"I know you don't want to hear this." Marie-Claire sighed dropping the an old dusty book on the table. "But you will not be able to pull this off. You can be a witch, you can be a vampire but you can't be both."

"I'll do what I have to."

"No you're spending hours searching through these books so you don't have to do any dirty work."


"It will be dirty you know. Messy, bloody, these things don't go down without a fight."

"This is bad. Bad, bad, bad." Bonnie slammed her hand against the granite counter.

"How was I supposed o know he had your phone! You should have said something earlier!"

"I'm sorry you're right, I obviously should have texted you." Marie-Claire shot her a death glare and Bonnie was seriously worried for the glass bottle in her hands. "This is bad."

"Yes you've already said that. It's not like he's going to be able to find us from that one text message."

"You don't get it Damon's like the perfect combination of sex appeal and maniacal genius."

"…is that so?"

"Shut up, this is serious." Bonnie went around the room locking doors and pulling curtains tightly closed. "Like it's not obvious enough with the giant ancient mansion in the middle of nowhere."

"Ya that was really selfish of me to completely uproot my life, move to another country and live down the hall from a blood thirsty vampire just so-"

"okay I get it, I'm sorry it's a stressful situation."

"There's really nothing we can do anyways, you might as well finish up anyways." Marie-Claire grabbed a few more bottle out of her cupboard and marched over to the basement door. "Are you coming?"

"Of course."

"It has to be done Bonnie."

"You can look through every book I own. Each one will tell you the same thing."

"She's my-"

"She's not your anything!" Marie-Claire shouted. "Whatever you brought back isn't Elena. You brought back flesh and blood, you didn't bring back soul, you brought back a monster." She slammed a book down in front of Bonnie, dust flying up in the air. "This will fix it."

The people in the city could not have been more unhelpful. Besides the fact they instantly recognized Damon and Stefan as 'outsiders', apparently everyone and their neighbors was named Joseph and there were enough Maries in the city to drown in. The only answer they had was from a little girl that might have seen Bonnie, only remembering a pretty red head that had headed north. With no other leads the headed in the direction she had pointed to.

It was like a sign from heaven. Because once hey headed out of town there was only one set of tire tracks in the snow. Damon almost thought it had to be some sort of trap or diversion, there was no way Bonnie could be that stupid to leave a trail right to her but then he pulled up to an old mansion with his car sitting right in the driveway.

Damon decided he was going to end what Bonnie had started, no matter what it took.

Ok I am so sorry this chapter is so short I'm jus trying to get everyone together so it can start to get good . Next chapter you'll all find out exactly what happened to Elena and of course some good old Bonnie Damon action. On another note though this story is as you can probably tell is coming to a close, but on a happier note I'm working on two other B/D stories, one from the book and one the show. I think they'll be pretty awesome and I'll start posting when this story is over.
