Part 9

Willow glanced along the teachers table, happy to see so many friendly faces. She looked the other side of her and was greeted with not as many happy people. By the end of dinner the normal teacher's obvious dislike for their guests was apparent. "I would like all the teachers to remain behind" Dumbledore announced.

When all the students had left Dumbledore addressed the teachers, "I understand that you are concerned about our current guests, but I assure you they will be no harm" Dumbledore told them.

"But this Liam, Angel, whatever you call him, Albus, he is a 'vampire' if you have forgotten, have you lost your mind?" Severus spoke up. He wasn't very pleased when a very young person acquired the position of DADA and with Spike being given Magical History professor he had to question his boss' sanity.

"I have to agree with Severus here" Minerva said, "Is this not Angelus, half the Scourge of Europe? Albus, you can't be considering letting him stay here. A soulless creature has no place at Hogwarts" Angel had to hold Gunn back when Minerva let that comment slip.

"Hey!" Spike said. "If you're looking for the Scourge of Europe, you have the entire team here" Willow shook her head.

"Look" she said, "Okay Spike, we know, you and Angel, Baddies to the max. But that's not the point. Angel is not soulless, neither is Spike for that fact. And I happen to know that Angel has a soul. I was the one who re- souled him." She admitted.

The teachers along the table stared at Willow in shock. "A soul restoration?" Minerva murmured under her breath. "But you are so young." She said staring at Willow in amazement.

"Actually Willow was younger than what she is now. The first time she re- souled him" Cordelia spoke up from where she had been standing. "She was about 18 I think. Maybe younger." All the teachers stared at Cordelia in shock, "What? It's the truth, I just thought you aught to know." Cordy said started picking at the remaining food on her plate.

"When I re-souled Angel for the first time doesn't really matter, all that matters is that I did, Angel has a soul and a good one too. It doesn't mean that someone is good if they have a soul or not. It's the person that they chose to be, and Angel has one of the greatest souls I know. Because yes, I gave him that soul." Willow said. She turned to Angel and he gave her a smile. He then turned to the people that were looking at him with concern.

"I understand that you have worries about my presence being here, but I do assure you I don't mean you any harm. My colleges are human, well Fred and Gunn are 100% human, here to fight the same fight that we are all up against. Cordy is. more than human. She's is a higher being, she's lived in a higher plane than all of us can imagine. We are here to protect Willow and Dawn; we are here for our family." Angel said and turned to Spike. "We promise we won't get in your way." He told them all.

"Well then" Dumbledore said, "I guess it's all sorted then, they shall stay." He said. Minerva will show you to your quarters. I know you will want to get some rest after your journey here." He said. Minerva got up from her seat and addressed their guests.

"If you will follow me, I will show you to your quarters." And led them out of the room, as they were leaving Cordy turned to Willow and said,

"We'll come and see you after we're settled in" and they left the room.


Sitting in their common room Spike said, "Well that was an interesting start to Peaches arrival."

"Well it was more of a ripple than I thought would happen. I guess you were right about them not really liking vampires, I mean I understand, but you and Angel have souls."

"That doesn't change the fact that we're blood sucking fiends Luv" Spike said. "Are you going to check on the Bit Pet?" Spike asked. Willow turned and looked at Dawns door.

"I guess I should." She said and got up and walked over to Dawns door and opened it and looked in. Dawn was lying in bed asleep. It wasn't very late but Willow knew that Dawn was tired. She closed the door and was walking back over to Spike when there was a knock at the main door. Opening the door she saw Angel and Cordelia "Hey, come in." she said to her friends,

"Where are Fred and Gunn?" Spike asked as the two came in and sat down opposite himself and Willow in the common room.

"They were tired; we told them they could get some rest." Angel said. "So, what's really going on?" Angel asked, "How big a threat is this guy?"

"He's not a big fish compared to what we've faced before." Willow admitted, "I could probably beat him if I went up against him, but the worry is that he could get someone to snatch Dawn when I'm not watching." Willow said, upset that she could possibly lose Dawn and let everyone down. Spike took her hand and squeezed it in encouragement.

"It isn't your job Pet." He told her, "It's up to all of us. The problem is peaches, that Dawn has been sorted into Slytherin." Spike explained. "Slytherin is home to some pretty mean witches and wizards. A lot of the students sorted into Slytherin have parents that are supporters of Voldemort."

"So we have to make sure that Dawn is safe." Cordy said, "Is there anyone that could protect her inside her house?" She asked and Willow and Spike looked at each other.

"There is one person." Spike said.

"Draco Malfoy. He seems like an okay kid and he seems to genuinely like Dawn, the only problem is that his father is one of Voldemort's top supporters. I'm not sure that we can risk letting him know the full truth." Willow said.

"Well for now, we're just going to have to watch over her very carefully." Angel said. "Its getting late, we'll get some sleep and talk about it some more in the morning." He said and looked to Spike. "William, do you want us to walk you to your room?" He asked. Spike looked a bit uncomfortable and looked to Willow,

"Uh look mate." he said not quite sure how to explain to his Grandsire about the room arrangements, luckily Willow took over and saved him from having to explain.

"Spike lives here, with us." She said and when Angel gave her a look and his eyed slipped into a dark glare, she said, "Don't look at me like that." She snapped, "Spike is part of my family, he has his own room here." She explained, not mentioning that they slept in the same bed. "So go on and get some sleep, we'll talk more in the morning." She said showing Angel and Cordy to the door,

"It's good to see you again Willow" Angel said, giving Spike a look that could kill, "William" he said.

"We're both happy to see you two again" Cordy said and led an unhappy Angel out of the room.

Once they had left Spike turned to Willow, "Thanks for saving me there Pet."

"What are friends for?" she said and started walking towards the bedroom. "Come on, let's get some sleep." She said. Spike got up and followed her into the room. When they were both ready for bed he pulled the covers back from his side of the bed. "Imagine having to explain this huh?" she asked Spike, he just smiled.

"Get some sleep Red." He said and snuggled down into bed. Willow watched him and laughed slightly; she got into the bed and turned off the light. She lay there for a while until she felt Spike turn over and make her turn into him. "I said get some sleep Pet. I didn't mean lie there agonizing over the events that just happened." Willow smiled.

"Okay, Okay" she said and Spike allowed her to snuggle in next to him and she fell asleep. Spike like the night before, lay there watching her. He kissed her forehead before closing his eyes, wondering why he was having feelings that he shouldn't have.


The next morning Willow woke up in Spike's arms. She smiled to herself and when she looked up she found Spike looking down at her. They just lay there for a few moments before he brushed some hair back from her face.

"Spike." Willow said, he brought his finger up to her lips

"Shhh." he said, and cupped her face in his hand. He leaned down and gently kissed her, Willow was shocked but soon found that she was responding to Spike. His hand left her face and travelled down her body and rested at her hips. Willow leaned into him deepening the kiss. They broke apart when Willow was desperate for air. Spike opened his mouth to say something when they heard movement in the next room.

"Hey Guys, are you awake yet?" Dawn's voice called out. Willow looked at Spike and realised what she had just done.

"Oh my Goddess." She whispered and leapt out of bed. She shook her head and backed away from him. Opening the bathroom door she stepped inside and locked the door once she was in. Her back sliding down the door, Willow sat on the ground. 'What the hell just happened?' she asked herself, 'That couldn't have just happened. I'm gay now, aren't I? And Spike is in love with Buffy. It didn't mean anything; it was just confusion from waking up next to each other.' She rationalized, but the pounding of her heart and her body tingling all over told her other wise.

Outside the room in the bed Spike ran his hands through his hair. What had he just done? He didn't mean too, but when he looked down at Willow in the morning he couldn't help himself, she looked like a goddess. He had always admired her, and now away from Sunnydale and Buffy, he had felt himself becoming to feel more than friend feelings for her. He felt like the Poof, running around after her, making sure she was okay and now she probably hated him. Getting out of bed and quickly changing he walked into the common room and saw Dawn eating breakfast. "Finally." She said. "Where's Willow?" She asked. Spike froze.

"Uh she's in the bathroom." He said and sat down to drink his blood. When Willow came out of the bathroom Dawn noticed straight away that something was wrong between Willow and Spike. They were on edge around each other. Spike accidentally brushed his leg against hers and they both froze giving each other a quick nervous look before continuing on like nothing had changed. 'Interesting' Dawn thought to herself, 'Very interesting'

"Okay I'm going to meet Draco now." Dawn told Willow and Spike. Willow turned and looked at Spike nervously before turning back to Dawn and saying,

"Okay, but don't be long, and chances are that we'll be here with Angel and everyone when you get back. If we aren't here we'll probably be in the library." Willow told her. Dawn left the two alone, fortunately for Willow and Spike they didn't have to sit in awkward silence for very long. It hadn't been three minutes before there was a knock at the front door. 'I'll get it" Willow said rushing to the door, she opened it and was greeted by Angel, Cordy, Fred and Gunn. "Hey guys" she said a friendly smile on her face. It wasn't until they entered the room that Angel picked up that there was tension between Willow and Spike.

"So, where's Dawn?" Angel asked, looking around the room.

"She just left" Willow told him, "She's going to meet Draco; I told her that it was okay. But she'll catch up with us later." She told everyone.

"Okay, so what do actually know about this Voldemort guy? Except for the fact that he wants to rule the world, but what's new there? Every bad guy wants to rule the world, and okay I'm babbling now aren't i?" Fred said. Willow smiled at her,

"That's okay, I babble too. Well I guess this would be a good time to take you guys to the library to show you what we've been researching." Willow told everyone and then proceeded to lead the group to the library. They took the most internal route as Angel was still sensitive to the Sun. Once they entered the Willow chose a table away from the windows.


Hermione had been continuing her research on Sunnydale and reading her Watcher's diary when she heard several people enter the library, she looked up to see who it was as not many people came into the library so early on a weekend morning.

"Ahh, brings back old memories doesn't it Will." Came a voice, Hermione not recognizing the person peeked over to where the group was now sitting, and saw that the person who had spoken was the brunette who had arrived at dinner last night, one of Professor Rosenberg and Professor Eaton's guests.

"Yeah sure does." Willow replied, "Researching in the Sunnydale library, where does the time go. Seems like only yesterday we were all in the library researching what baddie Buffy had to kill." Willow said. Hermione raised an eyebrow, these people were from Sunnydale?

"Okay down to business, who is this guy and how do we get rid of him?" the African American said.

"Its not that easy Gunn" Willow said, "Voldemort may not be very powerful individually but he has many loyal followers called Death Eaters and combined, I don't think I would be able to beat him, do some major damage yes, but not completely destroy."

"So who is he?" Cordelia asked. Hermione had been slowly inching her way closer to the group and took this opportunity to announce her presence. What she didn't know is that Spike and Angel already knew that she was there.

"Voldemort was once human, he was a muggle born sorted into Slytherin, and there hasn't been another one since then except for Dawn. His name was Tom Riddle." Hermione said. Willow looked up in surprise; she looked at Hermione in amazement.

"Hermione, how do you know so much?" She asked, although she was figuring out the answer in her head at the same time.

"Well when he is constantly trying to kill your best friend, you kind of learn a lot about him" Hermione explained, although she wasn't her usual confident self in front of these strangers, also she was still a bit ashamed of how she had jumped to conclusions about Dawn and Willow even though she didn't know the full truth. Willow smiled at her.

"Hermione Granger, I'd like you to meet my friends, this is Angel, Cordelia, Fred and Gunn" She said pointing to each person. "You know me and Professor Eaton." Hermione murmured a shy 'hi' and waved. Willow was studying the girl trying to figure out whether she was trying to be genuinely friendly. Figuring that her warning had gotten to the girl she smiled at the girl and invited her to join them. Hermione took a seat at the end of the table and looked at Willow,

"Professor, I'm sorry if I've caused you any grief with my curiosity of yourself and Dawn. I can't speak for Harry or Ron, but I really am sorry." She said, she then looked at what they were researching. "Professor is he. I mean. is he back?" she asked.

"It would seem so, but could you please not mention it to anyone, we don't want to cause a school wide panic." Willow explained, just as she finished speaking Dawn rushed into the room,

"Hey guys" she said to everyone, and then she noticed Hermione and stopped short. "What's she doing here?" she asked a bitter tone to her voice. Hermione turned to Dawn

"Dawn, I'm sorry that I let house prejudices come between what could have been friendship. Will you forgive me?" she asked. Dawn stared at Hermione trying to figure out if she was telling her the truth; she turned to Willow to see what she thought. Willow nodded in encouragement. "Okay then." Dawn said smiling. "Friends?" she asked.

"Friends" Hermione said. She was amazed that Dawn had forgiven her so quickly and Hermione realized that Dawn was a person that she wanted to be friends with. Dawn turned to Willow and Willow looked at Fred and Gunn,

"I don't believe that you have been properly introduced. Fred, Gunn, this is Dawn, you know Buffy? Well know of Buffy, this is her sister, Dawn. Dawn this is Fred and Gunn."

"So you're that girl who spent like 5 years in another dimension?" Dawn asked and Hermione's eyes widened. "And you've been fighting vamps since you were young cause they were taking over your neighbourhood?" she asked Gunn. Both of them nodded and Willow looked at her in shock. "What? I listen; I do pick up some things you know." She said. Hermione was just sitting next her with her eyes wider than they should be.

"Okay, well Dawn and I dad a lot of research yesterday." Willow told everyone. "So, we've made notes and you can look over them" she said passing the notes around.

"I think our priority should be keeping the bit safe" Spike said. It was the first thing he's said since Angel and the rest's arrival. Angel had been observing Spike; he had noticed that Spike kept on staring at Willow and then scolding himself when he realised what he was doing. Something had defiantly happened between them and Angel wanted to know what.

"I think Spike's right." Cordelia said. "Dawn, we have to make sure that you're safe at all times. Especially with the house that you've been sorted into." Dawn sighed and laid her head on the table.

"Is my life one big long Tuesday?" She asked.

"Of course not Dawnie, if yours is, then mine is too." Willow said. "I think that you are going to have to just be careful." Willow said. "Okay, look, lets all take a break." She said looking at Dawn and Hermione and then at Spike. Willow got up and motioned for Spike to come with her. Standing my the window she turned to Spike and looked at him for a second before she said.


Dawn turned to Hermione and said, "Soo." and Hermione said.

"I think we should have a talk" Willow said to Spike and Hermione to Dawn.


A.N. So what did you think? I know that there was a lot of changing friendship dynamics here, but I felt that it was what should happen to get things moving.

I think this is my longest chapter so far :)