Author note: Well it's over, this little tale, and thank you everyone who stuck with me to the end. Wow, this ending took so much time to write, I wanted it to be so perfect, so right. I hope it was. But like everything, it took another form then I had imaged. Lol, sometimes the stories just seem to get away from me and write themselves. The story seemed to take it's own direction, but I included all that I wanted in it, the scenes that flashed through my head before I started on this adventure: Jack slinking out of Elizabeth's bed under Will's angry eye, Jack and Ana in the ports of Singapore, Jack kissing Ana as a skeleton, and all those little phrases that seemed so important to incorporate in the story.

This story was important to me, and I loved writing it. It really enmeshed me in the complications of their relationship, or any relationship, and I hope I was able to develop the characters in new directions that I wasn't able to in The Making of Jack Sparrow, because that was a flash back-story.

I hope it had a sense of magic to it, something I find missing so much from the world.

I won't be writing anything else for a little while, I'm going away for the rest of the summer, leaving tomorrow actually and I don't know if I'll be able to write or use the internet. ( But hopefully I'll get some new ideas and write feverishly when I get back about my favourite couple. In case I don't, and my little time line of Jack and Ana does not get finished let me say this, for this is what I saw in the future:


Ana would become Captain, possibly of the Left Hand, for a period, and Jack and her would continue a disconnected relationship. They would also form a strong alliance between the two ships, and one other ship captained by a pair of identical twins, and they would virtually have control of the entire Caribbean. Will would become Jack's first mate, and would be a quieter, more troubled version of the Will in the movie. Elizabeth's child would be Jacks, and then she would miscarriage again, leaving her unable to have children.

Eventually, Jack would find the strength to say those words to Ana, and she would join him on the Pearl, and they would have adventures that far exceeded their battle with Barbossa. Will would give up the life of piracy after the destruction of a woman who reminded him too much of Elizabeth. The pair would return home to Port Royal, a little older and a little wiser, and with Jack's son.

This would then lead into my story the Resting Place, which is the end of my dear Jack Sparrow. Ana-Maria after that would slip out of the stories and history, and perhaps from life all together.

Thank you's:

Jackfan2: My bestest awesomeous coolest funniest yanky reviewer THANK YOU SO MUCH! You've keep me going, feeding my little writer ego, and arg! You're awesome, I truly couldn't have done it without your words of encouragement, and I hope I finished it happy enough for you. Happy endings are what ever afters are all about right? Anyway, keep up the writing our I WILL KILL YOU, because though I might not be writing much for the next month, I WILL BE WATCHING out for your story and I expect it to be updated often or I will flame you with my handy flame torch (pats her flame torch with is named Jack), okay? Thank you again and again and again and (takes a breathe) and again and again.

ELIZABETH SWAN/TURNER : Is the mob off my back now? Lol, thank you also for your ideas, and your attention to detail, I didn't know if anyone else noticed my little continuations but you did, and it made me all warm and fuzzy inside. And I didn't kill off Will, I gave him a very happy ending (nods and smiles sheepishly).

Mallory: Muahaha, I've finished it now, and my first thought was, well, since I've been so good, maybe I should have some CHEESECAKE! Every time I have any or anyone talks about any now, I get this stupid grin on my face, people must think I'm very strange. Lol, endings are always the hardest parts, but thank you for reviewing and sticking with me till it. Jack and Ana forever.

Daftangel: I rock your socks? Hehehehe, for some reason that is so amusing! Of course I gave it a real ending, and I hope it clears everything up, no clifthangers right?!

Thank you everyone else, who I haven't mentioned (it's Christmas eve, I have to run and buy a turkey with my dad, so lol, I don't have anymore time to write), and I hope I've managed to add something to the Jack and Ana relationship. Thank you all who read then bumbling author note,

This is me, signing out, hopefully only temporarily Tinkabelle21