Chap. 1 Stella Renbury had nowhere to go. She couldn't go home to her father after running away from their house on the outskirts of town. If she ever went back, and she knew she couln't, he would probably never let her see the light of day again. If she kept going she'd soon run out of food, water, and most importantly, money. There was no other town around for miles and miles. The only one even remotely close by was the pirate city of Tortuga, and that was out of the question. The whole city was boiling over with pirates, and the whole lot of them were rotten, theiving men, or so she'd been told. It wasn't like she'd ever met one.

Stella suddenly realized the stars shining overhead. She hadn't realized it was getting dark, and she couldn't remember the last time she had stopped to simply look at them. She sat down beneath the closest tree and being exhausted, soon fell asleep.

When Stella was jolted awake, she had no idea what time it was, or even where she was. She tried to open her eyes but found they were blindfolded. She reached to pull the cloth off of them, but her hands were bound. She stopped thinking so hard and listened to what was going on around her....

"SHHH! You're gonna wake 'er up, fool! The longer this wench is out, the easier t'is for us. Lucky we knocked 'er out or she'd be up 'n complaining, askin' for Daddy per'aps, eh mate? " There was then a series of horrible laughter. Stella had only to think for two seconds before the answer came to her: Pirates. Just at that moment she felt hard wood beneath her, and assumed she'd been brought to Tortuga, and was now in some kind of cage. It was unfortunate for her that they'd passed through Tortuga hours ago, and were now aboard ship, sailing away from everything Stella had ever known.