Here's for a wonderful 200 reviews! Thanks!

Several months later:

Kagome sat back down and Bankotsu walked away smiling. They had been dancing for a while, spinning in between all the other couples. It was the day of Miroku and Sango's wedding and the reception was taking place.

Sango looked exquisite in her wedding gown. It flared out at the hips and had a bodice reminiscent of an eighteenth-century corset, just not as painful. There were no sleeves and a silver choker with a pearl drop emphasized her slim neck.

Kagome smiled as she saw Miroku spin by with Sango. She smoothed a hand down her sky blue dress and thought back on the wedding. It had been a simple ceremony. Mostly family had been there- Kohaku glaring the whole time at Miroku- but there were friends. Ayame, Rin, and Kagome had been the maids for Sango and Inuyasha had been Miroku's best man.

Kagome looked around the room, laughing when she saw Kohaku in the corner, still glaring, and smiling softly when she saw Rin and Sesshoumaru dancing. But she frowned when she saw Inuyasha sitting by himself, scowling.

She could still remember that night he kissed her. She was reminded every time she looked into the mirror- when she had her shirt off or pulled up. There was a miniscule scar from where the doctors had pulled the bullet out. She absentmindedly placed a hand over her side, right where the scar was at.

After coming from the hospital, nothing had been said. She and Inuyasha had not talked about it, and he had acted no different towards her. The only time it was brought up was when they had to stand trial for Kikyo. She had been accused of attempted homicide. She had been found guilty, but since she had connections higher up, she hadn't gotten a jail sentence. But her connections weren't all that high up, because she was ordered to have mentality evaluation and to start going to a therapist. She could remember how Kikyo had gone all pale and looked ready to kill when she had heard…

A hand tapped her shoulder and she looked up, only to meet a pair of amber eyes. She was…confused. Inuyasha shifted and then muttered, "Miroku said you looked lonely."

Her eyes went down and a sense of hopelessness filled her. He held out a hand and despite how she was a bit disappointed, she grasped it and they started dancing.

He hands were warm and large against her waist and they swayed to the rather slow music. They were silent for a few minutes but Inuyasha quietly said, "I was worried."

"Hm?" Kagome looked into his eyes and saw how they were hazy and unfocused, lost in memories.

His right hand moved so it was placed right over the scar. Oh. "You were?" she asked, hesitant.

She was rewarded with a sharp glare. "Of course I was!" He stopped, looked down, and frowned, cheeks red.

She glanced away for a moment. "I…" He looked up and she started again. "Sango told me how you went to your full-demon form while I was in the hospital."

Inuyasha snorted. "Those idiots had no clue what they were doing." She smiled softly, a bit amused. He sighed and continued. "My full demon form only comes out when I get really angry or am really protective."

Her eyebrow raised and he shook his head. "It didn't happen the night Kikyo shot you because I didn't want to hurt her."

Kagome smiled again. The hopelessness from earlier faded a bit. He going to a full demon meant that he wanted to protect her. So that meant he cared a bit. Her smile became a bit wider.

He blushed a bit more. He caught her eyes and her cheeks tinted pink. He started to lean down and then…

"Sango! You never threw the bouquet!" Ayame called out.

Kagome looked away, slowly pulling away. Inuyasha's arms tightened around her waist and she looked up at him, confusion warring with affection. She was the one who started to lean upwards this time, their faces- their lips- getting closer.

But it was stopped once again, this time by a bouquet of white roses landing on Kagome's head. "Ow!" One hand reached up to rub at the spot they hit while she bent down a bit to pick it up. She grasped them easily and stood, Inuyasha's arms going around her once more.

"It looks like you're getting married next!" Rin yelled, laughing. Kagome blushed and Inuyasha smirked while looking down at her.

"Hey Dogface!" Kouga called. Inuyasha glanced up and a growl started to work its way up his throat. "You have my blessing with Kagome!"

They blushed and looked away from the other. Somebody took up the cue- Inuyasha thought it was Miroku, damn him- to start chanting, "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"

This went on for a good minute before Inuyasha rolled his eyes and decided to comply.

And then it was another minute before they pulled away from each other, cheeks red and both gasping for breath. People started to cheer and then the music was started back up and people were dancing once more.

Inuyasha and Kagome though were still and people danced their way around the couple. "Um, Kagome…" Inuyasha started.

She looked up from the roses she had been staring at and asked, "Yes, Inuyasha?"

He blushed and then took a deep breath. "Kagome…I think I'm in love with you."

She blinked. She blushed. And then she dropped the roses to throw her arms around him. He was startled and took a step back in surprise. She pulled back and then kissed him passionately. He responded in kind, and was breathless when she pulled back.

"That's okay," she said. "Because I think I'm in love with you too." They kissed once more, ignoring the people around them.

And it looked like Rin would be right.