Draco evidently had remembered what his human features looked like, and he changed quickly, with no trouble whatsoever. Harry just stared as he turned; marvelling at his beauty, completely forgetting until Draco kissed and pushed him back into the classroom that he would transform as well.

He sat, as they had done with Draco's turn, and listened as Draco read out his description, "Brave, stupid, loving, obsessed with me, strong, and not going to fail if I can help it. You're earth and fire, magic flows through your veins making you more in tune with the world around you. Harry Potter. You look much better without your glasses."

The last point was said as Harry was changing, so its triviality did not matter too much. Harry's cloak was turning a deep green, almost identical to his eyes. It was getting rough, and calloused. For a second, he looked like he was about to turn into a fish. Thankfully, his limbs continued to grow, and not disappear. As the skin he was wearing continued to rough, Draco realised that they were scales. Harry was also growing a tail… He'll probably be some bloody gryffin.

Draco still watched though, despite his thoughts. Suddenly, Harry's head shot up, showing everyone a large rift in the scales above his left eyebrow. It was jagged and long, like a scar. It was not as noticeable as he was now larger than Draco was as he stood watching the spectacle. A shrill cry echoed from Harry, as he opened his mouth, and two large stumps erupted where his shoulder blades were. The stumps spread, revealing two leathery wings. The dragon flew into the air of the classroom, hitting his head on the ceiling, and falling immediately unconscious.

Waking up sore in a bed in the hospital wing was one thing, waking up on the damp grass of the quidditch pitch was another. Another thing was to wake up with greyscale vision in a classroom, looking up at a bemused McGonagall. That was the situation which faced Harry as he regained consciousness. "Where am I?" he asked, only to be met by stifled giggles and horrified gasps.

Draco leaned in, an arrogant smirk on his face. Harry remembered why he had hated him so much. "Potter, you imbecile, we can't understand you." Harry frowned, and several of the students backed away. Huh? Draco,, never seeing the boy who wouldn't die as anything but, leaned in and slapped him hard. It would have hurt, really hurt, but Harry only felt a short thwack. McGonagall was about to approach to reprimand the Slytherin, when he showed a reptilian imprint on his palm from the impact. Harry tried to bring his hand towards his head, but couldn't reach. He looked down. Oh crap.

After an hour of gruelling corrective treatment, Harry was back as completely human, and in a horrendous mood. He couldn't remember his normal unkissable areas that well, having not bothered to remember them. This was kept a secret from everyone by his healer, a young, slim, cheeky eyed woman who began to have rather colourful images of just how he had managed to memorise his belly button with such accuracy.

"You know," the healer said, making one last check over longer than necessary, "your form is pretty awkward to more around in"

"You know," Harry replied scathingly, "That uniform of yours is not unlike something people would pay to see" She was not amused, and decided that their time was over with a curt, 'it's my job.'

As he left, he was swamped with his eager friends, asking about the Animagi change, and how he managed to crack it. Ron parted the crowds, ears pink with embarrassment at the many compliments directed to his friends, and their amusement at his. Harry and Hermione noticed this, and managed to lose the crowds by locking themselves in Harry's dorm room.

"What..." asked Harry as he lay down on his bed, leaving his couch to the other two, "Was that?"

"That," Hermione began, sitting down delicately and trying not to wonder what had happened on the cushions under her, "was the excitement you caused with your form."

Harry put his head in his hands, "It's not that unusual, is it?"

Ron eagerly jumped in; for once sure of an answer Hermione didn't have at the tip of her tongue. "Bloody hell, mate, are you daft? Animagi are usually normal animals, I mean, look at McG, she's a cat! Wizards with magical creatures are really rare, and really powerful." He screwed his face up in disgust, "how that prat Malfoy managed to get a unicorn, a black one at that... His father must be...."

At Draco's name, Harry smiled to himself. It fit the Slytherin, whatever Ron said. Hermione coughed and gave him a pointed look. He blanked his face, dutifully replying with, "yeah, imagine that.."

Ron, who took this as encouragement, began, "You know, while he was working with you, he could have found a way to take power from you, make you weaker, steal your magic, I wouldn't put it past him."

Harry sat up seriously, fuming at the accusations against the boy, "Draco is nice enough when you get to know him!"

"Dray – Ko ?" Ron spluttered, face like a tomato. Hermione put her head in her hands.
