Alright… I wasn't going to post this chapter, but there was a very insistent reviewer who convinced me to. The reason I wasn't' going to was because I had lost the pages that I had written the last chapter, so right now I'm doing it basically from scratch and from what little memory I have of that chapter. I hope it goes ok. If not, I'm sorry. Oh, and I would suggest re-reading the 7th chapter (if not the whole story) before reading this. Otherwise… there might be some confusion.

Sara and Jimmy were still hanging out when they ran into Double D. "Hey guys" he said, "Have you seen Nazz?"

Before they answered they glanced at each other nervously. "Y-yeah. We've seen her. About 15-30 minutes ago."

"You know where she is?" he asked urgently. "I went by her house but she wasn't there."

Sara shrugged. Both her and Jimmy were still really tense. "I don't-" Sara started but Jimmy jabbed her and gave her a look.

"I think we should tell him what happened." Jimmy said, "It might be important."

Double D looked alarmed. "What?! What happened?"

"Jimmy…" Sara said, "It's none of our business."

"I think it should be Sara." Jimmy said, glancing at Double D. "He seemed a little off."

"Who? Damnit. Just tell me." Double D.

Sara just stared at Jimmy, glancing at Double D every few seconds.

"If you don't, I will" Jimmy

Sara sighed, "alright." She turned to Double D. "She went with Kevin."

"What?!?! When? How long ago?"

"Relax," Sara said, putting a hand on his arm. "I'm sure she won't do anything. She loves you."

"I'm not worried about that… I'm worried about him doing something to her." He looked around. "Which way did they go?"

They pointed. "Towards Kevin's house." And Double D took off running. They glanced at each other, wondering what they should do. They decided to just sit there and wait to see what happens.

Nazz woke up and found herself with her arms tied to the bedposts of a bed she was laying on. Confused, she looked around, hoping to figure out where she was. The room was very familiar. She had been in it thousands of times, especially when she was younger… it was Kevin's room. Kevin! 'That's right,' she thought to herself, her memory returning. She had been talking to Kevin… then he hit her! "Oh my god," she moaned, trying work her wrists free from their bonds.

"I'd stay put if I were you," Came a voice from the door.

She turned her head and gasped. It was Kevin… with a gun. "Kevin… what are you doing?"

"You're not going to leave me." He stepped closer and she could see the madness in his eyes. "You'll never leave. You're mine."

"No Kevin," she said, almost in a whisper "I can't leave you… because I was never yours!" For some reason, her fear had left her and had been replaced by her outrage of… well, what was happening.

Rage filled Kevin's face. He walked over to the bed and slapped her in the face, then shoved the gun in it. "You WILL be mine." He ran his free hand down from her neck, over her button up shirt to painfully grasp one of her breasts, over her skirt and onto her upper thigh. The hand that was holding the gun went to her other thigh and began to spread them.

"No! Kevin!" Nazz started to struggle and kick. "Get away!"

He hit her again. "Shut up!" He began to unbuckle his pants. Just as he freed himself and was about to move her panties aside (her screaming and shouting the entire time) when all of a sudden a jolt of pain hit him in the shoulder, knocking him off of Nazz and knocking the gun to the floor.

"Get the fuck away from her you bastard!"

Kevin looked up to see Double D standing next to the bed with his baseball bat in his hands. Kevin stood up, laughing a little. "Well, well… look at who finally got the balls to play with the big boys now." He stepped closer and Double D raised the bat, ready to take another swing.

Once Kevin got into range, Double D swung, as hard as he could. Kevin caught the bat in his left hand and punched Double D in the jaw with his right. Kevin punched him so hard that he was knocked to the ground. Kevin picked up the bat, stood over Double D and swung the bat hard, hitting him n the back. Double D yelled out in pain.

"Stop it!" Nazz yelled. "Leave him alone. Help us! Somebody help us!" She started to cry.

"Just you wait, baby." Kevin said, turning to her with a twisted look on his face. "You're turn will come soon." He went back to where he dropped the gun and tossed the bat into the corner as he bent down to pick up his gun. He then went back over to Nazz and nuzzled his face against hers. "First… I'm gonna fuck your brains out." Nazz let out a sob and Double D heard, but he couldn't seem to get enough air to breath or move at all. "Oh, you'll pretend you don't like it. You'll kick and you'll scream and you'll yell, but I'll know the truth." He moved his right hand down between her legs and groped her perversely. "I'll know you'll be loving every minute of it. And then…" he said, bringing the gun up under her chin. "I'll blow both our brains out. And we'll be together forever."

"You're sick." Nazz sobbed, fear and anger mixed in her voice. By this time Double D had made it to his hands and knees and was slowly moving to the side of the bed.

Kevin caught sight of this. "But first…" He then made his way to the other side of the bed and kicked Double D hard in the ribs, then grabbed Double D by the collar of his shirt and hauled him to his feet. "I'm gonna put a bullet in his fucking skull" He brought the gun up and hit Double D in the head with the side of the barrel and let him drop back down to the floor, then aimed the gun at his (Double D) forehead.

Double D braced himself for the blow, and he wished. He didn't wish for his own life to be spared, he just wished that he could have saved Nazz from what was sure to come, even if he had to forfeit his life.

Just as Kevin was about to pull the trigger, Nazz (who's feet were untied) kicked Kevin's hand, causing the gun to move away from Double D's head just in time as it went off. She then kicked him in the balls, causing him to drop the gun and grab himself and sink to his knees in pain.

Double D managed to get to his feet and punched Kevin as hard as he could in the jaw. Kevin fell to the floor and seemed to have passed out. Double D sighed in relief as he turned to Nazz. "C'mon," he said as he began to untie her from the bed. "Let's get out of here before he wakes up."

As he got the first one untied, Kevin got up from the floor, gun back in his hand. "Oh no you don't," He pointed the gun at Double D's head as he turned around. "I won't let you go so easily."

Just as he was about to pull the trigger, Marie burst into the room. She had been talking to Sara and Jimmy when she heard the first gunshot and came running. When she seen the gun pointed at Double D she instinctively goes towards it and tries to wrestle it away from Kevin. He tried to just push her way. "Get away from me, bitch. I should've killed you for betraying me the first time. I won't make that mistake again." But she is persistent and doesn't let go.

"Go Double D, untie Nazz and get out of here! Oh-"

Kevin decided not to play around and just punched Marie in the face. She fell to the ground holding her face. "Die bitch!" Kevin said before shooting her in the stomach.

"Marie!" Nazz yelled in shock.

As Kevin turned, his face met his bat. Instead of rushing to untie Nazz, Double D decided to get the bat and help Marie, desperately hoping to do it before the gun went off. Kevin went down, his mouth and nose bloody, but the gun was still in his hand. Double D wasted no time, he hit Kevin again with the bat and kicked the gun far away from him, not really caring if he was alive or not. He quickly grabbed something to staunch Marie's bleeding while Nazz untied her remaining hand with her free one.

As Double D held pressure on Marie's wound he told Nazz to go call an ambulance and the police. He then turned to Marie and seen she was still awake. "Just hold on Marie… you're gonna be ok… just hold on."

All of a sudden Double D heard a gunshot. Kevin had been behind him with the baseball bat, ready to bash his brains in. He turned and seen Nazz holding the gun, pointing it at where Kevin had been standing. She let out a sob as she set the gun on the bed. "I'll go call the ambulance," she said, tears still falling from her eyes. She left the room. Double D turned his attention back to Marie as she began to speak.

"I-I'm sorry… Double D"

"Sorry? Sorry for what?"

"For… for all this… for helping Kevin…. For letting things get this far…"

He smiled at her gently, and stroked the side of her face. "It's not your fault… and besides, if it weren't for you, Nazz and I would prolly be dead right about now."

She smiled at him, then winced. "Oh… Double D…. It-It hurts…"

"I know…" he said, rubbing her hand. "Just hold on, help's on it's way."

She looked into his eyes and he seen they already started to turn glossy. He knew right then. Marie was going to die. Tears stung his eyes.

"I'm sorry…" she started again.

"Don't" he whispered. "I already told you it wasn't your fault."

"No…" she whispered, and tried to shake her head, but found she didn't have the streangth. "I'm sorry for…" her voice dropped so low that Double D had to lean very close to her to hear her. "For tormenting you all those years… I-I loved you… and I still do." Tears started to flow from her eyes. "All I ever wanted was for you to be h-happy." She sniffed and gasped as a wave of pain flowed through her. "Promise… promise me you will be."

A sob worked it's way into Double D's throat. She was dying and they both knew it. He nodded. "I'll try."

She smiled, but it was full of pain and sadness. "I love you, Double D." She whispered. Then she brushed her lips acrossed Double D's. If he hadn't moved closer she wouldn't have found the streangth to lift her head to do it. As the kiss ended, her head went back down to the floor, and she let out her last breath.

"Marie…" He whispered as a tear fell down his cheek and he held her tightly to him. "Thank you… for everything." He kissed her forehead and buried his face in the crook of her shoulder.

He then felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Nazz kneeling next to him, tears also in her eyes. He flung his arms around Nazz and they just sat there holding each other until the police and ambulance arrived.

Well, that was it. There's no more folks. I hope you enjoyed it, and appreciate the fact I had to re-write this entire chapter mostly from scratch. Please review even if you think it stunk. Thanks!
