Disclaimer: I don't own anything you regonize from the Harry Potter books, J.K. Rowling does, for now.

Harry's Worst Nightmare: Dudley Goes To Hogwarts.

What if Dudley was a wizard too? What if he went to Hogwarts? What if he teamed up with Malfoy? That must be hell for Harry, or maybe not.

A/N: Please read my ID, it's important.

Chapter 1: Letters

Harry's hands were trembling as he gave the Dursleys their mail. He didn't even notice Dudley had gotten the exact same letter he was still holding. He opened it and began to read.

Dear Mr Potter,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term starts September 1. We await your owl by no later then July 31.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy headmistress.

Just as he wanted to take a look at his supply list Dudley broke the silence in the room.

"What is this?"

All attention was on Dudley. Aunt Petunia took the letter from her son and began to read.

"No, this can't be true." She cried when she finished.

"Is it a joke?" Dudley asked.

But he got no answer, because aunt Petunia only had eyes for Harry.

"Give it to me."

"No, it's mine." Harry replied and he hid the letter behind his back.

"Give me that, you're not going."

"So it is real?" Harry smiled. "Magic does excist."

"You got a letter too?" Dudley asked in disbelieve.

"What does it matter? Neither of you is going anyway." Uncle Vernon stated.

"But I want to go!" Both yelled.

"You want to go to that freak-school?" Aunt Petunia asked.

"Yeah, sounds like fun." Dudley's eyes lit up."

"Well, you're still not going. The only thing you'll achieve by going there is that you'll get yourself blown up." Uncle Vernon boomed.

"How do you know that?" Dudley asked.

"Well, uh, that's not the point."

"I'm going, if you like it or not."

"Why do you want to go so badly?" Harry, who had been listening in silence, asked.

"So I can turn you into a frog." Dudley replied.

"If you put it that way, you can go." Uncle Vernon smiled evily.

"Can we get my stuff right away?"


"What about the boy?" Aunt Petunia asked.

"We'll just take him with us. It's not like we'll pay for his stuff." Uncle Vernon laughed.


"Where do we have to be?" Uncle Vernon asked.

"Over there, but remember, I've only been here once." Aunt Petunia answered, pointing to the Leaky Cauldron. "Freak place."

They went inside. The place was filled with people dressed in robes and other strange figures, one man was gigantic.

"So how do we get that freak stuff?" Uncle Vernon asked. "We'll need to ask that man behind the bar to open the passage." Aunt Petunia aswered and walked over to the bar. "Could you open the passage for us?"

"Sure. Muggles, right?"


"What are Muggles?" Dudley asked.

Harry, who had gotten an extra letter from Dumbledore explaining a few things, answered Dudley's question.

"Non magic people."

"How do you know that?" Dudley asked.

"It was in this letter." Harry replied showing the letter.

The barman looked surprised.

"That is stange, normaly Muggleborns have to find out on there own. You know why don't you take Hagrid with you?"

Before any of them could upject the gigantic man Harry had spotted was with them talking to the barman.

"You know I'd love to, Tom, but I've got other thing to do."


"Harry Potter will be buying his stuff today and Dumbledore didn't think it would be a good idea to sent his key with his letter."

"What key?"

Harry was wearing a cap. Aunt Petunia had said it was to hid his hair, so they would make a good impression. Truth to be told it was to hid his scar, but Harry didn't know that, yet.

"Is he already going to Hogwarts? How time flys." Tom said, ignoring Harry's question.

"Yes, he should be turning eleven in a few days." Hagrid replied.

"I can still remember James and Lily, always fighting. I honestly never thought they would end up together.

"Hello? I asked, what key." Harry asked again, getting through to the two man.

Tom gave Harry a strange look.

"The key to his vault in Gringotts." Hagrid answered.

"What is Gringotts." Harry asked.

"Wizard bank." Tom replied.

Harry's eyes lit up adn he opened his mouth.

"Shut up, boy. Come on, Dudley, let's get your stuff." Uncle Vernon interrupted.

"That's no way to treat your son." A stern looking witch said. "He does have a name, doesn't he?"

"Professor McGonagall." Hagrid greeted.

"It's not my son and you don't have a right to tell me how to treat that boy." Uncle Vernon replied angerly.

Harry paled, he knew that if that witch made his uncle even angerer he would be in trouble.

"Please, it's ok, I'm used to it." He pleaded.

Hagrid, McGonagall and Tom gave Harry a strange look. Did the boy really asked them to stop putting that man on his place, while he was being treated so badly?

"And why would I stop?" McGonagall asked nicely.

"I'll be in trouble if you don't." Harry admitted softly.

McGonagall took a closer look at the boy. He was really skinny, though it was hard to tell with his oversized hand-me-down cloths, he looked really pale and in his emerald green eyes shore tears.

'Those eyes remind me so much of Lily's.' She thought. "Wait a minute, emerald eyes that remind me of Lily?"

The boy gave her a questioning look.

"What's your name?"

It was now the turn of the woman in the group to pale, but before anyone could stop him, Harry answered.

"Harry, professor, Harry Potter."

Uncle Vernon looked as if he could kill and aunt Petunia could have fainted on the spot.

"That explains why your eyes remind me so much of Lily." McGonagall smiled. "You know,last time Hagrid and I saw you, you were just one year old and I remember your mother saying you were the sweetest baby anyone would imagine."

"Really?" A small smile appeared on Harry's face.


"Well Hagrid, turns out you are going with them after all." Tom joked.

"Yup. Shall we go then?"

"Yeah!" Harry exclaimed.

"I'll come too. If you don't mind, Hagrid."

"Not at all, professor."

A/N: I hope you liked it. You know when I started I thought the beginning was kinda lame, but when I thought, I'll just continue and if necessary I'll rewrite it, it turned out rewriting wasn't necessary.

I know uncle Vernon was quite easley confined to let Dudley go to Hogwarts, but hey it Dudley were talking about here. I also know Harry acted kinda like a small child here, at least, I got that feeling at the end, but wouldn't you be scared of uncle Vernon, even if you are a wizard?

Please review, I'll update a.s.a.p.