Anam Cara

15. To Disappear

It wasn't just Hermione staring agape at Minerva McGonagall, both Ginny and Harry joined in, identical disbelief painted upon their faces.

McGonagall observed them all, not looking in the least put out. "Is there something wrong?"

"Is there-!" Hermione spluttered. "Snape's coming with me? Since when? Why?"

"Maybe he's just ensuring the Portkey takes you there safely," said Ginny reassuringly. Just as Hermione considered that that was probably the truth, McGonagall shook her head.

"My dear girl- you didn't honestly believe that we'd send you off to some remote cottage alone?"

"Well…" Hermione trailed off. "But why Snape? You can't tell me he volunteered for the job?"

McGonagall turned towards the stairs so that the three younger Gryffindors wouldn't see the tiny smile creeping across her lips. "Actually, Miss Granger, he did."

As her former Head of House traversed the stairs, Hermione looked to both her friends in desperation. Harry returned the reaction.

"How can I live with him? He hates me," she told them in a low hiss. "By the end of it, staying here would be the preferable option."

"You really think so?" McGonagall didn't even turn and Hermione's mouth snapped shut. In Harry's arms, the baby began to writhe about and cry. He struggled to keep her secure. Hermione felt like sinking to the floor and echoing Kate Potter's cries. One moment she had a safe place to live where no one would find her, where she could find herself again and hopefully emerge from when the Minister finally saw sense (or was replaced), and the next, it was all hampered by the dark presence of an ever-brooding Potions Master ready to throw her an insult at every corner.

Ginny, sensing her friend's feelings, gave her an apologetic look. "Normally, Hermione, I might agree with you…but maybe it's a good idea."

Harry shot her a look.

"Look, I'm just saying, Snape might not be an ideal companion but if you're looking for someone who's good in these situations and is probably one of the best wizards you could have around to protect you…he's probably the choice, Hermione."

Reluctantly, Hermione she was right, but that didn't make the situation easier. They followed McGonagall up the stairs to the Headmaster's office, where the small group awaiting them was assembled around Dumbledore's desk. They wore identical looks of grim sobriety. Sending Hermione away was the best choice now, but it didn't mean they liked it. Professor Snape was there, but as always, stood a little way from the familiar group, looking on. McGonagall's sister was no longer there. Hermione wondered if they'd simply performed an Obliviate and sent her on her way, which seemed a little cold after what the witch had given them, no matter how temporary; her refuge. Would she see Athene again, she wondered.

Dumbledore regarded her with a gentle smile, but it was without the customary twinkle. "Are you ready, Hermione?"

Hermione began to nod and then stopped. "I'm just wondering- the new school term starts within a few days- how can Professor Snape be…with me, if he's needed to teach?"

"Oh, that's all taken care of," Dumbledore answered. Hermione swore she heard a derisive snort come from the tall Slytherin's direction. "I have experience in Potions, so I shall be taking Severus's class as long as necessary."

Hermione could have laughed. The elder wizard's rather eccentric way of doing most things could only be outrageously out of place in the Potions dungeon, where silence and rules reigned. Sherbet lemons were considered illicit property.

"Severus knows how to contact me should the need arise," Dumbledore told her. "But I strongly advise against doing so, especially for the next few weeks. We don't want to slip up on some minor detail under the Ministry's eye."

Hermione nodded. "Look…I just want to say thank you. To all of you. You're putting yourselves under suspicion by just being here." She gazed round at the other faces and then frowned. "Where's Draco?" The blonde Slytherin was nowhere to be seen, which she found unsettling.

"He is at the Ministry." Hermione looked over to Snape, her brow creased further.

"Is he-"

"He believes himself to be safe," Snape answered her unfinished question. They have summoned him there so keep him from hindering their impending investigation, I suspect. He has returned to his usual job."

It was a strange feeling, being glad for Draco's safety, Hermione mused, so often having wished for it to be compromised in her school years. Now, she didn't think she could bear it, if, after sticking his neck out for her, Draco's life was worsened just that bit more.

"It would be a good idea to get this over with now," said Snape, looking impatiently and pointedly at the Portkey.

"Just a minute." Hermione looked curiously at Ron. "Hermione…could I just have a word with you? Outside?"

She nodded in consent and followed him outside, to the top of the winding staircase. As she closed the door, she was surprised to find Ron's hand on hers. Hermione abruptly turned to find herself in very close proximity to him.

"Ron…" she started, but never finished, feeling that hand snake it's way up her arm. She closed her eyes briefly as she felt his other hand brush against her face, moving away the tendril that had fallen in front of her eyes.

As she opened them again, she was startled at the intensity shining in his.

"Hermione…" his voice was low. "I missed you. I know I've said it already but it doesn't cover just how much." He scanned her face, shaking his head in incredulity.

"You're still beautiful."

Hermione was lost for words but couldn't remove her gaze from his. This was different to the Ron she'd known. The feeling in his expression was unmistakeable, something that had been missing from their previous, brief relationship. She opened her mouth to attempt to say something, anything, no matter how incomprehensible but Ron silenced her.

His lips were suddenly, gently pressed against her own. She stiffened slightly but began to respond in kind, allowing herself to place her hands against his chest, and let his arms fall around her waist. Just as she requested entrance to his mouth and began to feel his tongue against her own, stirring a deeper feeling within her, Ron pulled back.

"Not now," he said hoarsely. "After?"

Wordlessly, she nodded. Where had this strangely passionate man been in their seventh year? She barely had time to think about it before Ron opened the door and ushered her back inside. She noticed, with slight embarrassment, that McGonagall was deliberately not looking at her, and Ginny was smiling knowingly at her husband.

One by one, they all shared brief goodbyes. Hermione had just gently kissed Kate's forehead, and turned to find Ron had left. Inwardly, she wasn't surprised- it would have seemed odd, forced even, for him to wave goodbye, as if what had just occurred between them had never happened.

"Are you ready, Miss Granger?"

Hermione looked to Snape, and then to the others in reply.

"I think so," she answered softly, and then nodded more definitely. "Yes."

Her 'protector' held out his hand. A small silver key was lying on his palm.

"Shall we?" he suggested dryly.

Her eyes averted from the others, she stepped forward. Without a backward look, Hermione grasped his proffered hand with her small one and was surprised to find it gentle and warm as it closed around her own. Chocolate eyes met charcoal as they began to feel the customary unpleasant tug the Portkey produced. Within moments, they were gone. Somehow, she couldn't help feeling that she'd left some part of herself behind in that office. Was it for the best? She honestly didn't know yet.

A/N: So the hard bit's over with- I've finally got them alone. Now let's see about the 'Anam Cara' bit. Thanks to everyone who has reviewed. Please don't run from this fic at Ron/Hermione-ness, let's not forget she's going away with a certain someone.

On another note, it's approximately 5 days to the previews of PofA. My seat's booked and the word 'eager' doesn't encompass how much I want to see this film.

Tabiku Tab Iakkin- At first glance, I thought your review was a flame. And then I read it properly and was overjoyed. However, I'm afraid that this is nothing to what you can find. My helpful hint is to head to Every story is quality checked by the HG/SS 'shipper owners. Brilliant site. Thanks for reviewing, and I hope you find others that you like.

Duj- I was initially going to have them use a Secret Keeper-but why? I like what I've done here, and it's allowed me to incorporate an OC, who will come into play during later chapters. Besides, it was obvious really, and this is my twist on things. I hope you didn't dislike it that much. Thanks for reading.

Rhyanna/Jean Jelly Bean- Thanks for the luck- the exam went better than I expected, which is good since I'm doing French at college. Rhyanna- I expect you're doing your G.C.S.E's/A-Levels? Good luck with your oncoming exams and thanks for dropping by.