RACETRACK: I am bored, and there are Jacobs around. We'll get into a fight if we stay here.

MUSH: You fight too much.

RACETRACK: You think?

MUSH: You're as moody as any newsie in Manhattan.


MUSH: So you're glum and dumb.

RACETRACK: You aren't brilliant yourself.

RACETRACK: Oh look! Here come some Jacobs!

MUSH: Oh look! I don't care!


SKITTERY: *to OTHER JACOBS* I will talk to them. Watch me.

SKITTERY: *to MUSH and RACETRACK* May I have a word with one of you two bums for a moment?

MUSH: Are you sure you wouldn't like to make that a word and a fight with TWO bums?

SKITTERY: Careful, or I might just take you up on that.

MUSH: What, are you a coward?

SKITTERY: Mush, you talk to Jack often, right?

MUSH: Yes, why?

RACETRACK: Let's go someplace else to talk. It is too dangerous here.

MUSH: No, we can talk here.

*enter JACK*

SKITTERY: Here he comes now! Hey Jack, you're not only stupid, you're ugly too. And a villain. Let's fight.

JACK: I do not want to fight you, Skittery.

SKITTERY: But Kellys have always fought Jacobs.

JACK: I dunno. I guess Jacobs aren't as bad as they used to be. I actually like that name almost as much as my own.

RACETRACK: *draws knife* Traitor! Skittery, let's go somewhere else. And it will be a fight to the death. I will take one of your lives, King of Cats.

SKITTERY: *draws knife* No, I think you shall not!

JACK: Racetrack! Put away your knife!


JACK: Wait! We are forbidden to fight in the streets of Manhattan! Stop!

*SKITTERY stabs RACETRACK and flees*

JACK: Racetrack! Are you hurt?

RACETRACK: No, It is only a scratch. Someone call a doctor. Quickly.

JACK: Is it that bad?

RACETRACK: *feebly joking* It is not as deep as the Bay, and not as wide as the Lodging House door, but it will do. Mush, help me back to the Lodging House. I don't feel very well.


JACK: How dare Skittery hurt Racetrack? How dare he?

*enter MUSH*

MUSH: Jack! Racetrack is dead! He bled to death before we reached the Lodging House.


MUSH: Look, here comes Skittery again. He looks angry.

JACK: Doesn't he always?

*enter SKITTERY*

JACK: Skittery's soul will keep Racetrack's company.

SKITTERY: Out of my way, wretch.

JACK: *draws knife* You shall pay for Racetrack's death!

*JACK and SKITTERY fight. SKITTERY falls*

MUSH: Jack! You killed Skittery! You must run; the bulls will catch you! Hide!

JACK: Why me?

MUSH: Why are you just standing there? Go!

*exit JACK*

*enter CITIZENS*

CITIZEN: Where is Skittery? The one who is responsible for Racetrack's death? Racetrack owed me money.

MUSH: Skittery lies there.

CITIZEN: Come with me. Snyder will want to talk with you, I'm sure. You are under citizen's arrest.


SNYDER: Who started this mess?

MUSH: Jack Kelly killed Skittery for killing his friend, Rcetrack.

MRS. JACOBS: Oh Skittery! My brother's son! And a Kelly killed him!

SNYDER: Boy, who started this?

MUSH: Skittery started the fight. Jack asked him not to, but he fought and killed Racetrack. Jack sought revenge and killed Skittery.

MRS. JACOBS: I want justice! Jack killed Skittery! Jack must die for this crime!

SNYDER: Jack killed Skittery, Skittery killed Racetrack. Who is at fault?

KLOPPMAN: The fault is with who started the fight: Skittery.

SNYDER: It is decided. Jack shall be exiled, not condemned to death. We will have mercy upon him if he leaves Manhattan within an hour.



*enter DAVID*

DAVID: Where is Sarah? She should be back with news of my beloved Jack by now! Oh Sarah, hurry back! I haven't heard from Jack for one whole day! I don't think I can take it any longer!

*enter SARAH*

DAVID: Sarah! Did you get the cords Jack told you to get? How is Jack?

SARAH: Here are your stupid cords.

*SARAH throws cords at DAVID*

DAVID: What's wrong, Sarah?

SARAH: He's dead! He's been killed! He is dead, David, and we are ruined, This cannot be. I must sit down.

DAVID: What? It cannot be!

SARAH: Who would have thought! Jack! No!

DAVID: Oh Jack! What happened? Did Jack kill himself? Tell me what happened, Sarah!

*DAVID sinks to the ground*

SARAH: *in shock* I saw him. . . Blood all over. . . So pale. . . It was horrible!

DAVID: My heart shall never mend! I shall die without my Jack!

SARAH: Oh poor Skittery!

DAVID: What? I have lost both my husband and my cousin? In one night? This cannot be true!

SARAH: No, brother! Jack killed Skittery, and he has been exiled!

*DAVID slowly stands*

*DAVID grabs SARAH by her throat*

DAVID: Why *shake* Didn't *shake* You *shake* Say *shake* This *shake* Before? *shake shake shake*

SARAH: Ack! David!

*DAVID releases SARAH*

DAVID: Sorry. . .

SARAH: Sheesh. What a shame Jack is! He was a terrible influence on you!

DAVID: Jack is not shameful! He may be an honorable villan, at the very least. And a very handsome one at that!

SARAH: But he killed Skittery!

DAVID: Yes, but he is my husband! We've already been married for three hours and forty-seven minutes and fifty-six seconds. That demands loyalty, you know! By the way, where's mom and dad?

SARAH: They are at Skittery's funeral. They are most upset.

DAVID: Let them go. I think I will go to bed and die, now. Jack didn't even wait until our wedding night to get exiled! Now that's cruel!

SARAH: You're pathetic. . . and gross. Very well. I'll find Jack for you. Just stay alive until I get back.

*SARAH exits, rubbing neck*

DAVID: Tell Jack I have a very special goodbye present for him!

*SARAH gags*



JACK: So, Denton, am I dead yet?

DENTON: Actually, no. You are only exiled. Consider yourself lucky.

JACK: No! Can't I try again for a death sentence?

DENTON: There are plenty of other places besides New York, you know.

JACK: Are not.

DENTON: Are too.

JACK: There is not place without David. The beauty of all places dulls when not lighted by him. He is my life, and I could never leave him. Exile is worse than death!

DENTON: You're crazy. Now let me speak.

JACK: No! You'll only tell me exile is okay!

DENTON: Correct. It isn't the end of your life, you know.

JACK: Oh yes it is without David!

DENTON: It seems crazy people have no ears.

JACK: It seems stupid reporters have no eyes.

DENTON: Good one.

JACK: Thanks.

*there is a knock on the door*

DENTON: Jack! Run and hide in the closet!

*JACK collapses to the floor and weeps*

DENTON: Pathetic. . .

*DENTON opens the door and SARAH enters*

SARAH: Where's Jack?

DENTON: See that wet lump on the floor making wimpering noises?


DENTON: That's Jack.

SARAH: Really? I have an identical lump back at my house making the same noises! We could make them a matched pair!

*JACK crawls over to SARAH*

JACK: Must. . . *whimper* have. . . David! *snuffle*

SARAH: What a wimp. . . No wonder they were attracted to each other. David only cries your name.

JACK: Does he hate me? I'd die if he hated me! *draws knife*

DENTON: Jack, be a man and stop blubbering! And do put away that sword!

SARAH: What good advice! Jack, David does not hate you. In fact, he wants you to come over so he can give you a good-bye "present". I think your perverted mind can figure out what it is.

*JACK drools*

*SARAH gags again and exits*

*JACK drools more and heads to DAVID'S house. Quickly.*

DENTON: They're disgusting. I don't even see why I am helping them become even worse.

*DENTON exits*

*end scene*



MR JACOBS: I am so glad you are agreeing to marry David. He has been quite distressed over his cousin Skittery's death and a good marriage is just the thing to cheer him up!

SPOT CONLON: Have you told him yet?

MRS JACOBS: I will mention it to him in the morning.

MR JACOBS: No, tell him tonight! He'll be so pleased! What day is today?


MR JACOBS: You will be married on Wednesday. No, Wednesday is too soon after Skittery's death. How about Thursday?

SPOT CONLON: It's good for me.

MR JACOBS: Thursday it is! Now Esther, why don't you go tell little David he's getting married to Spot Conlon?

MRS JACOBS: Yes dear.

*MRS JACOBS exits*



*enter JACK and DAVID*

DAVID: Are you leaving so soon?

JACK: Dear, I must be gone and live or stay and die.

DAVID: I think I'm pregnant.

JACK: . . .

DAVID: Just kidding.

JACK: Never do that to me again, David. If you ever do that again, I will divorce you. And I mean it.

DAVID: It is not yet day. You don't need to leave yet. Won't you say a little longer. . . For me?

JACK: Who cares about death? I'll die happy here.

DAVID: No, it is daylight. You need to go! Be gone!

JACK: I'll never understand men. One moment they beg you to stay, and the next they tell you to go. Men are so confusing.

*enter SARAH*

SARAH: Hey, David?


SARAH: Mom is coming. I wouldn't be caught in here with Jack if I were you.

DAVID: Quick, Jack! Go out the window!

JACK: One more kiss.

*DAVID and JACK share one last steamy smooch, and JACK climbs out the window*

DAVID: Do you think we'll ever meet again?

JACK: Of course, David. True love is always together. Don't you read?

*JACK exits*

DAVID: Bye, lover-boy.

MRS JACOBS: David! Are you awake?

DAVID: Yes, mother. What is it?

MRS JACOBS: How are you, David?

DAVID: I don't feel very well.

MRS JACOBS: Are you still crying over Skittery?

DAVID: *under his breath* No, morning sickness.

MRS JACOBS: What was that?

DAVID: Yes, I am feeling much loss over him.

MRS JACOBS: But even more loss that the villain who slaughtered him is still alive and free?

DAVID: What villain?

MRS JACOBS: Why that awful Jack Kelly. I knew that Kellys were no good.

DAVID: He may be a villain, but I have forgiven him. But he still pains me.

MRS JACOBS: Because he's a traitorous murderer?

DAVID: If only I could get my hands on him!

MRS JACOBS: Don't worry, dear. Soon, your father and I will make sure that he joins Skittery and keeps him company.

DAVID: No, I want revenge. Find someone who can make me a poison.

MRS JACOBS: Of course dear. That will be very nice. But now I have a surprise for you!

DAVID: What?

MRS JACOBS: Your father arranged something for you.

DAVID: Tell me!

MRS JACOBS: You will be getting married on Thursday! To that nice young man, Spot Conlon! Won't that be nice?

DAVID: No, I cannot marry Spot! I will not marry anyone, and when I do marry, it will be the one I hate, Jack Kelly!

MRS JACOBS: Why don't you tell that to your father? Here he is now.

*enter MR JACOBS and SARAH*

MR JACOBS: Why are you still crying? Have you heard the good news yet, David?

MRS JACOBS: He has refused.

MR JACOBS: *turns light red* WHAT? We have found the finest man for him to marry, and still he refuses? How ungrateful!

DAVID: Thanks, but no thanks.

MR JACOBS: *turns light purple* How dare you! You stupid, ignorant-

MRS JACOBS: Now, Meyer, are you mad?

DAVID: Now, dad, if you'd just listen to what I said.

MR JACOBS: Why should I listen to you? Why can't you just do what we tell you, like your sister? Even the dog is better trained than you are!

SARAH: Dad, aren't you being a little harsh?

MR JACOBS: Hold your tongue, Sarah!

SARAH: Why can't we speak?

MR JACOBS: Go gossip with your friends. Go!

MRS JACOBS: This is bad for your blood pressure, you know.

MR JACOBS: We raise him, feed him, love him, and find him a perfect match. And what does he say? I won't! If you don't marry him, you can go out on the streets and starve! Hah! That would serve you right!

*exit MR JACOBS*

DAVID: Please, mother! If you don't stop this marriage, just make me a nice bed. Next to Skittery's.


DAVID: Sarah, what can I do? This is awful!

SARAH: That Spot is pretty cute, and you must admit that you're in pretty deep trouble if you don't marry him.

DAVID: You think so?


DAVID: Sarah, you're amazing!


*DAVID rises*

DAVID: I just need to go down to Denton's and make sure he can write an article announcing the wedding.

SARAH: That was quick. I'll tell dad.

*SARAH exits*

DAVID: I know Denton can help me get to Jack! I know it!

*DAVID exits*



Aguachica: Great job on your quiz! When I took my Romeo and Juliet quiz, I had stayed up late the last night, and I wrote that it took place in the 19th century! I was so embarrassed! Almost as embarrassed as this week. I took a Catherwood quiz and said the book took place in the 15th century, when it really took place in the 1700s. I guess I'm just not good with dates.


Aguachica: Shimmerwings reviewed my fic. *blinkblink*

Blink!muse: Here she goes again. . .

Aguachica: Shimmerwings reviewed my fic. . . *blinkblink* *THUD*

Mush!muse: *carries off an unconscious Aguachica*

Blink!muse: She really likes your stories, Shimmerwings! She reads "The Best Part of Chicken Soup" at least once a week! She also loves "Sketches of Love" and "Winter Musings"! She loves all your fics! I'm sure she'll tell you how much she loves them as soon as she wakes up. . .