The Twilight Zone By: Elven Angel Andrea

Inspired by Prince Vegeta's story 'When Everything goes Wrong'

Wealthy, powerful, slightly bishonen (I think he's kind of cute), game freak Seto Kaiba awoke suddenly. He sat up in his king-sized bed & looked around. He felt like something was off today but he couldn't put his finger on it. Shrugging off the feeling, he got up to get dressed only to find something a miss in his closet.

"MOKUBA!!!" He shouted. Mokuba walked into the room.


"WHAT IS THIS!?!" Kaiba shouted. Mokuba looked in. What was once a closet full of 2,000-dollar trench coats donned with flashy accessories was now a closet full of tee shirts & jeans. Wealthy arrogant billionaires in their teens didn't where tee shirts & jeans! They wore trench coats with bracers & boots & leather with big ass duel disks on their arms that weight half a ton.

"It's your clothes. What else?" Mokuba replied acting like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Yes but.these are Wheeler's clothes!" Kaiba shouted.

"Who's Wheeler?" Mokuba asked. Kaiba blinked. He had meant to say Katsuya. Why the HELL did he say Wheeler?

"Ne.never mind!" He said, pulling 'The Dog's' blue tee shirt from the closet.

"Whatever. I have to get to work!" Mokuba replied. "I have to plan for the next tournament so I can finally defeat Yugi." Mokuba walked away. Seto felt his eyebrow rise up in confusion. Since when did Mokuba hate Yugi? He got along with him, much to Kaiba's personal disdain. He shook his head.

After getting dressed into 'The Dog's' outfit, Kaiba walked to school. (AN: Its dress down day, alright?) He still had that nagging voice in his head that something was really wrong. Walking into the classroom, he saw Yugi & the girl Anzu. He did a double take. For once Yugi was not wearing his school uniform, even on a casual occasion. He was wearing the outfit he had on when he took Anzu out. The other thing he noticed was Anzu's outfit. She wore a leopard skin tube top so low that her chest was almost hanging out, a black leather mini skirt with matching boots and gold bracers around her upper arms. 'Ok.this is really weird.' Kaiba thought staring. He blinked.

"Greetings Kaiba. It's in the words of one syllable 'marvelous' conditions. Do you not have the same opinion?" said a voice. He turned around to see Hiroto Honda. Honda wasn't this smart! He hung out with Katsuya! Speaking of which where was he?

"Uh.yeah." Kaiba said, confused.

"You demonstrate a bereaved in your vocabulary?" Honda said. "Is something erroneous?" Kaiba sweatdropped. This was getting REALLY WEIRD "Now then I am obliged to abscond your presence, adieu!" he said, walking away. Kaiba's mouth fell to the floor and through it until it reached the first floor. His eyes widened. He shook his head. 'No! I can get past this!' He noticed Anzu walking over to him.

"Kaiba, I didn't see you over there." She said. Her voice was very seductive. She wrapped her arms around him. Kaiba felt his face go crimson.

"HUH?" was the only thing he could say.

"I need to sate my pleasure." She said. "I'm so horny for you." She licked her lips. She took his hand & put onto her breasts. Kaiba felt steam pouring out of his ears. "Make love to me, right now." She wrapped her leg around his. "I want you 'discipline' me for beginning a bad girl."


Kaiba's nose erupted into a fountain of blood. He fell to the ground trying to stop the flow of blood from the sexual tension he was suddenly suffering. 'What the hell is going on?! The woman I ever had feels for is Ishizu and.wait.WHERE DID THAT COME FROM?!?!?! WHY DID I THINK THAT!?!?!" Kaiba got up & ran out of the classroom. "IMPURE THOUGHTS!!! IMPURE THOUGHTS!!!" He shouted at the top of his lungs.

"I declare, what's got him flustered?" Honda asked.

"I think it's sexy when he runs. His ass his so tight." Anzu said. She poked her head out of the classroom door. "SHAKE IT BABY!" She shouted after him.

"Fuck that fucking fucker, god-damn it." Yugi muttered under his breath. At that moment, for no other reason other then the author couldn't think of anything better to write Yami manifested physically.

"I'm going to go Mind Crush the Domino Elementary School & then enslave their souls for world domination." Yami said, walking out of the room.

"See you fucking later, pussy." Yugi called after him.

Kaiba walked into the bathroom & splashed water onto his face.

"Keep it together man! I can get though this! I know I can!" he said.

"Oh is someone else there?" said a voice. Kaiba looked to see someone hiding in one of the stalls. He knew that voice.

"Ryuji?" He asked.

"Yeah, it's me."

"Shouldn't you be with your fan club of girls?" Kaiba said leaning against the door.

"Girls? They scare me. That's why I hid in here." He said. Kaiba felt a big question mark pop up over his head.

"Since when?"

"Since always! Not to mention I'm the ugliest kid in school."

"That's ridiculous. Everyone knows what a narrow minded pretty boy you are." Kaiba replied. He heard the lock click open.

"Oh really?" Otogi then opened the door. Kaiba stared at him for a few seconds & then.

.He knocked the door clean off its hinges running out of the bathroom. He had his eyes covered, while charging down the hall.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT BURNS!!!!!!!!!!! IT BURNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kaiba shouted running down the hallway. "SOMEONE GOUGE OUT MY EYES!!!" He screamed before running into someone. Kaiba was knocked to the ground. He looked only to find the last thing he would ever suspect.

"KATSUYA!" He shouted. Jounouchi looked down at Kaiba with that arrogant & intimidating gaze HE had perfected. It was a gaze that once scared Jounouchi but know he was using it on him! The other reason he stared & shouted was because he was wearing his Battle City outfit! "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY OUTFIT!?!?!?!"

"Your outfit? Stupid dog." Jounouchi said, tossing back his wheat blonde hair. This floored Kaiba. He dared to insult him.with his own insult?! "This was the outfit that I used to defeat Marik at Alcatrez tower. Of course it was easy. I am a superior duelist, not to mention its creator. Yet again, Kaiba's eyes widened to the size of dinner plates & his mouth dropped right to the floor.

"YO! SHIT HEADS! CLEAR A MOTHER FUCKING PATH FOR THE GREATEST FUCKING DUELIST THAT'S EVER FUCKING LIVED!" Yugi shouted. Kaiba was shocked to hear such loud & violent words come from Yugi's mouth. Yami was more likely to talk that that. Kaiba stood & noticed everyone bowing down to him. Why was every one listening to him?

"Great Scott, Kaiba! Bow down, mate!" shouted voice. He was dragged back to the floor by non-other then Bakura. But it was weird. His voice sounded like British & Australian.

"Bakura? What's wrong with your voice."

"What in bloody hell are talking about chap? Oi always speak like this." He said.

"Well, why do I have to do what that runt tells me?" Kaiba asked, deciding to figure out Bakura's speech problem later.

"Cricky, are you blummin' mad? Everyone knows Yugi is the toughest little bugger in Domino. He's like a rabid Dingo & Jack the Reaper combined, don't cha' know?" Kaiba had NO CLUE what kind of allegory he was supposed to draw from that but he was pissed. He had enough.

"Why are you bowing down to such an insignificant duelist?" Kaiba shouted at the students. There was a collective gasp. Jounouchi glared at him then laughed.

"GOD DAMN IT! LAUGH MOTHER FUCKERS!!!" Yugi shouted. All the students started laughing loudly. Jounouchi clapped his hands & they all instantly shut up.

"Because I happen to have 3 copies of Exodia, 3 Blue Eyed White Dragon plus the God cards, you simple minded idiot." Jounouchi then flashed all the cards. It was true. Kaiba felt like his brain was over loaded. He couldn't function like this. He ran down the hall.


" Oh goodness, I hold optimism that Kaiba will be satisfactory sound tomorrow." Honda said. Otogi walked over to them wearing the Dog Suit; hood pulled down to hide his face.

"Shit, that pussy cock sucking ass hole hasn't been his fucking self all day." Yugi said.

"I impart we scrutinize his trajectory by departing in the wake of him." Honda said.

"Yeah." Jounouchi said. "I need my lap dog."

"I just want to make sure Kaiba's not seeing another bimbo." Anzu said.

"Damn, all right, I'll fucking come with you." Yugi replied. The group left Domino after Kaiba's trail.

What's going to happen next? Tune in on Tuesday & find out!