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nothing is my own.


Forty-Three: Winning the Battle and Facing the War

The next week was misery for the boy who lived, everything he had learned, everything he had been told stewing in his mind. He didn't know who to hate, he didn't know who to trust. It had been a week and a half since the attack, it had been a week and a half since had seen Cho, but she had urgently sent him an owl, asking him to meet her in this cursed room.

The Room of Requirements, no longer was a room of hope, but a preservation of memories that would not fade.

"You will hear them screams for the rest of your life."

He felt his fist slam into the cold wall as he remembered Voldemort's threats, nobody who knew him was safe.

"Harry, are you alright?" Cho asked softly as she opened the door, which no longer had a password charm placed upon it.

"You're early," Harry said, a little more coldly than he aimed too.

She forced a smile, "you're always early, I figured there was no point in delaying."

"What?" Harry asked looking at her. He had figured this was coming, she saw how cursed his life was. She saw how cursed a life with him by her side would be, and she had changed her mind.

She took a seat, not taking her eyes off him, "I need to tell you something important."

He reluctantly took a seat close to her, but not directly next to her. Cho laughed nervously as she pulled a letter out of her pocket and handed it to him.

"You've been excepted?" Harry asked astonished as he read the words.

Dear Miss Chang,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been excepted into Auror training due to start this approaching July. If you choose to accept this appointment, please send word by owl no latter than June 1st. Congratulations of this outstanding honor.

December Noel O'Riley

Head Instructor of the Academy of Aurors

Cho bit her bottom lip, "I applied on the spur of the moment, since I was taking all the required classes already. I never really expected to get in."

Harry felt his throat restrict, "have you accepted the appointment?"

Cho nodded slowly, "I responded this morning. I haven't even told my father yet."

Harry had a feeling of anger spread up from his stomach and through his brain, "are you insane, you won't last a week out there."

She frowned, "I'm not asking for your permission, I was just hoping to get some support."

"You're the Ambassador of China's daughter, you should get as far away from this as you possibly can," Harry argued, knowing in his heart that if she took the position, Voldemort would kill her himself.

"I know very well who my father is, I don't need you reminding me. I'm not going to run off and hide like a coward just because I can," Cho spat snatching the letter back from Harry.

"Do you realize how dangerous it is out there? He'll kill you," Harry warned feeling his anger turn to panic.

"I know Harry, but even if I don't do anything, he'll kill me," Cho stated "I'm already in danger, I think last week proved that."

"Than separate yourself from me. Don't even talk to me. We can get Rita Skeeter to write an article about our break-up," Harry rambled.

She laughed nervously, "you're being silly now. I'm doing it because it is the right thing to do, and."

"And what?" Harry pushed.

"I've asked Dumbledore if I can join the Order of the Phoenix," she said confidently.

Harry shook his head, "you're completely mad! Do you have an early death wish?"

"I'm not afraid to die," Cho said instantly, "I'm not going to stand back while Vol.Voldemort takes over everything."

Harry Potter felt sick, he knew it wasn't his place to tell her she was a nutter. Look at everything he had faced, and he knew she was right, there wasn't any hiding from Lord Voldemort.

Harry took a deep breath, "just promise me you won't do anything stupid and get yourself killed."

Cho leapt off her seat and embraced him into a hug, "thank-you Harry!"

Harry blushed feeling awkward, "I know how stubborn you are, like it's going to accomplish anything by me making you mad."

She pulled away and stared at the floor, "I was wondering if you could do me another favor?"

"It depends?" Harry said cautiously.

"Be there with me when I face my father at King's Crossing," Cho almost whispered.

Harry opened his mouth but nothing came out. He tried again, "why me?"

"Because my father respects you, and he might not throw a huge tantrum if you're there," Cho confessed, shamefully. "Please."

"I don't think me being there is going make your father any less upset," he choked out apprehensively.

"You don't have to say anything, just hold my hand when I tell him. I always feel so much braver when your around," she pleaded batting her dark eyes.

Harry caught a glimps of the scar that was now haunting her perfect face. She would remember the day they had fought Lord Voldemort every time she looked in the mirror. Slowly he reached out and touched her face, rubbing his thumb down her chin bone.

"Oh course I'll come with you, although I still don't see what good it will do. I'll probably end up agreeing with your father," Harry finally said.

Cho blushed as she leaned over and gave Harry a soft kiss, "thank-you Harry, for everything."

The weeks passed slowly, and the hallways became emptier and emptier as students left early due to their parents' concerns. The night of the End of the Term feast had finally arrived. Harry walked down to the Great Hall with his fellow Gryffindors (the ones who were left.) The Hall was decorated in a regal blue as the eagle of Ravenclaw hung proudly throughout the hall.

"Another year is gone. We have face many trials, this year and each of you have proven your worth and earned my respect. Whatever news travels to you this summer, do not lose heart. Remember Lord Voldemort attacked your home, your school and you stood against him," Dumbledore's eyes met Harry's.

"Now for the awarding of the house cup. In fourth place with 210 points Hufflepuff."

There was an applause throughout the hall.

"In third place with 215 points Gryffindor."

Harry felt disgusted, if they had won the Quidditch Tournament they would have easily taken first place again. While the other house applauded Harry lowered his head in shame.

"In fourth place with 240 points Slytherin house."

The Slytherin table roared with excitement, if they couldn't win the house cup, at least they Gyrffindor.

"And if first place with 260 points Ravenclaw, well done."

The Great Hall applauded loudly, at least the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws did.

"I can't believe Slytherin beat us," Ron said viciously eyeing the table of snakes, "none of them even got kicked out of school."

"It wasn't like we could identify any of them as Death Eaters Ron, we didn't see any of their faces," Hermione argued.

"I'm willing to bet my right eye that Malfoy was in on it," Ron hissed again, as Harry suddenly lifted his head up.

Ginny noticed at gave him a questionable look as he pulled out the potion that Professor Snape and O'Riley had given him.

"Let the feast begin," Dumbledore announced as the food suddenly appeared.

It was now or never Harry rose from his seat and headed over towards the side of the room the Slytherin and Ravenclaw table were placed.

"Harry, where are you going?" Ginny asked, but he didn't answer.

She quickly rose to her feet to follow him, "Harry, what are you playing?"

"I'm going to prove Malfoy took the mark once and for all," Harry spat holding up the vial.

Ginny bit her lip, "you're going to need a distraction."

Before Harry could object Ginny was rushing over to the Slytherin table. Harry dashed over to Cho and motioned for her to follow him.

"What's going on?" she asked.

Harry leaned over and whispered into her ear, "when the Slytherin's aren't looking, slip this into Draco Malfoy's drink.

"What?" she mouth, but Harry was already walking towards the Slytherins.

"Got away with murder this time ferret face," Ginny taunted as she slowly walked by Malfoy.

"What did you say to me you piece of wizarding trash," Malfoy hissed responding to her.

"You really know how to sweet talk a lady," Ginny continued reaching discretely into her robes for her wand.

"You a lady, you're nothing but a pathetic loser. You aren't good enough to lick the mud off my shoes," Malfoy spat drawing his wand while watching the teachers cautiously.

"Leave her alone Malfoy," Harry jumped in, suddenly standing next to Ginny.

Malfoy narrowed his eyes, "what are you going to do, hex me in front of all the teachers?"

Harry grinned before lifting his wand, "I think you need to wash your mouth, Scourgify!"

Pink soap bubbled poured from Malfoy's mouth as the Slytherin's jumped back in disgust. Cho grabbed the goblet in front of Malfoy discreetly pouring in the potion.

"Here, tell him to drink this!" Cho said frantically handing the goblet to Goyle.

"Draco," Goyle said instantly handing the goblet over to his ring leader.

"What in heavens name is going on over here?" Professor McGonagall demanded walking across the floor towards the scene.

Snape was close behind her with a took of wrath burning behind his eyes.

"He attacked him professor!" Pansy Parkinson shrilled pointing at Harry.

Malfoy was still spitting out pink bubbles, as the rest of the Great Hall erupted into laughter. Finally he turned up the Goblet trying to choke down what remained of his soapy problem. Harry could help but snicker at Malfoy's face when he collected himself.

"Mr. Potter this is unacceptable, why did you use a Scourgify hex on Mr. Malfoy?" Professor McGonagall demanded.

"Because he exists," Harry continued to chuckle.

Snape eyes grew red with anger as he started to say something then suddenly stopped. His eyes drew back as he looked at Draco Malfoy. He shook his head and looked over at Harry, "Malfoy, a word in my chambers."

The potion master turned quickly as Draco reluctantly followed him out of the hall.

"A weeks worth of detention when you return next year," McGonagall handed down, watching Snape disappear.

Cho smiled and held up the vial so Harry could see it was empty and McGonagall caught a glimpse of it too.

"Very well Mr. Potter, you and your friends return to your table at once," McGonagall snapped before walking back over to Dumbledore and whispering something into his ear.

The old headmaster nodded and rose from his seat, elegantly making his exit from the Great Hall.

"Harry, what was that?" Cho asked with slight concern.

Ginny bit her lip and listened anxiously to Harry's answer.

"Proof that Draco has a secret," Harry replied vaguely.

It wasn't exactly the happiest day of Harry's life, but it was far from the worst. Heading back to Privet Drive wasn't as dry this year, he needed some time away to reflect on everything. He'd be back soon enough.

"So, are you going to Bulgaria this summer to visit Krum?" Ron finally blurted out after starting across the compartment at Hermione for the first fifteen minuets of the train ride back to Kings Crossing.

Hermione narrowed her eyes, "no, he didn't invite me to go visit him Bulgaria, he asked me to come meet him in Athens."

"Greece?" Ron asked suddenly.

Hermione rolled her eyes, "of course Athens, Greece. He asked me to accompany him to some kind of Quidditch award ceremony."

"The International Quidditch Awards?" Ron almost shouted.

"Sounds right," Hermione said with a nod.

Ron mouth was hung wide open as he suddenly lost his words.

Ginny let out a small chuckle, as she nudged her brother to collect himself.

"So, did Michael ask you?" Cho inquired with a blush.

Hermione smile suddenly faded as Ron's attention turned towards Cho.

"Ask her what?" Ron pestered.

Hermione huffed, "none of your business Ronald."

Ginny again giggled, find great humor in her brother's predicament.

"I thought you were going out with Michael again, he was passing notes to you in the Great Hall?" Ron said rearing on Ginny now.

Ginny shook her head, "of course not, he was giving me a note to give to Hermione."

Hermione was crimson red and giving Ginny a grimacing look.

"Corner? How can you do that to Krum?" Ron continued on his confusion.

"I thought you didn't like Krum?" Hermione retorted.

Ron eyes swelled with anger and her turned his head back to the game of chess him and Harry were engaging in.

It was so odd hearing everyone laughing again, it almost seemed like nothing had happened, but as the train slowly pulled into the station the reality of the situation came flooding back.

"Harry, are you still coming with me?" Cho whispered desperately squeezing his hand.

"I just need to tell my uncle where I'm going," Harry said with a nod as he lead her towards the entrance to the train.

Draco Malfoy was exiting as well, but there was something different in his eyes. He didn't even manage to throw a single insult in Harry's direction.

To Harry's amazement Vernon Dursley wasn't waiting with his arms crossed as usual. Instead, in his place stood Petunia and Dudley, still looking rather impatient.

"Wait here, you don't want to meet my family," Harry said quickly to Cho as she looked stunned he didn't want her to meet his family.

"Aunt Petunia, I need to go talk to someone," Harry said as politely as possible.

Petunia took one look at Cho and sneered, but she knew better than to make a scene in front of all Harry's wizarding freaks. Dudley stood there with his mouth half open looking at Cho in amazement.

Harry saw an angry looking Chinese man in the distance staring at them with fury in his eyes. Cho squeezed Harry's hand and he took deep breath.


Final Notes from the Author:

Well, I've finished the last chapter. The reason I didn't finish it the other day was because I wasn't sure if I was going to continue with it or not.

Here is my dilemma, I've fallen in love with writing this story. I want to continue it, but I don't know where to take it. I could definitely use some direction.

I also want to re-write my Lily and James story, because I've found a lot of facts when I re-read PoA that I overlooked in my original story. I just don't have the time to write both.

If I do take on this venture I won't be able to update as frequently, because a lot of my time is going to be taken during Christmas.

I'll decide tonight, and if I do decide to continue this story I'll have it published in the next couple days.

About the story..

Did you guys really like it??? I did some of it off the top of myself, I can't believe how long it ended up being.

Okay, now It is time to address questions..

I know many of you don't like Cho Chang, and some of you have even came out and asked why I even used her. I always been a skeptic, and if all the signs say she isn't going to play Harry's love interest anymore, than I think she is. If I do continue into the Seventh year, I have a plot you Cho haters might enjoy (not revealing anything yet.)

I'm sorry I didn't let Ron and Hermione get together yet, I just don't think it ready to happen yet, be patient it will happen, it is inevitable.

Pavarti Patil, I'm happy I accomplished my goal of creating a character we love to hate. Not because she's evil like Malfoy, but because she is who she is.

Some of you have asked if December O'Riley and Remus Lupin are ever going to get together? Maybe, I haven't really decided what will happen between them. If you've read my L/J fic than you know the complex history between the two, but the final battle scene in this story proves Remus still loves her.

Draco Malfoy, is he a Death Eater? I can't say yet? I have a twist concerning his character..

I know you Luna Lovers are hating me a bit right now. I think she's evil. When I first read the OotP I didn't trust her character, and I still don't. The problem I have is she didn't fit in Ravenclaw, meaning there something about her that placed her Ravenclaw that hasn't been revealed yet. I think she's going to turn, but I guess we'll have to wait until the next two books come out to know for sure.

I have some notes written down on how I think the seventh book might go, and I'll be able to tell if it is going to work out within the first two chapters.

If you guys have any more questions feel free to e-mail @ [email protected].. I'll be happy to answer any questions you have.


I wanted to personally thank each and everyone who reviewed my story, but it would take up several pages! WOW.. I can't believe how many loyal reviewers I have.. Between and I have over 700 reviews!!

You guys are inspiring..and know that although I may not show it, I sincerely appreciate all the support.

Thanks from the bottom of my heart
