A Curse for Two by Bandgeek252

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Buffyverse. Like I could!?!

AN: This chapter contains some MATURE material. Just thought I'd warn the more squeamish readers out there. This chapter is also much longer than my other ones. I had a lot of free time at work this week.

Chapter 11: Apologizes not accepted

Spike stood there facing Buffy with his hands safely in his trench coat pockets. He looked sorrowfully at Buffy. She felt the prelude to his apology and desperately wanted to stop him, but there was hint of pleading in his eyes that she couldn't ignore.

"You've got 2 minutes to say what you've got to say and then I want you to get out," Buffy huffed. Spike took a deep breath.

"I wanted to…" he halted in search for the right words.

"Apologize!" Buffy finished for him. To this his brow creased as he shot her an indignant look, "I am not her to apologize."

"What? I thought that's why you came," Buffy fumed.

"Like I have anything to apologize for," Spike shot at her. Buffy was beyond angry. She wanted to throw him into a fiery furnace and watch him burn. "What I was going to say was I wanted know why that spell happened and what it was."

"Oh you! Look Giles and I are researching it. As to what and how we have no clue, but don't you think you should apologize," Buffy added.

"Yeah right. You were the one who put the spell on me. If anyone should be apologizing it should be you."

"Apologize for something I had no control over. When you had full power over your senses when you kissed me and afterwards when you acted like a jerk."

Spike leaned in a little closer, "What's the matter luv, can't handle a little kiss?" Spike smirked at her. Buffy pushed him out of her personal bubble space.

"What's your problem, you can't handle a little spell that improves your manners?" Buffy shot back with a little crooked smile.

"I just don't like being controlled," Spike pointed at her.

"If I was truly controlling you why would I have you call me Katherine?" Buffy asked.

"I don't know," Spike snapped. "I was hoping you could tell me."

"Well I really don't and FYI I didn't mean to cast a spell. I didn't realize that I had that kind of power," Buffy admitted.

"Well I didn't mean to kiss you, but it wasn't because of pity. I just wanted you to know that," Spike released a heavy sigh, "I like you. I didn't want it to get weird."

Buffy chortled, "So you turned into a jerk?"

"Yeah that's kinda how I do things," Spike laughed with her. As they had cleared the air they saw no need for apologies or regret. Buffy understood his irrational reaction as just shyness. He had been blown away by the sudden French Duke spell and a very nice yet unexpected kiss. Spike understood that she didn't cast the spell to screw with him, but unknowingly harbored a force she couldn't control.

Buffy let out a sigh of relief, "So you don't know anyone named Katherine."

"Nope. Met a lot of girls on my travels and never ran into a Katherine," Spike smirked at Buffy.

The blond raised her left eyebrow sternly at Spike, "A lot of girls, huh?" Spike sat in the stiff back chair at the store's large round table and leaned back pulling his hands behind his head. He pushed the chair back on its two hind legs. "Yeah a lot," Spike snickered.

Buffy walked by him and quickly kicked one of the chair legs out from under him and down Spike fell with a loud thud. Buffy laughed so loud at the fallen Spike Giles immediately poked his head out from his back office. He looked about but only saw Buffy. He didn't see the fallen Spike for Spike had fallen on the back side of the table. "Is everything alright?" Giles asked apprehensively.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just taking care of some garbage," Buffy smiled at Spike while leaning on the round table. Spike jumped up as Giles returned to his office. He leaned in close to the young woman. So close in fact that she could smell the smoke on his breath. She could swear her heart skipped a beat as she caught her breath at how warm she felt in an instant. Buffy felt her chest slowly rise. "GET A GRIP," she thought. Spike looked down her pink tank top and then up to her hazel eyes, "Jealous," Spike said.

Buffy felt a heat rise within her, "Argh as if." She hopped off the table trying to keep her cool. She straightened her light green skirt as she picked up a stack of books on the cou8nter, "Don't you have something else to do besides annoy me or get totally wrong ideas about me?"

"I want to help you get this spell worked out. I don't want to have my hard earned bad boy reputation dashed again by you."

"Like I want you to either," Buffy shot back picking up her stack of books to put away. She suddenly felt a warm strange presence swell within her. She dropped the books on the floor. She reached out for Spike with her eyes turned a striking blue.

"James, love," Buffy said with a British accent as she reached out for Spike's cheek. Spike froze afraid to move.

"Giles!" Spike yelled. Swiftly Giles appeared amazed by his possessed employee.

"James dear, magic brought us together and magic will save us." She took his cheek. Her hand felt hot. Spike didn't know what to say. He wanted to get Buffy back, but wasn't sure how.

"Buffy?" Giles asked. Buffy let go of Spike's cheek and turned to Giles harshly replying, "She is gone."

"No kidding," Spike said. Possessed Buffy turned back to Spike.

"Try Katherine," Giles suggested.

"Okay Katherine?"

Buffy's now blue eyes softened, "Yes James."

"Where is Buffy?" Spike asked.

"Magic brought us together, magic will save us," Buffy repeated as she took his hand into hers.

"Got that, but where is Buffy?" Spike asked again.

Buffy's eyes turned red as Spike yelped and jumped back, "Her hand is like fire."

"She's too warm. She'll die if we don't do something," Giles pointed out. Buffy's fiery eyes looked on Giles calling out, "Erther Warrior of Women." And with that Buffy collapsed being released from whatever was temporarily possessing her. Spike reach just in time to catch the exhausted blond before she hit the floor. Her skin was cool once more. Giles directed Spike to the back room where the loveseat was and Spike gently laid her down careful of her head. Giles placed a blanket over her to keep her from a chill before ushering Spike back out onto the main floor.

"Okay Giles what the hell was that?" Spike whispered demandingly.

"I don't know, but that was Katherine. Our mystery thickens."

"No kidding Giles. Tell me something I don't know."

"I'm not sure. I need time to analyze all the points," Giles rubbed his forehead furiously. "We need to find out who Erther, Katherine, and James are."

"How did she know?" Spike asked. Puzzled Giles asked, " How did she know what?"

"My name well my given name is James. I never told her before so how did she know?"

"I don't know, but it sounded like this Katherine knew you."

"I don't know anyone named Katherine."

"Well the spirit that possessed you called her Katherine. Maybe you were possessed by James," Giles concluded.

"Okay I follow you, but we still don't know who they are." Giles cleaned his glasses and cleared his throat, "It appears they are or rather they were in love."

"Who's in love?" Buffy asked yawning.

Giles immediately replied, "Oh no one." He threw a cautious look at Spike, "Just don't tell her yet… till we know more," he whispered. Spike nodded, "For now I'll play along."

Spike approached Buffy gently, "Well you're awake, You had a nasty fall."

"I did?" Buffy asked, "I don't remember."

"Ah yes luckily we didn't have to take you to the hospital. What do you remember?" Giles asked searching the counter for a pen and paper.

"All I remember is arguing with Spike here. I was going to pick up that stack of books and I suddenly felt warm and that must have been when I fell because beyond that I blacked out. It must have been some fall," she laughed at her own clumsiness.

"Yeah why don't I take Buffy home and I'll come back and help Giles close up," Spike offered.

"Yes I recommend rest and take the next day off just to make sure you're alright," Giles agreed.

"Are you sure?" she asked Giles and then turned to Spike, "And when did you become so nice?"

"I am sure," Giles confirmed.

"I can be nice… when I want to," Spike suggestively winked at her.

"Okay," Buffy sighed and went to pick up her brown jacket from behind the counter.

Giles took the moment to lean towards Spike and whispered, "Take care of her and I'll get working on this here." Spike quickly nodded in agreement. He coughed light, "Buffy let's get you to your room for some proper rest." He held out his hand and Buffy blinked for a second she felt a dizzying sensation like Déjà vu. She saw the men's concern as she quickly yawned brushing it off as nothing so as not to alarm them further, "Guess I am out of it." The two blonds hand in hand headed out of the Magic Box. The bleeched blond tightly held Buffy's hand, but his mind was swimming with questions. He was truly perplexed by the possessions seeming to only target Buffy and himself. He wondered why two dead lovers would aim their post-death affection at them. Why were they marked, he wondered.

"Could Buffy have released these spirits and now they are after me because I was with her?" he asked himself, but internally he shook his head, "she didn't seem to know anything about a spell and I don't think just standing next to her had much to do with it. It was all too personal. She really thought I was her James." He returned his thought to the woman next to him as they still hand in hand reached the campus.

The campus was strangely still in the early evening. "I thought colleges would be fill with… you know more students," Spike noticed. Buffy looked up and to her surprise he was right. The campus was unusually bare.

"I wonder why," Buffy asked. In the distance on the other side of campus near the Recreation Center they could hear a man speaking over a PA, "I want to welcome you to Sunfest 2004." In response the entire student body cheered and hollered with excitement.

Buffy smiled weakly, "That's Sunfest. It's where vendors come and give you lots of swag that you either don't use or throw away."

"I see. You wanna go?" Spike asked hoping a fest of any kind would perk the young blond's spirits.

"Na, Willow said she's volunteering with it so she'll be out way late and I'd really like to get some rest," Buffy sighed torn between her sleepiness and her wish to be able to go to Sunfest. Spike walked Buffy up to her dorm room in complete silence. His mind was far too preoccupied with this possession business to make small talk and Buffy seemed fine with it so he let it go. As she approached her room she wondered if she should invite him in or say her goodbyes at the door. He was so quiet she worried that he was regretting his decision to escort her home and go back to help Giles close up.

She pulled her key out of her jacket pocket and opened the door. Spike walked in first without invitation. He didn't want an awkward pause.

"Um come right in," Buffy said sarcastically as she too her jacket off and set her keys on the desk right next to her.

"You know dorm rooms are so horribly small even the ones at Oxford, but this isn't that bad. I mean you have bed, desk, nice open space, and even a little mini fridge to keep your Coca-a-Colas cold," Spike noticed. He took a few steps forward checking the place out.

"Spike, I am fine. Will you please go so I can change and go to bed," Buffy pleaded.

"Oh so that's all luv. You had a nasty fall which I yet again saved you from, walk you home, and all you can do is push me out the door," Spike shouted at her.

"Alright thank you. Now will you go?"

"Not until you're resting," Spike replied sitting down on her bed smirking at her.

"God! You're like the annoying puppy always looking for attention."

"Say what you like Goldilocks, but I'm not leaving just yet."

"Fine. I'll change," Buffy gave up with a smirk as Spike raised an eyebrow in interest, "in the girl washroom," Buffy finished chuckling lightly to herself. She gathered her pjs and her washroom basket from her little dresser next to her bed. "Stay and don't go through my things," Buffy commanded as she hurried out the door. Spike promised, but unbeknownst to Buffy he had fingers crossed behind his back. He wanted to look around to see if he could find any clues.

Buffy thankfully found the washroom empty. She was glad to have a moment of solitude. She started to brush her teeth and as she gently squeezed her tube of toothpaste thought flooded her mind. She wondered why Spike kept rescuing her from falls, car accidents, and moments of loneliness. It amazed her at how he kept popping up unexpectedly for the past month. She had to admit that she liked Spike and even though they had arguments at almost every turn they never stayed angry.

Remembering that kiss mad her blush, but she shook her head and finished up her teeth. "GAH I HAVE GOT TO GET A GRIP," she thought. After she rinsed and inspected her pearly whites she retrieved her hair brush. As the brush glided effortlessly through her golden mane her mind was completely absorbed again by that kiss. Burned into her memory was the way his hand had held her cheek and the way he had kissed her roughly while grabbing fistfuls of her hair. Remembering that growl sent shivers down her spine.

She inspected her shoulder length shiny mane. "It's flat," she sighed out loud. She wondered as she pulled her face wash out if Spike was rummaging through her stuff while she was blushing herself silly in the washroom. Swiftly Buffy washed her face and changed into her pjs of blue sporty boxers and a gray fitted T-shirt. She gathered her belongings and walked down the hall to her dorm room in anticipation to see what Spike had down to her room. Collecting her thoughts in one last heavy sigh she opened her door to find Spike leering over her dresser drawers rummaging through her top drawer.

"Ahh, that's my panty drawer. You are such a perv," Buffy shouted rushing to close the drawer before Spike saw anymore of her delicates. Spike jumped back hands in the air chuckling, "Not like I haven't seen your… goodies before."

Buffy slammed the drawer shut and huffed, "That is beside the point."

Spike breathed in deep the smell of soap and mint surrounding her. He like how clean she smelled. "She looks down right sexy in those little boxers and tight T-shirt," he thought to himself, "I could almost…"

"Oh is that right," Spike slinked seductively towards her.

"Yes! And what exactly were you doing in my panty drawer?" Buffy glowered at him.

"No reason, just bored," Spike replied leaning so close to her he could feel her warm minty breath. Buffy could feel her blood rush up to her face flushing her cheeks red. Catching her breath she felt light-headed. She momentarily lost her balance she fell forward a bit face first into Spike's strong arms.

"Well I've swept girls off their feet before, but never had them fall into my arms like this," Spike joke cracking a soft seductive smile. He felt that if she stayed in his arms much longer he would layer her down and never let her go.

"Um," Buffy hummed moistening her lips. Spike took a free hand and gently stroked her cheek. He felt a carnal desire start to take him over. Strong primal forces willing him to give in to his attraction and take her. Buffy felt an electric jolt course its way through her limp body. She had disliked him even come close to down right hating him, but now she never wanted him to let her go.

"I should go help Giles," Spike said not really wanting to leave.

"Stay," she softly begged and Spike cupped her face pulling her lips to his. Gently he parted her lips. Feeling she might resist he gently kissed her. As if Buffy could read his thoughts she pulled him in closer confirming her desire, "Stay," She breathed onto his lips.

Spike growled softly realizing just how aroused he felt. He had no intention of leaving now. Spike picked her up not for a moment leaving her lips and gently laid her on her bed. Buffy couldn't think. For so long she had been alone. She didn't want to be alone tonight. She didn't want to think of tomorrow.

Spike rose to take off his signature leather duster. Buffy watched him with sultry in her eyes. He threw it on the floor eager to find her lips once more. He straddled her taking her face in with both hands tightly gripping her hair and kissed her roughly wanting more of her with each passing second. Spike in need of air released her from his manly grip. He set his lips in search of her whole body. He started at the curve of her neck going up to her chin and then enticingly licked the length of her neck.

Buffy gasped softly in surprise and delight. She could feel her own carnal desire shallow her whole and tempted her to give in to Spike completely. Her skin tingled as his lips had found their way to her soft curvy belly. Relishing every tender kiss she closed her eyes in pure enjoyment. Spike wanted to see all of her pulled up and over her head her T-shirt. He properly threw it to the floor. He leaned back to examine the soft curvy creature before him. His eyes followed his hands as they followed her slender torso. He had seen her breasts before, but now this was different. Her supple soft breasts cupped in his hands perfectly. Her nipples perked with anticipation. He leaned in to suckle them. Buffy's face flushed with erotic excitement as she could barely keep her voice down.

"Spike," she huffed sensually, "if you keep doing things like that I won't be able to… keep my voice down."

"Problem?" Spike smirked looking up from her breasts for a moment.

"It's just… these walls… are… so thin."

"Let them hear," Spike kissed her intensely. Buffy's final moral cord was cut as she violently kissed him back. With wild wanton she pulled Spike's shirt off. Her hand swept up Spike's lean chest as she sat up to reach his sultry lips that she couldn't get enough of. He collapsed upon her careful not to crush her. Spike could feel his manhood beckon to be released from his tight jeans. Buffy felt the carnal hardness that she longed for. She reached for his belt.

"Hey," a chipper voice perked up with a loud band of the door, "Oh GOD." Willow saw what she had stumbled upon and swiftly shut her eyes, "Sorry I forgot my Rec. Room keys so I can lock up the vendors extra stuff. I'm leaving," Willow picked up her key on her desk without looking at the half naked blond couple across the room.

"Don't," Spike commanded as he threw a blanket on Buffy, "She needs someone to watch her for a bit," and then turned to Buffy, "I need to get back to Giles." He quickly dressed himself and walked out. Spike didn't want to leave her, but Willow's untimely entrance reminded him that he had a mystery to crack and it was all for her. "God Damn it" Spike cursed loudly as he exited the dorm building, "Rotten bloody timing."

Buffy squirmed uncomfortably on her bed. Willow sat down on her own bed unsure of what to say, "So you and Spike, eh?" she asked.

"Yeah, um no. It's complicated," Buffy stuttered to which Willow nodded. "Listen Will, I have something to confess," Buffy began. She wasn't sure how she could explain her relationship with Spike without talking about her secret. "I'm a witch," she blurted out.


AN: God that was a lot to type. I am a bit old fashioned. I write my chapters out on paper and then I transfer them to a word document afterwards. So I write a wonderful chapter and then comes the boring part… typing it up. I have had a busy couple of weeks, but surprisingly enough I was able to write this long chapter in about a week. I am trying my best to keep my promise of updating every month and so far so good. I am going to post this sucker and go eat. Hope you enjoyed Spuffy magic. It was my first love scene so be gentle. Thesaurus you are my hero! I didn't think it was that graphic, but I posted the warning just in case. Until next time… hugs!