A/N: I am sorry for not updating earlier, but thank you for the many reviews I got. I decided to change the POV of the story; I don't want it to be on someone's POV, but just a normal POV. I hope you can bear with me. Thank you again. I don't want this story to consist of a lot of chapters, so this chapter is going to be long. I'm trying to finish this story, but don't worry I'm not going to rush things. Again thank you for the reviews.

Simple Truth

Chapter Five: Acceptance

Kaoru was shocked to hear that she was pregnant, but deep inside she was glad that there would be some reminder of Aoshi.

"Kaoru, are you going to keep the baby?" asked Megumi, distress etched on her face.

Kaoru looked at her, shocked that her sister doubted her. "Of course I'm going to keep this child! What do you think of me! I'm not such a terrible person you know, I lost a child before and I won't let it happen now."

Megumi looked down, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to sound that way."

"It's ok, I know you didn't. It's just the hormones talking" Kaoru laughed, but it was evident that she was still shaken by the news.

There was an uneasy silence, until Sanosuke broke it.

"Are you going to tell the father, Aoshi or something?" asked Sanosuke.

Kaoru thought about it for a while, but in the end she shook her head. Megumi and Sano were quiet.

"But Kaoru he has the rights to know, I mean he is the father right?" Megumi questioned.

Kaoru just nodded, but then she looked up and said, "Its better he doesn't know, it'll lessen his problems, besides I can handle myself; and you guys are around anyways."

"Kaoru, what about the financial things, you can't support the both of you" Megumi reasoned.

"I'll work harder," even though Kaoru said this with cheerfulness in her voice, there was still uncertainness in her voice, and on how she looked down.

"But Kaoru…" Megumi tried to reason again, but Kaoru stopped her.

"Megumi, stop trying to argue, I can support both the child and me without any help from Aoshi."

Megumi just nodded, and stood up.

"So who's hungry?" Sano asked, with his usual cockiness. Both sisters smiled at Sanosuke; at least they could depend on him for not being emotionally distressed as them.

Sano left the room before Kaoru and Megumi; he knew that they needed time alone.

"Kaoru, just remember that whenever you need help, I'm there okay?" Megumi offered.

Kaoru nodded, she was so glad that there was still someone she could rely on. She fought back the tears, but then again she couldn't. It was just too much for her to bear. As she shed those tears, she was smiling, she knew that after every end comes a new beginning. She was just starting her life.

They headed out to a new restaurant in town. Kaoru was shocked at who she saw, it was Misao! She tried to hide from her, but her attempts were futile.

"Kaoru, oh my gosh, how have you been?" Misao greeted her. "I'm so sorry about my stupid brother, he doesn't deserve you!"

Kaoru just stared at her, she was afraid that Misao might tell Aoshi that she saw her. "Misao, can you come with my for a second, I have to tell you something." Misao nodded.

Sano and Megumi were already seated but they knew the situation so they didn't interrupt.

For the first time the two best friends hugged. There were tears in Kaoru's eyes.

"Oh Misao, I don't know what to do" sobbed Kaoru.

"Kaoru, tell me what's wrong" said Misao, worry etched in her voice.

"I'm pregnant, and its Aoshi's child, please don't tell him. I don't want him to know that I carry his child" Kaoru confessed.

"I won't tell him."

Kaoru trusted Misao; she was her best friend first, before they became sister in laws. Their bond was stronger than anything. Even though they've been busy, they always find time to spend with each other. But since the divorce they lost contact with each other; this was the only opportunity for them to talk.

"Hey, I never got to meet your husband" Kaoru tried to change the subject, Misao noticed but she complied.

"He's here with me, why don't I introduce you two" Misao suggested. She went inside the restaurant again, and came out holding someone's hand. Kaoru saw a familiar face.

The Shinomori Enterprise was booming! The employees were happy, and always have a smile on their faces. The only thing that was bothering them was their president, he didn't seem happy at all. They heard about the divorce, but they thought that he would soon get over that; for there are thousands of women flaunting their body to him. How they were wrong.

Aoshi Shinomori, the millionaire, the entrepreneur, was unhappy. Yes, he did have everything in his life, but he just lost his soul. He pushed away his angel; the only person that ever made him smile, he let go. He had no one to share his everything with. He was ready to give up everything, but he knew that many would suffer; his employees would lose jobs and would have nothing to feed their families that would be unfair.

"Mr. Shinomori, the representatives of Mr. Seta are here" informed his personal secretary to Aoshi.

Aoshi just nodded, he hated having meetings, but it was necessary for his business. He stood up and headed out his office towards the conference room. The doors were opened by the guards, and soon Aoshi was greeting the representatives; still there was no smile on his face. The representatives were not heard of the news; they had a meeting with Aoshi before.

"Mr. Shinomori, we were sent here to tell you that the verdict was on your favor. Your brother-in-law wishes to congratulate you. Now the Kanryuu Co. is in debt to you" said one of the representatives. The other one didn't speak at all, he just sat and handed Aoshi the paperwork.

The representatives stood and shook Aoshi's hand.

"Tell Soujiro that I appreciate his help and to take care of my sister and niece" said Aoshi. The representatives nodded and left the room. Aoshi just stood there; taking a deep breath he could still smell a faint hint of jasmine. Kaoru always went to this room to wait for him, and now there was no one.

'How ironic,' Aoshi thought, 'now that she's gone I want her back, but when she was here I didn't want her staying in the office.'

Aoshi left the room and headed back to his office. He was ready to face another day of work, another day without Kaoru, he was getting used to it.

"Soujiro!" Kaoru exclaimed. She still couldn't believe that her new boss was he ex sister-in-law's husband.

"Kaoru, you've met Soujiro before?" Misao asked, also surprised that her best friend knew her husband, even though this is the first time they've ever met.

"Misao, he's my new boss" Kaoru simply stated.

"Kaoru, it's so nice to see tonight. Misao she's the one I was talking about earlier." Soujiro was clearly not as confused as Misao. Then suddenly Misao's face lit up.

"So you're the new employee of Soujiro, he was just talking about how you had potential," Misao said, finally understanding everything. "I was getting jealous at first, but now that I know it's you I'm not anymore."

"Misao, how do you know Kaoru?" Soujiro asked, clearly he was now the one confused.

"It's a long story, but I suppose I should tell you" Misao said, but first she looked over at Kaoru, asking permission whether she could spill everything to her husband. Kaoru nodded. "Well, Kaoru and I are best friends, we met in college, she met my brother and they got married, and now they're divorced."  Misao made the whole story short.

"Ah, I understand know. So you're the reason why Aoshi is all broody" said Soujiro.

Kaoru's face suddenly looked down, Misao noticed so she decided to change the subject.

"So Kaoru where do you live now?" asked Misao. Kaoru informed Misao of where she was living at. Misao was shocked at where her best friend was staying at; Soujiro just stood there watching the interaction of the two people. "Didn't you get the house in the east coast? How come you don't live there, instead of paying monthly bills?"

"I prefer to work on my own, than to depend on something," Kaoru said, "I have to go in my sister might be looking for me, goodbye." Kaoru left the couple alone and headed inside the restaurant. She felt assured that her secret was safe, she could trust Misao.

"I'm guessing you want to know the whole truth of their divorce, but you have to promise that after I tell you, you won't tell Aoshi" Misao said.

"I promise, you know I never break promises" Soujiro said, Misao nodded. Misao told Soujiro everything, and also about Kaoru being pregnant.

"Soujiro, you have to promise not to tell Aoshi," Misao requested, "I know you're very close to my brother, but this situation is up to Kaoru; whether she wants to tell my brother or not."

"I would never tell him, I know that this is Kaoru's choice, so I'll leave it up to her." Misao was happy.

The couple was headed back inside, and they enjoyed the company of each other the rest of the night, without any disruptions from their baby girl.

It's been 5 months now, Kaoru has finally moved on. She was happy with her life, and she can't wait till her baby comes out. Her job has been a great help to her. She's in contact with Misao, and during weekends when the both of them aren't busy they go out and spend time together. Kaoru decided to take maternity leave, which was fine to Soujiro, Kaoru has been his greatest employee; she's always on time.

"Kaoru what would you name your baby if it's a girl?" asked Misao, this was the kind of day that they would spend time with each other. Today they were in a bookstore.

"Well, I really haven't thought about it" Kaoru said honestly, now she was worried.

Misao sensing her friend said, "Don't worry I'll help you pick one. We'll pick one for a boy and a girl." Kaoru nodded, she was relieved. Kaoru didn't want to know whether her child was a boy or girl during the ultra sound; she said she wanted it to be a surprise.

"Mama!" Misao's daughter Meiko shouted a book in hand.

"Yes, Meiko we're going to buy the book, anything you want" Misao cooed her daughter.

"Mmmh!" Kaoru muffled, she was having a short contraction. Her due date was coming close.

"Kaoru, are you okay?" asked Misao, she was worried for her friend. Kaoru nodded, her contractions just passed. She was smiling again.

They headed towards the counter and paid for Meiko's coloring book. They decided to eat out.

"Kaoru, I can't wait till your baby come, I'm going to be an Aunt!" Misao said excitedly.

"Neither do I" Kaoru responded, a smile on her lips.

Their food was delivered, Meiko was asleep beside Misao. The two best friends were eating quietly, appreciating each other's company.

Misao suddenly broke the silence. "Aoshi was in an accident."

Kaoru suddenly looked up, worry etched on her face. She opened her mouth to say something, but decided against it.

"He was in a car accident, he was severely hurt. All he does is look for you, can you at least go and hold his hands."

"Misao you know I can't, I'm going to break down once I see his face."

"Kaoru please, just this once. I mean you're going to keep his child away from him, the least you can do I be by his side even for just 5 minutes."

Kaoru contemplated the possibilities of him waking up while she's was there, and she decided to go. "Okay, but only this once."

Misao was happy again, and she went back to her old self again. That's what Kaoru likes about Misao; she can easily smile despite the pain.  After eating, they headed towards the hospital where Aoshi was confined in.

Upon reaching his room, Kaoru felt scared again, so she stopped in front of his room, and didn't move.

"Kaoru, its okay he's not going to wake up, just stay there for 5 minutes and then I'll drive you back home" Misao reassured Kaoru.

Kaoru entered the room alone, she suddenly felt like crying. She was going to turn and walk out until she heard Aoshi call her name. She turned around and saw that Aoshi was talking in his sleep, but he was dreaming about her.

"Kaoru" Aoshi whispered his hand was clenching the bed covers. Kaoru walked towards Aoshi's bed, and examined his features. There were scratches on his face, his left arm was bandaged, so instead Kaoru held his right arm, and she started crying. Seeing Aoshi was enough to set emotions lose, so many memories were brought back upon seeing his face; memories she tried so hard to erase

"I can never hate you no matter how hard I try, nor can I forget about you. I want to blame you for everything; for making fall in love with you, for breaking my heart, and for not hating you at all. I want you to open your eyes! To smile at me like you used to, what happened to us?" Kaoru confessed.

"I'm sorry" Aoshi whispered. Kaoru was taken aback; she was worried that Aoshi might be awake after all. But he wasn't.

"Farewell Aoshi, this is my way of saying goodbye." Then she let go of his hand, she wiped her tears and headed out the door.

"Come on now Misao, I want to go home."

Misao nodded, carrying Meiko's car seat. She knew that Kaoru was upset, but now she has finally let her motion free.

Before Kaoru could any farther, she felt her water broke, and she looked back at a surprised Misao.

"I think I'm in labor."

A/N: I hope you guys like my story and this chapter. The next chapter will be up in like about 3 weeks. I'm just waiting for summer, so that I can update regularly. My other story will be updated in about a week. Thank you for reading, and please review.