Rhapsody - Hey peepz! 2nd Ginny/Draco ficcie...kinda...I didn't finish the last. Didn't get too many reviews, but hey! I hope you like this one! Oh yeah, Ginny's in 5th year, the others in 6th. Flamez welcome but don't be too harsh please.

Disclaimer - One and only disclaimer, if you've read any of my other stories you'll know I hate these. I don't own any of the characters, except if I make them up, k?

"Summer holiday"

Ginny Weasley was sitting at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall for breakfast with Harry, Ron and Hermione. She had just received a letter from her parents. It was a Saturday.

Dear Ginny -
Due to your OWLs, you will have to stay at school until the year is over, rather than coming home with Ron a week earlier, sorry sweetheart. But we'll see you as soon as we can!

Love, Mum and Dad.

She smiled. Ginny knew about her OWLs and they had finished a month before but her parents always made sure that she stayed for such an important year. Ron would be going home tomorrow, whereas she would stay for another week. Not that she minded, there were great end-year parties to go to!

Harry and Hermione would be leaving tomorrow too, Harry would be staying with Sirius and Hermione with her parents, as it was not compulsory to stay for the last week

"Wassat?" Ron asked, his mouth full of food. Hermione shot him a disgusted look.

Ginny rolled her eyes. "A letter from Mum and Dad. I'm not going home with you tomorrow"

"Oh ok" Ron swallowed.

"What are you going to do today Gin?" Hermione asked.

"Help Ron pack. He can't do it himself" Ginny said.

"I'll bet he can't, I help you both when I've finished going through my own room" She giggled.

Hermione's hair wasn't as bushy anymore, it was just wavy. She had also grown out of studying so much. Harry and Ron both had developed good bodies from Quidditch, though Ron slightly taller.

"Hey! I'm perfectly capable of - oops" Ron had just spilled his juice all over himself.

"You were saying?" Harry laughed.

"Shut up Harry!" Ron said, though lips twitching himself.

"I have to go and take a shower, see you in a bit" Ginny smiled at the three, also known by the Slytherins as the 'Dream Team'

She had just gotten up the stairs when Liz Hawkson, a Ravenclaw in her year stopped her.

"You going to this years end-year party? Heard it'll be best yet!" She said excitedly.

"Sure, just tell me where and when!" Ginny grinned.

"The last Thursday at 7, we go back Saturday" Liz said.

"I'm there!" Ginny gave her a last wave and carried on to the Gryffindor Tower.

She ran the water of the shower and stepped in. Ginny felt relaxed as soon as the first drop hit her body. Once she had finished washingher hair and body, she wrapped her pink towel tightly around her and got dressed into tight low slung jeans and a light blue spaghetti strap top.

Ginny left her long hair down and cleaned up the bathroom. She then went to her brother's room, where he was looking scared and leaning away from something and Harry and Hermione were weak with laughter. Ginny smiled.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"He-he" Harry tried to explain but he collapsed on the floor in laughs again.

"I-I think y-your mum-" Hermione had a go, then tried again. "Accidentally put one of your bras in his suitcase!"

Hermione and Harry doubled over again. Ron was still up against the opposite wall with the same frightened look. Ginny giggled and shook her head. She picked up the lacy light purple bra and threw it aside. She'd get it later.

"Jeez Ron, I didn't know you needed that kind of support" Ginny said. The three of them errupted in yet another fit of laughter.

"Ok, not that funny we can go back to packing!" Ron said, obviously annoyed.

Finally, when they all got themselves together, the three of them helped Ron, but Ginny, Harry or Hermione couldn't look at each other. They finished quickly and Hermione and Ginny went down to the grounds for some girl talk.

"Um..Gin? I really need to talk to you" Hermione said nervously.

"Sure, spill" Ginny replied. She was doing cartwheels on the grass.

"See, I-I like H-Harry and I don't know what to do" She blurted out.

Ginny fell on her head mid-cartwheel. "Ouch. That's cute!" She smiled.

"Yes, but, what do I do without giving off too many hints and look like a tart?" Hermione bit her lip.

"Then wear revealing stuff, but not skanky stuff. For instance, wear a low cut, tiny top, but wear jeans or pants. Or if you're wearing a mini, top it off with a capsleeve shirt that shows a little midriff. Or a tank top if it's hot" Ginny said.

"Really? But what about actions?" She asked.

"Smile at him a lot, flirt and just generally give off a lot of obvious body language. You need to let him know without telling him" She replied.

"That simple?" Hermione asked suspiciously.

"Positive!" Ginny gave her friend a reasurring hug. "What do you say we ask Lavender, Parvati, Dean, Seamus, Tweedle dumb and Tweedle dumber for a pinic and day out here? The weather's gorgeous!"

"I say lets go get 'em!" Hermione grinned. The ran up to the castle to get everyone else.


"What do you all want to do now?" Seamus asked.

"How about a good game of football?" Dean suggested. (Rhapsody - or soccer for peepz who don't know)

Parvati, Ron, Ginny and Seamus looked confused. The others grinned and nodded. Hermione conjured up a ball. While Dean, Seamus and Harry started to explain.

In the end it was Ginny, Dean, Seamus and Lavender against Harry, Ron, Hermione and Parvati.

"Ready, and..start!" Dean yelled.

He took the ball and winded around all the players, till he got to the goalkeeper, Ron, who was a good Quidditch Keeper now. Dean lined up the shot and kicked hard. Ron moved fast and just caught the ball on the tips of his fingers and kicked to Hermione.

She dribbled the ball quickly and passed to Seamus, who missed. Instead Ginny, got control of it. She was getting hang of the game until she tried to pass to Lavender. Ginny went to kick but stepped on the ball and fell. They all burst out laughing and ran to help Ginny up, who stumbled and fell multiple times from laughing so much.

I get knocked down,

But I get up again,

Ya never gonna keep me down,

I get knocked down,

But I get up again,

Ya never gonna keep me down

She got hold of herself and got on with the game. The score ended up being 4-3 to Dean, Seamus, Lavender and Ginny, who scored two goals and Dean kicking the other two.

"You're a fair football player Gin" Dean said.

"Thanks. Would've been nice not to fall four times though!" She replied.

"Don't worry, it's just part of the game" Lavender grinned.

"Yeah, you did great for your first time" Harry added.

"Too bad you can't play football in a team, the way muggles do" Hermione said.

"We are SO doing that again!" Ginny said enthusiastically.

Rhapsody - First chappie, did ya like it? Constructive critisism rather than flamez ok? thanks. Bye!