Story Title- Who's is it?

Author- J.E.R. Potter

Rating- R

Disclaimer- All of this belong to J.K. Rowling. I own some things, or else my partners, Erin or Rachel, own some. No money is being made off of this fan fiction. Please do not copy unless e-mailing me for permission. Remember, my e-mail addresses are [email protected], or [email protected], or e-mail my partners, Rachel ([email protected]) or Erin ([email protected]) about it. Thank you!

Chapter 1

Draco's, Harry's or… Voldemort's?

Hermione looked over at Ron, then at Harry. How could this have happened to her? The baby that she was going to give birth to wouldn't know who her father was! But Hermione knew in her heart that it couldn't have been Draco's, or Voldemort's. It had to be Harry's!

"Come here, Mione," Harry said opening his arms.

Ron was silent. He knew his best friends belonged together. Hermione and him had tried it once in their sixth year, and it hadn't worked out. They're like soul mates, Ron thought.

Hermione practically flew into Harry's arms. Harry and Ron were the only two people in the world, well, besides Voldemort, Draco, and Dumbledore that knew that Hermione's baby might not be Harry's.

"Ron, can I talk to Harry, alone?" Hermione asked.

Ron nodded. He knew Hermione needed to talk to the probably father of her baby. He used to be jealous, when they had first began dating, but now he was fine with it. He got up, and left the common room.

"What is it, Mione?" Harry asked.

"I want the baby to call you dad," she said.


"Harry, you're the one I love! The ONLY one!"


"Harry, if the baby's Draco's, you're the father! If Volde--- Voldemort-" she closed her eyes when she said his name. "Voldemort's," she said it with more confidence now. "If it is his, then you're still the daddy to it," she finished.

"All right, Mione," Harry said. He began thinking about how him and Hermione had ended up dating, and how it ended up that he might be the father of this child that Hermione was carrying now.


It was the beginning of the summer after Harry's sixth year. Harry was sitting on his bed late at night doing his Potion's homework that Snape had given him for over the summer. Uncle Vernon was very angry with him for reasons that Harry didn't know. Uncle Vernon had been angry with him since fifth year, although it only showed when giving Harry chores to do (since the threat the Order had placed). Dudley, though, was going through the same treatment that Harry was, thanks to Aunt Petunia. She had been being a lot nicer to Harry since fifth year, which, thank Merlin for Harry, was a lot better for him than it ever had been before.

Just then, Hermione brand new old, who was small, like Pig, but other than that was a carbon copy of Hedwig, flew in. His name was Athos, and from where Hermione got the name, neither Harry nor Ron knew.

Hermione… Merlin, has she ever changed! I can't believe I didn't…

Athos began pecking at Harry, since he still hadn't taken the letter. Hedwig was off hunting, luckily. Although she liked Athos, she got protective of Harry whenever Athos or Pig began pecking at Harry. Athos was the same way whenever Pig or Hedwig did it to Hermione, for what Harry had been told.

"Sorry, Athos. Wonder what Hermione's wrote," Harry said, then took the letter from the owl.

Athos gave a light hoot, and then went over to Hedwig's cage. Harry opened up the letter to see Hermione's beautiful penmanship. Her letters were always easier to read than Ron's, but of course, Ron was a busy boy now.

Dear Harry,

Hi!! How's your summer so far? If I sound excited, it's because I am!! How would you like to come to my house for the rest of the summer? I would just love you to come!! Ron would, but Kris and Dean know the Weasley's, and they really don't l like Ron that much. Well, not as much as they like you. Please don't tell Ron that though. If he asks, my parents know the Dursley's. All right? Write me back soon, Harry. If you can come, Kris and I will pick you up tomorrow at 10 o'clock in the morning. Hopefully, since my parents are muggle, they'll let you come. Ask your Aunt Petunia first, though. Mentions Kris Granger to her, and see if then you can come. Talk to you soon!! Bye Harry!!



Harry smiled. Tomorrow he would ask Aunt Petunia if he could go and stay with the Grangers'. For now, though, he would go to sleep. He left Hedwig's cage open so she could get back in when she was done hunting. He then fell asleep in his bed.