles. After a few moments, I open my eyes and slowly take in a breath. My lungs contract painfully and I can't help but wonder if I've broken a rib. "Fan..." I choke out, still trying to breathe normally. I hear her snort above me, and let out a small sigh of relief. At least she didn't leave me. I lie still for a few moments longer, than slowly sit up. I wince at the pain in my arm and side, and pull down the collar of my shirt. A small bruise is forming at the base of my shoulder, but I don't think it's broken. Wincing, I lift the hem of my shirt and study my side. It's beginning to bruise, and I touch the tender flesh. It stings, but I don't think there's any internal bleeding or major damage.

Lowering my shirt, I stand up. My legs are shaky and buckle beneathe me, and I quickly grab onto Fancy for support. She stands still, nudging my lower back with her chin. "Thanks Fancy," I say and pat her neck. I look back into the woods, now beginning to feel angry. Someone or something had spooked her, and whoever did it was in big trouble. These trails were specifically for horse-back riding, not anything else. "Who's there?!?" I call out, my anger rising. "Show yourself! I could've been hurt you asshole!" I hear a twig snap and look to my left. Something moved in the bushes, and I doubt that it was a deer. I know I should go back and tell my riding instructor what happened, but no one spooks my horse and gets away with it.

"C'mon Fancy. We know something's out there, so let's go get the son of a bitch." I grab the horn of the saddle, slip my foot into the stirrup and haul myself up. I urge her into a trot, slipping my other foot into the stirrup. More twigs snap as the person runs. "Come back here!" I shout, urging her into a canter. Fancy breathes heavily as she leaps over the fallen logs. I don't try to block the branches anymore. They whip at me, stinging and cutting me. After the trees begin to clear, I see that I am indeed chasing a person, and a male one at that. He's dressed so strangely, and yet it looks so familiar. "Stop!" I shout, starting to gain on him. Finally I'm running along side of him, and soon I'm in front of him. I quickly turn Fancy around to face him, and stop her. The figure stops moving, dark hair in front of his eyes.

"What do you think you're doing? These trails were built specifically for horse-back riding. You could've gotten me killed or injured my horse or both, you dumb dick!" He's silent, and I dismount from the saddle. I take off my helmet and take the reins in my hands. Stomping towards him, I growl. "Look at me when I'm scolding you!" I command. I hear him sigh shakily and look up. His dark eyes widen, and we both gasp.

It can't be.

He's not real.

He's just a dream.

Maybe my fall off of Fancy knocked something loose in my head.

Avarier is standing right in front of me. The guy of my dreams, the one I've been missing for a year. The one I thought was nothing more than a dream, a figment of my imagination. But here he is, in the flesh. My helmet drops to the ground, but I don't care. O open my mouth to say something, but I can't. What can I say? He's the first to break the unbearable silence.


I feel my eyes begin to water, and nod. "Avarier?" A smile spreads across his handsome face, and that small hope that had died had now sprung to life. He was back, and he was real. I wasn't crazy. I watch as he takes a step towards me, his eyes never breaking contact with mine. Soon he's less than an inch away, and I can feel his soft breath on my face. "Siren..." he whispers, his eyes filled with wonder. All of these feelings...too many emotions are raging inside of me. I can barely think, only act. So I abandon all thought and do what I've been wanting to do for a year. I grab him by the neck and kiss him fiercly, wrapping my arms around him. He returns the kiss quickly, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer. I tangle my hands in his hair, memorizing the feel of it. Avarier is here. He's really here.

"Avarier, what has taken you so long?"

I break the kiss and tense at the voice. How,,,?

"Who is that mortal you're with?"

I turn around, eyes wide. Legolas, Hodoer and Astaider are standing a few feet away from us. I hear them gasp and watch their eyes widen in shock. I manage a weak smile and wave.

"Um, hi guys."

2 Be Continued...