Disclaimer: I wish I owned Inuyasha! But Wishing will get me nowhere so now I must cry in the realization that I will never own a thing and everything I loved will belong to someone else. Sorry my poetic side got to me and I couldn't resist but anyway I still don't own anything and Inuyasha and the other character in this fic does not belong to me. Yeah! Life sucks that way!

Inuyasha woke up the next morning with realization that he was not in his own time and that he was sleeping on something soft. Confusing was the first to hit him but then the feeling of being at the right place took over. He looked around and saw that a petite body was curled up next to him. Then a sudden rush of memory came to him in a flash. He now remembered everything that went on last night. He remembered about coming to Kagome's time to convince her to come back with him to the feudal era, then being taken to Kagome's apartment by Sota and last remembering the events that happen with Kagome and the kids. Then a feeling of happiness come to him. He had Kagome again in his arm and now he had kids and a family. He was feeling happiness a feeling that he haven't had for 2 years for he thought that Kagome had never forgiven him and that Kagome had forgotten about him. He looked down at Kagome's sleeping figure and smiled, he had been foolish to think that the love they had for each other would be broken and that he could live without this girl. Now he was just happy that he had her back and so much more.

For the next couple of minutes he just stared at her sleeping remembering the nights he wished he had Kagome with him and now she finally is. And for a couple of minutes he was just glad to be here with her. But soon Kagome eyes started to open. Inuyasha made sure that she saw him as she woke up for he knew that she would have miss him as he had miss her and that she would be happy to see him in this early morning. Inuyasha had made a round on the bed to make sure that her face was facing his. When she finally open her eyes she started at him blankly at first. Then spoke up.

"I thought it was all a dream! Oh Inuyasha you don't know how happy I am to see your face in the morning. I haven't been happy like this in the morning in such a long time." Kagome explained. "I'm so happy to know that now even when I wake up I could still be around you and not just in my dream. I could finally get up from bed knowing you'll be there with me during the bed and not just stay in this bed and keep dreaming and hoping that your be my side."

"Oh you would never have to worry about me leaving your side for from now on I will be with you forever. I would never leave you again Kagome. You hear me I would never be so selfish that I would live your side. I love you and I will be with you forever and in eternity." Inuyasha told her then leaning in and kissing her. They were soon caught up in a passionate kiss but it was broken by a sound of crying babies.

"I guess its time for my first day as a father!" Inuyasha said as he lean his head forehead forward to touch Kagome's.

"I guess so!" Kagome said as she gave Inuyasha a quick kiss before sending him on his way to get the babies.

"Oh by the way that's Shibel and Kiona crying and that they're feed me cry." Kagome instructed Inuyasha.

Inuyasha stop died in his tracks (no pun intended) to look at Kagome had did she figure that out. He'll have to ask her that later.

Inuyasha went inside the room and sure enough it was Shibel and Kiona crying. So taking what Kagome said in consideration he picked up the warm milks that Kagome had place on the table last night and gave it to the babies. As soon as he gave the two babies there milk they stop crying and started drinking. But soon Sebell started crying as well. Inuyasha was about to panic but didn't have time for Kagome immediately shouted to him.

"That's Sebell crying and that's his pick me up cry, Just pick him up and cuddle him for a minute and he should stop." Kagome shouted.

So Inuyasha followed, he picked up Sebell and stared cuddling and sure enough he stopped crying. Kagome soon came in the room and saw Inuyasha with Sebell in broad daylight and the happiness he had last night couldn't compare to the what she felt now.

"You look so right to be a father Inuyasha. I don't think it even matter that you've only known them for 12 hours they already know you are their father." Kagome said in a whisper to Inuyasha ears when she came close. Inuyasha put down Sebell and took the forgotten milks from Shibel and Kiona and he and Kagome left the room when they were positive they were back to sleep.

"Me! Look at you! You are the perfect mother! Knowing which of your child is crying which cry is it is amazing. I don't think many mother could master that and even better master it with four." Inuyasha said in amazement. Kagome blush and hit Inuyasha playfully.

"Stop your making me blush! It really just because they all cry at the same times sometime over time you starts to tell it apart. Now let get breakfast going for the next time they wake we have to get them ready. I did promise that we were going to the feudal era today." Kagome said as she and Inuyasha walk to her kitchen and prepared breakfast.

During breakfast Inuyasha told Kagome and updated her on all the happenings in the feudal era. Told her all about Miroku and Sango's family and about Shippo and the rest. Soon she was all caught up and soon enough they heard crying. Kagome and Inuyasha prepared the babies for the visit at the feudal era.

"Before we go I need to stop by my house okay!" Kagome said and soon her and Inuyasha were walking to Kagome childhood house. With Inuyasha in disgust of course for they didn't was prying eyes.

Kagome was spotted buy her mother in the window and Mrs. Higarashi ran to her daughter.

"Is it true was Sota said? Is Inuyasha back?" She asked exited. But her question was answered when she saw Inuyasha behind Kagome holding Shibel and Kiona.

"Hey Mrs. Higarashi! I kept my promise it just took a little longer." Inuyasha said as Mrs. Higarashi came up to him and hugged him.

"I never doubted you! I knew you were right for my daughter." She said as she pulled away from the hugged she was giving him. She then took Kiona from Inuyasha's arm and smiled back at him.

"Thank you so much for such lovely grandchildren." Mrs. Higarashi said as she looked at Kiona and Inuyasha.

"And thank you so much for taking care of them while I couldn't. I don't know how to ever pay you back." Inuyasha said with a smile.

"Take care of them from now own and I would be the happiest in the world." She answered.

"Look mom! I hate to break this little reunion but I promise that we would visit the feudal era and let them meet Miroku and Sango we just came to let you see them." Kagome said to her mom and Inuyasha with a smile on her face and hating that she was breaking such a nappy reunion. In all else she was happy that her mom and Inuyasha like and even loves each other for they would be a big part of her and the children life.

"Okay! But you all be careful okay!" Mrs. Higarashi said as she waved to Inuyasha and Kagome. But soon she remembered something. She run to her room and picked up a bow and arrows and run to Kagome and Inuyasha.

"Hey kids wait up!" They pause and looked back. "Kagome I bought this a long time ago for I knew that Inuyasha would be back and you'd be needing this when you get back to the feudal era so that you have protection." Mrs. Higarashi handed her the bow and arrows and she hugged her mother.

"You never did have any doubt he would come back did you!" Kagome whispered. Mrs. Higarashi looked up at Inuyasha and said.

"Never doubted him for a day!" She said in confidant. "Well you best be off now! You guys be careful okay!"

Kagome and Inuyasha then went inside the shed that kept the well and climbed in and lowered them self to the well and when they felt that they change time they climbed back up. When they climbed they saw a sleeping Shippo waiting for them.

Kagome looked at Shippo he hadn't change one bit. With Sebell and Kyra in her arm she went up to Shippo and shook him awake. Shippo slowly woke up and when he open his eyes he shouted.

"Kagome your finally back!"

A/N: hey guys how's it going? I know I kind of neglected this story in a while and believe me when I say I'm sorry! It just I got caught up with my Harry Potter Fanfic and I'm having trouble with my laptop and I had to type this on my PC at 1:30 in the morning having no sleep what so ever because this is my siblings computer and I cant use it in the day for there using it and I had major authors black on my HP fic and then finally remembered about this story. So here a chapter! I will write longer I promise and try and update sooner (if I don't get caught up in Hp fics). The story is only about 5-7 chapter more and it will be done so guys thanks for putting up with me. Please review and if you like HP read my other fics.

Another A/N: Sorry that this doesn't have the best grammar and punctuation and stuff you get kind of lost at 1:45 in the morning! I'll edit it later when I have time and repost it! Thanks again! Please review