Usual disclaimers. humph!

This is the last chapter of this story... although it is not the end... merely a pause for breath! I am putting up the first chapter of the next story later today...



Christmas came and went without any firm clues as to the whereabouts of Jean Claude Lact and the Swallow, but Jack seemed content to wait. He even paid the crew extra to keep themselves occupied and out of too much trouble whilst they did so. He knew it would be soon... although he seemed content he itched for action.

He was sitting quietly drinking with Catherine, Oran, Little Feather, Gibbs and Sanchia when a shadow crossed their table. A rough, Gallic voice spoke. "You Sparrow?"

"That's Captain Sparrow, mate," Jack answered.

Catherine looked up, gasping - for a moment she thought she recognised the face. Oran did a double-take too, briefly squeezing her thigh in warning whilst hoping Jack would not notice the intimacy.

"An' who are you?"

"Lucon, Davit Lucon. I know where th' Swallow will be in about a week's time..."

Oran glanced at Catherine, the name confirming their earlier fears. He thought she looked a little pale but was glad when she managed to maintain her expression.

Jack frowned, wondering why the name sounded familiar, but beckoned the man to sit. "Sanchia luv, fetch this man a drink..." He turned back to the Frenchman. "Where?"

"The reward?"

"Payable once I have him... not before. Where?" Jack pressed. Lucon looked uncomfortable. "I'm known as a man of m' word... or we can sign a formal accord if it would make yer happier?"

He nodded. "I'll take your word of an accord Monsieur..." He paused, gratefully taking the ale from Sanchia who slid back into her seat next to Oran.

Jack waited expectantly. "Yes?" he prompted.

"The Keys - Boca Chica. She'll be careening..."

"You sure?" he frowned. He realised that if the Swallow was beached then there would be very little danger to the Black Pearl. "Why?" he asked suspiciously, looking up at the man. "Why are you betraying your fellow countryman?"

Davit Lucon smiled darkly. "My brother was a crew member on the Swallow, until Lact had him hanged over some silly bitch crying rape in New Orleans..."

Finally Jack realised where he had heard the name from, his hand reaching for Catherine's beneath the table, squeezing gently. "If yer tellin' the truth, then yer'll get yer money... when we return." He turned to Sanchia. "Excuse me m' dear, but if we are to leave in the morning I have some things to arrange..." Taking Catherine's hand he nodded to the crew and they slipped from the table, Sanchia returning to the bar, leaving the Frenchman to finish his drink alone.


Jack poured over the map, his fingers tracing the quickest route to the Keys. "Three, four days dependin' on th' wind..."

"Do we trust him?" Joshamee asked for he hadn't liked the Frenchman. "How do we know he is who he says he is?"

"He is Arnaud Lucon's brother... trust me..." Catherine sighed. "Jean Claude did hang his brother."

Joshamee gradually realised the importance of what else the Frenchman had said. He turned towards Catherine. "It was you!" he gasped, turning angrily to Oran. "Damn you Oran you were meant t' be protecting her!"

"I did my best!" Oran protested.

Catherine reached across, calmly placing her hand on his arm. "It is alright Joshamee... we found Jack an' that is all that mattered."

"But..." His eyes still threatened Oran with dire punishment for his failure.

"Gibbs!" Jack's shout brought his attention back to the matter at hand. "I want yer t' round up every man in port an' make sure they are sober by th' time we sail. If yer can't find them, they stay!"

"Aye Cap'n," he nodded, heading back into the town.


The Black Pearl slipped from Tortuga quietly as dawn brightened the eastern sky. Jack realised that Catherine still had problems over the vengeance but at least she did not argue with him in front of the crew, keeping her objections to the privacy of their cabin.

For three days he pushed the crew, sails at their maximum capacity, but he did not ask for the sweeps. If Jean Claude was careening the Swallow he did not want to arrive too early and scare him away when she was still in the water.

Finding a quiet cove, he ordered all lights shuttered, waiting in the darkness for their prey. "Sharp eyes tonight Gibbs!" he ordered. "Double watch fer th' night." Jack peered into the darkness, cautious of a double- cross before he retired to his cabin, locking the door behind him.

He walked across the cabin towards his bunk where Catherine already sleeping, relieved that they would not argue tonight. She had made her feelings clear - she would not fight. At least this way she would not have to face and fight those that had been kind to her... but he hoped she had not figured out what would happen to them instead. Death in battle would be far kinder than the death that would follow their marooning. For a moment he felt a twinge of guilt, remembering how he had been marooned twice. He had been lucky to survive but it was not probable that the crew of the Swallow would be so lucky. The cove was in a very quiet spot and it was unlikely that any ship would pass in time. He shrugged to himself. In his eyes Lact only had himself to blame and even his kindness to Catherine would not balance the scales.

Jack slipped out of his clothes, quietly sliding in next to her.

"Jack..." she murmured, snuggling against him.

Jack leaned across and kissed her, smiling to himself as he saw she had already drifted back to sleep. He brushed a strand of hair from her face, worrying a little what she'd say when she realised the truth of what he had done. He sighed heavily, wrapping his arms about her as she slept - he'd worry about that later.


Jack woke before Catherine, quietly leaving the cabin so as not to wake her. He checked the cannons over, ensuring that all were ready for the day. He wanted this done safely and cleanly, with no threat to his own ship.

"Captain!" Oran nodded in greeting from where he stood, leaning against the ships rail and looking out to see. Jack walked across, standing quietly next to him. "She isn't going to fight, is she?" He nodded towards the cabin where Catherine still slept.

Jack shook his head. "No." He was surprised he had noticed, but realised that it would have been Oran if anyone of the crew. "She'll stay in th' cabin."

"Has she figured out..." Oran mimed shooting himself, referring to the marooning.

"Dunno... perhaps. If she hasn't figured it out by now she soon will afterwards... she's not stupid." He shrugged, heading for the galley and some breakfast. "But we'll cross that bridge when we get there, eh?"

Oran smiled ruefully and followed Jack to the galley, glad he was not going to be the one facing Catherine's temper.


Jean Claude Lact watched the seas anxiously. No Captain liked to have his ship out of water, but careening was necessary to remove the barnacles and other pests that attacked the ship and cut her speed. The Swallow had needed this for a while, but he had been careful of where he beached her, knowing that Jack Sparrow was free and was looking for him, news of the amount of money he was offering had spread around the Caribbean like wildfire. They had completed the first side yesterday and had been working hard on the port side since dawn.

"Captain!" Luc Narbonne shouted in fear. "Sails!"

He looked out to sea, reaching urgently for his spyglass. The black sails confirmed his worse fears - it was the Black Pearl! Her gun ports were open and she was closing fast.


Jean Claude sighed deeply, knowing that there was absolutely nothing he could do.


Jean Claude faced his Quartermaster. "There is nothing we can do Narbonne... absolutely nothing. Just get th' men to safety..." He turned, sadly walking up the beach away from his ship, unable to watch her inevitable destruction.


Boom! Boom!

Jack watched delightedly as the cannon balls smashed through the exposed hull of the Swallow, none of them missing their mark. Wood shattered, large chunks flying across the beach with the force of the assault. He turned the Black Pearl in a wide graceful arc, enabling the port cannons to fire too.

Boom! Boom!

Again, none missed their mark, leaving the shattered hulk of the Swallow broken on the beach. Satisfied that she was utterly beyond any hope of repair, Jack swung the wheel and headed south eastwards, back to Tortuga.


Only when the cannon fire stopped did Jean Claude turn, watching as the Black Pearl sailed away. He realised that there was little chance of salvaging anything from the shattered wreck of the Swallow and with no source of fresh water on the island he prayed there would be enough shot for the crew.


Jack finally entered his cabin that evening, surprised to find it in darkness. Catherine's voice drifted through the gloom. "I never thought you would have done that..." she sighed. "After Barbossa an' all - even he left you with one shot!" He struggled to light one of the lamps, turning to find her staring at him, sad eyes threatening tears.

"He deserved it luv." Jack sat on the edge of the bunk. He reached across to hug her, surprised when she flinched.

"I thought better of you... but I guess you really are the ruthless pirate captain after all..." She rolled over, refusing to face him.

"Kitty!" Jack protested, realising belatedly that she had known all along the death that the crew of the Swallow would face. He was surprised to hear her crying, her sobs only partially muffled by the pillow. "Dammit Kitty! He'd have done th' same to me..." He reached out, touching her shoulder, trying to comfort her. "It is over now... we can forget Lact!"

She turned, facing him angrily. "You can, but I will not." She paused. "Have you no conscience Jack! Damn you, this is wrong!"

"Kitty, as Captain I had to retaliate..." he protested.

"But what of the man behind the façade. Tell me truthfully Jack that you honestly believe this is right - forget being Jack the Captain - tell me as Jack the man..."

"I cannot be weak Kitty, the crew..."

"Bugger the crew! I said as the man Jack! Tell me!"

"I..." He could not answer her, his conscience needling him.

"Do you honestly believe that the crew will think less of you for showing mercy? Truthfully? For if they do then they aren't the men I've come to know!" Her voice softened. "Please Jack... please..."

He grabbed her, holding her tightly against his chest, stifling any further protests. "Why do you have t' be m' conscience..." he sighed, knowing he was defeated. "I'll order us t' return in the morning... satisfied?"

"Promise?" She looked up at him, doubt in her eyes.

"I promise..." he sighed deeply, relieved to find himself hugged tightly in return.

"Thank you Jack," she whispered.


"Captain?" Luc Narbonne stared in disbelief at the ship that had anchored just off shore in the night. "Captain!" He ran up the sand dune, searching for Jean Claude. "Captain! The Black Pearl is in th' bay - flying a truce flag!"

Jean Claude blinked, unsure for a moment that he had heard correctly. "What?" He had despaired of any hope of rescue and now their attacker had returned. He frowned - it made no sense.

"I said the Black Pearl is in th' bay! She's flying a truce flag!"

Jean Claude Lact sat up sharply from where he had been dozing against one of the few palm trees on the island. "I heard you... I just don't believe you!"

He followed his Quartermaster down to the shore, surprised to see a small ships boat awaiting him, manned by two crew from the Black Pearl. Their pistols were aimed at the sailors milling around them on the beach.

"Captain Lact?"

He nodded, unsure where this was heading.

"Captain Lact, Captain Sparrow wishes to speak with you... if you'll be so kind..." The pirate indicated that he should accompany them in the boat.

Jean Claude nodded, climbing in beside them. Whatever game Jack Sparrow was playing, he held all the cards. He watched the Black Pearl grow closer, looming in his sights as they bumped against the hull.

"You first..." he gestured towards the ship.

He climbed, finding himself facing the crew of the Black Pearl. He recognised Gibbs, the Quartermaster. "Drop all your weapons Lact! Captain is waiting for you in his cabin..."

Frowning he complied, wondering if he would soon recognise the game that was being played. Once he had obeyed Gibb's demands, he was shown into the cabin.


Jack lounged insolently in one of the chairs, a bottle of rum in his hand and his feet on the large table. "Lact, my good friend... drink?"

"If you've come to gloat then get it done with Sparrow, else return me to the island. All I ask is enough shot for my crew..."

"Well..." Jack drawled. He was enjoying this immensely - Lact's confusion was written clearly across his face. "Well, it seems you have placed me in a terrible quandary... personally I'd like to see you consigned to the lowest reaches of hell, but m' wife has pleaded fer yer life and that of yer crew..."

Realisation of what Jack said sparked hope in Jean Claude's eyes. "Your wife?"

"Aye, pretty little thing - terrible spitfire though..." Lact held his tongue, waiting for Jack to finish. "Seems t' think she owes yer a kindness - in spite of what yer did!" He glanced towards one of the side cabins. "Kitty..."

Jean Claude stared in disbelief as he saw the woman emerge, recognising her immediately. "Bonjour Jean Claude," she smiled.

As he realised how utterly he had been duped he started to laugh, a deep belly laugh, chuckling in amazement. "Madame Sparrow I presume?" He turned back to Jack. "Name your terms Sparrow. I am sure we can reach an accord..."

Jack took a deep swig on his rum, smiling as Catherine came and stood beside him. "You will never strike at either m'self or m' ship again - an' that includes crew. It especially means m' wife!" His eyes enforced his last comment. You will sail under my flag an' I want twenty five per cent of yer plunder..."

"And you will give in return?"

"Yer lives. I'll transport you and yer crew to Tortuga. What yer do from there is of no concern t' me..." He paused. "As long as yer don't double- cross me... Yer crew will have t' travel in th' brig, but yer can have yer' freedom as long as I have your agreement that you will not harm any member of m' crew, nor interfere with m' ship... Do we have an accord?"

Jean Claude sighed, realising that this was his only hope of life and that he was not ready to die. Jack Sparrow had him, and he knew it - damn the man! "Oui, we have an accord."

They shook.


Jean Claude Lact stood on the dock at Tortuga, his crew a short distance away, still unbelieving their luck that they were alive and to whom they owed their lives.

He shook hands with Jack Sparrow, embracing his wife Catherine warmly. He still found it hard to believe what she had done, smiling ruefully at how utterly she had duped him in her search for her husband. Sparrow had been right - she was a spitfire. But the feud was over, settled by their accord which bound them as allies even if not friends.

He remained on the dock, watching as the Black Pearl sail away. He supposed he ought to make his way back to New Orleans and home, to search for his little brother. His eyes scanned the harbour... all he needed was a ship.


I'd like to thank everybody who has reviewed, some of you have even become special friends too! {hugs}

But last, and most definitely not least, I'd like to thank my proof-reader Mulberryblueshimmer who has become a good friend who insults me, clouts me when I need a bash and bullies me into staying awake and typing more - despite being on the other side of the world! This story would not have been finished without her... nor would the follow-up be already in the outline plot stage. Thanks mate!