Author's Note: Dang it's been a very long time since I've posted on this one. I actually had this already typed up after I posted the last chapter but forgot about it. I add a little bit to it and iola, not a long chappy but I will try to post more 'sooner'. Please enjoy and review. Thanks!

It's wonderful, this familiar feeling, of being with Logan again. I recall these feelings from before the loss of our son. Back when we first started our relations which soon turned into a courtship. It was so exciting…intoxicating, and those feelings have returned as I strolled hand in hand through the streets of Japan with Logan. Always true to his word, once we awoke from our slumber and headed out, we spent hours trekking around the city sightseeing. Logan showed me all of his favorite places and I'd be hard pressed to pick a favorite for myself, because they were all so spectacular in their own way. I now see why he loves Japan so much, for I too have fallen in love with it. I could however do without all of the stares and people constantly referring to me as a Goddess. Though it is a refreshing change from the disgusted stares and term of 'mutie' I get back home. At the end of our run about the city Logan took we to, in his own words, 'The best goddamn sushi bar in the country'.

"Ya having fun?" He asked as we sat nestled in a booth near the front window awaiting our order. I turned from staring out at the bustling street to focus on him, and threw a genuine smile and nod before replying.

"Yes, very much so thank you for bringing me along Logan."

"Thank you for coming, after the way I've treated ya…" He began and I quickly reached across the table and placed my hand firmly atop his and interrupted his words.

"Logan, we agreed that we are starting with a clean slate remember?" I reminded him. Truth was I hadn't thought it would be an easy task when I had suggested it, but our dysfunctional relationship of the past few months almost seemed like some bad dream. For the most part I am able to forget about it until Logan guiltily brings it up. "So we will leave the past in the past. I am here with you now because you want me here and I want to be with you." I stated and I can see his chest heave as he released a relieved sigh and cast me a wide smile, which I returned. "So when shall we begin our journey to Jasmine Falls?" I asked but before Logan could reply the hostess that greeted us when we came in approached.

"Excuse me," She spoke softly as she bowed graciously. "Mr. Saito has requested your company and asks that you please join him for lunch." She then turned and nodded towards the only table at the back of the restaurant. Both Logan and I turned and looked to the table that housed one man while four other men stood around him, obviously his bodyguards. The seated man was very handsome and dressed in a distinguished manner, and the way he sat staring back at us demanded respect.

"You can go tell Mr. Saito thanks but no thanks," Logan barked out and his tone as well as the way the hostess's eyes widened in fear before she nodded and walked off peaked my interest.

"Do you know him Logan?" I asked as I focused once again on him.

"No, but the tattoos on his and his companions necks tells me that they're most likely affiliated with the Yakuza, the Japanese mob." He replied as he kept his steely eyes locked onto the table in the back of the room. Before I could question him further he spoke out again but not to me. "Look bub we don't want no trouble we just came for the sushi. So you can tell yer boss we are graciously declining his offer." At Logan's words I looked up and discovered one of the men who had been standing at the table in the corner now stood before us.

"The invitation was not for you," The man stated with a smile that could rival Logan's signature sneer. "My boss would like the beautiful Megami (女神) to join him." He continued as he bowed his head a bit and looked at me.

"Oh, please relay to your…uhm…boss that I must kindly decline." I said as I threw a smile and nod back towards the table.

"Ro," Logan called out to me and his tone made me sit up a bit more straight as I snapped my eyes to him. "Just keep yer eyes on me darling and don't speak." He commanded and I nodded in reply making sure to do exactly as he instructed, and kept eyes locked to him as he picked up his small cup of sake. "Lady's with me and she ain't interested in the invitation either." He spoke out and then took a sip of his sake.

"It wasn't a request," The man said as he reached out and grasped my arm with his left hand. He just as quickly released me before crying out while holding up his fingerless right hand. "Ahhhhhhhhh…"

"Ro', get down," Logan ordered and I complied dropping down under the table a split second before bullets started flying, indiscriminately striking other patrons in the restaurant. I kept low as I watched Logan stalk to the back table, blades out and the way his shoulders hunched over spoke to just how pissed he was. Logan in that kind of mood usually meant carnage would ensue. It was obvious that he was being struck mercilessly by the bullets being aimed at him but it didn't seem to slow him down as he swiped at the bodyguard closest to him, killing him instantly and then moved on. Within a matter of seconds it was all over. All of the men at the back table, all except the 'Boss', lay dead on the floor, innocent patrons just as dead about the room, and Logan had a firm grip on my arm and was rushing out the back way of the restaurant. Once outside we easily blended in with the other people who rushed about the busy streets. Logan released me long enough to zip up the leather jacket he wore, I suspect to cover up his holey blood stained shirt, but there was so much blood I'm sure onlookers would have thought that he was simply wearing a red shirt.

"Oh my Goddess Logan, should we not waited for the police?" I asked and I double stepped to keep up with him.

"No, we'll head back to the hotel, pack up our things, and head to Jasmine Falls as planned." He announced. "'Sides there ain't nobody in that restaurant gonna provide any information to the police about what happened. Everyone in this country is afraid of the Yakuza and when any Yakuza is around people tend to go blind and deaf."

"If this Yakuza is so powerful and dangerous shouldn't you be more concerned about them retaliating?" I questioned and judging by the slight smile that spread across Logan's face I was sure he was hoping that they would try. "Why did you leave one alive?" I asked and the question sounded strange even to my ears. Usually I'd chastised Logan for being overly aggressive and deadly.

"So he can relay a message back to his boss," He replied but explained no further.

"And that message was?" I asked curiously.

"That the Wolverine is back in town and the Megami belongs to him," He answered before once again grasping my hand into his as we continued moving along with the crowd. "Don't worry, I'm well known around these parts and to the Yakuza. The old-schoolers will wisely heed the warning and not bother us, but I cannot say the same for the newer members that maybe around now. Some of them may come after us and try to make a name for themselves as a way of moving up the ranks. They'll have to learn the hard way that that will be a career-ender." More like a life-ender I thought as I continued to follow him in silence.