Huma ate in silence. The barkeep and his staff had served him a meal and drink, but as a result of the side glances and scowls, he knew he was not really welcome.

As the sun began to move across the sky and the shadows followed, labors began to file in to the Tavern and the quiet confines of the space began to buzz with activity.

Huma sipped his drink and ate slowly. The barmaids were friendly towards some, which helped identify those that were regular patrons. Some called out to the staff by name, but most were content to use the standard forms of endearment towards barmaids they have come to accept as a byproduct of the profession.

Overall, things seemed quite normal and peaceful.

A shadow fell across Huma's face that had nothing to do with the sunset outside. Looking up, Huma waited for the man to speak and encouraged him to do so with a slight smile and nod.

"You've had your meal and a drink priest. Now kindly take you leave please."

Huma maintained his smile, but his eyes tightened slightly with the knowledge that this situation could turn dangerous at any moment.

"I was thinking of asking to rent a room for the night, but if you wish me to leave, I will of course abide by your wishes."

As Huma rose from his chair, the Bartender spoke quietly to him in a whisper "You kept your word and left my patrons in peace. In payment, I will give you some advice."

Huma nodded and waited for the man to continue.

"Put that holy symbol under your robe or discard it completely. You will find that people will be less likely to close their doors to you."

Huma frowned slightly. At one time, Paladine was greatly revered by all that followed the ideals of goodness and light. His hand lightly brushed the symbol and felt its warmth. Looking back into the eyes of the barkeep, he spoke with the confidence of one that believed in something with all his heart.

"The Gods may have left us on our own, but I will not ever leave their service. And although you may not accept it, I shall ask Paladine to bless you and your staff in my prayers."

The bartender scowled and spoke in a loud harsh voice "Get out."

With a nod, Huma turned and walked through the doorway to the outside. Although it was not yet dark, the sun was begining set to the west. As the skies burned crimson and orange with the last bits of daylight, he was unsure as to where his feet would take him - But his faith was never stronger.