A/N Not finishing one story and starting another may not be the smartest move ever made, but I'm running low on inspiration and this new story crept into my brain. It's not a sequel it's not even related. This is a Romy story, yes, Romy, because I suddenly felt like giving it a try. I really hope you like it. I don't follow any particular story line of the cartoon, some characters may be left out and some may suddenly appear out of nowhere.

So here's to a new story and a new waste of precious time. Oh well. 

Disclaimer: I don't own them, I only own tiny voices in my head.



_Emphasis _

I just remembered

I didn't loose my mind, I backed it up on a disc somewhere Fissie

There was a huge explosion. Well, maybe not huge but definitely giant. It was very big. And loud. Incredibly loud. Very loud. Loud. Audible. Okay, there was a tiny sizzling sound that only Wolverine could hear.

Wolverine, Rogue, Scott, Jean and Kurt got involved in an unexpected full blown battle with Magneto and his Acolytes at the old docks. Backup would arrive soon. They hoped. Because in a short period of time it became very clear that nothing would stop Magneto to get what he wanted. For the first time the X-men felt powerless against him. No one could stop the man. Apparently, not even one of his own Acolytes.

Colossus lay on the ground, semi-unconscious, right in front of the leftovers of one of the old buildings at the docks, with his head resting on an old crate.

''Get out of my way, fool!'' Magneto shouted at Colossus. Another Acolyte, the one known as Gambit, stood up from where he was making sure the X-men weren't attempting any escape, and moved towards the raging Magneto. The Cajun was annoyed, extremely annoyed. Annoyed because his trench coat was ripped. Annoyed because they woke him up early in the morning to go after who-knows-what-it-is-but-Mags-wants-it-gone. Annoyed because Magneto was trying to kill one of his own now. Annoyed with capital A.

''Oh, Lord? Y'might not hav' noticed, but Colossus lost conscious. Y'might wanna move him 'fore y' blast de box 'way, non?'' He said with a fat hint of sarcasm.

''I have no time for those details! It must be destroyed now!'' He was ready to take Colossus down with the crate if he had to. With his powers he lifted a huge amount of metal and readied himself to drop it on the Acolyte.

''Homme! Y'll kill him!'' Gambit shouted.

''Than so be it.'' He was ready to make his final move.

''Oh no y'don'!'' He tossed a charged card at Magneto causing him to loose his balance and falling. The heap of metal continued hovering above Colossus.

''Ignorant fool!''

''Where Gambit come from, we don' kill our own!'' Gambit ran towards Colossus and dragged him away from the old building. 

''Than why don't you crawl back to the swamps where you were born!'' A metal pole crashed into Gambit, it's force throwing him a few meters back, right in front of the crate. At that point Magneto let go of the hovering metal. It fell on top of the the old crate and the Cajun that lay in front of it.

Silence followed. Wolverine heard a tiny little sound. Colossus woke up a bit disorientated.

''It is done. Let us go.'' With that Magneto and his Acolytes left.

''He's might still be alive underneath there, let's get him out!'' Scott was the first one to move. He started to remove chunks of metal. Rogue stood next to him.

''Why?'' She asked irritated. Somehow, she did not find it necessary to help an enemy. Especially  not an enemy that had almost blown her hand away. She would _not _ forget that so easily. 

''Just help!''

With everyone's help, the Cajun was quickly uncovered. He didn't look too good. He was barely breathing and bleeding pretty heavily.

''We've got to take him with us! Quick!''


Gambit lay motionless on one of the beds in the med-lab. He looked very differently like this than on the battlefield, Rogue realized as she watched her enemy. Handsome, one could even say. Long auburn hair, a strong and beautiful face. Very handsome indeed. Not at all like the arrogant idiot he was when he was awake. Not at all.

''Rogue? You came for something?'' She woke up out of a small trance and looked at the doctor.

''Huh? Oh, Ah, eh…we're all a bit curious on how he's doing. Has he woken up yet?''

''No, not yet. But he should any minute now.'' Hank McCoy, resident doctor annex researcher, answered.

She bend over to look at him more closely. His long hair was unruly and hung partially over his face. Suddenly his eyes fluttered open. ~Oh mah God~ Dead-black sclera on blood-red irises looked up at her. She found herself locked in his eyes and kept staring.

''Like what y'see, chere?'' He said smirking.

That brought her back to reality. The Cajun was the same arrogant idiot he had always been. She wanted to tell him to shut his arrogant mouth up or shut it up for him.

''Are you alright?'' ~Damn. Not exactly what Ah had planned on saying~.

''Let's see.'' He looked around. ''I'm in a lab or somethin', stuck t'a bed, needles in m'arms, a splittin' headache, m'eyes hurt, can' feel m'legs, an' a beautiful Southern belle is lookin' at m'. I say I couldn't be better!'' He flashed her a smile. She turned red underneath all the make-up. Red with anger, of course. ~ Of course!~

''Welcome to the land of the living, my friend.'' Gambit turned his head towards the speaker. He saw a big, blue, furry, beast-like creature coming towards him.

''Don' tell m', Dr. Moreau sends his regards.''

''Not quite. I am your doctor, my name is Hank McCoy, and this is Rogue.'' Rogue looked at Hank questioningly. She didn't understand why he introduced himself. Gambit knew the X-men. But waht she didn't know was that Hank suspected that Gambit might suffer from a mild form of amnesia. This was a little test to see if his suspicion proved to be true.

''Nice t'meet y'. Love t' shake y'r hand, but I'm tied up at de moment.'' Hank was right. Gambit didn't remember them. It was really nothing to worry about. These symptoms were quite common. His memory would soon return.

''Sorry about that. I will untie you. Maybe you will tell us your name?''

''Non, not 'till y' tell m' how I got here an' why I'm tied t'de bed.''

''We found you under a load of metal so we brought you here to cure you. The restraints are more of a protection to yourself. You are a restless sleeper, you kept pulling the needles out.''

''Y'r tryin' t'tell m' dat y'r just two good ole Samaritans, dat help poor Cajuns out of de good in y'r heart?''

''No, we are a group of mutants, like yourself. We help others like us and you looked like you could use help. We mean you no harm. As soon as your healed you are free to leave.''

''Feelin' better already. See y'around some oder day.'' He was ready to get up. Two large blue paws held him back.

''You are not going anywhere until you have my permission. And I do not intent to give you permission until you have fully recovered.''

''I'm fine, really. Good t'go.''

''You will be fine in a few days time. And until then you will stay here.'' Seeing there was no way of talking himself out of this, Gambit resorted to plan B: Get the girl.

''All b'myself?'' He gave his biggest puppy-dog-eyes-look to Rogue.

''No, of course not.'' Rogue answered sweetly. Gambit smiled, plan B was always successful. ''Mr. Pillow here will keep ya company!'' She took a pillow from an other bed and threw it at him.

''Rogue, please, do not do that!'' Hank's intervention made her miss Gambit by a mile or so as she fell on the bed, on his chest.

''Chere, I knew y'd fall f'r me.'' His hand moved to her face.

''Don't touch me!'' She shouted and ran out of the lab.

''Spicy personality. I like.'' Hank sighed.

''Let's see how you're doing, shall we.'' Hank stood next to the Cajun with a syringe in his hand and grabbed his arm.

''Whoa, where y' goin' wid dat?'' Gambit wanted to move his arm away but the doctor's hand was too strong and he was too weak.

''I am going to have to take a blood sample.''

''Hurt legs an' a headache, I don' see de need f'r a blood sample.''

''A concussion, an irregular heartbeat and a great loss of blood. I see every reason for a blood sample.''

''Don' come near m'!''

''Just look the other way.'' Gambit did so.

''Y'r gon' hurt m'.''

''No I am not.''


''I didn't do anything yet.'' Hank was getting impatient.

''Y' sure y'r a doctor?''




''An' y'r jus' helpin' m'?''


''What y' wan' in return?''

''Nothing, just your good health.''

''Y' sure? Cos I ain' gon' pay f'r nothing I didn' ask f'r.''

''Good, because that will not be necessary, really.'' Something in the man's way and something else told the Cajun that he wasn't lying. ''There, it is done. You can look this way again. Now, would you tell me your name?''


''Why not?''

''I don' remember.''

A/N You like? You review. I continue. You don't like? You review. I change. Easy as punch and pie.