Chapter 8

(Thank you silvermoongoddess58 for e-mailing me I guess I just needed to know people still wanted to read my story and give me an idea)

Last time on The Scouts Betrayal-

" Neon your plans are not yet finished, why?" asked a man overcast in shodows.
" M, m, m, my l, lord the Moonlight Maiden and Sunlight knight keep on interfering their powers are to strong for my monsters, I need more power m,mm, m, my l,l,l l, lord" said Neon nervously. (He does alot of that)
"Very well, but if you fail don't bother coming back, this is your last chance" said the lord as he held out his hand and pushed his dark energy out of him until it formed a hidious monster.
The monsters eyes were blood red, it's teeth were razer sharp and filled with venom. The monster it self was 7 feet tall and had energy flowing around it.
" This monster is ten times more powerful then normal ones make good use of it" said the lord.
" Y,y,yy, yes my lord" said Neon.

" So you think our new enemy is your half brother?" asked Amy

" Yes I wouldn't put it passed him he always went out looking for trouble" said Andrew

Suddenly an alerm went off, Serena, Andrew, and Amy turned to the computer screen, on it was the most evil looking monster they had ever seen. The monster was holding an unconscious teenage girl in its claws.

"Amy guess it's time to show your self as the Aqua ice Maidan you ready" asked Serena.
" As ready as I'll ever be Serena" said Amy.
" Silver Moon Light Power" "Golden Sun Light Power" "Aqua Ice Power!"

Now on with the story-

Moonlight, Sunlight, and Aqua Light ran down the streets of tokyo readying them selves for what was about to happen. When they got to the park, Neon was waiting for them inside a large black magic ring.

"We're here now let the girl go!" yelled Moonlight.

"Well you see I can't do that, the girls life force is now what is runing this ring you see around

me and if you try to destroy it you will destroy her". said Neon as he pointed his finger at the girl

wraped up in energy sucking cords.

""Aqua can you get a lock on the girl so I can use my powers to get her out of there""thought Moonlight to Aqua light.

""Hold on I have to see what this rings power will do if we go through it, Ah! there moonlight you won't be able to go thought without you energy getting zipped but sunlight and I can."thought Aqua Light to Moonlight.

""But moonlight is the only one who can destory a monster this strong""thought Sunlight the both of them.

Moonlight looked over to Neon who gave her an evil smirk.

""This is exactly what he planned he wants us split up so he can take us down one by one""thought Moonlight to the others.

""So what do we do?""asked Sunlight.

""Follow my leed and focus your energy""said Moonlight as she closed her eyes and begane to glow.

Sunlight and Aqualight followed glowing their own respected colours. Then Moonlight held out her hands motioning for them both to hold on.

"Lights of Silver, Gold, and Aqua form together to comsume this Darkness!" yelled Moonlight.

The magic lights from each of them formed into a ball, the silver light made the core as the gold and aqua lights formed the outer layer, protecting the silver core.

The gold and aqua ball passed through the dark ring with no problem. Once inside the ring they flew over to the girl who was tied up in energy cords.In a flash of silver light the girl was freed and the dark ring around them disapperd. After that the lights returned back to their owners.

" What how did you do that!" yelled Neon.

Moonlight and the others ignored him; they were busy getting the girl to safety.

"Aqua if you would" said Sunlight motioning for her to use one of her specail abilitys.

"Right, Celesial Ice Dome!"yelled Aqua light as she made a protective shell around the girl to make sure she wouldn't be captuerd again during the battle.

"All of you are to medlesome!" yelled Neon as he raised his and the monster they had seen before stood infront of him.

Before any of them could react razer sharp blades had moonlight and sunlight backed up against a tree with the pionts aimed at their neaks.

"Moonlight Sunlight!" yelled Aqua but all to soon a blade was pointed at her neck also.

" Well that wasn't much of a fight now was it" taunted Neon before he turned to the monster and said "kill them slowly, I want to see them in pain for all the problems they made for me".

The monsters eyes glowed a brighter red and the sharp blades slowly made their way closer to the necks of the Light Gaurdians. Right when the blade was about touch their necks when it hit a barrier of magic, everyone seemed confused no one noticed Aqua's ice vanish and the dark figure inside stood up holding a glowing star in her a hand.

" Honestly Neon I can't belieave you sank this low joining up with Nightron" said the mysterous figure.

"Who the hell are you?' yelled Neon

The figure stepped into the light she had shoulder length wavy black hair and was wearing a outfit similar to Moonlights only it was black with sparkles glittering on it like a clear starry night sky.

" I am the Starlight Maiden and you don't know who your messing with" said the Starlight.

"Stars Of Destiny Clash!" attacted Starlight. Lights appeared around her, they zoomed off towards Neon the lights begain spining around him as they closed on him. He screamed as if he was burning from the intense light he just kept on screaming and screaming until he went silent droped to the ground.

Moonlight for one split second saw peace in Neons eyes no evil or cowardness just peace before they turned lifeless and died.

As for the monster it went into a blind rage without anyone to control it it went wild.

Moonlight was still pined against the tree when the monster saw her and before she could move out of the way the monter sunk it venomous teeth into her arm.

"Sunlight INFERNO!" yelled Sunlight.

The attack was enouph to get the monter off of Moonlight but only to make the monster angier and attack Sunlight instead.

It tackled Sunlight to the ground and openned it jaws attempting to bit him. Fortunatly its chance never came.

" Silver Moon Crystalize!" yelled Moonlight as she tried to remain steady on her feet.

"Moonlight" yelled Sunlight and Aqua as they ran to her side.

"Are you alright" askd Sunlight as he helped her keep her balence.

" I'll be fine I am just alittle dizzy" said Moonlight. ( Keep in mind that they don't know about the venom in the monsters teeth...yet)

"Hay what are you doing here" came the now cold voice of Sailor Mars.

"Late like always scouts" stated Starlight.

"Who are you"demaned Mars.

"That is none of your concern scout" said Starlight in very bored tone.

" Who says!"yelled Mars as her temper started to flare up.

" I do" said Starlight in the same bored voice.

"Why you..."said Mars.

" Mars let it go we were too late for this round so there is no point fighting with them" said Jupiter as push Mars away form them, when Mars back was turned Jupiter winked at them.

Even in her weaked state Moonlight felt link between her and Jupiter strenghten even though

Jupiter didn't know who her real idenity was.

The scouts left and the Light Gaurdians got to know the knew the new member of their team.

" Thanks alot for saving us back there we weren't really expecting it to be that fast" said Sunlight.

" No problem I owed it to you anyway for saving my life inside that ring earlier" said Starlight.

" Moonlight whats wrong?" asked Sunlight as he suddunly found himself holding Moonlight up.

" I don't know I'm just so tierd" wispered Moonlight as she fell to the ground and transformed back to Serena.

" Serena! Serena wake up!" yelled Andrew who was now in a panic.

" Come on we have to get her back to the manor, she is starting to ran a fever and her power levels are darngerously low" said Amy switching in to doctor mode.

" I'll go with you that bite on her arm is no normal bite. That might be the cause of what has happend to her" said Starlight as she transformed back into an ordinary girl with ice blue eyes wearing a black sweater and blue jeans.

Once the were back at the manor Amy started all of her tests to find out what was wrong with Serena.

" Amy do you know what is wrong with her yet?" asked Andrew.

" I think Aurora is right about that bite on her arm, when that monster bit her it must have injected some sort of poison into her but I can't find a way to stop it yet" said Amy who rapidly

typing on her mini-computer.

" What is the poison doing to her Amy?" asked Aurora.

" Well besides a very high fever it is also affecting her power levels causing them to be very low one minute and very high the next, with those many changes in power levels it could cause her to go into shock and stop breathing" explained Amy.

" You have to find a way to stop it Amy, you just have to I can't stand seeing her like this" pleaded Andrew who had yet to take his eyes off of Serena.

" I won't rest until I find a way to stop it Andrew" said Amy.