Disclaimer: I've given up on the conventional means of obtaining my quarry and have turned to some other…..alternative means of acquiring them. I will now open the time portal and travel back in time to when Japan occupied America, way before the Republic of Chad invaded Cuba and took control from Abe Lincoln.

Two men in white suits step out from behind the door holding a nice white jacket covered in straps

Man 1: Remember Bob, these fanfiction authors are tricky, unpredictable and masters of talking their way out of things. Be careful.

Man 2 (Bob): Right Sam. Same to you.

the men walk forward holding out the jacket

What, what are you doing! Get away from me.

Sam: Just doing our job ma'am. Got word you were trying to open a time portal to obtain ownership of a cartoon.

That's not true! They're very real and so is my portal. See? waves around a remote control and piece of paper This is a 100 authentic time/space transducer, I even have papers. And, I built it myself. smiles with pride

Bob: takes away paper and reads it This is written in crayon. And you spelled transducer wrong.

Sam: Alright. Lets go. makes a grab for BEF's arm

No! No! I have pocky! I'll share it with you if you let me open the portal. charming smile

Bob: Hear that Sam? Pocky. I love those things.

Sam: Concentrate Bob. Remember the tricks they use.

What tricks?

Sam: Ooh. She's good.

men make a sudden lunge and trap BEF in the jacket, quickly tying the knots

Bob: Alright Blue-Eyed Floozy. Now just deny the attempts on Ms. Takahashi's creations in front of the Court of Appeals and you can go.

Sam: (smacks Bob upside his head) Don't tell her that, you idiot!

walk BEF out to their padded van

And they're coming to take me away ha haaa

They're coming to take me away ha haaa ho ho hee hee

To the funny farm where life is beautiful all the time

And I'll be happy to see those nice young men

In their clean white c-- (snore)

Bob: I hate that song.

Sam: I know. Must they always sing it. Curse you Napoleon XIV! Damn hippies.

Bob: At least her sedative took effect quickly enough.

Sam: Yeah. But know we're stuck saying the disclaimer to her stupid fic.

Bob: Oh yeah. What do you think'll happen if we just skip it?

Sam: (thinks for a bit) Probably nothing.

Bob: Okay.

Get in van and drive quickly to the asylum

Chapter 15: Disastrous Reunions and Heated Make-ups

Kagome approached the tree with trepidation. What would he say after the way she'd acted? Apparently nothing. She stood underneath the tree for a good five minutes before saying a word.

"Inuyasha?" He shifted his back to her. "I'm sorry okay?" She heard his snort. "Fine, don't believe me. I'm leaving now so catch up when you're ready to see my face again."

He sighed as her scent got fainter. He didn't want to come down until he'd gotten himself more under control. Her scent. Damn her alluring scent to hell. He'd have to find a cold lake or something before he could even think of going after her 'cause there was no way he was wasting his seed again. He would NOT resort to THAT now that he knew she was destined to be his. She'd take all of it and that was final.

"Damnit!" His thoughts were not helping his problem. He'd almost gotten everything together when she had to go and walk under his tree with her pack slung over her shoulder. As she quickly walked past, he couldn't help but groan.

Kagome expected him to follow her at least, but she didn't sense him even moving. Rin had begged her to stay as she left Sesshomaru's house, but the demon lord understood, probably better than Kagome herself, what was going on and restrained the child from chasing her.

Inuyasha jumped from the tree when her scent became so faint he could hardly smell her. It took all his willpower to run the opposite direction to a nearby lake for just a second of it's chilling water. He couldn't leave her out there unprotected for long with the scent she was giving off.

He hurriedly discarded his clothes on a rock and jumped in, immediately grateful for the cold as his balls fully retreated from the shock. But her scent clung to his nostrils and even the arctic water turned tepid with the heat of his desire. The familiar stirring began anew and he stalked up the bank to bask in the warmth of the sun before jumping back in, fully immersing himself in the icy waters. He sucked in some of the liquid through his nose to purge the hairs of her scent and came back up gasping for air. A little foolhardy, but it worked. Now he could chase after her without certain parts coming to attention in five minutes. He dressed again, ignoring the way the fire-rat fur stuck to his damp skin and raced after Kagome.

He heard a scream just as he smelled her blood and pushed himself faster in his alarm. Bursting into a clearing, he saw Kagome on the ground. Blood was soaking through her shirtsleeve and standing a few feet in front of her was Kikyo, her bowstring was still resonating from the newly released arrow seated deeply in the ground behind the younger miko.

"Kagome!" He screamed as he saw Kikyo walking towards her. Tetsusaiga was quickly unsheathed and he stood protectively in front of his mate-to-be.

"Inuyasha, how good of you to join us."

"Cut the crap Kikyo. Why are you here? Besides trying to kill Kagome. Again."

"Oh. Is my little puppy feeling left out?" She sneered. "Don't be. I have a couple of people who'd love to meet you." She tilted her head to the side, eyes never leaving Inuyasha, and called to the trees. "Come out. He's here."

Kosimu stepped from the foliage dressed in his fighting suit, eyes as blank as ever. "So we meet again, ninja. See you haven't got a new mask yet." Inuyasha sneered.

"Yes." Kikyo apathetically said. "Ninja outfits are so hard to come by."

"Aww. Too bad." He charged at Kosimu lifting his blade in the air when he heard a whistle and a gasp from behind him.

Kikyo removed her fingers from her lips and smirked. Kagome tried to close her jaw as she stared at the second figure to emerge from the forest. She'd grown a lot but Kagome would always recognize her baby. Well, she wasn't much of a baby now. Kaede glared at the girl in front of her.

"How sweet. It's like a family reunion. Have fun kids." She lifted an arm to her servants and flew above the battle with complete confidence in her fighters. As the soul catchers lifted her into the air, she thought, 'Why can't I see him die? I'm such a sentimental fool.'

Inuyasha stopped his charge as he stared dumbfounded at the scene before him. He faintly heard Kikyo leave. The girl before him smelled the same. A bit more mature, but he could still smell his little girl.

"Kaede." Kagome rushed towards the woman with arms wide open. "I've missed you so much."

Kaede jumped back and hissed. "I'm sure you have you sadistic murderer."

"What?" Kagome whispered as tears filled by her vision.

"You heard me." Kaede shouted as heated tears filled her own eyes. "What did my parents ever do to you?" A scream ripped from her throat as she ran at Kagome.

Inuyasha watched it all with pain eating at his heart. He turned to rush to Kagome's side when he was blindsided by the ninja. They flew through the air as they collided. Inuyasha skidded on his back, helpless to do anything else, while Kosimu pushed off the hanyou's chest and jumped into a ready stance. As Inuyasha staggered to his feet, the watcher-turned-ninja lifted his blank blue eyes to stare at the hanyou. They creeped him out same as last time. He cast a quick glance back to Kagome to see how she was doing.

She was dodging her attacker in what could only be described as a bob-and-weave pattern. Kaede couldn't get a hold on her, and that was fine with Inuyasha. Kosimu charged again while he was distracted. Inuyasha looked up just in time to narrowly miss the dagger aimed for his neck. The hanyou smirked as he cracked every knuckle in his hand in one quick motion and flashed his deadly claws.

He was torn between helping Kagome, settling this with Kosimu and figuring out why Kaede was trying to kill Kagome in the first place. Too bad he couldn't stop time. So he did the next best thing. He gave in to instinct.

Kosimu lost the mind connection after something about time. So he was taken completely by surprise when his opponent fazed out of sight and appeared right behind him. Without warning, Inuyasha hit a spot on his neck, instantly knocking him out.

Kagome cried out as Kaede's tail tripped her in the middle of a weave. She threw her arms up and screamed as Kaede dropped down on her, claws drawn.

"Kagome!" Inuyasha yelled as he ran towards them.

Kaede's Village

Miroku was feeling better after getting a healing herb from Kaede. The crushed leafs soothed his chapped throat and helped him breath better after getting hauled around by Kirara.

"I'm surprised I'm still alive." He coughed and rubbed his neck again. "She could've been a little more gentle."

He looked up just in time to see Sango hurry past him. She kept her eyes fixed to the ground and wouldn't look up, even when he called her name.

He ran to keep up with his estranged wife. "Sango wait a minute please." He grabbed for her arm but was utterly rejected as she yanked it from his grip. "Sango, please." He pleaded. The tone of his voice made her stop and when he held her elbow again, she reluctantly turned around. "Sango. Look at me, please."

She sighed heavily and slowly lifted her head to face him. Looking into his expressive face, she could see the sadness her silence and evasion had caused him. He looked ten years older, and so lonely she could cry.

"Please Sango. Just hear me out."

"You have three seconds." She stated gravely.

"Okay." He took a deep breath and prepared to put his heart on the line. "I love you Sango." She scoffed. He frowned and continued. "I'm sorry for what I said. Upon further thought, it could be possible that you were married before or-"

"What!" She yelled.

His brows shot skyward. "I take it that means you weren't?"

"Please do not mock me, Miroku. Even IF a man had given me enough attention before to ask for my hand, he would be dead by now so it wouldn't matter. What are you getting at?"

"What do you mean my dear Sango?"

"Oh please. That is the lamest thing you've ever said to me." She sneered.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't give me that. It's not like you really care. 'Dear Sango.' HA!"

"I knew you were a stubborn woman, but I never figured you to be a heartless one!" Even he had to admit that sounded bad. When she turned away again, he couldn't blame her. "Look, I don't want to fight, and I absolutely don't want you to be mad at me."

"Then what do you want?"

"Your love. Like you gave me once before."

"No." She turned to face him fully. "You just want someone to warm your bed at night. It doesn't matter who. But since I'm almost always with you, I obviously make the logical choice." She turned back around and began to stomp off. "Just screw whoever you want. I don't care!" Her voice broke on the last part and the shame was heart wrenching.

With an overly exasperated sigh, Miroku walked in the opposite direction and proceeded to bang his head repeatedly on the nearest wall.

Back at the fight

Kaede's claws scraped the ground where Kagome once stood.

Inuyasha rolled with Kagome in his arms and leapt to his feet. She stepped away from his protection and looked at the woman they once called their little girl.

"Kaede." She called with a catch in her throat and tears in her voice.

Kaede hissed at her and Inuyasha jumped in front of Kagome.

"Don't bother, Kagome. Kikyo's obviously done something to her. Why else would she attack us? Until we figure out what Kikyo did she'll just keep going."

"There has to be some way to stop her Inuyasha." Kagome wailed behind him. "Think of something!"

"Why can't you think of anything, wench?"

"Female irrationality!" She shouted.

"Glad you finally see it for what it is."

"Shut up and do something!"

"I'm thinking, I'm thinking."

"Well think faster! She's coming this way!"

"I would if you would just shut up for a minute!" His battle hardened gaze swung back to Kaede and softened. "Why are you doing this Kaede? What did we ever do to you?"

The chameleon stopped short. "What did you ever do? You killed my parents, kidnapped me and kept me from my loving god-mother Kikyo for starters!"

The couple in front of her looked shocked, then appalled. Kagome stepped in front of Inuyasha.

"What has she been telling you?" The tears dripped from her eyes in torrents. "That's NOT how it happened at all!" Inuyasha put a hand on her shoulder as she had done so many times before to him, trying to lend her his strength as she tried to reach the young mind.

"And I suppose you have a different version, huh? One where you play the helpless victims." Her scales hardened as she readied for an attack. "Well I don't wanna hear it!" She charged them.

Inuyasha shifted Kagome behind him and lifted Tetsusaiga in one smooth movement. His eyes darkened with emotion. He still loved Kaede as his own, but he would not allow anything to harm Kagome. The miko behind him stood strong with a hand on his shoulder, resigned to the fact that there was no stopping her. She stared at her baby girl with nothing but love as the girl ran at them.

Kaede ran full speed, claws out, scales hardened and poison spit forming in the back of her mouth. Then a memory clicked into place. The blur of white and black hair, that is, the memory of her parents finally had a face.

And it was theirs.

Once again in her short life, she dropped to the forest floor with a dull thud. The pain came and soon the darkness overtook her once again.

Back at the village

Miroku went to see Kaede once more about the self-inflicted lumps on his head.

"What happened this time Miroku?" Her gravelly voice sounded out.

"I had a fight with a wall." He said sourly.

The old miko chuckled. "I'd say it won." Miroku hissed as she applied more of the herb. "What were you and the wall fighting about?"

He sighed. "How stupid I am."

"About what?" She smiled as she finished.

"Expressing myself." He knocked a fist against his shoulders to loosen the knots from being on guard all the time. "Just a few months ago Inuyasha was asking my advice about talking to Kagome and here I can't even get out the right words to Sango."

She chuckled even louder. "Maybe the problem lies not in your tongue, but in your heart."

"What do you mean?"

"Are you saying what you're thinking or what you're feeling?" She rose to store the herbs in the right jars. "Mayhap the answer to your twisted tongue is that you are undecided about her feelings."

He looked to his lap. "Could be."

"Think about it." She sat down to poke at the fire. "When you have decided to trust her, then you can trust your tongue again."

He smiled at her back and moved to sit across from her. "I will. But I have just one question to ask you Kaede."

"Yes?" The old miko looked at him once she was satisfied with the flames. "What is it?"

"It's embarrassing, but-" He stopped and looked at his hands for the answer.

"Go on."

"I know that you have experience with how the female body works, since you are a woman, and you were trained as a miko to deal with all the womanly problems that could arise from such, uh, physical activities as what happens…..betweenamanandwife, and I just, uh, needed to ask you, um….."

She smiled widely at his inability to spit out what had to be a difficult question. "Be forthright with me Miroku. You have a question about the female body and making love, correct? What is it?"

'Gah! She's like my grandmother! Why am I having this conversation with her?' After his little inner battle, he asked it as quickly as possible, hoping she wouldn't ask him to repeat it. "Is it possible for a woman not tohaveabarrier even though she's neverhadsex?"

"Ah. I see." She shook her head. Why were men so hesitant to talk to her about this kind of thing all the time? "Yes it is. If she has had a very vigorous physical training of some sort, especially as a young girl, it can sometimes break on it's own. Without the aid of a man. Or if she's been hit harshly in that area by riding hard or in a fight. The only way to truly tell if it was indeed broken indirectly and not through past 'activities' as you put it, would be how small she is inside. Was it a tight fit? Like nothing had ever been inside it before?"

He choked as his stomach did flips. So it was possible that she had never lain with another man before. But that also means that all the things he had said to her were totally unfounded and completely false. That would explain her anger and cold shoulder afterwards. If only she would speak to him for more than two seconds.

"Well monk?" A knowing smile was lighting her face as she watched him put the pieces together. She had already heard Sango's side and now all their fighting made sense.

"Huh?" He looked up dumbly.

She laughed out loud. "Never mind." Her joints creaked as she stood and lifted the flap to the door. "I will help you out of the hole you've dug yourself into. Just be here tonight at sunset."

He walked to the door and looked into her gnarled face. "What do you-?"

"Just trust me." She pushed the young and foolish monk out the door. "Certain incongruencies will be settled this evening."

His head peeked back in. "Are you cooking?"

One gray eyebrow lifted at that. "You expect me to cook you something?"

"Yes please. A big bowl of crow." He sauntered out of the hut and down the street with the old woman's laughter ringing through the town.

Where we left off in the clearing

The two teens had been completely shocked when she had crumpled to the ground for no apparent reason. They became even more befuddled when she shrunk back into her clothes.

"What's going on? Why is she disappearing?" Kagome demanded as she shook Inuyasha's sleeve.

"I dunno!" He walked over with trepidation. It looked like she was gone. But he'd never seen anything disappear in such a strange way. Then the clothes shifted. They bundled into a small knot of clothe. And the center was wiggling.

Cautiously, he pulled back the upper layer and there, curled into a ball, was his baby girl, just as he remembered. Her tail was gone, her scales weren't as profound, and her hair had all but disappeared.

He stuck his sword in the earth, picked her up, and turned to Kagome.

"Wha-?" She muttered.

"I don't know." He lifted a clawed finger to softly stroke Kaede's face. Kagome came to stand beside him and just stared at the little bundle in his arms that was so familiar.

She cooed and reached out for her mommy. Inuyasha handed the baby over and held Kagome as she snuggled the baby. The hanyou's ear twitched as he picked up a sound behind them.

"Kagome, take Kaede and get out of here." He pulled Tetsusaiga out of the ground turned to face the ninja.

Kagome ran a few feet away, and would've gotten farther if they didn't start with the war yells. She turned around to watch the fight from behind a tree a safe distance away.

"So, you're back for more, eh?" Inuyasha shouted at the immovable figure in front of him. "That's just fine with me." His voice broke with the force of his scream as he ran at the ninja.

Kosimu stood still and waited. He was sick of having no memory. The headband seemed to focus his thoughts more on Kikyo, but he could still hear voices not coming from the miko. They echoed through his mind in a way hers didn't.

He couldn't remember anything when Kikyo told him to do her bidding. Hell, he couldn't even remember anything from a month ago. He could gather from Kikyo's stray thoughts and those from Naraku during their short meeting that he was subject to her will through his headband. If that was so, then why did he have thoughts of his own? And how was he able to think of people other than her?

He only knew that he had to make an escape from her and her evil plots. The only way he could discern what to do was to get the damned headband off and then he could be free. He didn't know what would happen after that and he didn't know if he would like who he really was, but he was willing to find out. After a failed attempt to take it off himself, he realized that Kikyo must have put a spell off some sort over the headband. Would someone besides her be able to get it off? He was going to try it out. If his theory was correct, the hanyou he'd been fighting might actually prove useful.

Inuyasha was now close enough to strike. He lifted his sword and swung. A dust cloud was seen as the mighty Tetsusaiga impacted the earth where the ninja had stood moments ago. Kosimu flew down from overhead and flung out a single throwing star. It swooshed through the air and sliced Inuyasha's wrist. The nerves in his fingers went numb and his grip loosened. Kosimu landed in front of him and kicked the sword a safe distance away.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome ran from the cover of the trees clutching Baby Kaede tightly to her bosom.

"Stay back!" Inuyasha screamed as he pulled back the claws of his good hand. "Sankon Tessou!"

The watcher turned ninja ducked under the swipe and the headband floated gracefully to the ground in front of his face. He straightened. His blue eyes filled with wonder as he remembered everything. His real name, his job, the ambush and his captivity by that witch.

Inuyasha regained his balance after the momentum of his attack had forced him a few feet away. He picked up his sword and held it at ready for his opponents next and immanent attack.

Kosimu looked around the tree line. "Kagome." He whispered as he heard her frantic thoughts. "Inuyasha." He turned to the hanyou when he heard the tenseness in his mind. "I will not fight you anymore. I am your friend."

"Feh." He gripped the sword tightly with both hands and glowered at the man. "You're no friend of mine."

"Inuyasha!" Kagome ran from the trees towards him.

"Stay back Kagome. I don't trust him."

"Well I do." She reached him and let her scent calm him. "I don't know why, but I can sense a change in him."

His sword lowered a fraction. Kagome was rarely wrong when she sensed things. Ever aware of his mood swings, Kagome went to stand in front of him and offered the olive branch, so to speak, to the former ninja.

"I don't really understand what just happened, but your aura has calmed and mellowed." She held out the headband to him. "It happened when you lost this. Here."

He stared intensely at the offending fabric. "Keep that away from me." He backed away.

Kagome's brow furrowed. "But it's yours." She walked forward with the cloth extended.

"No it's not." He continued to edge away.

Inuyasha growled as his grip returned to the sword and he advanced on them. "Kagome get away, he's trying to trap you."

Kosimu looked back at the hanyou. "No I'm not." He looked back at the headband. "That cursed band held me prisoner to the woman's will. I had to do everything she said. Especially when I didn't want to."

"You mean Kikyo?" Kagome thought out loud.

"Yes." He closed his eyes and breathed deeply. "If you have something to eat, I will tell you of my enchantment."

"Sure thing." Kagome went to where her bag had fallen and got out her camping stove. With her reserve water, she was soon boiling the essential ingredient for instant ramen. "Come on Inuyasha."

He grudgingly came over and sat beside her. "We always have to share my ramen whenever we have to hear some lame story." He sat his sword over his folded legs and stared hard at the ninja. "Alright. Talk."

"Gladly." Kosimu cleared his throat. "How to begin….. I am a watcher…."

In the village, later that night

"Kaede, what was it that you needed my help with?" Sango's voice was heard inside the hut as Miroku got closer.

"I need help repairing a rift between two friends." Kaede's voice said.

"That's different. Usually you're the one helping us."

"Yes. But it is terribly important that this misunderstanding between them be cleared up, otherwise there will be no rest for them or anyone around them."

"It sounds bad. What happened?"

"Well, my friends got extremely close and fell in love. They were both a little old to be getting married in the first place, but it was bound to happen. They were always together and polite hostility grew to friendship which blossomed to love. But when they were to consummate their marriage a big misunderstanding took place and now they won't speak to each other. What I need to know is what I should tell them. It's been a long time since I was young enough to feel these strong emotions, and you are just about their age. So, what does it sound like to you?"

"Well, what was their misunderstanding?"

"The man thought that the girl had previously engaged in such activities with another man, but the woman swore she hadn't. He couldn't believe her because he was too fool-hardy to understand how a woman's body works and that her maiden head could've broken on it's own with her rigorous lifestyle. She was always a very active girl. And now he's said some stupid things that have broken her trust for him and have ultimately torn their love asunder."

'Thanks Kaede.' Miroku thought sarcastically. 'Way to just spit it out like that.'

Sango was stumped by how closely it resembled her own story. It could be possible that the old woman was speaking of herself and Miroku. But that would mean that all the things Miroku had said was said out of confusion and jumping to conclusions. "Is that excusable?"

"What was that dear?"

"Did I just-. Ahem. If I'm hearing this right, the man in your story was just trying to justify the facts with probable situations and the girl was being a real bitch about it." Her eyes widened. "I mean the girl was taken aback by his allusions and took defense to that. Is what he said and what she did excusable to either of them?"

"I would think so. If they truly loved each other."

"And if they do, but can't stop being so stubborn about everything that's happened? What then?"

Miroku figured this was the best time to barge in and interfere. "Then they talk about the matter frankly. Right Kaede?"

The old one smiled. "Yes." She stood to leave. "I have some patients to attend to."

"Thank you Kaede-sama." Miroku whispered as she passed.

"You're welcome." She lifted the flap to leave. "By the way monk," He turned to look at her. "you're crow is waiting for you to eat it."

He tried unsuccessfully to hide a smirk when she walked away laughing at her own joke. The smirk left as he looked at his belligerent bride. She huffed as he walked to her side. The smile made it's way to his eyes.

"You sure can act Sango."

"What are you talking about Houshi-sama?"

"You seem like you're royally pissed, but I know how to tell if you're faking."

"You're absurd. I'm not faking anything."

He chuckled deep in his chest. "Your eyes give you away Sango."

She sighed and dropped her eyes to her lap. He squatted down to her level. "I'm sorry Sango. I'm sorry for everything I said. I was mistaken and have no better excuse than that. It hurt to think I was second best for you. But I talked to Kaede and she…..enlightened me to a few things."

"Like what?" Her arms dropped from their defensive pose and he knew he was getting through.

"Like, you don't have to have a barrier to be a virgin. And that you've never done anything like that with any other man than me and that's how I want it to be forever." She tried to stop it, but a smile still formed on her lips. "Look at me Sango." Her head lifted and he could see that it filled her eyes to a shining luminescence. "I love your eyes Sango."

"Really? I thought you loved my butt." She laughed.

"Well, yes." Her laughter made him stop and he chuckled as he continued. "But it's your eyes that I can see the world in." She continued to laugh and look over his head. She didn't notice that his amusement had sobered into love. "I can see my unborn children in your eyes."

She giggled and rolled her expressive orbs. "That is the second lamest thing you've ever said to me."

"I'm serious. Here," He spread his arms wide and stated in a boisterous voice, "come into my arms."

"I was wrong! THAT is the lamest thing you've ever said to me." But she complied anyway.

"Now, look at me." She purposefully stared at his chest. "Come on Sango. Look at me." She did, smiling the entire time with a look of absolute cynicism on her face. "Ah, see? There's Ryuko. That's Shoba. And there, in the back, that's Ketsuko and Hiroji." Miroku smiled at her gently. "I've never felt this way before. I've looked at women and felt lust, I'll admit that. But since I found you, I don't even feel that anymore. Gods Sango! How do I even define what I feel for you? 'I love you' seems so inadequate. I love you more than any man has ever loved a woman. I want you in my life, to spend the rest of my days with me. You agreed to marry me once Sango. But then there was doubt and misunderstandings and anger. So I'm asking you again. Sango, Will you do me the honor of being my wife?"

She couldn't stop the tears from swimming in her gaze, blurring his visage from her view. "Figures all you'd see was boys." She smiled.

He returned her grin. "Maybe I should look again." He leaned in closer until his lips brushed hers. Slowly breaking apart, he spoke softly into her hair. "Ah-ha. I knew there was one in there. Sora was hiding behind her brothers, and I must say, she looks exactly like you."

Sango brought her hand up and gently cupped his cheek. Her head tilted back and she guided his face towards her own. Soon she was again lost in his kiss. The passion between them had not abated after their ordeal. The effects of their long separation was apparent between Sango's legs. Her core was throbbing and there was only one thing that she knew would make it better.

He couldn't contain his excitement, the evidence of which was heating his leg at the moment. Their clothes were quickly shed and they were naked together once more. He was still awed by her beauty and now the knowledge that no one but he had touched her in the way he was about to filled his heart with pride and love for this wonderful woman.

Their lips stayed locked as he lowered them to the floor.

Thirty minutes later

He finally got enough strength to lean up and cradled her head with both hands, effectively reminding her that they were still connected with a slight thrust. He brushed back his damp bangs and smiled down at her. "So, was that a yes?"

She propped herself up on her elbows, tossing her ruffled hair over her shoulder and shaking it to get a breeze in the hot hut. "I don't know. Maybe you should convince me again."

Her giggles filled the house as he pounced.

Hello my loyal fans. Long time no read. I'm sorry. It was a horrible thing to do. But life got way WAY more interesting than fiction. Complete with technical difficulties, my own apartment, no internet accessibility for well over six months, a new job, a pregnancy scare, a new love interest, a break up make up break up make up break up THING that's doing more than just aggravating me, I quit that new job and got another new new job after fretting over how to make rent for a couple weeks.


Being an adult sucks.

If you made it this far still knowing what the hell I'm writing about, KUDOS TO YOU! I send the gift of internet pocky. Hope it doesn't melt on the way to you. I, myself, had to go back and read what I'd written.

It wasn't pretty.

As I've seen more of the series and bought the first two movies and watched said movies repeatedly until I can almost quote the entire thing, I've found that my deep seated hatred of Kikyo was unfounded. I understand her character more and realize that she wouldn't do anything this heinous to anyone, let alone the man she still loves. So I had to go back and give her some kind of justification for the new readers that might have picked up this story along the way.

Also, I am sorry that it's so short after the HUGE wait that I made you go through. I mean, it's almost been a year! But it is thirteen pages in Word, so it's not too short, but it IS too short for that long of a wait. Oh Bah! I hate it when I ramble. Just know that I am truly and honestly in the deep deep depths of my heart sorry for the wait and the shortness of the chapter.

And on that note I want tons of reviews since I've been depriving myself of them for so long. As we all know, I am a review whore. Among my other whore-like qualities that I have only recently discovered….. (UvU;; teeheehee)

Rambling mind of a rabid fan: This is a new section in my fic. While I can't promise I will update regularly, I will always answer any questions you have concerning this section. I have just recently started learning Japanese. It finally hit me what I want to do with the rest of my life. Those that have been with me from the beginning know of my plight through college and the drop-out and all that nasty stuff. In a nut-shell, I wasn't interested in classes because it was like a big high school review only more in depth and I didn't see the point since I wasn't working towards a goal. Now I have one. I want to teach English as a second language in Japan. I'm not sure how it will work and any information on that subject will be greatly appreciated. But now I'm off topic again. What I was starting to say was, since I am new at Japanese I'm not quite sure how honorifics work. I mean, generically I got it, but if Hojo calls Kagome 'Higurashi' and she calls him 'Hojo-kun' does that mean his first name is Hojo or is she calling him by his last name and adding a friend honorific on the end? And if it is his first name, doesn't that mean that they're fairly close? 'Cause that contradicts her actions towards him. It would be like she's leading him on and I just can't see Kagome doing that. But maybe I'm reading too much into it. Then again this whole culture is about the little details. I don't know. Anyway…..

Hope my trip to the loony bin hasn't scared most of you off! R&R!