Change Has Come - Chapter Fifteen: Our Love And Peace

Tino rushed around his room trying to get himself ready. He had so much to do that day. His meeting with the principal was in half and hour and then after that he was meeting the gang down at the beach to finally settle things. The night before Tino had made the necessary calls to set everything up. Tino invited Dot along too figuring that this was surely something she needed to hear as well. Unbeknownst to him, however, his setting a meeting had caused a restless night for the girls. Tino also had a bit of restless night as well; his curiosity about his meeting with the principal had kept him awake. Upon thinking about it last night it occurred to him that he had no idea who the principal was. He had never heard the principal's name mentioned or heard one scrap of information about this mystery person. Nothing excited Tino like a good mystery.

"Gotta hurry, gotta hurry, I can't be late. Oh man, I can't believe this is happening. What am I gonna say when I get there? What is the principal gonna say when I get there? Will it turn out the principal is really an alien? Maybe the office will really be a secret lair because the principal is actually a secret agent. The possibilities are endless!"

Tino's mind was racing with thoughts.

"You aren't going to figure out your principal's identity at all if you continue to waste time rambling through your thoughts," said Tino's mom who had suddenly appeared in the doorway.

"Hey I thought we agreed on that no mind reading before noon rule."

"I don't remember signing anything."

"Yeah, whatever. Anyway, I'm going soon. I'm all set for the day. I'm just a bit anxious is all."

"Nothing new there. Just remember to take a few deep breaths. You certainly don't want to get too anxious and then start hyperventilating."

"Yeah I know. Experience has taught me that's no fun."

"Well, your meeting is starting in twenty minutes so you had best get going. Good luck with everything."

Tino smiled a little. "Thanks, mom. I'm off. Later days!"

Tino hurried out of the room. His mother leaned up against the wall and smiled to herself.

"I hope he goes easy on the principal. I know I never do. I haven't seen Tino this excited in a long time. Ahh, to be young again."


Tino raced to the school. He barreled down all the streets almost knocking over some kids along the way. He was so absorbed in thought that he didn't even notice them yelling at him. As he turned the corner onto the school grounds he noticed how quiet and empty the place seemed on the weekend. The giant U-shaped building reminded Tino of a large magnet, drawing him in. As he raced for the main entrance he took a quick look at the faculty parking lot on the side of the building. He was hoping to catch a glimpse of the principal's car to see if he could make any assumptions from it but there was no automobile in the whole lot. Tino continued onto the main entrance, but found that it was locked. Next he tried the entrance on the student parking lot side. It was also locked. A bit flustered, Tino ran all the way around the school to the entrance marked "J" that was located in the faculty parking lot. Thankfully, this door was unlocked. Once inside Tino noticed that large metal grates blocked off anywhere that would take him other than the principal's office. Tino's destination was the first office just off to the left of the doors. A small plaque stuck out from the door announcing that this was the principal's office. Tino reached out and grabbed the brass knob.

"All right, here we go. Remember, Tino just keep your calm. Don't get yourself too excited," Tino thought to himself.

He turned the knob and proceeded inside. There was a small desk in the room and behind it sat a skinny old woman busily typing something on a computer. She looked up just enough to see Tino.

"Tonitini?" she asked in a slightly raspy voice.

Tino nodded.

"The principal is waiting for you," she said pointing to the small room next to her desk.

Tino nodded again and went to the door which had principal marked on it in big bold letters.

"Heh, this is the first time I'm admitting the younger one. It's usually the mother," the secretary said quietly behind Tino.

Ignoring the words of the old woman, Tino focused his mind entirely on this moment, and he opened the door. Tino entered the room, and noticed that the lights were off and the single source of light was a single window half obstructed by blinds. The ray of light that shone in illuminated the chair facing the window. In the light Tino could make out the arm of the principal but nothing more. No words were spoken but Tino knew to take a seat in the chair on the side of the desk opposite to the principal. Still the room was silent. Tino looked at the clock on the wall. The time was 12:06. He fidgeted a bit in the seat. It was unnerving to sit there in dead silence. Tino did not want to speak first nor did he feel that he should speak first. After all, it was the principal who had summoned him. Tino fidgeted again, and more silence followed. It seemed to continue on like this for a good ten minutes but when Tino checked the clock again it was only 12:07.

Like a sudden strike of lightning that tears through the sky, the principal spoke but one word, "Tino."

The suddenness of the sound caused Tino to jump a little, but that voice, he knew that voice. Slowly, the principal's chair began to turn. It twisted and groaned as it brought Tino and the principal face to face. Tino gasped, he thought his eyes were deceiving him.

"You?! You're the principal?!"

The principal chuckled a little.

"Yes, it's me. I am the principal of Bahia Bay High School."

"I can't believe it. This is what you do for a living?" Tino asked incredulous.

"I do lots of things. This just happens to be one of them."

"I see, but what's with having the lights off and not saying anything right away?"

"Dramatic effect. You can turn those lights on now."

Tino quick hit the switch and got back in his seat. His mind was going numb from confusion.

"Could it really be that you are the one behind all of the homework?" Tino asked.

"Yes, I admit it. I am the one solely responsible for the large amounts of homework. It was all my idea," the principal answered.

"I don't understand it. I thought you liked kids. This homework is too evil to be coming from you. It makes no sense. Was I wrong? Do you dislike kids?"

"Of course, I like kids. That's why I'm a principal. In fact, I like children and childhood so much that I assigned the large amounts of homework."

"You did it because you like children? I don't follow this at all."

"Yes, I suppose it does sound odd, so I had best explain it to you. You see when you become an adult and grow up to be my age, you go out and you work. Work takes up a good chunk of your time, and then when you come home you have to take care of your family and help to maintain your house. When all is said and done your free time is very limited and the same could probably be said about your money as well. Now when you are a child you don't have nearly as many responsibilities so you have more free time. That free time is something you should cherish, you know?"

"Then this homework really doesn't make sense. If we should be cherishing this time then how would cutting into it with homework be helping us appreciate it?"

"It'll make sense once I finish. The thing is there are a lot of kids who have forgotten that they are still children. They are already looking for love, trying to make big money, planning on where they will move off to, and so on and so forth. I was hoping that this homework would do two things. One that it would force the kids to concentrate on this work rather than all these adult things they wish for. And two that the homework would make them want to be free; to just sit around and talk rather than try and force themselves into adulthood before their time had come. This homework was supposed to be a reminder that they were still children and that they needed to take advantage of childhood while they still could. Do you understand?"

"Yeah, I think I do. It makes sense, I think," Tino said.

His gaze was directed at the floor. Inside he knew what the principal said applied to him.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of really. Some people just forget who they are. As you know I have a daughter and she had also forgotten that she was still a child. I don't find a fault with her because of this; it's just how things happened. However, I think the homework got through to her, and I hope the homework got through to you as well."

"I think the homework got through to everyone," Tino said with a little bit of a smile.

"Heh, that's good. Then you'll be happy to know that I am ending the large amounts of homework."

"Really?! Are you serious?!"

"Yes. I'm not trying to torture any one I wouldn't make this go on forever. I've done my part, hopefully the message got through to some people. Anyway, I know you're meeting your friends at the beach in a little while so I'll end this meeting here."

"How did you know about that?"

"Let's just say a little bird told me."

"All right. Thanks for telling me about this homework. Well, I'll be going now, later days."

The principal waved and said, "Tino just remember you only have one childhood. Enjoy it."

Tino smiled and nodded and the he left the room. The principal walked to the doorway of his room and looked at where Tino had just run out.

"So was this practice with him?" the secretary asked.

The principal chuckled a little. "Yeah, I guess you could call it that."


Carver and the girls sat around on the beach anxiously awaiting Tino's arrival. Every five seconds they all kept checking the time wondering where Tino was. They had arrived ten minutes earlier and picked out a nice spot on the beach. In those ten minutes the beach seemed to fill exponentially. People were appearing left and right taking up every available spot. Eventually they spotted Tino running down the street towards the beach.

"Ah, finally, we've been waiting for you. It's been a nerve-racking ten minutes," Carver said.

"Sorry about that. I had some stuff I needed to do before I came here. Is Dot here too?" Tino asked.

"No, but she told me that she would be showing up a little later," Tish said.

"Hmmm, should I wait for her or not? This is important for her to hear as well, but at the same time I'm sure you all are anxious to hear what I have to say."

"Totally. I vote for you telling us now. It's too hard to wait anymore and you can just tell Dot whatever it is you need to say when she gets here," Lor said.

Carver and Tish nodded in agreement.

"Well, since you all feel the same way I guess I'll tell you what my piece now."

Tino paused for a second and somehow it made the whole each seem silent. Finally, things were going to be settled.

"This is a hard thing to say as you might imagine. This may have been the worst situation I've ever encountered."

"What about the time when a bird went to the bathroom on you just as school was starting?" Carver interjected.

Tino shot him a look.

"Sorry, I was just wonderin'."

"Like I was saying, this is hard for me, but it's something that must be done. No sense in letting things wait any longer. Tish, Lor, I like both of you and I care about both of you. I also love spending time with the two of you. However, I could not have a romantic relationship with either of you. The two of you are like sisters to me. It would be way too awkward for me and I think that it would become awkward with you guys as well. Not only that, but we spend so much time together anyway and we still have a good time. There is no need to bring romance into this, you know? We're all friends to the end so we'll be together anyway."

Tish and Lor both sighed and looked a little disappointed, but they didn't appear to be to upset over it.

"I can't really say that I'm mad or sad. What you say makes sense. We still do have each other and we still have good times together. There is nothing to be that upset about," Tish said.

"Yeah, there you go. I'll tell you what just in case you are feeling bad later I'll buy you some ice cream and-"

"Tish! Tish!"

The four friends looked to the side to see Percy running up to them calling out.

"Oh Tish, I'm so glad you are here."

"What's the matter, Percy?"

"Well, we're putting on a play down at the end of the beach and one of our actresses just sprained her ankle so we need someone to fill in. We need your help otherwise this play can't go on."

A giant smile spread across Tish's face.

"The theater needs me. I cannot deny it my help. I will do my best. Let's go, Percy!"

Tish and Percy turned and ran off for the play.

"Well, she certainly doesn't seem too broken up," Carver commented.

"Yeah, that's for sure, but what about you, Lor? Are you okay?" Tino asked.

"Yeah, I guess so. I'm not really used to losing, but I think I'll get over the feeling. Like Tish said, you make a lot of sense. We'll still have good times together without romance and let's face it romance is not my good area."

Tino laughed a little.

"Yeah, I'll tell you what, though, so you can feel like a winner again I'll play you in-"

"Hey, Lor!"

This time it was Thomson who approached the friends.

"Hey, Lor, my friends and I are gonna play some volleyball in a little bit and I was wonderin' if you wanted to be my partner."

The sparkle in Lor's eyes nearly blinded Tino and Carver. Since words weren't coming to her at that time she simply nodded.

"Awesome, we'll cream the other team for sure. C'mon, we're setting the net up over here," Thomson said leading the way.

Lor followed like she was hypnotized.

"Hey, was it just me or did it look like Lor just completely forgot she ever had a crush on you?" Carver asked.

"It's not you," Tino said dryly.

"Well, at least you've still got Dot, right?"

"Yeah, now she just has to show up. I wonder what's taking her."

"Beats me. I'm sure she'll show up soon, though. Hey, speaking of being late, what held you up?"

Tino smiled a bit.

"It was some important business, some very important business."

"Important business? What business was more important than your news here?"

"Why, only the business of finding out all the details behind the large loads of homework, that's what!"

"What?! Are you kidding me?! You gotta tell me, is it aliens? Secret agents? Who is behind this?" Carver asked with growing excitement.

"I'll tell ya who. The person behind all of this is none other than… the principal of the school."

Carver sat there in silence for a moment.

"The principal, I never even thought of that."

"Yeah, I was shocked too. It certainly seems like the work of aliens...... Man, I wish Dot would get here."

"Don't worry about it, man. She'll show up."

While they waited Tino and Carver dozed off when someone saying Tino's name woke them up. The two drearily opened their eyes. It was Tasha. She was wearing a beautiful two piece swimsuit that seemed a little odd on her nonetheless it made Tino swallow hard.

"This is what I like to wake up to," Carver muttered.

"Oh, uh, hey Tasha. I haven't seen you in awhile," Tino said.

"Yeah, I've been busy with moving to a new house in town, plus this homework at school has really put a damper on things."

"Tell me about it."

"Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to, you know, go for a walk or hang out for a little bit or something since we haven't talked in a while."

Tino wanted to say yes, but he was waiting for Dot plus how would it look if he was walking around with some other girl instead of waiting for Dot. Tino hated to have to say no. He hadn't talked with Tasha in a while and now he was pushing her away.

"I'd like to, but-"

"Wait, Tino," Carver suddenly interrupted his voice somewhat distant.

He was looking at something down the beach.

"Go, Tino."

"But what about-"

"Trust me on this one. Just go with Tasha. I'll handle things here."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm absolutely positive. This is something you need to do."

"All right, then if you insist. Okay, Tasha, let's ride."

"Cool, have I got some good stories for you," Tasha said as she and Tino walked off.

Now Carver was alone but he continued to look down the beach. He was watching something perhaps a pretty girl, or a dog playing with a Frisbee, or maybe an ice cream vendor. No, it was none of these things. His gaze had come across a peculiar scene further down on the beach. It was Dot Cardigan looking quite smitten with Tony Tordelaro. Somehow it made Carver laugh.

"Well, how about that? God really has a sense of humor. I guess that's just the way the dice roll sometimes. Well at least this should make for some interesting stories, but those are stories for another time and another place. Until then, later days!"


And so this story finally comes to a close. Man, this story took me a whole lot longer than I thought it was going to. When I first started I thought I would be done by the end of January. Oh well, things change and so does my writing schedule. Now, I'd like to thank everyone who put up with my horrible updating and stuck it out with this story. I really appreciate all of you who have reviewed as well thanks a lot. I enjoyed writing this story and I hope you enjoyed reading it. Oh, and even though I never named the principal, it is a character that does appear in the show. There are clues in here that reveal the principal's identity. I hope you caught them. That's all for this story, thanks once again for reading it.