I watched them load my brother in a truck that night, taking him to a work camp. Or maybe not.

Maybe they'd pull to the side of the road somewhere and kill him. No doubt that's what they wanted to do.


The Hitler-Jugend were everywhere that night. Their numbers were so much greater than that of

the Swing Kids, as they called themselves.


I saw Emil that night, pouding one of the Swing Kids into the pavement. I'm sure many of them

were killed that night. The HJ would report to their leaders the next day. They'd tell them they had no

choice. The Swing Kids had attacked them. It was all in self-defense.

~"Peter!"~ ~"Willie! It's going to be ok, Willie!"~

Thomas was there. He could have saved my brother, could have saved Arvid. But he did nothing.

Stood by and watched. He'd never done anything, really. He'd always stood by and watched.

~"Peter! Swing Heil!"~

But I, I wanted to kill them. I wanted to take everything from them. Why not? They took Peter and

father away from me.

~"Swing Heil!"~

Momma would have had my hide if she knew of the thoughts going through my mind that night. I

wanted to maim, to tear. To kill. I'd start with Thomas and Emil, then work my way through the HJ. One

by one.

~"Swing Heil!"~

Peter may be gone, but I'll take his place. Once there were Swing Kids and there will be again.

There are always more with that swing spirit inside them. After all, it don't mean a thing if it ain't got that


~"Swing Heil, Peter! Swing Heil!"~