Protector of the Three Worlds

shelli: :::::::wakes up and sees a blank screen::::::::

Al: WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (wakes up tied up)

shelli: hey al your turn this chapter is all you

Al: WELL I CAN'T WHEN I'M TIED UP ::starts struggling::

shelli: ::::::::::::::walks over to al and unties her::::::: there

Al: I'M GONNA KILL WHOEVER DID THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

shelli: :::::::points to yusuke:::::::::

Al: ::runs after yusuke and nearly kills him, except kurama pulls her off him::

shelli: wait a minute hey yusuke why did you tie al up?

Yusuke: ::::cowers behind kurama::::::: because of exactly that reason

Al: I wouldn't have tried to kill you if you hadn't of tied me up

Al: Well why don't we get back to the story before I kill yusuke???

shelli: :::::backs away a little:::::: yea that a good idea getting back to the story

Al: good ::start-giving threats to yusuke by punching her hand::

shelli: :::::turns to the readers:::::::::: We do not by any means own yu yu hakosku or inuyasha just what we create.

shelli: al um...... the readers are waiting for a story

Al: Okay I'll give it to them ::glares at yusuke::

Chapter 4: Yusuke's story and Kagome's true power

~Yusuke is talking the whole time~

It all started when I was walking down the street and I saw a kid in the middle of the street. I told him to move out of the way but he wouldn't. So I ran up and I pushed the kid out of the way and got hit by the car and died.

I was brought back to life after a long time. The only way I could come back to life though was to become a spirit detective so I agreed. My first mission was to get three items that were stolen from the spirit realm. Hiei and Kurama were 2 of the 3 people that stole the three items. So I first went to get the items and I got them.

Kurama and Hiei had to become spirit detectives so that they didn't get in trouble. Well they already were in trouble so lets say it's like a fine for stealing the items.

Then I had to go to Genkai and become her student. Kuwabara was there too and he found out about me being a spirit detective.

We participated in the dark tournament and in the end we had to stop a demon from getting to learn the spirit wave. He was hard and he broke all of Kuwabara's bones and nearly killed me. In the end he died when he was defeated.

In the time to come to save the world Kuwabara, Kurama, Hiei and I had to battle to four saint beasts to save the world. In the end of the battle I was drained of energy was as thought dead, but Kuwabara even as an idiot saved my life by sacrificing some of his own life energy.

After that we battled tons of demons and demonesses. Then we had to go to the dark tournament because someone said we had to come or else it would be our death. I didn't want to die again. We battled a lot of other demons, we made friends and enemies. Then we won but at a price genkai's life. While the tournament was going on she taught me the spirit wave.

~back to reality~

Yusuke sighed as he finished and saw kagome looking at him with curiosity. Kagome asked, "Yusuke I wonder why haven't I noticed your activity or spirit energy?"

King Enma cleared his throat and said, "That is my fault I did it so you wouldn't have to worry about someone getting in your way."

"Oh, okay," Kagome replied, while going into wander land. Kagome realizing more clearly what he said sprang up and shout, "WHAT!"

"Kagome calm down I only did it for your own good," Enma replied with urgency in his voice.

Kagome fumed and asked calmly, "I understand it, but why do you have spirit detectives you since guarding the three worlds and anything else that happens is my job."

"Well Koenma asked me if he could have his own fighting team," Enma answered with wonder in his voice why his son wanted that.

kagome sat down and nodded. kurama asked, "Kng Enma what would you like us to do sir?" Hiei awaited King Enma's response with eagerness for a new mission.

"I would like you and the spirit detectives to work together to protect the three worlds," Enma replied.

Kagome growled and said, "They can help, but I already have Sango, Miroku and shippou. They must not get in my way."

Sango worried for her friend replied, "Enma-sama it would be a great relief to have some help because kagome-chan has changed a lot from power drainage and stress."

"Kagome don't deny it your power has thinned greatly and your seeing the future that shows your death," Miroku answered while shaking his head.

"Okaa-san why are you lying to King Enma," Shippo asked.

kagome glared at Miroku and said harshly, "You guys have only seen a small portion of my power. I am not draining or stressed it is awakening even Midorkido knew this."

"Ya right Kagome," Sango said, "we all can since it you are growing weak so don't deny it."

kagome scowled at Sango and said, "If you want me to prove it then take me somewhere where I can release it."

"No thank you," Sango answered, backing away and putting her hands up in the air.

King Enma looked on in interested and said, "Botan find us a plane of existence where she can release her power. Now!"

kagome thought, 'If only they knew what happens every year on my birthday that my increases for some reason.'

"That can't be good," Sango whispered to Miroku. "HENTAI," Sango yelled when miroku's hand went south. Sango knocked him unconscious for that.

kagome turned to the two and said, "If you are my friends you will watch and listen to what happens." She turned to everyone else and added, "I want everyone else to see what has been happening also, I maybe appear strong on the outside, but I am scared of this power."

"Wow," Shippo said while his eyes going wide, "Okaa-san is usually never scared."

kagome looked at shippou and said quietly, "Sweetheart I am always scared it just never shows."

"Cool," Shippo yells while running around in circles around her.

Sighing Kagome said, "Enma where is Botan?"

Just as she said that Botan appeared and said, "I am right here and please everyone follow me." Botan opened a portal to an empty meadow that stretched on forever.

Kagome was the first to step through and as she did she felt a jolt of power run through her. Shrugging it off then rest of the group followed her lead.

After everyone was situated kagome walked to the center of the field as Enma0sama watched from the sidelines with the others. Sango, Miroku and shippou all were worried and shifting nervously where they stood. The rekai tentai were waiting for what she would show. Inuyasha and kikyo just watched with plain interest.

Taking a deep breath kagome closed her eyes and concentrated on her soul and the center channel for her power the shikon no tama which channel her raw untapped power into something much much more powerful than anything ever truly seen.

With each intake of breath the pulsating power grew more and more enormous. Everyone felt the raw energy and winced as the energy wrapped around them as if calling out for its other half. Hiei looked shocked, but his ever-stoic face remained in place. Yusuke eyes widened and thought, 'She is more powerful than any of us.' Kurama was in awe and thought, 'She is so lovely with all that energy, how could she hide it even from her friends?'

Sango and Miroku both thought, 'I have never seen anything this powerful. I guess we were wrong about her weakening.'

Shippou had the look of fear etched across his face and thought, 'what happen to you okaa-san?'

Kagome's eyes shot open and blazed a golden white as the power coming off of her exploded into a array of different colors. As soon as the power had come it receded back into kagome who still was surrounded by a hazy white mist of power. kagome eyes returned to normal, but as it looked like she would faint she was suddenly walking up to King Enma.

When Kagome went up to King Enma she said, "The power I just displayed almost killed me that is why I fear it"

Enma-sama looked taken aback and replied, "kagome I had know idea that you had that much raw untapped power. You need to learn how to control it I'm afraid."

Sango walked up to Kagome and asked, "So Kagome you're too powerful?"

Kagome smiled softly and said, "I just need to learn control that's all."

Hours after Kagome released her power everyone had settled down and Kagome was left to her own thoughts. Kagome sighed and thought about each member of the rekai tentai.

What popped up in her mind was Hiei the fire apparition smiling she mused to herself, 'he reminds me of sesshomaru.' She wondered if Hiei ever truly smiled. I remember that he use to be a criminal I just never came face to face with him ever in makai, human or spirit world. That's interesting.'

Kagome sat up in her bed and walked to her window looking up at the dimmed night trying to see the not so clear stars. As she sighed and leaned her forehead she thought suddenly, 'I just realized who Yusuke reminded me of Inuyasha those two and Kuwabara were arguing non-stop all afternoon. He is a smart alec and quite handsome wonder if he has a girlfriend?'

Kagome shut her eyes and thought once again, 'Now Kuwabara reminds me of Kouga a idiot and just doesn't get the hint. He of course is also very very ugly.' kagome shivered at the thought of actually picturing him with a girlfriend.

Plopping down on her bed her thoughts drifted to a certain Kitsune. she thought, 'Kurama I believe is actually Youko Kurama the silver kitsune thief. I wonder if he would be a good mate... I ahh mean father for shippou. Maybe just maybe he can mend my broken heart. I also believe Hiei has a chance to mend it because he is as lonely as I am sometimes.'

Shaking her head in frustration kagome muttered, "three guys who get my stomach twist in knots great!"

The next day kagome left to go on her own because Sango, Miroku and shippou decided to go scout the barrier for her this morning. Now that she thought about it they were awfully nice about letting her go. 'Hm..mmmmm maybe they are up to something better keep an eye on them.

As Kagome walked along a path in the ark she heard a clash of a sword. To see what it was she walked closer and saw hiei training. As he moved his technique and movements mesmerized kagome. As he stopped to take a break he didn't notice Kagome. her eyes travel over his gleaming skin, which was covered with sweat, from his training.

kagome blushed at he irrational thoughts and noticed Hiei looking straight at her. He sneered and said, "Ningen what are you doing here"

Kagome glared and said, "I was walking, but since I found you I would like to talk to you."

Hiei gave her a look and said, "Hn."

Kagome sat on the ground and Hiei joined her asking, "So what is it you wanted to ask me ningen?"

Kagome's left I twitched and she yelled at him saying, "My name is KAGOME, KA-GO-ME

Hiei winched and said, "Fine... kagome-sama what is it you want?" Kagome smiled and said, "I want you to tell me why you haven't told Yukina yet?" Hiei glared and asked harshly, "How did you know?"

Kagome smiled sadly and said, "I maybe human, but my powers also involve mind reading and I am sorry I invaded your privacy but I had to be sure I could trust you."

Hiei said, "You still had no right even this proves how much more idiotic you humans become everyday."

Kagome slapped him backup side the head and said easily, "I believe that you should tell her for your sake and hers Hiei if you ever want to salvage what can become of a family between you two. the more you wait the more the chance passes you by."

Hiei said, "Hn."

Kagome sighed and said, "Pease just try Hiei." With that said Kagome rose from her position and walked away leaving Hiei to contemplate his relationship with his sister.

kagome arrived home sometime late that afternoon and decided to take a refreshing walk through the forest. As she walked deeper into the forest Kagome caught flickers of kurama's aura and ran to go talk to him. As she approached him before her eyes Kurama transformed into Youko.

Youko turned and saw a movement behind him he glared and said, "Miko come out I know you are there."

Kagome walked out to approach him and asked, "So this is the famous Youko Kurama?"

Youko nodded and asked simply, "What do you want?"

Kagome said, "I am drawn to you for reasons I am not sure of and I was thinking that maybe you as a kitsune could teach my kit something since he lost his parents so long ago I became his adopted mother."

Youko smirked at kagome and said, "So your attracted to me are you?" kagome meekly nodded and silently added, 'To Hiei and Yusuke also.'

Kagome cleared her throat and said, "I believe it would give him someone to look up to o please youko try to teach. I am not begging you but I am asking you for his favor from one being to another."

Youko nodded and accepted saying, "I will take this offer miko."

Kagome's eye once again started to twitch and she yelled, "My name is KAGOME! NOT MIKO KA-GO-ME!!!"

Youko's glared and said, "I am returning to my other form now."

Kagome nodded and smiled when she saw hose handsome emerald eyes looking back at her intently. Kurama asked politely, "Kagome-sama if you would like I will come to the shrine and start to help shippou control his kitsune powers."

kagome smiled and walked up to Kurama saying, "Its sweet thank you." Kurama grabbed her hand lightly and added, "I believe I can help you also control your power kagome let me help you please at least let me try."

Kagome considered this and started to walk away. She turned slightly adding quietly, "We will see kurama we will see."

Al: I love it

Al: I think that was our best chapter ever

shelli: ::::sees inuyasha yelling at kagome::: hey al inuyasha is gonna make kagome made again!

Al: Inuyasha my sister has the game ready

Inuyasha: Sam has the game ready cool ::runs downstairs like a 10-year old::

shelli: :::::sighs:::: good one your sister doesn't mind?

Al: They love each other, they can't get enough of each other ::giggles::

shelli: al I think we some people to thank

Al: They're so kawaii together ::giggles::

Al: Who??????

shelli: everyone who um... reviewed!

Al : Oh yeah!!!!!!!!! We thank you everyone who reviewed and we hope you enjoy our special story ::giggles::

Al: sorry but I'm a sugar high authoress

Al: Well not sugar high but I've had sugar lately

Al: ::giggles:: is anyone there ::finds nobody::

Al: ::walks out of room into kitchen::

shelli: I than everyone who voted for all the pairings and hope everyone reads more.

shelli: :::::sees al looking at a wall intently::::::: um......... al what are looking at?

Al: I don't no, but I saw eyes looking at me from this wall ::looks at wall intently::

Shelli: while al is looking at the wall here are the votes for the pairings so far:

Hiei/kagome--- 3

Kurama/Kagome--- 6

Yusuke/kagome--- 1

Al: ::screams:: HIUKE IS ALIVE ::hides behind Shelli::

Shelli: Hiuke knock it off your not suppose to be back until your cue in the story ::::::shoos hiuke back to hell::::::::

Al: ::is ashen white:: why is he alive? AND WHY IS HE IN THE FREAKING STORY!!!!!!!!!!!

::background turns fiery::

shelli: well thanks for all the reviews so far please review and we will update more we thank all the readers again for their support.


shelli: :;;glares at al:::;; well remember sense we really couldn't kill him cause your his creator we put him somewhere in the story later.

shelli: Bye everyone!!!!!!!!!!

:::::::::::sees kurama and runs after him:::::::::::::

Al: Bye everyone ::waves:: and please review

Al: Thank you ja ne ::bows to audience::

shelli and al ::::;bow and wave to the audience as they fade out in the distance:::::::