**A/N I suppose you all wanna know what Abaku Shi means huh?? (well except for those who do because some of you might. Well I'm not going to tell you. I will tell you that if you simply go tot he closest book store you ought to be able to find a japanese english dictionary and both words are directly from there and you'll be able to figure it out… maybe the translation isn't exactly like it should be to say wut I think it is, but whatever. A quick japanese lesson for you so you can pronounce it. The Japanese launguage has 5 vowels.

A= cat- the a is pronounced like that in most cases.

E= get- the e is prounounced like that in most cases.

I= she-the i is prounounced like that in most cases.

U= cool- the u is pronounced like that in most cases.

O= old- the o is pronounced like that in most cases.

There are a few other rules you may need to know but it doesn't apply to this name so I won't tell them too you. And to anywho reads this and says I'm wrong then I'm sorry, I learnt all the japanese I know off the internet and that's what I was told and using those rules is how these words are pronounced. Anywho, now about the story.

I actually got this idea from someone else… she is a writer on this site more formally known as shizukaxseto you might check her work out too. But yah, we were talking and I was telling her about my screwed up boyfriend and then she came up with this idea and now I'm writing it. So the idea credit I give to her. I also realise this first chapter is exceptionally long, it's like 10 pages or something like that and I'm sorry if you people don't like that but I wanted to get this entire first part finished in the first chapter. Anyway, now just a few more things and you can read**

~*~*~*~DISCALIMER- I do not own yu-gi-oh and nor do I pretend to. Though this is my own plot and I do ask no one steals it and that I haven't happened to use it after someone else has~*~*~*~

Note to other authors- I'm sorry if anyone has already used this idea but I say this with shizukaxseto as my witness that we came up with this idea and did not steal it from anyone else and I guarantee you that if you have a plot like this neither of us has read it, so I beg you not to flame my sotry due to plot similarities and perhaps read it and get new/better ideas for your own.

Note to readers: this is just going to be a short story I'm afraid. Some where between 4-6 chapters is my personal guess and I do hope you like it and will review because it's good. Should there be something in particular that bugs you about it then feel free to let me go in a polite critisim way and I should try fix it for you. You'll also note that there are several mentions of the past, if you read my other story (abaku koibito) then you will understand things much better because I generally used it as the past to this story. You may not understand all of it for the soul reason that it isn't done yet either. Some of the readers who have read my other one may find the odd spoiler or two and I'm sorry but all I have to say is get over it. I know I haven't given the entire plot out.

Side note: No this is not like a sequel to Abaku Koibito (though I suppose it could be) and no this isn't how the story ends.

Thanks to: Senna for editing, who's more formally known as Phoenix Firerose on FF.net… and she writes this one really awesome story known as 'as I die silently' which I highly recommend. The others are good too but this ones really good!!



Abaku Shi


Kekkonshiki Hakuchumu

Seto Kaiba stood at the front of the large church against his deepest wishes. His brown hair hung in front of his ice blue eyes as he stared at the large oak door across the room. Soon enough his small fiancé would be walking through that door, latched onto her brothers' arm, looking more radiant than any woman he will ever see in his life. Kaiba really didn't want to be there, but after months of his young fiancé begging with him he had agreed to give her the huge, expensive white wedding every little girl dreamed of.

Seto loved her, most people believed him un-able to love anyone except for himself and perhaps his younger brother, but he loved this girl and was willing to do almost anything to make her happy. He'd never admit to that of course, but it was true. Her brother didn't believe him though. He was participating in this wedding against his will and was only doing it because of his sister. Her brother, however, was not giving them his blessing; he simply wouldn't let anyone else walk his little sister down the aisle.

Kaiba jerked his head side ways as he felt a hand on his shoulder. His younger brother stood beside his, an encouraging smile on his face. Not only did he know Kaiba didn't want to do this but he knew he was incredibly nervous. It wasn't like Seto Kaiba at all to be doing something like this, his wedding plans had more or less been going to a priest, just the two of them, saying their vows, kissing and calling it the end.

Not only that but he had never expected in all his life to find a girl he would want to marry. No one ever thought he would, everyone fully expected Seto Kaiba to live alone his entire life, with nothing but his work to keep him company, because even Mokuba was going to leave eventually. He was nothing like his older brother, except when it came to intellectual ability. Mokuba didn't even look like Seto. He had longer, black hair, and dark brown eyes. He was shorter, and had a wider face. He also had more meat on his bones, he was muscular, and his face was much more accustomed to smiling. He was cheerful, and easy to get along with. Everyone in the city of Domino loved him. Quite frankly, he made Seto look bad. Horrible really.

No one in the entire city understood why the nicest girl in the city was marrying the meanest of them all. They all thought she ought to marry Mokuba, they were the same age, and seemed much more compatible too. But it didn't work that way, Seto Kaiba had somehow managed to win her over.

Kaiba recalled the days when she had actually been dating Mokuba. He had hated her at first, he still didn't understand why. But slowly she managed to wiggle his way into his heart until finally he began to love her. She didn't know it, but she had loved him too, for many years, since the first time she'd laid eyes on him there had been a church bell ringing in her head. But it had taken many years of tears and laughter until finally, four years later, she had ended up in the right Kaiba brothers arms.

Kaiba sighed and looked down at himself. He felt he looked like a retard, him and his soon to be wife had made a compromise on his clothing though. She really wanted him to ditch the flared coat, but he had refused. After hours or argument then had finally agreed that he could wear the coat, but it had to be black and he had to wear a white tux shirt underneath along with the regular black pants. She'd tried to put a hat on him too, but that had been going too far.

She hadn't let him see her dress though; she'd said that she wanted it to be a surprise. Kaiba felt that was unfair since he had to pay for it too. And it hadn't been cheap. Though he hadn't expected it to, when she had said that she wanted a big white wedding he'd known it would be expensive. Luckily for him, his money supply was nearly endless, and if it made her happy, he'd do it.

Kaiba looked up as the doors squeaked open (Kaiba couldn't believe he hadn't paid to get the doors oiled). The entire church rose and turned toward the oak doors that began opening slowly. Behind the door where two white, velvet curtains. First out came Gemeia, Mai and Joey's three-year-old daughter, carrying a basket full of flowers. She walked slowly, looking up at all the smiling faces. Her blonde hair sparkled in the sun that showered brightly down on the entire church in brilliant flashes of color through the stains glass windows. She giggled as she threw flowers at Tristan, Duke and Bakura who were all sitting on the benches. She raced ahead playfully as Tristan made a grab for her, dropping most of her flowers. Kaiba wanted to be mad because this little girl was ruining his wedding, but wasn't, he couldn't be. He was about to marry the girl of his dreams; there was nothing to be angry about on this day.

Next came Mokuba's cheerful Yellow Labrador Retriever named Hikari. Upon her head was a straw hat with ribbons around it and a long bow on the back, on her back the rings were strapped and tied on tightly. She stopped every few steps and offered her paw to the nearest guest. An elder lady was overly amused by this and started rambling about how sweet she was and how cute she looked in her little cushion and hat. Kaiba sighed, he was eager to see his fiancé in her seven hundred dollar wedding dress.

Then the brides' maids came slowly through the velvet curtains. Mai was smiling radiantly as she walked slowly down the isle. She and Tea wore matching gowns of red velvet. They were long, dragging lightly on the ground behind them. Mai had argued that they made her hips look to large because it was a full dress, but Tea had assured her that they just were too large due to the fact she had had a child. Mai had refused to wear it after that until she found this nice white lace covering to go over it. It just slipped right over their heads and was worn on top of the dress. The top part of it was all flower printed, but the flowers prints spread out as it went further to the floor. Mai had decided she liked how it was red and white all at the same time.

Kaiba's breath caught in his as the traditional wedding hymn began to play. He watched as the velvet curtains were pulled away to reveal a thin, wispy curtain of lace that was still blocking his view. He cursed whose ever idea the second layer was and waiting impatiently for them to pull them back. They waited a few moments though, long enough for Kaiba to realize what he was seeing. It was the outline of his soon to be wife. He couldn't tell much yet, but he could tell that she'd gotten one of those large wedding dresses that trail on the floor.

Kaiba chewed impatiently on his bottom lip and the curtains rose slowly, being pulled up and folding neatly over itself again and again. He could see the shimmering base of her skirt. It was lines with golden flower patterns all along the bottom. Kaiba's breathing quickened as it rose higher and he watched the golden flower patters spread out along her shirt. The higher the curtain was pulled the more he could see of her shirt that appeared to overlap the skirt. It too was embroidered with flowers and vines. Kaiba stopped breathing completely as the curtain folded again, revealing her pale arms and hands, holding a small bouquet of red roses. He wanted to scream out at the people raising the curtain to hurry up, but kept his frustration to himself.

"Breath," Mokuba mumbled, just loud enough to Seto to hear it. Though he too was wishing they would hurry up. He stilled loved her too, he always would.

Seto took his brothers advice and began breathing slowly again as the curtain raised and her shoulders could be seen. A long cape draped over them, and attached to the front of her dress, just near her shoulder blades. Up another fold and Seto could see her lips, colored in dark red, rather inviting to him. The curtain folded again, and then once more revealing her shy honey brown eyes, which just happened to be peering right into his. She smiled shyly and took one shy step forward, then another.

She accepted Joey's arm and they walked down the aisle together. Seto couldn't help but note that Joey made her look all the better with his messy blonde hair. Her hair was pulled back from her face using bobby pins and in tight curls in the back. A thin veil covered her pale skin, and dragged on the floor in the back.

Kaiba breathed deeply as she came closer and closer to him with every step. Until finally she stood right before him. Joey, somewhat grudgingly allowed her to have her arm back. Joey turned to her and lifted her veil off her face, exposing her pale skin entirely. He kissed her lightly on the cheek, while a single tear rolled down his.

"I can't believe I'm giving you away," he said shaking his head.

"It's okay big brother, there will always be room for you in my heart as well. First, and forever," she said, pressing her small hand to his cheek. Joey gripped it for a moment before finally letting her turn to Seto.

"Serenity," Kaiba breathed, looking into her beautiful brown eyes. Serenity just giggled and stepped beside him. Kaiba, however, could take his eyes off her and scowled at the priest who finally made him after clearing his throat nearly ten times.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate one of life's greatest moments, to give recognition to the worth and beauty of love, and to add our best wishes to the words which shall unite Mr. Seto Kaiba and Miss. Serenity Wheeler in marriage." the priest said. "Should there be anyone who has cause why this couple should not be united in marriage, they must speak now or forever hold their peace."

"I-" Joey tried to say but was less than successful as Mokuba covered his mouth with his hands and pulled him backwards.

Kaiba threw several glances at the other people he expected to object at this part as they waited. No one was going to stop him from marrying Serenity, not so long as they wanted to live anyway.

"Who is it that brings this woman to this man?" The priest asked.

"I do," Joey said rather grudgingly, and through teeth clenched.

"Seto Kaiba and Serenity Wheeler, life is given to each of us as individuals, and yet we must learn to live together. Love is given to us by our family or by our friends. We learn to love by being loved. Learning to love and living together is one of the greatest challenges of life - and is the shared goal of a married life." The priest explained. Seto and Serenity nodded. Seto looked down at Gemeia and who had just attached herself to his leg and was holding flowers up to him

"Marry me," she smiled happily.

Kaiba blinked and watched as Joey quickly picked up his daughter.

"Not a chance, you stole my sister, you can't have my baby," Joey scowled.

"You say it like-" Kaiba started, but stopped immediately when receiving an elbow in the ribs from Serenity.

The priest looked back and forth from Joey and Seto before shaking his head and carrying on. "Oh wonderful," the giddy priest laughed and looked back down into his book. "Oh yes, now Seto Kaiba, do you take Serenity Wheeler to be your wife?"

Kaiba looked down at the short girl beside him. These next two words would settle his fate as a husband, and probably a father someday too. He was twenty eight years old, the richest man in all of Asia, a workaholic and not the friendliest of people. And he was about to marry a Wheeler, more formally known as the scum of the earth in his books. A girl with no real status, and not a lot of money. He'd never understand himself. But he looked back up at the priest and nodded. "I do." Kaiba said and then immediately watched as Hikari went dashing across the hall.

Kaiba looked at the door to see a man he'd never seen before attempting to silently enter the hall, but nothing got past the dog.

"Daddy," Serenity said, some what shocked.

The man stood plastered against the door as Hikari barked and growled at him.

"You irresponsible, inconsiderate bastard," Joey said loudly. "Who invited him?!" he demanded.

"I did Joey," Serenity said, this wasn't really the way she wanted her wedding to go. She quickly grabbed Joey's arms as he started charging towards his father. She shoved him back towards the front and then bowed to her father. "Thank-you for coming," she smiled and then raised her hand to her lips and whistled. Hikari immediately came running and was about to jump on her dress when another strict command came from Mokuba. She laid on her stomach and crawled over to him and rolled over. He smiled and motioned for her to sit back up and then turned back to the front and Serenity rejoined Seto.

The priest blinked a few times before continuing. "Now then, do you promise to love, honor, cherish and protect her, forsaking all others and holding only unto her?" he asked Seto

Kaiba nodded again, "I do."

"Oh what a glorious day. Now, Serenity Wheeler, do you take Seto Kaiba to be your husband?" The priest asked.

Serenity didn't hesitate for a moment. She knew her answer, she'd known it for years. She had realized than but when she had died, the first time and Seto's mother had saved her and talked about a wedding, it wasn't her and Mokuba as she had then suspected, but her and Seto. She smiled, up at Kaiba and nodded. "I do."

"Do you promise to love, honor, cherish and protect him, forsaking all others and holding only unto him?"

"Yup, I do." Serenity said, barely able to hold her happiness in.

"Wedding rings are an outward and visible sign of an inward spiritual grace and the unbroken circle of love, signifying to all the union of this man and this woman in marriage." The priest said.

Kaiba took the ring his younger brother handed him and turned to Serenity. He held her small hand in one of his large hands and the even smaller ring in the other and then cleared his throat, "For a man, devoid of emotion, you bring love. To a man, dark, and unhappy, you bring light. To a man, mean and selfish, you bring kindness. And to me, you've brought everything. I've become new since I met you, and I wish to spend the rest of my life with you, in sickness, and in health, for richer…" this word was somewhat forced. "Or poorer, I promise to love thee, forever more."

Serenity chewed on her bottom lip as she listened to the tall handsome man who was indeed, everything he had said he was, promise himself to her and promise to love her forever. Tears formed in her eyes as he slipped the gold ring on her finger and as he smiled at her. An actual smile, from the man devoid of all emotions. If this wasn't the happiest day of her life, she didn't know what it was. She wasn't so sure if her speech would seem like much compared to his, but she'd worked on it for hours and hours on end, trying to make it perfect.

Serenity sighed deeply, closing here eyes for just a moment. She opened them, took the ring from Mokuba and turned back Seto. "For years, I have known you to be nothing more than a selfish man, full of hatred. Until one day, you opened up, saved my life, and nearly died doing so. I worried, that when you woke up-" Serenity tried to say. She nearly began crying when Hikari began barking at a few birds that had flown down from the huge bell on the roof. That set Gemeia off. She was scared of Hikari as she barked and growled, baring her teeth and jumped as high as she could.

Mokuba was furiously shouting commands, but she was just much to rattled up to pay attention. Serenity sat down, her huge dress puffing out around her and buried her face in her hands.

"Shut that mutt up!" Seto shouted. Tristan was the fastest to act and he dashed out of the audience and caught her in mid leap, which not only silenced her but startled her too. "Get her out of here," he commanded.

"No," Serenity said suddenly lifting her face. "Bring her here," she said. Tristan did as she was told. Serenity whispered something in her ear and then watched as she trotted to the back door.

"What's she doing?" Mokuba thought out loud.

"She's guarding the door," Serenity said simply, still sitting in her huge dress.

Seto wasn't overly sure how she'd gotten the dog to do that, but he didn't much care either. He knew this wedding would be a disaster, and he knew that the dog was definitely a bad idea. But Serenity had insisted that she had to be there, because she was her friend to. He reached his hand down and helped Serenity up. At least she hadn't started crying it would have ruined all the pictures.

Serenity stood up, straightened her dress, smiled at Mokuba and then turned back to the priest.

"Would you like to start over, dear?" he asked kindly.

"Yes," she said firmly and turned back to Kaiba, a determined look on her face. "For years, I have known you to be nothing more than a selfish man, full of hatred. Until one day, you opened up, saved my life, and nearly died doing so. I worried, that when you woke up I'd be shot down as I had been many times before. But when you're eyes opened again on that warm June morning you whispered I love you. I knew then, you were meant to be mine, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer and that I too was meant to love you forever more." Serenity breathed out, smiling, there! She'd done it, and it hadn't been all that hard. She slipped the matching gold ring onto Kaiba's ring finger on his left hand and smiled up at him. He nodded his approval and they both turned back to the priest.

"Seto Kaiba and Serenity Wheeler as the two of you come into this marriage uniting you as husband and wife, and as you this day affirm your faith and love for one another, I would ask that you always remember to cherish each other as special and unique individuals, that you respect the thoughts, ideas and suggestions of one another. Be able to forgive, do not hold grudges, and live each day that you may share it together - as from this day forward you shall be each other's home, comfort and refuge, your marriage strengthened by your love and respect for each other," The priest said, bouncing once in a while during this speech. Kaiba and Serenity looked at each other and nodded. "Oh, glorious day! How I do love weddings. Now then, a marriage ceremony represents one of life's greatest commitments. But it also is a declaration of love. I wish to read to you what Paul wrote of love in a letter to the Corinthians. I believe it is a true model of love and it is a model of love I hope you pursue in your marriage:

"Love is very patient and kind, never jealous or envious, never boastful or proud.
Love is never haughty or selfish or rude.
Love does not demand its own way. Love is not irritable or touchy. Love does not hold grudges and will hardly notice when others do it wrong.
Love is never glad about injustice, but rejoices whenever truth wins out.
If you love someone, you will be loyal to them no matter what the costs. You will always believe in them, always expect the best in them, and will always stand your ground in defending them."

Silence came after the speech and the priest looked and Seto and Serenity. They blinked, unsure of what to do until Seto decided he didn't like the silence and nodded. The priest smiled.

"Now, time for the prayer. Is there anyone in particular you wish to read it, or shall I?" he asked.

"Go ah-" Seto started saying, but Serenity interrupted him.

"I want Joey too," She said. The priest nodded and handed the book to a rather startled Joey.

"Uhh, right here?" he asked, pointing to a line where a bold print started. The priest nodded. "Okay, here goes nothing:

Dear Heavenly Father, our hearts are filled with great happiness," the word was forced, and not said with the regular enthusiasm, as was Kaiba's name, "on Seto Kaiba and Serenity Wheeler's wedding day, as they come before You pledging their hearts and lives to one another. Grant that they may ever be true and loving, living together in such a way as to never bring shame or heartbreak into their marriage. Temper their hearts with kindness and understanding; rid them of all pretense or jealousy. Help them to remember to be each other's sweetheart, helpmate, best friend and guide, so that together they may meet the cares and problems of life more bravely. And with the passage of time, may they find great contentment in the rich joy of senior companionship. May the home they are creating today truly be a place of love and harmony, where Your Spirit is always present. Bless this marriage we pray and walk beside Seto Kaiba and Serenity Wheeler throughout all of their lives together. We ask these things in Jesus' name. Amen"

"Wonderful, now then," The priest scanned his book again. "Oh the part everyone is always waiting for!" he said cheerfully. "Seto Kaiba and Serenity Wheeler, in so much as the two of you have agreed to live together in Holy Matrimony, have promised your love for each other by these vows, the joining of your hands and the giving of these rings, I now declare you to be Husband and Wife. Whom God hath joined together, let no one put asunder." The priest turned to Seto and smiled. "You may now kiss your bride."

And Seto did, without hesitation. He turned towards his small bride and lowered his face to her, kissing her passionately, and smirking slightly as he heard Joey gag and turn away. Mokuba didn't make a sound, but those who looked at him saw the pain. He was happy that they were now a happily married couple, as they wanted to be, but he wished so dearly that he could be in Seto's shoes. He loved her so much, he wasn't sure if he'd ever get over her.

Kaiba did eventually pull away. Serenity smiled and wiped the lipstick off his lips with one hand, but kept the other wrapped around his tall neck.

"I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Seto Kaiba." the priest said and watched as everyone stood up and began cheering.

Serenity squealed as Kaiba wrapped both arms around her thin waist and picked her right off the ground, pulling her into another long, rather enjoyable kiss. Joey stood as the anger boiled up inside of him watching his younger sister kiss his enemy. He could see that she was happy, and even that Kaiba actually cared about her. That was probably the only thing keeping him from pounding Kaiba to the ground.

Joey gasped slightly as his own wife wrapped her thin arms around his waist and smiled up at him. "You want your sister to be happy right?" Mai asked. Joey just nodded. "Well you can see that she is right?" Joey nodded again. "Then be happy for her Joey. Not so many approved of my marriage to you but I think it turned out just fine." She said looking over at Gemeia who was sitting in Mokuba's arms.

Joey sighed, and nodded again. She was right, she almost always was. Joey looked at Mokuba, he didn't seem to be all that pleased about the wedding either. He had probably purposely trained Hikari to do that. No, he wouldn't do that to Serenity. He just wanted her to be happy to. Joey secretly wondered why Mokuba stayed living in the mansion, watching the love of his life love someone else. Joey wouldn't have been able to do it.

"Joey," Serenity said quietly.

Joey looked up at his younger sister. She was beautiful today, and he'd never seen her look so happy. "What's up Ren?" Joey asked putting on a fake smile.

"You'll be happy for me?" she asked.

"Oh course," he said, opening his arm for her. She willingly entered them and accepted his love. He was somewhat upset when she pulled away and Kaiba came over and wrapped one protective arm around her thin waist.

Kaiba looked at him for a moment, considering his newly come up with idea before sticking his free hand out to Joey. Joey looked shocked for a moment before understanding what was going on. A truce. Joey looked up into Seto's ice blue eyes, trying to find out what he was up to. It seemed he honestly did care for Serenity and that he was willing to do anything, which included putting up with Joey for her. Joey smirked slightly and accepted his truce, but it's what came next that truly surprised him.

"Thank-you," he said, it didn't even have that normal cold tone to it.

Even Serenity was surprised by that. Joey sighed, how could he honestly truly be against all of this now? Kaiba had just freely offered him a truce, and even said thank-you. "No problem, just remember who you're going to have to deal with if you hurt her," Joey said, only kind of a threat.

Kaiba just nodded and loosened his grip, then pulled his hand away.

"Oh I'm so happy!" Serenity said enthusiastically. "You two have just made me the luckiest girl in the entire world. I've got the best big brother a girl could have and an adorable, rich husband who's willing to do anything to make me happy. Oh I'm thrilled, let's go get our pictures taken!"

Joey managed to laugh as Serenity grabbed both of them by the wrist and dragged them towards the door. That must have been an amusing sight, one tiny little girl dragging two full grown men around by the wrists. She was especially delicate looking right now too.

She let go of Joey as they exited the church and were greeted by loud cheers and rice being thrown at them. "Oh! How nice!" Serenity said happily, placing her other hand around Seto's large hand also. She smiled and let a few people take pictures and then began to walk towards the long black limo at the end of the walk. It had taken her months to convince Seto to let her make one of his limo's pretty that said 'just married' on the back. She wasn't going to miss her ride.

They got into his car and pulled the rest of her train in behind them before closing the door and telling the driver to take them home, which is where everyone was going to meet them for the pictures. Kaiba had the nicest garden in all of Japan; it was the perfect spot for the pictures.

Serenity wrapped her arms around Kaiba's neck, "tell me you love me," she instructed.

"You know I do," he said leaning into kiss her.

She turned her head and said it again. "Tell me anyway, it's reassuring."

Kaiba blinked and then decided to go along with her request. "I love you."

"Good, now kiss me," she said smiling and pulling him into a long passionate kiss.


"Come on Kaiba, we want some with a bit of lip locking going on," Mai pleaded.

Kaiba just shook his head, and Joey agreed with him completely. The last thing Joey wanted was a picture of his little sister kissing Seto Kaiba, even if he wasn't as horrible as he had thought before.

"Please," Serenity begged.

Kaiba looked into her brown, pleading eyes, and squinted. "That isn't fair," he said scowling.

"Life's not fair, now come on, for me, please," Serenity tried again.

"If he doesn't want to he doesn't have to," Joey said from where he stood beside Mai.

"Don't help Joey," Mai said slapping him across the back of the head.

"Ouch," Joey mumbled as Kaiba finally agreed. Joey groaned and turned away as they started kissing again and the cameras began flashing. Kaiba would never let him forget this, the fact that he'd stolen Joey's little sister would always be the height of his tauntings now, they probably wouldn't be as severe as before, but when Serenity wasn't in the room he was bound to get some of that.

"Oh that's so sweet," Mai said to no one in general. "Come over here and kiss me like that Joey."

"Oh come on, this isn't our wedding," Joey complained as Mai slid her arms around his from the back.

"No, but I still love you like I did then and I want to be kissed like I was then," Mai said spinning him around and wrapping her arms around his neck. There wasn't much Joey could do at that point and it made his feel better to know that at least he wasn't still alone when his little sister was getting married.

"Ewww, mommy and daddy are kissing!" Gemeia squealed covering her eyes.

Joey laughed and picked his 3-year-old daughter up and kissed her on the cheek. "Don't make me tickle you," he threatened. Gemeia giggled and wrapped her small arms around Joey's neck.

"Joey!" Serenity yelled. Joey looked at her. "I want one of us," she told him.

Joey put Gemeia down and walked over to his sister and sat his butt down on a large rock beside a tree. He leaned coolly against the tree, his knees up and his arms resting on them.

"You think your cool don't you?" Serenity teased.

"Of course I'm cool," Joey said helping Serenity and her large dress onto the rock. She kneeled beside him, her dress forming a large pool of dress around her and leaned her head against Joey's. Joey wrapped his arm around her and smiled. The cameras flashed but he didn't get down.

"One of us not smiling, we'll look real hot," Joey suggested. Serenity just shrugged and put her poker face on. She'd become really good at it because she often needed it to compete with her husbands' icy stare. Joey took her arm from around his little sister and placed it back on his knee.

"Oh wait!" Mai yelled and dug through her bag. "I want this one in black and white," she smiled and flashed her camera. The waited patiently with their poker faces on as everyone took photos, as did the photographer and were about to get down when Mai made them wait. "Gem wants to be in this one too." Gemeia ran up and had Joey help her onto the huge rock. "Can't really tell they are siblings in this one…oh well." Mai said absentmindedly.

The cameras flashed one more time and then everyone went back to badgering Kaiba for specific poses. "Pick her up," Tea instructed.

"I don't know where she is," Kaiba said looking at her huge skirt. Everyone laughed, it was the closest thing to a joke anyone had ever heard from Kaiba. Maybe him marrying Serenity wasn't just good for her, but for him too.

"Yah, like your taking her to bed with you, like this," Tristan said, picking Tea up, one arm behind her back and the other behind her knees.

Kaiba sighed and did as he was told, but not until he got another one of Serenity's pleading looks. They took several move pictures. Even ones of them all being total goof offs, Serenity wanted pictures of everything. They even took shots of Hikari, first chasing some birds and then another when she was in mid air. She got pictures of her and Mokuba, and Kaiba and Mokuba and then whole group shots. Even her dad was in a few. Serenity was less than thrilled when the picture taking was over, but wasn't to upset because then everyone went in for the supper. They just sat and talked as they waited for the rest of the guests to show up though because only friends and family were at the pictures.

It was the toasts that Serenity was having trouble waiting for though, she was absolutely thrilled when Joey finally stood up and cleared his throat. "Today I give my little sister away, one of the three most important girls in my life and I'm expected to give her up. I'm easily willing to admit I am going to hate the day my little girl finds herself a half decent man, though hopefully I'll have more say in that decision. I'm also willing to admit that I'm not a big fan of the groom, but I must also say that if it had to be any of my enemy's I'm glad it was Kaiba because I know he takes care of his things. Not that Serenity is his… but you get the point," everyone laughed quietly. "Now, to the point, I love my little sister, more than life itself and I just want her to be happy so I toast to this newly formed couple and wish them a happy marriage despite it goes against everything I've lived for since I met Kaiba," Joey paused. "What do you say when your done?" he asked. Everyone burst out laughing and Tristan pulled him back down into his chair.

"You're an idiot," he mumbled.

"Ahem… well he gets that from his father," a woman said, standing up.

"You'd know all about that wouldn't you mother?" Joey said, his cheerful disposition suddenly gone.

"Joey, shut-up," Mai whispered hoarsely in his ear.

"Now then, I haven't much to say but I must admit that I most definitely do not hate Serenity's choice in husband. I'm very happy to see my little girl all grown up and being married to a highly respected man and I'd just like to say that I wish them the best in their years to come."

Kaiba managed to muster a smile, so far things weren't going too bad and it had been Joey he had been worried about, but he hadn't done too badly. Kaiba looked over at Mokuba and wondered if he was going to say anything, probably not. Kaiba could see the hurt in his eyes and he greatly regretted having to do this to him, but he loved her too and the only difference there was that she loved him instead. He had gotten permission from Mokuba first though. He had told him he was going to and made sure he would be alright with it.

But he didn't stand up, at least not next. Kaiba watched as the older man that had walked in on their wedding late stood up slowly. He glanced over and Serenity who looked surprised as well.

"Umm, well I know I haven't been the best dad in the world and that I haven't really been there for Serenity, but I just want her to know that I'm proud of what she's become and that I regret not being around to watch her grown up," he said slowly.

"Ohh," Serenity cooed, got up and walked over to her father and hugged him. "S'okay daddy, you're here now and that's what counts right?" she comforted him.

"Serenity, get away from that man," Her mother said standing up angrily.

"Piss off," Joey said, standing up as well.

Kaiba could see the friction within the family. It seemed Joey and Serenity were the only two that really got along. He decided it was time to step it. He stood up and cleared his throat. "I'm sure you all remember who's wedding this is?" he asked coldly. They didn't reply and simply stared at him. "You don't suppose that maybe you can put your family arguments aside for one day and let Serenity feel like she has a real family..." it was an order, it may have sounded like a suggestion but the look on Kaiba's face said it all. All of the Wheeler family blushed and sat back down. Kaiba sighed and sat down too, he couldn't wait until the end of this day when he got to spend his first night as a married man with his beautiful young wife.

He wasn't at all looking forward to the dance he still had to live through. Why had he agreed to this? He glanced over at Serenity's smiling face and remembered instantly why he'd agreed.

The rest of the supper went particularly well. Everyone chatted happily after the supper for about an hour until Kaiba decided to shut it down. It was seven and the dance was scheduled to start at 9. He was going to try and get in at least two hours of peace this day. He was hoping that Serenity wouldn't make him stay at the dance that long; unfortunately it was in his house. That was another thing he needed to do, he had to get all the doors locked. A down side to having a lot of people you don't know or trust in your house, and the down side to having a lot of doors. Thankfully he had other people to do it for him.

Kaiba laid on his bed, propped up on one elbow, watching Serenity run from one side of the room to the other, doing one thing and then another. She seemed slightly frustrated, her cheeks were red, but her fingers were, chalk, white. She ranted about one thing or another, he wasn't paying that much attention, he was tired and his mind else where.

"Seto, are you listening to me?" she finally demanded.

"No," he answered.

"Urgh!" she yelled angrily. "Nothings ready!"

"What's so not ready? As long as you've got music, people and a bit of cheep wine it will be fine," Kaiba said, sitting the rest of the way up.

"That's just it! The wine isn't here!" Serenity said angrily.

Kaiba stood up, and placed his hand on her hips and pulled her closer to him; he lowered his head and breathed deeply, her hair smelt so very nice. He lowered his head further and began kissing her neck gently; it always put her in a better mood.

Serenity relaxed and allowed herself to be taken by his kisses, he was so good at changing her mood, though he often did it the other way. But she loved him anyway. He wasn't at all like he seemed to everyone else. His cold, bossy attitude wasn't at all correct once you climbed the wall. Serenity recalled that climb. Their relationship had started with him calling her a whore, and other harsh insults. Then she'd gotten involved with Mokuba and he'd been forced to stop. Slowly they had come together to become what they were now. A married couple.

The words seemed strange. Never had Serenity ever imagined getting married to Kaiba. She had pictured some tall, handsome, smart guy. Serenity thought about that for a moment… it did describe Kaiba didn't it, she smiled at herself and pressed her body against his. He was warm, and she was cold. She placed her cold hands on the back of his neck and laughed as he flinched and pulled away. He pulled her over to the bed and sat down, lifting her easily onto his lap. He took both her hands into his and rubbed them gently, all the while staring into her beautiful brown eyes. They sat there; drowning in each other's eyes until Mokuba came running into the room.

"It's-" he started saying until he saw them. Kaiba watched as pain filled his younger brother's eyes and he diverted them to the ground. "The wines here," he mumbled and walked away.

Serenity's look became one of worry and she followed Mokuba out. She linked her arm with his, "Come on Mokuba, let's go make sure everything's ready." Mokuba just nodded. "Oh and Seto," she called back. "Don't be late!"

"Come on, let's go," Seto urged.

"You're drunk," Serenity stated.

"Am not," Kaiba argued. "It's just that it's 2 in the morning and I've been dancing since 10."

"No, you've just been standing there while I danced circles around you," Serenity giggled, a little too happily.

"You're drunk," Kaiba smiled, placing both his hands on her small waist.

"Yup, maybe just a little," she smiled. "Eeee!" she squealed as Kaiba picked her up and carried her out of the busy room. Up the stairs they went to the fifth floor where the room they now shared was located. Kaiba smiled slightly at himself as he went past some of the other bedrooms. At least he'd never have to sleep on the couch when she was angry.

He kicked the door open with his foot and entered the room, laying her gently on the bed and going back to close the door. "You are one very good looking girl," Kaiba said smiling from where he stood looking down at her from the end of the bed.

"What can I say, when you got it, you got it," she squealed happily. "But I'm lacking in some departments," she laughed in her drunken state and looked down at her chest.

"You're beautiful Serenity, don't ever let anyone ever tell you differently," Kaiba said climbing onto the bed beside me.

"Call me Ren," Serenity said seriously.

"Why?" Kaiba asked one eyebrow raised.

"Because 'Ren, oh Ren' sounds better," she said laughing at her own perverted joke.

"I'll remember that," Kaiba smiled and placed one muscular arm around her thin waist and lowered his face closer to hers.

"You make sure you do," Serenity smiled, and soon lost herself in his kiss.


**A/N … well there's the first chapter… I do hope you all liked it and I'm sorry if the wedding is perfect or you didn't like it or something but that's how I wrote it and I'm note changing it just because you didn't like it because it was Christian or whatever it is lol.. as you can see I learn what to right off the net and really had no real idea what I was doing. Did I do alright?? Well good… anyway, here's the deal, the more reviews I get the more often I'll update and I'll probably wait till I get at least ten anyway lol… if I get more then wow I'm surprised lol Anywho, I hope you liked and I do hope you'll review and let me know what you thought ( and any ideas are appreciated too… I can always work them into make it longer if ppl want it longer. Oh and by the way, the title of this chapter, I will tell you what it means. It means wedding daydream… is that an alright title?? I hope so cuz I'm not changing it lol**