Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters. I am merely playing with them. The honor of ownership goes to JK Rowling and Co. Whoever is on that list at the present time.

Please read author's note at the end of the chapter.

Prologue: Desires (Working Title)

Excerpt from the journal of one Severus Snape.

It began with just a look. One of my Seventh Years, actually. He looked up at me from beneath his lashes, his long, lustrous lashes, and I fell for him. I had been watching him for some time now, and already had feelings for the young man. But I know he doesn't reciprocate them. So why do I torture myself? I have to admit to being intrigued by him, though. He hasn't dated since his fifth year. I'm fairly certain that his preferences run in tandem with mine, but sometimes. Sometimes he will stare at a girl with an appreciative look. Then he'll blush when she or one of his friends catch him at it and start talking quickly. I am never close enough to hear what is said, no matter how hard I try to be. But today was different. Today he was watching me. Not with the usual contempt or malice or loathing. But with curiosity. And, if I wasn't so sure that I am imagining things, possibly hunger. Desire. Lust. But no. My imagination, which I had thought died at an early age, must be rearing it's head again. I have desired him for many months. Since he returned in September for his last year of schooling, and it is now April. He leaves to join the 'Real World' in just two months. He's already had offers for many different jobs, but I understand he wants to be an Auror. He could play professional Quidditch, or something equally brainless, but no. He has to tackle one of the more difficult careers that a wizard can take. But the Dark Lord is still out there, biding his time, waiting for him.

Excerpt from the journal of one Harry Potter.

I can feel him watching me. Those fathomless black eyes following my every move. But when I look up, when I try to catch him at it, he's looking elsewhere. Watching others. I have feelings for this man, this most hated man. This man that I do not hate. On the contrary, I feel a pull to him. A need to fall into his arms and never let go. Oy! Wouldn't this surprise my year mates! Me, Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Bloody-Lived, desiring a man. And Professor Severus Snape, at that! They'd go bonkers. Tell me I'm mental. Send me to St. Mungo's. But then, at least I'd be with Ron. My best friend, and now the seventeen year old who sits in a ward at St. Mungo's alongside Frank and Alice Longbottom. Neville's parents. It had almost destroyed Neville to see Ron like that, but I know I've already told you this. Stupid git. Shouldn't have tried to save me. I'm not worth it. But I've told you that already too, haven't I. Only Ron and Hermione ever knew of my sexual preferences. Only they were told that I am gay. And now, only Hermione knows I have feelings for Snape. Lustful, sinful, delicious feelings. Only they ever knew that I found Draco Malfoy attractive. An insufferable, arrogant, spoiled, selfish, evil prat... but attractive nonetheless. What would happen if the Wizarding World found out that their 'savior' was gay? Personally, I think they can all go sod off, but I respect both Dumbledore and Snape too much to announce my feelings. My preferences, fine. But not who I'm interested in.

From the journal of one Draco Malfoy.

I've found out today that the man I've called uncle my whole life is not who I thought he was. Oh, I've always known that he's my Godfather, and not my uncle. I've always known he's gay. And I've known since the beginning of term that he's attracted to Potter. No, that isn't what I meant. I meant that today I discovered Sev's secret. After Father died and I got the Dark Mark. He's a spy for Dumbledore. Not a true Death Eater. I found out quite by accident when the both of us arrived after a particularly bad meeting with the Dark Lord to report what had happened. We were shocked, to say the least. Him, the snarky professor? My Uncle Sev? And him. He must have thought much the same about me.

Harry Potter and those of his year, which included Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy, graduated from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry moved on to become an Auror. Malfoy followed in his father's footsteps, to all outward appearances. Hermione went into the field of Spellcaster research, wherein one tries to create new spells, or eliminate old ones. Ron Weasley did not graduate. He was placed in St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries during his sixth year due to extended exposure to the Cruciatus Curse. That was the driving force behind his girlfriend's career choice. That was three years ago.

A/N: So, tell me what you think. Should I continue? I already have chapter one mapped out. It just needs to be typed up. This story is just a little jaunt into the world of slash for me. It is not my primary focus right now. I am working on Pendant of Power, but need to reconnect with my muse. Apparently, she's taken a vacation. So her sister is filling in with this story. This story will take a back burner when I return to Pendant of Power. So do not expect regular updates.