~*~More Than What She Seems~*~

A/N: Yay! A new fic! Enjoy! R&R please. ^_^

Disclaimer: I don't own Inu Yasha and co.


"Daddy was struck by lightning?!" a ten-year-old girl cried. Her step- mother sobbed.

"My husband is dead!" Mrs. Higurashi screamed. A five-year-old boy walked into the room and over to his step-sister.

"Kagome?" he asked softly. "What's happening?"

"Daddy was walking to his car to go home and then lightning struck him!" Kagome sniffed. "Souta, do you understand?"

"Hai," his eyes lowered and a tear slipped down his cheek. Kagome hugged him tightly and they cried together.

It was still stormy. Lightning thundered. Kagome winced. She had never been afraid of lightning..until now.

A/N: *SIGH* That sounded so pathetic, but I had no clue how to start it. But you'll see how this memory is important later on in the story.

Chapter 1: Emotionless Eyes

"Oomph!" Kagome slumped down against the wall and bit her tongue from crying.

"Stupid child!" Mrs. Higurashi fumed and threw down the rest of the beer bottle down onto her step-daughter's head. "You just HAVE to look like your dead father, don't you?!"

"Daughter," Grandpa's voice shook. "It isn't Kagome's fault! She was born that way! Stop hurting her! You're drunk!"

"I AM NOT DRUNK!" his daughter screamed. Mrs. Higurashi wobbled to the kitchen and then came back into the living-room.

"It's your fault that your father died!" she said queasily. "You just HAD to be sick and make him worry about you! If you weren't sick, he wouldn't have left early to go home!"

"Don't hurt, Kagome!" Grandpa took a step forward. Kagome stared up at her step-mother who was looming above her, holding a knife.

"Mommy?" she squeaked. Mrs. Higurashi brought the knife down..





Kagome shot up in her bed and panted heavily. Her hands trembled fiercely.

"It was just a nightmare," she told herself in a small voice. But it wasn't a nightmare. It had really happened before. Kagome looked at her digital alarm clock. It read 5:00 A.M. She got up and changed into her new school's uniform that was required for girls.

'That memory,' she shivered slightly. 'The day she gave me a..'

She paused and lifted up her shirt a bit at the bottom to reveal a huge scar. Kagome fingered it lightly.

"That was the day when 'mom' almost killed me and the day when Grandpa and Souta decided to take me to Grandma Kaede."

She looked around in her room.

Kagome lived with her grandmother Kaede and her cousin Shippou. Shippou was a fox demon and Kaede was a miko. Kaede didn't care if Shippou was a demon or not because she said she knew that there were only a few people left in the world with demon blood in their veins anyway.

"Kagome?" Kaede called through the other side of the door. "It's time for ye to eat and get ready to go to ye new school."

"Hai, Grandma," Kagome answered softly.


"Hey! Inu Yasha!"

A boy with long silver hair and amber eyes turned around and smiled at his best friend, "Hey, Miroku. Groped any girls yet?"

"Ha ha," Miroku sneered sarcastically. "No, I didn't."

He smoothed out his black hair and continued, "Have you seen Sango?"

"No," Inu Yasha frowned. "Why do you ask?"

Before he got an answer, someone squealed behind him.

"Inu-dearest!" Kikyo shrieked. Inu Yasha whipped around and took a few steps backward. "Come here! I want to give you a kiss good morning!"

"Gah," Inu Yasha gulped. He jolted over to Miroku and hid behind him.

"Come here Yashie-mmmmwa," Kikyo smacked her lips together and made kissing sounds.

"Get away from me you gross wench!" Inu Yasha said bitterly. "Bother Miroku instead!"

Miroku held his hands up, "No way! Stay away from me!"

Both boys made a run for it and ran around the campus grounds with Kikyo hot on their trails.

"Come BACK here!" Kikyo demanded. Miroku sharply turned to the left and gasped for breath. He sighed with relief as he watched Kikyo run after only Inu Yasha.

"Help me, someone," Inu Yasha whined. The entrance gate was coming into view again. "Maybe I can make a sharp turn and run up the stairs."

He quickly ran to the right.


Inu Yasha smacked into someone and they toppled to the ground. He groaned and rubbed his head.

"Hey, watch it!" Inu Yasha growled and then stared down at the girl he bumped into. The girl opened her eyes and he stared into gray-blue orbs. She blinked. He climbed off her and picked up some of her books. Inu Yasha handed her a small pile.

"Here," he mumbled and ran up the stairs and into the school.


Kagome stared after him.

"W-who was he?" she whispered. She watched as a girl ran after him. Kagome sighed and clutched her things closely to herself. He looked..different from other students. She recalled what she saw earlier.

"He had beautiful long silver hair," she murmured blankly. "And amber eyes. And were those..dog ears?"

Kagome walked up the steps and into the office.

"Hello?" she whispered.

A girl with long, tied up black hair and brown eyes popped up from behind the desk.

"Oh, hey," the girl smiled. "Can I help you?"

"I need to get my schedule," Kagome said softly.

"What's your name?" the girl asked.

"Higurashi, Kagome."

The girl typed something into a computer and then clicked the mouse. The printer started printing words on a piece of paper.

"Just wait for a second," the girl smiled again.

"Thank you, um, what's your name?" Kagome murmured dully.


"Well, thanks Sango."

"You're new here, aren't you?" Sango asked slyly.


"Then, I'll help you find your way around this school. I was only helping the office today because I'm a good worker and today's the first day of school so..yeah."

Sango took Kagome's schedule and took a good look at it.

"Hm, we have the same classes," Sango grinned. "Come on, let's go before the bell rings."

Sango towed Kagome after her and together, they headed off to their first class.


"Bring back, bring back. Bring back my Sango to me, to me. Bring back, bring back, bring back my Sango to m-" Miroku sang and then got bonked on the head by Inu Yasha.

"Shut up," Inu Yasha growled. "That's pissing me off."

Miroku wasn't paying attention, he was looking at the door instead.

"Sango!" he exclaimed. He blinked and then whispered to Inu Yasha. "Who's the hottie next to her?"

"What are you talking about?" Inu Yasha asked gruffly.

"The girl has nice curves too by the way.."


"Would you stop it with the lecherous remarks?!" Inu Yasha hissed. "That's pissing me off too!"

Inu Yasha turned his gaze towards the door and gulped.

"It's the girl I bumped into," he mumbled.

Sango dragged the girl with her to an empty desk, sat down, and plopped the girl down in the seat beside her.

"Sango," Miroku whispered. "Who's she?"

Sango narrowed her eyes, "Why would you want to know?"

Miroku just blinked.

"Sango?" Kagome whispered softly. Sango looked at her.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Who is he?"


"Is he your boyfriend?"

Sango sucked in her breath, "OF COURSE NOT!"

Kagome winced.


Sango watched Kagome tremble.

'Her eyes are growing..dull,' she realized.

"Kagome?" Sango shook her arm. "Kagome?"

Kagome continued trembling.


"Kagome?!" Grandpa shook her arm. "Are you all right?"

Kagome stared up at him.

"We need to get you to a hospital!" Grandpa gasped. "Come, Kagome! You too, Souta."

He dragged her gently to the car while Souta followed them. Then, with a screech, Grandpa drove out of the driveway.


"She might not make it, sir," the nurse said.

"Kagome," Grandpa breathed. Souta tugged his sleeve.

"Is Kagome going to be okay?" he asked.

"I don't know, Souta," Grandpa stifled a sob. "I don't know."

:.:End of Flashback:.:

"Kagome?" Sango shook Kagome's arm harder. "Is something wrong?"

"Her eyes," Miroku whispered. "They're freaking me out."

Sango and Miroku stared at her.

"What did you do now, Miroku?" Inu Yasha came up behind them and asked.

"I didn't do anything!" Miroku snapped.

Inu Yasha rolled his eyes and then said loudly, "Oi, wench!"

Kagome looked up as he spoke.

"You," she whispered. "The person who bumped into me."

"I did not bump into you!"

"I was walking and then..you ran straight into me near the stairs."


Kagome stared blankly at him and then her eyes caught view of his dog ears. She held a hand up hesitantly and then petted one of his ears. Inu Yasha twitched.

"What. Are. You. Doing?" he asked slowly. Kagome pulled back her hand. They both blushed.

"Well, Inu Yasha," Sango said slyly as she looked between the two. "This is Kagome. Kagome, this is Inu Yasha."

Kagome stared blankly at him. Inu Yasha returned the gaze and realized how different she looked from when he last saw her-the time when he bumped into her. Kagome had raven black hair that reached a little past her shoulders and emotionless blue-gray eyes.

'How could she have eyes so emotionless,' Inu Yasha thought. 'It's like she doesn't feel anything: fear, anger, excitement, or whatever.'

Kagome looked away. Inu Yasha continued to stare at her.

'Were her eyes always like this?' he wondered. 'Or did something really terrible happen to her when she was a child?'

A/N: Ahahahaha! Inu Yasha guessed right! Well, it's the beginning of the fic, and it might sound boring so far, but action is coming soon! So is the fluff! AHAHAHA! Fluff. Our favorite, isn't it? Please review! ^_^