: Disclaimer :

I only WISH I owned Rurouni Kenshin. If I did, none of you would read this,

you'd be watching the Jinchuu Arc after I got it animated! ^_^

Needless to say, I don't own RK, so you're stuck with this. ^_^ Please enjoy though.

Author's Note - I have not seen the OAVs, I know extremely little of the Bakumatsu events around Kenshin,

so don't expect to see very much of Kenshin here. It's mainly going to star Hiko, that it is. o_O

It would all be over so quickly. It would be swift and utterly without hesitation.

His Quarry stood only meters from him, completely unaware of his presence. The Hunter's speed was unrivalled -

he could draw his sword and cut his prey in twain before anyone would even know he was there.

There would be no pain - he would ensure that - and all the pain and suffering brought on by this man

would end in an instant.

There was no reason not to kill him. He had slain hundreds, perhaps thousands of men in one short year,

and had caused such an imbalance between the warring forces in Japan that the side this man had chosen

was, without doubt, going to be victorious in it's efforts. And how could it not? His skills were legendary,

his speed beyond understanding the of normal men, perhaps beyond the understanding of those who considered

themselves his peers, as well, and his appearance such that no one would ever think him capable of the things he was

capable of. He moved silently, swifter than the wind itself, undetected and untraceable, stalking his targets with such

single-minded precision and cold-blooded calculation that he seemed to be a demon rather than a man to his foes.

When drawn, his sword cut through men like a sharp knife through paper, and the skies seemed to rain blood upon the fields.

When sheathed, he was, if it was possible, even more deadly, drawing his sword with such speed and power that his

opponents were rent asunder before they even knew what had occured, their fates sealed and their lives marked for a

premature end because, somewhere along the way, one Katsura Kogora had decided that they had to die for the future

of this war-torn country, under the guise of 'Heaven's Justice', and by this man's bloody blade.

The Hunter scowled at the notion of 'Heaven's Justice' being decided by a fool of a politician, but scowled even more

at the notion that the man before him actually went along with it. A fool and a murderer, nothing more, the Hunter decided,

and one who is soon to taste true justice, he finished, his eyes narrowing and his fingers tightening around his katana.

The Quarry stood alone in a field of bamboo trees, going through his training kata and preparing himself for a coming battle

that would decide the winner of this war. If this man were allowed to live, then hundreds more would die at his hands,

and the Hunter could not allow it to happen when it was within his power to stop it.

That though in mind, the thirteenth master of the Hiten Mitsurugi drew his sword and made ready for a murderous Kuzu Ryuu Sen,

and to take the life of his baka deshi, Kenshin Himura.


...Do you like it? Please review and tell me what you think!

And if you do grace me with your words of either encouragement or criticism, know that I appreciate it greatly!

Also, please tell me any way you can think of to make the ending sentence stronger. Should I have excerpted the 'baka deshi'

and substituted something less familiar, more cold? I dunno... I thought it made it more angsty and sorta tragic, but I might be wrong... :P

Thanks for reading! ^_^