Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the thing. You know, that thing in the first paragraph of this fic? Yeah, that thing. Everything else I don't own, in this chapter anyway.

Author's note: I'm going to try to make this fic similar to the game by having the Dragoons go on a humongoid journey before they find out what this is really about. So try to bear with me, as this is only my second fic and I want to try to improve on the quality. So if you have any suggestions, feel free to let me know.

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It was well hidden. There was little proof of its existence. Even though humans walked on the ground above it, none of them ever knew of the existence of the evil they were walking over.

It would take over this world. Slowly, so the humans wouldn't suspect a thing until it was too late. The kings would have to die, of course. Their queens and children can be its servants. All species daring to defy it would die. It would rule with an iron fist.

Its day would come. Oh yes, very soon.


The rain poured over the city, keeping the occupants inside. The lights from inside the houses lit up the darkened stone streets. No one noticed the cloaked figure entering the town. The person was wearing a long black hooded cloak that went down to their ankles. The shadow from the hood covered their face. The only thing visible was the blue and gold sandal- clad feet, which made very little noise as they walked.

The figure stopped momentarily, looking up at the castle. An unseen smile appeared on the hidden face. They had reached their destination: Bale. A moment later they continued to walk, the cloak beginning to get weighed down by the heavy rain.

It took very little time for them to walk to the castle. By this time the clouds were becoming lighter; the rain would stop soon. The figure began to climb the steps without hesitation. When they reached the door, a small hand emerged from the folds of the cloak as they reached out and knocked three times on the immense door.

After a few moments, the door opened a few inches. The weary face of a guard peered out at them, eyes narrowing at the suspicious looking character. "Yes?" he asked.

The voice of the stranger was young and female. "I want to see King Albert."

The guard studied her for a moment longer, then opened the door a little wider and allowed her in. She stepped in, glad to be out of the rain, but still kept the cloak on.

"I'm going to have to ask you to give up any weapons you have while you're here," said the guard.

"I don't have any," she replied.

The guard nodded to another guard at the entrance, then led the girl down the hallway. The walls were decorated with portraits of people; she didn't know if they were family members or past kings.

They climbed a flight of steps, turning the moment they emerged to walk up a ramp that curved upwards to yet another flight of stairs leading to the throne room. Ascending the steps, another smile appeared on the girl's hidden face. The king will be genuinely surprised.

Nothing had really changed since before Albert had become a Dragoon. The only differences was the extra throne next to the King's, and the familiar portrait of a knight hanging on the wall between them. The King and Queen of Serdia were in the throne room, conversing in low tones when the guard and the girl entered. Noticing their entrance, Albert excused himself from the conversation and turned to face the two. Emille stood next to him, as a queen should stand beside her king.

Both the guard and the visitor kneeled before the royal couple.

"Your Majesty," said the guard as they straightened. "This young woman has requested to see you."

Albert nodded once, a faint smile decorating his features. He then directed his attention to the cloaked figure. "May I have your name, please?"

"I'm surprised you don't recognize me, Al."

Albert's face went from a faint smile to one mixed with curiosity and questioning. The nickname definitely sounded familiar, but he couldn't remember where at the moment. Something in his mind berated him for forgetting; telling him that it was very important, and should not have been forgotten.

The cloak was suddenly flung off; it's wearer grinning.


Indeed it was Meru, minus the ribbons she previously wore. She had traded in her old clothing for blue and gold colored sleeveless shirt and skirt that went mid-thigh. Her platinum hair was still in its usual high ponytail. Her mallet, however, was nowhere to be seen. The mischievous gleam in her ruby eyes had remained.

Albert's face had lit up the instant the cloak had come off, as he had recognized her right away. Within seconds he was at her side, holding both of her hands in his.

"Meru! It's so good to see you again after all this time!"

Emille had to stifle a giggle as she watched Albert greet his friend. The height difference between the two made the scene rather amusing. The look on the guard's face, which was a mix between confusion and surprise, wasn't making it any easier for her.


A while later, the clouds had broken up and sunlight beamed down brightly, almost as if apologizing for the delay. The flowers in the courtyard were opening, eager to soak in the light and dry off.

It had only been nine months since the second Dragoon campaign, but the King and the young Wingly still talked for a long time. They described the past nine months in great detail. They were currently walking though the courtyard of the castle, strolling along at a casual pace as Meru described her travels.

"What happened to your friend Guhara?" asked Albert as they sat down on a bench, which had dried off by this time.

Meru gently swung her feet, which barely touched the ground. "He got homesick after a while, so he went back home to the forest a few weeks ago."

There was a pause in the conversation, which Meru decided to take an advantage of.

"Hey Al, I've been thinking. It's gonna be a year after we fought on the Moon in a few months, right?"

Albert thought for a moment, looking up at the sky. Had it really been that long? Of course the days had barely crept along the first few months after he returned to Bale; he had missed the company of his fellow Dragoons. But after a while, the days returned to their regular length, and time had passed rather quickly. "Hmm. I believe you're right, Meru," he said as he looked back at the Wingly girl. "In about three months."

"So," continued Meru, "I figured we could get all the Dragoons together to celebrate."

Albert smiled, this one much more enthusiastic than the faint one he offered her in the throne room. The idea sounded fantastic to him. He was beginning to get bored; he was used to having to fight for survival nearly every day. Now that he was back in the luxury of his castle, his hands were itching to use his javelin again. Perhaps visiting with his friends would ease the urge. "That's an excellent idea Meru! We could have everyone come here and they can all stay in the castle!"

Meru grinned. She was hoping he would be excited about the idea. "I knew you'd like it! I'll go invite Miranda and have her get Hashel and Kongol on her way here. You can send someone out to invite Dart and Shana."

"We haven't a moment to lose!" he exclaimed as he stood up. "I'll get to work on Dart and Shana's invitation right away; then we can plan the party."

Meru's grin became bigger. She wasn't expecting him to get this enthusiastic about it, but she was glad to see he was going along with it. She also got to her feet. "Now you're talkin' my language, Al. I'll come back as soon as I tell Miranda."


As soon as Meru left for Millie Seasu, Albert headed towards his study. It was obvious he was genuinely excited, as it was written all over his face. His soft brown eyes were alight with happiness with a very noticeable smile on his features. Even Emille noticed, but it was most obvious to her when her husband picked her up by her waist and spun her around once before putting her down.

"My goodness, Albert! What has gotten into you?" she asked once she was on the ground. He had surprised her, yes, but she was glad he was in such a good mood.

"A party, my dear Queen!" he exclaimed as his smile grew. "To celebrate the one year anniversary of world salvation from destruction!"

"It sounds wonderful," she said as she smiled. Things had gotten rather boring for her as well, and she wanted a change of pace. A party sounded like the best thing to cure her boredom.

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Author's note: First chapter done. Hopefully the next chapter will get done faster, all depending upon schoolwork, sleeping, eating; life in general.

I know I misspelled Guhara's name, I just know it. If someone out there can tell me how to spell it right, I'd be eternally grateful.