Disclaimer: This was written for the soul purpose of my entertainment. I lay no claim on Walker Texas Ranger or any of its characters.

Rated: PG

"What's Precious In Life"

~ Chapter One ~

"Piper are you going to come over to do your homework like you promised me?" MacKenzie Wilson asked as she and Piper Gage got off the bus from school.

"I'll have to call my brother Chris and make sure it's okay," Piper told her thinking and if that doesn't work I'll call Mom at work. In fact she surmised I might just call Mom to start with. "I'm sure I'll be able, especially since we will be working on our science project."

With that both Piper and MacKenzie scurried up the driveway and round to the back door. "Mom I'm home," the young girl called leading the way inside Piper following close behind.

"Who's your friend Kenzie?" Lorna Wilson asked coming into the kitchen where the girls were.

"This is Piper Gage she just lives down the street," Kenzie announced, "we're going to work on our science project."

Nervously Lorna looked at the clock it read three forty-five smiling she said, "That will be fine as long as Piper leaves before your father gets home at five."

Both girls nodded their heads yes Piper politely asking if she could call her Mom. "All right but be quick in case Kenzie's father is trying to call."

Agreeing Piper quickly dialed Syd's number at headquarters. "Ranger Gage," came the answer from the other end.

"Dad how come you are answering Mom's phone?" she asked.

"Cause she went up to Aunt Alex's office. Can I help you?"

"I'm just calling to say that I'm at MacKenzie Wilson's she lives down the street from us in the white house. We're working on our science project can you let Chris know I'll be home at five?" she asked.

"You think maybe I could talk to Mackenzie's Mom?" Gage asked.

Sighing deeply Piper held the phone out to Kenzie's Mom, "Mrs. Wilson my Dad wants to talk to you."

Smiling slightly Lorna took the phone from Piper holding her hand over the receiver she told the girls that they had better get at it before clearing her throat to talk to Gage. Watching the girls open their book bags she put the phone to her ear. "Mr. Gage," she answered.

"Yes Mrs. Wilson just checking that this little plan of the girls is all right with you," Gage began to explain.

"It's fine they are doing school work. I'll send her home about five before my husband gets here," she told him.

"That sounds fine to me," Gage told the woman. "I think Sydney and I are about to wrap things up and head for home too. If she's any trouble just send her home."

"I'm sure she won't be," Lorna absently replied once again looking at the clock.

"All right then," Gage answered, "Bye."

"Bye," she said quickly cutting the line.

Holding the phone in his hand a moment Gage slowly put it in its cradle. "Who was on the phone Gage?" Syd asked coming into the office behind him.

"MacKenzie Wilson's mother Piper is over there working on a science project," Gage told her taking hold of her hand. "You about ready to go?" he asked smiling into her face.

"Gage what is it?" Syd asked eyeing him suspiciously.

"Not a thing," he told her letting the Gage grin cross his face. "Nothing other then you need to get your feet up for a while Ranger Cooke."

"Gage I'm fine and I can tell that something is up so go ahead and tell me so I don't get stressed out. You know that Dr. Marshall told you stress is not good for me," she prodded trying to find out what was bothering him.

"Sydney there is nothing bothering me, nothing for you to stress about. Piper is working on a science project and will be home at five. Besides you need to call Chris and let him know where she is since she called to ask you not him," Gage told her standing up brushing against her as he did so.

"You guys off?" Sumner asked coming into the office just as the partners were exiting.

"That was the general plan," Gage told him. Syd had her cell phone to her ear placing the call to her son letting Gage guide her out of the office.

"See you tomorrow," Sumner called to them just as the phone on Syd's desk began to ring.

"Yeah night Sumner," Gage called over his shoulder as Sumner picked it up.

"Ranger Sumner," he said into the phone.

"Uncle Matt where's Mom and Dad," Piper was crying into the phone.

"Pipe what's wrong?" Sumner questioned.

"I need Mom and Dad," she wailed again.

"They just left Honey let me see if I can catch them. Don't hang up," he told her laying the phone down to run after the Gages.

"Hey Gage," he called seeing Gage step into the elevator behind Syd.

Holding the door Gage asked, "Can't it wait Sumner?"

"Gage it's Piper on the phone and she is in tears crying for you and Syd," Matt answered.

Hearing Matt's words Syd cried out, "Go Gage." Leaving her to Matt to help her waddle back to the office as Gage rushed to get the phone.

Grabbing up the phone he shouted, "Piper Honey what is it?"

"Dad it's me," Chris' voice came over the line.

"Chris where's Piper? Is she all right?" Gage was firing the questions at his son. Sydney was standing beside him now her face showing her worry and fear.

"She's right here, Dad it's not good you and Mom need to get home," Chris began.

"Chris just tell me what is going on," Gage tried to keep his voice even and his impatience in check. He could feel Syd' s hand clutching to his arm.

"All right," he still hedged finally just jumping in. "MacKenzie's father came home early and was mad because Piper was over he hit Mrs. Wilson in the face and well Pipe tried to stop him. He turned on her Dad; he nailed her good in the face. I called 911 cause I thought that they could get here faster then you and Mom if there was a car in the area. While I was doing that Pipe called you," he finished explaining to his Dad.

With his eyes fixed on Sydney Gage asked, "Does Piper need medical attention?"

"I requested EMTs too Dad I'll make sure she gets checked out," Chris assured his father adding, "Please just get home."

"We're leaving right now Chris," Gage answered laying the phone down.

"Gage?" Syd questioned her husband tears in her eyes her fingers digging into his arm.

"Syd we need to get home," Gage began. "According to Chris Mackenzie Wilson's father came home and lost it with his wife. Piper tried to stop him and he hit her…" Gage's voice trailed away like Syd wanting to know his little girl was all right. Once he knew that he was going to have a few choice words with this Wilson.

"Let's go Gage," Syd prodded him knowing she'd get the rest of the story from him on the way home.

"Gage let us know," Sumner called after them watching Gage's head bob up and down in a nod as he and Syd hurried down the hall.

"Let us know what?" Trivette asked as he and Walker came down the hall from the opposite direction.

"Piper got hurt," Sumner answered quickly explaining what he knew.

"Trivette why don't you and Sumner take a ride over there and see if they need any help," Walker suggested. "And keep me posted."