Title: Blood Bonds

Author: Nightshade3

Summary: Estel was brought to the shores of the Valinor to be with his family, yet something still stands in his way…

Disclaimer: Don't own 'em, if I did I wouldn't have to worry about money or college…

Sequel to: Ada's Memories, I recommend you read that first before this story

A/N: It is Estel and Elrond father/so relationship again, Legolas is primary in this chapter because I needed someone to set everything up…. Kind of like Shakespeare

*Peeks out from behind her backpack* Um… Sorry it's so late? *Ducks back behind as she waits for things to be thrown* Don't kill me! I got busy, and I tried to finish it all, I got at least the first two chapters done, and part of the last working on the middle now. Seriously I am working every night on bits and pieces. But I thought I'd be nice and post the first chapter in celebration of me going to Chicago tomorrow and of America's Thanksgiving Day (a.k.a. Turkey Day.) So Happy Holidays to all and hope you enjoy the chapter

" " = Elvish

' ' = Common Tongue

"What if he does not awaken?" Celebrian asked Elros worriedly as she watched her husband and daughter hover over the boy. "What will we do then?"

Elros stared at his brother, his stomach dropped. Elrond was ashen white and shaking. It had been two days and his youngest son still had not awakened. Elrond had refused to eat, drink, or sleep; and his other children and the young prince were not being any better. It seemed as if everything was at a standstill now that the youngest son of Elrond and Celebrian lay motionless in the bed.

"I do not know my sister, I do not know." Celebrian had to strain to hear his voice as she watched him turn away his face from the bed. Elros tried to get away from the crystal drops of water that the entire family cried.

But Elros could not help to think that it might lead to the destruction of an entire family, if not more people. He heard his brother's voice pleading in his mind, calling out. Spare my youngest, please let my son live. Elros heard those pleas in an elf lady that Estel had barely known; yet whose wounded heart he was able to capture. The boy was entrenched deep within many people's hearts…


"What if he hates me now because I did not tell him he was glowing?" Legolas asked the twins and Tindomiel as he paced back and forth in Elrond's home in the Valinor.

Gimli had decided to make himself scarce in case Elrond decided to turn his anger on him, finding refuge with Celebrimbor and some of his dwarven friends; with whom had had gotten into a discussion about mining about. But his young human friend was never far from his mind. That laddie was ever getting himself into trouble.

Estel still had not awakened from his state of shock causing Elrond to worry, no matter how much Elros and Celebrian reassured him. Arwen… Arwen was worried at her husband's fainting spell. For in her mind now grew the fear that he would never wake up again.

Elladan thought he was going to strangle his friend if he did not sit down soon, he was making his head spin. "Legolas sit down before you make me sick with all your pacing."

Legolas didn't seem to hear Elladan, as he continued to pace back and forth to the point where even Tindomiel, who paced often, was getting a headache from watching as he went back and forth.

Soon both Elrohir and Tindomiel (for Elladan did not think he could speak again to, let alone touch Legolas without taking out his anger and frustration on him.) grabbed Legolas and forced him to sit down.

"Legolas I doubt he hates you, it would be us that he would never be able to trust." Elrohir said quietly feeling quite guilt for his brother's fainting spell. Why in the world had they had to tell that way, tell him what the blood bonding had actually done to him? And truly they had yet to tell him.

"Why should he hate you Legolas? He loves you very much, all of you." Tindomiel said quietly as she looked around the group. She wondered at what Elrohir had just said, why wouldn't Estel be able to trust his own brothers?

They were hiding something, she could tell, but what was it? Why was Estel glowing? He hadn't died nor did he have a good percentage of elven blood, so it couldn't be the reason he glowed. What had the twins and Legolas done to Estel that had caused this to happen? Arwen didn't seem to know either, nor Elrond, Elros, Celebrian, Gil-Galad, or Elendil. None of them had heard of such a thing. And Tindomiel had done some deep researching when she had taken against her will by Arwen to their mutual great grandfather Tuor and great grandmother Idril, so as to question them if they knew anything of this sickness… They took less notice of her being more focused on Arwen's beauty but they had received little information no matter how much they analyzed what they had been told...

But Celeborn and Galadriel knew something as well, more so then the twins and Legolas, their faces screamed it. That is probably why they disappeared so soon after Estel fainted. They had said that they were going to try and find a way to help their grandson. Tindomiel trusted them both, (even if she was very wary of Lady Galadriel) but she had to question what other dangers there would be to Estel if the truth did not come out soon as to why all these strange things were happening to him.

Elrond and Celebrian were worried about the boy and her father had stayed with his brother and Celebrian the entire time waiting patiently for the young man to wake up. Elrond refused to leave until Estel woke up; therefore her father didn't come home, even though their home was right next door to her uncle's. Elrond had barely left Estel's side, her father had told her that Elrond wouldn't leave until the world ended or Estel woke up, whichever came first.

Vardamir, he would know what to do. Even if Manwendil appeared right now I would be grateful. Tindomiel thought to herself with a sigh, wringing her hands. But back to topic about her Uncle, Aunt and father.

Instead her uncle, aunt and father just stayed in the same open room, which couldn't be good for Estel's health, as a warm fire burned in the hearth. Though it didn't seem to do any good to heat the room. This is suppose to be paradise yet it is cool inside the room. Must be an elven concept that she had never heard of before. But one thing she did know was that it was to cold for a human who was ill.

Was he truly…? Tindomiel pushed the thought out of her mind.

Arwen… She had been doing busy work for the past two days, only to leave her husband's side and their family's house once, yesterday when on some sudden burst of inspiration had led her to take Tindomiel with her to their great grandparent's. She hadn't seemed like the young elf, so full of life and beauty of spirit, heart, and body that Tindomiel had met the first few days when Arwen arrived at the Undying Lands. Now the light in her eyes was faded, her compassion had dwindled as she snapped at the family around her, and her hair was stringy and there were black circles around her eyes. She gave the raccoon a good rival in the bandit look but Tindomiel refused to comment on that. It was rude to do so, but Arwen needed to get some sleep, Estel would have wanted her to do that. And from what she heard, was that at this moment Arwen was teetering on the brink of sanity out of worry for her husband. Tindomiel didn't know when, but Arwen was going to break. And it was going to happen soon.

Something had happened on Middle Earth that the three youngsters hadn't expected, what ever they had done to ensure Estel's acceptance in the Valinor was coming back to haunt them. And only time would tell what the true consequences would be…

As Tindomiel pondered the mystery surrounding Estel, Legolas stared into the distance. How had this all began? It started not to long ago in his mind but for Estel, for Estel it probably would have seemed like a lifetime ago… even before he himself realized it…


"You better get up Estel or you are going to miss the hunting trip." Legolas told the lanky eighteen-year-old human, who was still lying in bed with his eyes closed. His travel bags, his sword and short bow with his quiver lay on the chair next to the bed. Yet the lazy human wouldn't move!

"Go away Legolas, it hurts to much to move." Estel said as he felt a wave of nausea from the bed bending from Legolas' light weight.

"Stop joking Estel and get up. We have to get going if we are going to be able to hunt the light deer. They only come out in the morning, you know this." Legolas teased his mortal friend.

"Estel will not be going on the hunting trip with you Legolas." Came a voice from behind him. Legolas turned around and faced the Lord of Imladris.

"Why not my lord, Estel has not done anything wrong. He has obeyed all the rules. You told him he would be able to going on this trip." Legolas pleaded, he knew how much Estel wanted to go on this trip.

"It is naught that I am not allowing him Legolas, but that his body is not allowing him to go on this trip." Elrond said looking at his youngest son sadly, as the boy as he drifted back and forth from conscious and unconsciousness.

"He is not poisoned my lord, he ate nothing bad. For he ate the same things as I." Legolas looked down at his friend; he surely must be joking. His father had to be in on it too. Estel was a prankster just like his older brothers.

"Ai Legolas, Estel is not poisoned, but sick." Elrond said looking deep into Legolas' eyes trying to get him to believe the seriousness of the situation.

Legolas was confused, "What is sick my lord?" All the while he asked, he was thinking to himself that the Peredhil family were going to extreme measures with this joke.

"Nothing us elves can imagine, horrible for humans. The particular malady that has caught Estel has caused him to become ill in his stomach and gave him a high fever. His body is worn out from trying to fight the sickness within and will need a great deal of rest before it is well again. He would not last on a hunting trip. No Estel must stay here, were he can fight his affliction safely." Elrond said quietly as he knelt near his son's bed, praying to Elbereth that he would be able to fight this disease. It was a tradition to do so ever since Estel had almost died from malaria

Finally understanding the serious of the situation Legolas looked at his friend and thought that his young friend had gotten a bad plot in life. He turned to leave the room, to go tell Elladan and Elrohir that Estel wouldn't be joining them, but he looked back at the scene. On the bed lay the lanky teenager dressed in an elven styled blue tunic and dark green leggings; He was pale and showed no signs of getting a beard, but his long hair lay loose across his pillow. A red velvet robe clad Elrond now sat on the bed cradling his youngest's head in his arms, his hair was loose hanging down off his shoulders from his bowed head. He sang a soft lullaby, as if it could drive away the sickness. Legolas turned away, a single drop of water flowed down his cheek…


"Now tell me Estel where it hurts." Legolas said as he applied the bandages that Elrond had forced them to pack, knowing now why he had been so insistent about the two friends taking the small clothes with them. Legolas had forgotten how trouble seemed to be drawn to Estel. He looked around from the solution that prevented infection to put on a pretty nasty cut forty-year old Aragorn had managed to receive. Estel's shoulder blade length hair was still raven colored, his gray eyes still sparkled. In mortal standards he did not look any older then twenty-nine with only a tiny hint of a beard from the weeks of travel on the road.

"You are late Legolas." Estel said trying to jest, as he indicated to the front pouch of his travel bag where he kept all of his healing supplies in a hard leather case. "It might be easier to tell you where it does not hurt mellon-nin"

"I am not late, you did not warn me that you were going to wander around Mirkwood. You are just lucky that I was on the look out for those wargs and found your sorry hide." Legolas said as he moved to the indicated bag. "And surly you can not be in that much pain Estel, even as bad as it may look."

"It is no jest, Legolas, although I heartily wish it was." Estel said as he leaned back with his eyes closed. He heard Legolas' breath hitch for a moment when he turned around. Aragorn still found it slightly funny that Legolas would become frightened when he saw his eyes closed.

"You look terrible. When was the last time you preened your hair?" Estel teased in a disbelieved voice that it was possible for an elf to get dishevel, trying to calm his friend's nerves. Legolas long hair was tangled, covered in warg blood, his green leather tunic stained black, and he would need a new pair of blue leggings. Blood flowed out of a scratch on his cheek and his eyes were weary.

Legolas regained his composer, remembering that his dear friend was not an elf so it was all right for him to close his eyes. But that also reminded the elf that Estel did not have superior healing abilities. Yet here Estel was joking that he looked terrible and trying to calm him.

A wounded healer, the thought came unbidden to Legolas as he began to treat his friend's multiple injuries. Maybe next time he would just travel to Rivendell instead of Estel coming to Mirkwood. It was safer for the both of them that way.

"What am I going to do with you mellon-nin?" Legolas said with a laugh as Estel

gave him a weak smile as he prepared to be tortured with what Legolas called healing. Actually it was not really bad, Legolas just needed some more practice. Maybe he should convince his father that Legolas need extra lessons in healing as well...


…"You are late." Legolas said to the wounded Estel, a person he had never given up hope on. The person he failed the one he had allowed to come too close to death in the warg fight. It had been to close a call, but Estel was here now. So he called on the old words that Estel had once told him.

Aragorn, was who he was to these people, a scarred middle aged looking man. Aragorn looked nothing like the young man he had known, with his weather-beaten face, short uncombed hair, scarred hands and face, and the beginnings of crow's feet around his eyes. Yet his eyes, Estel's expressively brilliant eyes told a story. They told of the young man that existed in this aging man's body. Showing the hint of elven light never to be seen outside of those eyes. The man gave him a strange look for his comment, surprised and curious as to what Legolas was talking about.

'You look terrible.' His tone a mixture between disbelief, seriousness, and humor. How could this have happened? How could it be that his younger friend was getting older, when he was still young? In his mind, Legolas cursed Iluvator's gift to the second race. For it was a curse for Estel and for himself. It made Estel not remember his own words that he had once teased Legolas with every time he saw him before age fifty when he had to go off once more into the world of men.

Estel just laughed as he remember what Legolas was speaking of; grinning truly for the first time on the quest since he had seen his grandparents, and had spent time just joking with Haldir and himself. The quest had laid heavily on Estel aging him before his time, doing what eighty-seven years could not. But there was no blame in Estel's depths, only thanks for still believing him.

"Hannon le Legolas." Came the young man's whisper as Legolas handed him the Eveningstar. Legolas smiled back, looking at his dear friend promising him silently that he would never fail him again. The unspoken message reached Estel as he clapped his hand on Legolas' shoulder and Legolas' on his. A promise between brothers…


…"And our tithen muindor has grown up." Elrohir said as he walked by Elrond with Elladan and Legolas. Legolas watched as his dear friend gave his orders, looking so strong and confident in his troops abilities. Giving them hope to win this fight, as his name told.

"Estel grow up? That will never truly happen." Elladan told his younger twin. "Estel will always be young in his heart, no matter his physical appearance." A note of sadness could be heard in the older twin's voice, Legolas noticed.

"Estel will never grow old in his heart." Legolas agreed, his eyes filled with pain as he looked over at his aging friend.

But his words were true; Estel would never grow old at heart. And for once Legolas was happy that Estel was not an elf, so he would never be weighted down by the burdens that the firstborns carried. Maybe that was the true gift the Eru gave to the second born. "Sometimes I wonder if humans ever truly grow old there or if it is just Estel."

"There are some, but Estel… Estel I think is truly a unique human whose heart will never grow old. He holds a spirit of the firstborn and of the second born. The light in his eyes will not diminish until his soul leaves his body to journey out of this world." Elrond said softly looking after his youngest son. Legolas looked over sadly at the half elf, knowing the gloom that was upon his heart.

"It never should have to leave." Elladan whispered bitterly.

Legolas looked at Elladan then turned his head watched as Elrond looked over at his eldest son. "Elladan..."

But Legolas knew that he had no words for this. It pained Elrond as it did Elladan that his youngest would depart from this world forever. Elladan was right, it never should have to happen to Estel. What kind of powers would separate a young man from his family because he was of a different race.

Legolas knew then that he wouldn't be leaving Estel on Middle Earth to die. No he would not let Estel die. Not the person whom he called brother of his heart and was his most trusted companion. If Estel and him survived this war, no when they survive this war; after a good time had past he would have Estel abandon Aragorn and leave his legend behind.

"I will not allow him to die." Legolas replied quietly to Elladan and Elrohir. They gave him confused glances, for they did not understand. One day they will though they will Legolas thought to himself. For the only way that he would pass over the sea was with his brother at his side….


Galadriel pulled Legolas aside looking deep into the young elf's eyes. "Legolas, listen to me, you will find a way to bring my youngest grandson home with his brothers and you."

"Lady Galadriel I thought you would not…." Legolas gestured to Estel and Elrond and then towards himself. His hands shook slightly as he moved, and his pupils were slightly dilated.

"Approve of this?" Galadriel asked quietly, her voice trembled slightly, her eyes misted. She took a deep breath then spoke again, determined and set. "I refuse to leave any of my grandchildren here alone. I refuse to give any of them to death."

"His Ada…" Legolas hesitated, he always felt out of place speaking informally around Lady Galadriel. "…Lord Elrond has already accepted what is going to happen to Estel."

"No Greenleaf, he has not or he would stay here until his son dies. Just like you have not accepted it, he has not. Therefore he travels to the Valinor to heal the wounds that the possible future death of his son holds on his heart." Galadriel turned to glance at her son-in-law.

Sadness was in her eyes as she took in the sight of Estel and Elrond hugging. Elrond shouldn't have to be separated from any of his children; for he had suffered more then one person should have to in a lifetime.

"He knows he will not lose his daughter, young Estel has promised that to him, but it pains him so much that he will lose his youngest son."

"It pains me that if left to run its course death will take mellon-nin, gwador-nin away from me." He took a deep breath, "And I won't allow it to happen."

"It seems that you have thought long and hard about this Legolas Greeenleaf." Galadriel remarked quietly.

"How could I not my lady? The fact makes itself known every time Estel gets ill. Or once you look at his weather beaten face." Legolas said as tears filled his eyes and a knot tied itself in his stomach. "I am sure Estel sees it as well."

Galadriel sighed and for once it was not she that spoke. "Maybe that is the reason why Estel never looks in a mirror." Came a humor tinted voice.

Legolas turned around to find Celeborn behind him. His kinsman had both a look of amusement and sorrow in his deep ancient eyes. He crossed over to his wife, taking her hand in his own. He knew of her pain at leaving their grandchildren behind.

"When he was a young man he did as the elves did in appearance, yet he no longer does." Celeborn said quietly as he remember the times of Estel's youth when he had looked more elven then human. Hair had been long and braided with his face clean-shaven. But Estel was mortal, having to claim the title of the King's of the past. Thus he had to look the part as he aged, though he never wanted it to occur, neither did any of them.

For his birth people he cut his hair in order for them to understand him. Even his braids that he had worn in his hair for the battle were different from the ones of youth. They were less formal and less elven then before. Yet still woven with care from his father, showing the world that he was still Estel.

Celeborn knew that his grandson was quite capable of making elegant elven braids himself; he had watched Estel do his father's hair numerous times. Yet it had been his father doing, giving him something to remember. To remind him no matter what he was still Estel son of Elrond Peredhil, just as the pendant that he bore symbolized.

In order to negotiate with the Edain, Estel learned the common tongue even though Legolas, Galadriel, Elrond and himself all knew how much he disliked the language because it was course on his ears at time. (It still was at times…) Although he understood the necessity of it and the need but he feared that it would cause the loss of his first language. That was the reason why Estel… Aragorn, he had to call him that name in front of his foster grandson's people, had spoken elvish so much when home, so as not to forget his first language. To show his family and friend's he hadn't forgotten them, even if he had to turn his back on his elven appearance for the edain. They knew he hadn't, he had known the language since childhood but rarely used it until late adult hood. But that hadn't meant that Estel had done it willingly, by the end of the first lesson at age eight, he had both Glorfindel and Erestor trying to pull their hair out of their heads in frustration. Only Elrond had convinced him that as the youngest lord of Imladris he did have to know how to speak other's languages in order to talk to those around him. (Essentially all of Elrond's children were princes though, but just like their father they didn't like taking those kind of titles. And often they deal with political businesses of other realms.)

"Estel fears what you do kinsman, in your assumption you were correct. But you underestimated him in your judgment. For there has not been one single day that my grandson has not felt the weight of his own mortality. If he would forget for a moment, it would attack him threefold for forgetting. Thus Estel must live for what is happening now, each single moment. For he knows each one might be his last. Heed my words young prince and do the same. This moment maybe the last one he will get to have with his whole family together." Celeborn had always been considered wise, but as Legolas saw him staring at his son in law and his grandchildren; he saw the full extent of that wisdom.

"Estel never should have to age or be separated from his family…" Legolas said mournfully, his words echoing that of Elladan's. His eyes glimmered with water, yet there was a glimmer in their depths as well of something one might not be able to name.

"And you Legolas?" Celeborn asked looking directly into Legolas' eyes. It was discontenting to feel the Lord of the Woods eyes boring into his own.

"Aye, my lord. From me as well, for he is my shield-brother." He turned his eyes away, looking toward the man and his father instead. They stood clinging to one another like survivors of a shipwreck, desperate for some sense of familiarity.

"It is the way that Iluvator made thing, my kinsman. That the first born would live forever and the second born would die. Both are blessings and curses." Galadriel said gently. Legolas felt his heart breaking, for he realized that they did not believe… but Celeborn continued drawing Legolas' interest back to the two royal figures before him

"But we are not saying it should be accepted. For it should not. That is why our grandsons, all three of them, do not think about death. It is why my granddaughter chooses to stay like Luthien, you stay and why Elrond has to leave." Celeborn paused for a moment. "Estel is a treasure that they all believe will one day be lost. So they go their different ways, trying to do what they have to, to be able to face his death. But mostly they do it because deep in their hearts they want, no, need to believe that if they do these actions, whatever they are, that Estel will overcome death."

Taking Galadriel's hand in his again as he shifted his glance from his grandsons and granddaughter to Legolas. "As we have to believe, because we know."

Legolas smiled, "I will make sure he escapes it. You have my promise that I will find a way to bring all four of your grandchildren home."

Lady Galadriel looked deep into Legolas' eyes, "I know you will." A tiny smile graced the elven queen's lips as she looked upon her grandchildren and son-in-law.

He felt his father's hand on his shoulder, "Just be careful how you do it ion-nin, for sometimes the consequences will out do all the good you have done."

Legolas turned to his father, "What do you know of it Adar? You were the one that counseled me to keep my friendship from him."

Thranduil's pained voice came from behind him, "I know more about that kind of pain then you think I know ion-nin. There is a lot about me, my dear greenleaf that you do not know about your Ada."

Legolas never saw the tears falling down his father's face, for his father dried his eyes before Legolas turned around. Celeborn and Galadriel caught them though and gave the King of Mirkwood a sympathetic nod, for now they understood his pain…


"What have I done?" Legolas asked himself quietly. He felt a small hand on his shoulder. He turned around to see the young princess.

"Legolas, what is it that trouble you?" Tindomiel asked quietly, looking deeply into Thranduil's son's eyes. "Can I help you in some way?"

"There is nothing that you can do for me, Tindomiel Elrosiel. Unless you can bring back the dead." Legolas was surprised to hear his voice was filled with contempt at the girl's gentle question.

Tindomiel sighed, all this anger she was being exposed to was trying her patience. Yet in the same calm voice she replied, "Estel is not dead Legolas, merely unconscious. He has not died, nor will he ever die."

"Then why is it that he still has not awoken?" Legolas asked hysterically as his emotions took over him. What could this little girl know of any of this? He spun around and almost shook her. "Why is that, oh wise princess."

Her eyes hard and weary betraying her warm countenance, showing stronger then she appeared on the outside. Yet compassion still lay in those depths even if he was about to make her go off the cliff.

The girl looked into Legolas' eyes, then said softly. "You need naught mock me, Legolas. Nor do you need to lash out me, young prince; for that will not help your gwador or will it help you." Her voice still held an element of compassion, yet it was hard as well.

"Then what is it that you believe will help me?" Legolas asked bitterly. "What do you know edain child? You call me young, yet you are younger? What do you know of my friend, of anything? What? You died, what do you know of Estel?" He stared into the girl's eyes, daring her to even try to say differently.

Elladan and Elrohir paled at their friend's comments, wondering if what ever was wrong with Estel had ripped Legolas' heart out. It was obvious, but they could not help but be surprised that such a calm person had turned to attacking people because he was in pain.

They looked over at their cousin, looking into her haunting eyes. Silver eyes lined with gold and blue, eyes that seemed to draw you in. They forced you to see every emotion or lack emotion in them. Her eyes at that moment looked like molten silver, as if they were one of Varda's stars as they burned in their depths.

"That's right edhel, I did. Thus I know if someone is dead or not. I know death, child of Thranduil, where as you never will. Do not lecture me on death, elfling, for although you may have killed many yrchs and other minions of the Sauron, you know nothing of it." Her voice was angry, but her eyes drew Legolas, just as they had Elladan and Elrohir.

As all three of them stared into her eyes, they saw pain, commiseration, compassion, sadness and anger. She breathed in deeply. Then all trace of emotions was gone, nothing but a neutral mask.

"Tindomiel!" Manwendil called to his sister at hearing Legolas' words as he walked out of the bedroom where his father and him had been speaking.

There was screaming to be heard somewhere in the house. Arwen. The queen of Elves and Men still had not stopped crying for two days. Legolas breathed and for a moment his thoughts were clear, until Manwendil spoke again.

"Let us depart dear sister, you need not to be in their company right now." Manwendil's face was red and his eyes were flashing. His eyes narrowed looking toward the Silven elf. Tindomiel mind cleared as she looked on the anger in her twin's eyes.

"We do not want her company right now." Legolas practically snarled, the anger hit him again full force. Tindomiel just looked from her brother to her friend.

"Eru help me, Mai do not make this worse then it is." Ti spoke quietly to her brother, touching his hand comfortingly. She looked over at the angry prince, her eyes welling with compassion and something else.

"Take heed to my council Legolas Thranduilion. Tell Elrond what ever it is that you all are hiding from him. Tell him what happened those last few days on Arda, only then will your soul be at rest Greenleaf." She said calmly before just turning quickly and leaving, dragging her protesting brother along with her. Her anger had shown through slightly in her voice, but by some chance she had been able to contain its poison. But just barely, the little slip gained her more control.

Elladan turned to Legolas, "Mellon nin why did you say those things to her? She was only trying to help you."

Legolas sighed, "I know she was, but I could not help thinking that she was prying into matters that were not her concern. I know that they are, but…"

"…She does not know Estel as we know him?" Elrohir asked gently to their dear friend.

"Aye," Legolas said quietly. "Yet at the same time she seems to love him just as much, as she seems to love us. How can she understand us, want to help us when she barely knows us?"

Elrohir looked over at his brother Elladan met his eyes. "She does not understand completely Legolas, but she does try to see both sides. Adar used to tell us that of all Elros' children Tindomiel was the one that would most willing to try and understand other people..." Came Elladan's firm voice, his voice faltered when he thought of the girl's words of advice about his little brother. They would have to tell Adar.

"But it seems we were saved from her temper, getting only a taste of her ire. Adar told us that is what she is most known for, her quick temper." Elrohir said in jest, his soft voice echoing in the foyer of the home of Elrond. Instead of faltering, he covered his grief with joy, his younger brother would want it that way.

"She is not spoken of much in any races' history." But her council is good and wise for her age, he thought to himself. Legolas made a decision, "I will tell Elrond tonight of what happened in Arda." The twins nodded and Legolas breathed more calmly, even if entering a den of giant spiders appeared to be safer….

All the next chapters will be based mostly around Elrond and Estel's povs, with others thrown in…