by Bast

I don't make a penny off Law & Order. Everything belongs to Dick Wolf--

except the insanity.

(Lennie's hospital room. He is hooked up to a heart monitor, but

feeling no pain)

Lennie: (singing) "I've got nerves that jingle, jangle, jingle." No, that's

not right. (He giggles, then chuckles, then laughs outright. The

door opens and RODGERS enters. She is dressed in a skirt and

blouse, and carrying roses) DOC? Hey, Doc! How's it going?

Listen, Doc, what's that song, you know, from Annie Get Your Gun?

The one that goes: I've got something that jingle, jangle, jingles?

Rodgers: Spurs.

Lennie: What?

Rodgers: Spurs. I've got spurs that jingle, jangle, jingle.

Lennie: That's it. Your're beautiful, Doc. (He begins to sing again)

Rodgers: Thank you, detective. I see you're feeling no pain. What have

they got you on--Dipsadene?

Lennie: Yeah, and it's better than any booze I ever had. Are those for


Rodgers: (awkwardly holding up the flowers) Yeah.

Lennie: Red roses! How thoughtful. And they match my eyes. You

shouldn't have.

Rodgers: Probably not--but I did. (Pause) I kinda miss you around

the morgue.

Lennie: (a little tearfully) That's the nicest thing anybody's ever

said to me.

(Rodgers looks around for a vase or glass, and finding none,

deposits the roses in a urinal)

Rodgers: Not exactly Martha Stewart, but it works.

Lennie: So...Doc. How's business?

Rodgers: Dead. (They both laugh)

Lennie: Ah, Doc. I've missed you. Your impish grin, your skillful

hands. Your cute ass in those blue scrubs. Damn! Did I just

say that?

Rodgers: Unfortunately. That's one of the side effects of Dipsadene--

no inhibitions. I'll overlook it, considering.

Lennie: Considering what?

Rodgers: Your condition.

Lennie: I'm in excellent condition. Feel this bicep. Go on, feel it.

Rodgers: (tenatively squeezing his muscle) I'm impressed. You could

maybe go three rounds with Marilyn Manson.

Lennie: Damn straight. And I've got form, too. (He begins to shadow


Rodgers: Yo, Rocky. Cool it. You recently had a heart attack, remember?

Lennie: A temporary setback. I'll be out of this bed and into yours

in no time. (There is a shocked and embarassed silence from

them both)

Rodgers: (trying to regain her poise) Well, detective, I just came by

to wish you well-

Lennie: Call me Lennie.

Rodgers -and to say we'll all be glad when you're back on the job at the

2-7. I've really gotta run. Still got work to do.

Lennie: (sobering) Doc, I almost died, you know?

Rodgers: I know.

Lennie: And it could happen again.

Rodgers: I know. Listen detec--Lennie. If there's anything I can

do for you--anything at all...

Lennie: (cunningly) Well, there is something... One little thing.

Rodgers: Name it.

Lennie: Naw. It's too much to ask.

Rodgers: Come on, detec--Lennie. I'm here if you need me.

Lennie: Well, it would mean a lot to me if....if...

Rodgers: Yes?

Lennie: If I could know for SURE...

Rodgers: (losing patience) Know what, detective?

Lennie:'re a natural red head. (Rodgers looks shocked, then

amused) I've always wondered about that. It would mean a lot to

me to know.

Rodgers: Why, you hopped up old letcher. You know there's only one way

to know for sure.

Lennie: (grinning broadly) Yeah. I know.

(Rodgers goes to door to listen for voices. Hearing none, she

approaches Lennie's bed)

Rodgers: Lucky thing I don't wear underware. (She takes the hem of her skirt

and lifts it)

Lennie: I'll be damned!

(Suddenly the heart monitor begins beeping crazily. Lennie

falls back against the pillow as NURSES rush into the room)