TITLE: Burgandy

AUTHOR: Ben Is Glory



DISCLAIMER: Characters belong to Joss, creator of all things good. Common Rotation for the title, and the song lyrics after the story.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Well, I'm still alive after the A:tS finale, barely. Here's the final chapter of Burgandy. ::sniff:: Make sure to read the lyrics for Burgandy after the story, and to read the final author's note. Other than that, enjoy!

FEEDBACK: It's the end, you HAVE to give me feedback. You just have to.


"Will! Wait!" Buffy hurried after him, raining pouring down.

Still walking quickly, he called over his shoulder, "Guess you caught the show, eh? Weren't too busy fawning over Brood-boy?"

"I was not fawning!"

He stopped and spun around, hair and shirt sticking to him. "Oh, come off it." After waiting a second to glare at her, he started to walk away again.

"Listen, Will, you have to wait," she pleaded.

Slowing his pace, he asked, "Oh, I do, do I? Why's that?"

"Because there's something you need to hear."

"Are you sure you haven't said it to me before? Oh, right, you've been too busy forgetting I exist. My bloody mistake."

"It was beautiful," she whispered.

This got his attention, and he turned to face her. "What?"

She hung her head and confessed, "The song. It was beautiful."

"Don't need your pity, Summers," he told her coldly.

Shaking with frustration, she screamed, "It is not pity! God! Why do you have to be so… shirty?"

"Shirty?" His voice carried an air of amusement, and a small smile played on his lips.

"Yes! You are being shirty!" Her finger poked him in the chest, supporting her point.

His features changed into an annoyed look. "You really are off your bird." He moved away from her and stomped off, water sloshing everywhere.

Chasing him, she cried, "I'm sorry, okay?"

Once more, he paused. "What?"

"I said I'm sorry."

"Well thanks for saying it now," came the grumbled reply, anger welling up again.

"I know that's not what you want to hear," she stated sadly.

"Sodding hell, of course it's not what I want to hear."

She reached out to him. "Just let me explain."

He tilted his head, waiting for her to continue. Seconds ticked by, and she remained silent. "I haven't got forever, Buff."

Tears mixing with rain drops, she admitted, "I whigged, okay? She… my mom was… she was all I had, you know? And when she died, I had no one to go to, no one to talk to. I had to take care of Dawn, and I had nobody to take care of me. I couldn't deal."

Hands on his chest, he explained, "You had me, Buffy! You had me to take care of you!"

Shaking her head, "No. I can do it on my own. I did do it on my own."

He began brushing tears away with the pads of his fingers. "But you don't need to, love. You have to let me in."

"I did. I let you in, and all I could think about was her. I let her down." A sob escaped.

"By being with me."

She nodded.

"Don't you think she'd want you to be happy?" he inquired sincerely.

Swallowing, she said, "Yeah."

"'Course she would. Don't I make you happy?" He tucked a piece of dripping hair behind her ear.

Another nod.

"You're young, pet, and you're 'sposed to make mistakes. But I don't think we're one."

She looked him straight in the eye. "I don't think we're a mistake, either."

Grinning, he agreed. "Damn right." Dropping his voice, he wondered, "You really thought the song was beautiful?"

The question was affirmed with a smile. "Tell me one thing: what's with the name 'Spike'?"

His face flushed at the mention of his alias. "Well…"

Deciding it didn't matter, she crushed her mouth against his. Oh yes, she didn't plan to find love. She didn't have to. Love found her.



Well Ann she bought me a bottle of wine, it was a sultry 93 burgandy
She never minded to dine, on me
We stare across the sad cafes like we're waiting on an accident.
When what we think to say makes less sense
And I'm waiting on the drinks to bring me consent.
Cause lately this is just the way it has been, the way it shall be
Two tables down an old wise man shoots a grin,
You can tell he's happy, happy for me

Hang down your head just like Tom Dooley,
Poor boy, you know you never once fooled me.
You put your trust in the thought that grace was on your side
It's such a beautiful day to die.

Well I guess it was thoughtful, after all it had just passed my birthday.
Bring us another round, one for me and the lady
Though she ain't my baby.
No more dessert coffee, I won't put up another drink.
Madam please show us the check but don't leave us here to think.
Cause nothing was to move me, at least nothing that was said.
But what was most delicately touching was that she recalled
That I preferred it red.

Hang down your head just like Tom Dooley,
Poor boy, you know you never once fooled me.
You put your trust in the thought that grace was on your side
It's such a beautiful day to die.

So we hit the nearest exit, I saddled up the car
She leans through my window says I don't like you driving:
I said now please baby please you know that it's not that far.
I drive home to the latest pretty face she's all curled up on the couch
The weary whisper How was it? "It was fine."
But she'll never know what the truth is all about.
Lying next to the pretty ones, sometimes it's the only place to go
You fumble around for the old kitchen corkscrew and you break that seal,
Cause it's all you know.

Hang down your head just like Tom Dooley,
Poor boy, you know you never once fooled me.
You put your trust in the thought that grace was on your side
It's such a beautiful day to die.

Poor boy, it's too late to run and hide.

Poor boy, it's too late to run and hide.

Poor boy, it's too late to run and hide.

Poor boy, it's too late to run and hide.

It's such a beautiful day to die, such a beautiful day to die.


A/n: So that's that. The final chapter of Burgandy. Thank you so much for joining me on this little journey. I can honestly say that I'll miss this story a lot. Sequel? Maybe. Companion piece? Definitely, so watch out for that next weekend. Thank you for all the encouragement and feedback. I hope EVERYBODY that reads this will send me one final review, that would be awesome. Thanks again, guys. Love, Jordan.