Disclaimer- You know the routine.

Kurai Yume's note- Heylo! I hope you enjoy this chap. I can't say much here so I'll meet you at the bottom!


The moon shone intensely along with the millions of stars in the velvet sky. The chilly night air nipped at Lei Fang's bare legs. Briskly she continued towards her destination. It was late but the city of Hong Kong was more alive then ever. The street was filled with cars and the side walks are filled with people. The city light flashed vividly. Lei Fang gazed at the neon lights which could be seen miles up in the mountains. Finally she approached her destination and stood in the back of the long line. She stood there keenly and watched the people in front of her. All the girls there seemed to be a couple years older then her. She listened to them blab about their flashy clothes and discriminating others. Lei Fang kept quiet not wanting to cause any attention. The line moved a little every few minutes. The blond hair girl paused at her words as she glared at Lei Fang. Lei Fang simply looked away ignoring her and waited patiently for the line to move. The blond girl's eyes were still pierce on her.

"Hey, don't you have school tomorrow little girl?" the blond girl snarled. Her little bitch crew giggled at their friend's remark. Lei Fang brushed their annoyance to the side. "Hey, little girl I just asked you a question," the prep waved her hand infuriatingly in Lei Fang's face. The others started in. Lei Fang continued to ignore them. "Why are you wearing that ugly ass outfit? Hmm? Trying to fit in? Well guess what? You can't, not by wearing that slutty dress of yours," the blond continuously throwing out insults.

Lei Fang looked down at her attire. The black leather dress slit down the middle of her chest and from the side of her hip, but her long black weaved stocking covered most of her legs. 'It does show a lot,' she admitted to herself. 'but not as much as what they are wearing,' she protested. The bitches began to flick at her braids. At this point it finally got to Lei Fang. She stared back angrily with fierce eyes.

"Oooo!.what you gonna do? Cry?" they teased as they added a shrilling laugh. Lei Fang formed her hands into a fist. Her eyes were focused onto the leader of the group. She breathed in quietly ready to strike-

"Next," came an intruding voice. The bitch crew turned around and entered through the door. Lei Fang's fist slowly lost their form. Her eyes watched as they disappeared.

"License," the man held his hand out. Lei Fang dug through her purse and handed it to him. She looked up and met up with a familiar face.

"Jann Lee," she gasped. He stared back at her blankly.

"Your can't go in," he said as he handed her back her license. She looked down in confusion.

"Why? I'm 21 and that is the age required," she argued back.

"It doesn't matter.I say who gets in," he crossed his muscular arms. Lei Fang stood there with a puzzled face.

"You don't belong here, go home your holding up the line," Jann Lee ordered.

"It has been two years.and you still treat me different from others..like a child," Lei Fang looked at him with disgust. Jann Lee situated and paid no attention to her.

"Next," He said in a monotone starring past her. Lei Fang tread heavily off disappointed. Jann Lee's eyes then followed her steps until she disappeared into the crowd.


'I can't believe this.after all these years, he's still the same stubborn jerk! Just because he saved me from those thugs that one time means he can treat me like this. I can take care of myself,' Lei Fang paced backed and forth on the side of the street. 'I hate him so much.something about him just irritate me!' Lei Fang stopped pacing and crossed her arms close to her ribs. 'I'm just a little school girl through his eyes, but I'll prove him that I'm more then that,' she promised herself. 'Why am I still complaining about him?! Ahh!,' Lei Fang screamed in her mind as she continued pacing.

"Hey baby, why is something like you doing out here?" A tall attractive man stepped out of the shadow. Lei Fang fix her eyes on the gentleman and said nothing. "I mean, shouldn't you be in there with the party? By the way you look, you are the party," the man flashed a charming smile. Lei Fang returned the smile with a cute innocent beam, still trying to take in all the compliments because she was never been talk to in this way. Lei Fang walked slowly to the stranger. He placed a cigarette on his lip and held his hand around the flame of his match to the tip of the cigarette. He inhaled deeply as he released a mass of smoke. Lei Fang cough quietly to herself. "The name is Eli," he said casually as he laid against the pavement wall.

"Hi, I'm Lei Fang," she smiled slightly blushing.

"What a beautiful name. I like it" the man grinned. "Would you like one?" he asked holding out his pack of cigarette with his black tuxedo coat hanging off of his muscular arm. Lei Fang shook her head.

"I don't smoke-"

"Oh your one of them good girls," he teased.

"What do you mean by that?" she asked with a confused expression.

"Never mind that," he said quickly changing the subject. "Why are you out here.alone?"

"I'm not allow in the club," she replied feeling sort of embarrass.

"Why not? You seem to be over 21," he let out a puff of gray smoke.

"It's not my age. I know the bouncer at the door. He doesn't believe I can be in a place like that," Lei Fang said with a fluming glared.

"You still wanna go in?" came the stranger's deep soothing voice.

"But, I can't-"

"Trust me, I can get you in," he dropped the cigarette bud on the cement and stepped on it with his black leather shoe. Eli pulled Lei Fang in by her hip. "It's my shift at the door in five minutes," he comb his left hand threw his spiky blond hair. "What do you say?" he held his hand out to her. Lei Fang thought for a few minutes.

"Sure," she smiled as she placed her petite hand onto his.


The Chinese girl sat alone at the bar as she watched other people dancing and having a great time. The music was flourishing the dance floor. Lei Fang felt the urged to dance but her coyness kept her seated. She turned back at the bar and took another sip of her drink. "How pathetic am I?" she sighed as her words got lost in the loud beat. She gazed tiredly at the clock. It was nearly 1:00. She had been seated there alone for an hour, anticipating when it was going to be her turn to have some fun. Suddenly a weight came down on her right shoulder. Instantly Lei Fang grab the hand and got into a throwing position.

"Hey Lei Fang, calm down it's just me," the familiar voice brought her back to reality.

"Oh, its just you," she blushed.

"It's okay. It was my fault," he smiled. "I just got off my shift and I saw a beautiful girl sitting by herself." Lei Fang looked down feeling sort of embarrass. Eli smiled at the cute site. "So why are you sitting here alone?" he asked as he lifted her chin up with his index finger. Lei Fang couldn't help it but got lost into his dark blue eyes clashed with a deep grayish color.

"I-I'm just getting something to drink," she replied nervously. He glance down at her glass. He laugh quietly to himself.

"You're a cute girl. You wanted to get into this club and I got you in. Now I see you here alone with a glass of water," he gave an endearing look.

"Yeah, kind of sad huh?" she responded as she held her glass in her hands.

"No, not really. Here I'll order you something better to drink," he signaled for the bartender. "I want the original and can you get the lady an ice tea," he ordered. The bartender pulled out three bottle and juggled it into the air as he dressed and mixed the drinks. Lei Fang watched in amazement.

"The original for you sir and a Long Island ice tea for the lady," the bartender place the glasses on the wooden bar. Eli pushed the long wineglass surrounded by flowers towards Lei Fang.

"Here try this, I think you would like it," Eli suggested as he place the Sakura flower above her right ear. She looked down at the glass suspiciously.

"It's just tea, right?" she forced out. Eli laughed lightly and nodded. Lei Fang fiddled with the long straw before sipping a bit of the liquid. The cool fluid thrived threw her soft lips. The drink danced on her taste buds with a succulent flavor of peach, papaya clashed with a slight flavor of tea. "This is the best tea I've ever tasted," she smacked her lips as the last few words flowed off. He smiled at the her words.

"Would you like to dance?" his soothing voice whispered in her ear.

"Sure," she replied with a firm tone. He held out his hand and she gripped onto his. He led her throw the large crowd and the further they got in she gripped on tighter. The dance floor was crowded and there was barely any room to move. The music was piercing, but Lei Fang let down her guard and started to move her body to the beat. Slowly the space around her and Eli reduced every seconds with out her notice. Soon she found herself lost in a trance of the melody and her eyes lost lock onto his deep sapphire eyes. The room grew lukewarm as the space between her and Eli continue to shrink. Shortly she felt his body rubbing against hers. She felt it, but she let it continue. She placed her hand softly on his masculine chest. Her heart started beating rapidly as their lips almost touch. His warm liquor breath propel softly at a few strands of her hair. She quickly turned around to avoid the kiss.

Before she could walk away, Eli wrapped his muscular arms around her small waist and pulled her back up against him. Lei Fang felt a sensation flutter threw her. She never felted it before but she liked the feeling a lot, the feeling of being in a man's arms. She then picked up the dance where she had left off. She return the hug as she wrapped her arms around his. The two swayed back and forth out of the rhythm of the music, doing their own thing. The song seemed to be playing for hours, but it ended all too soon. He placed his arm around her petite shoulder and rested his head against the top of hers as they slowly moved back to the bar.

"So, how do you know Jann Lee?" Eli questioned as he ordered more drinks. Lei Fang let out a deep sigh.

"Well.I first meet him when he saved me from a gang of thugs," she paused at her words and her facial expression grew serious, "I felt so helpless." she stared off as she took a sip. "Then afterwards I decided to enter a tournament. My goal was to defeat him, but no matter how hard I tired I couldn't defeat him. I came close to beating him once but almost doesn't count through his inspection. To make me feel more weak then ever since then he treated me like a child," she slowly consumed her tangy tea. "and I never saw him after the final tournament round..until tonight."


Everyone started to leave as the club was getting ready to close for the night, but there was still some people left. Tiredly Jann Lee swallowed down the last of his rum. He looked down at his watch, it 2:48 in the morning. He yawned uncontrollably as he stretched broad arms. He then tipped the bartender and started to head upstairs to his room. Half asleep and a little drunk he staggered across the floor towards the elevator. A flash ran in front of him, carrying a familiar giggle. He snapped back to reality. Overhearing Eli.

"My room's this way," Eli advised pointing to the elevator. Jann Lee looked at him revoltingly. 'Which unfortunate girl is it tonight?' he thought as he continued to walk towards the elevator.

"Hey Jann Lee, look what I've found" Eli taunted, embracing Lei Fang in his arms. Jann Lee faced suddenly filled with revelation as his eyes met Lei Fang's dark brown ones. She let out devious smirk as she bit her bottom lip. Jann Lee stood there still kind of shock at the scene. "Here's our stop," Eli guided Lei Fang out of the elevator. Automatically Jann Lee's hand snatch Lei Fang's wrist. She scanned down her hand to his.

"You're not going with him," Jann Lee commanded. Lei Fang looked furiously at him.

"You can't tell her what to do," Eli argued back.

"You're not going with him," Jann Lee repeated ignoring Eli's protest.

"You CAN'T tell me what to do. I'm tired of it all! I can do whatever I want with out your permission, I'm not a CHILD!" She jerk her hand away from his, stumbling across the floor laughing.

"Are you drunk?" Jann Lee looked down at her on the floor angry and disappointed.

"Shhh! Don't tell anyone," she giggled in a childish tone.

"Come on Lei-" Jann Lee quickly cut Eli off on his words.

"Just let her go, go find another girl," Jann Lee replied as he shoved Eli back into the elevator doors.

"Why do you all of a sudden want her now? Huh? You never had any interests in her before. I found her and now your jealous aren't you. Your jealous that I'm playing with your toy that you left behind."

"I'm NOT jealous. Just shut the hell up, before I do something that I know I won't regret." his fuming voice trailed off. The elevator door shut before Eli could say anything else. Jann Lee looked around trying to figure out what to do with her. "Come on," Jann Lee picked her up and carried her to his room. He placed her on his bed. She sat up and gaze at Jann Lee anxiously.

"You feel it too, don't you?" she asked in her normal voice tone. Jann Lee looked at her as if she was loosing it. "You know, the feeling where you can't live with out that one special person..That's why you did what you just did huh?" She stood up and walked to him.

"You don't know what your talking about, your drunk," he brushed her words away from him, knowing what she said was true and logical at the time. At the last second her feet gave out on her. Instantly Jann Lee's instincts kicked in but he was to far to catch her fully knocking both of them to the floor. Lei Fang found herself on top of him.

"I know, what I'm saying because I feel it too.you're the one for me..I want you, badly," She whispered, "and I know you feel the same way." She felt as if she were affront of another Jann Lee. Because of her drunken state, she found the words easier to come out and oddly, she was hoping that the same would happen with him too. Yes, she had admitted to wanting him, but now the question was. She stared deep into his brown lonely eyes. "Don't you want me?" her voice now full of anxiety, tears almost falling. Jann Lee breathed in intensely, as he look intently at the sad angelic face above his. He couldn't bring himself up to admitted that he wanted her too. He just continued too look at the innocent eyes that was filled with tears of sorrow. Slowly the tears fell into an endless river down her soft cheek. Slowly Jann Lee brought his face closed to hers, theirs lips almost touching.

"I don't want you...I need you," he whispered as he brought his lips up to hers. Her eyes widened, but she closed them and leaned in closer to him. He brushed his lips gently against hers. Her tears slowly died down as she return the precious kiss. Nothing around them seemed to exist anymore. Nothing but them. Her heart started to beat rapidly as he pulled her closer to him and gently pried her lips open with his own. A wave of heat swept over her. She felt aware of nothing else but Jann Lee at this moment. Of his scent, his arms around her, the feel of the muscles of his back as her hands moved up and down it. She'd had nothing to compare it to, but all kissing couldn't be like this, it couldn't feel so.. perfect.

After a long moment, he pulled away a little and looked into her chestnut eyes. The intensity in her eyes matched his own. Whenever she looked into his deep brown eyes, she always got a surge of emotions. She wondered if it was the same for him. She rolled on top of him and took control. Her hands roaming curiously all over his chest and her tongue exploring in his mouth. He let her control the kiss, finding her untutored exploration of him endearing. Sensing her uncertainty in herself because of his lazy response to her, he took full run of the kiss once more and plunged his tongue into her mouth. He knew he was maybe going too fast for her, but he'd been wanting to kiss her since they first met, and she didn't seem to have a problem with it. Deciding to test his luck, he moved his hands from around her hips up higher. The two kissed frantically on the bedroom floor as their hands tracing each others body figure, like there's no tomorrow..


The sunray shone through the partly open curtain. The bright light woke her. She stretches out her arms and let out a long yawn. Lei Fang looked around and confused of her surroundings as she found out that she was not dressed. 'Where am I?' she thought as a pain pounded in her head. Everything from last night seemed to be a blur. Her eyes searched around the room and found her black leather dress hang over a chair. She embraced the warm blanket around her as she got up to get her dress. She slipped into the bathroom and got dressed. Her headache continued strike. She felt like she was getting stabbed over and over again with little pin needles in her head expecting to blow up like a balloon. Her stomach seemed a little upset, letting out little growling noises and letting her know that it didn't forgive her for intoxicating it with the large amount of 'Island Ice Tea' she had drank last night. As if that were all, she found certain body parts hurting in places she didn't know she even had and also why? With a hand full of water she splashed it on her face a couple of time. The cool water awaken her even more. She ambled out of the bathroom and glanced at the clock. It was about 1:00 in the afternoon. It was very unusual for her to sleep in that late even for her days off. The apartment sounded vacant. She paced into the living and found that the TV was on.

"You're finally awake," came a voice. She quickly glanced at the couch and found Jann Lee laying there with a blanket and a pillow.

"What are you doing on the couch?"

"You kinda took over my bed," he said rudely as he fixed his eyes back on the television. Lei Fang gave him an irritated glare.

"Can you tell me why I'm in your apartment?" she asked feeling kind of slow for her high capacity standard.

"You didn't listen to me, a quality of a feeble child," he added. Lei Fang nearly woke and was already full of anger. "Next time, just remember that you don't BELONG in the clubs."

Lei Fang grabbed her bag and started out at the door, "Thanks for letting me stay here last night," She said in a phony voice. Before she closed the door she asked, "Did anything else happen last night that I should know?"

"No. You were just a little drunk.. nothing else happen."


Kurai Yume's note- Okies, there you go my first chappy done. It took me forever and much thanks to my beta-reader for this fic, Kinomi Kinomama. And please check out her fics too. They're awesome! Well here's a lil more introduction to help you slide in with the upcoming chapters. Oh yeah before I go remember to R&R. ^-^

After about a month later Lei Fang felt a little diverse. She didn't understand her body's strange needs. She went to the doctor and found out that she was pregnant. She was shock, angry, and knew who to put the blame on. She went to affront Jann Lee, but he denied it all. With the baby inside of her she had to put her college and her dreams on paused. Slowly her whole life started to come falling down on her. Worst of all she felt scared and alone in all of this.