Disclaimer: If I owned them, I would never have to worry about working ever again. I need a job, I think I don't own them, don't you? grins and smiles I don't own the lyrics either, only the one with my name under it.

A/N: Look, notice I got this done a day and a half from Thanksgiving, aka November 25 (except possibly for those of you across the International dateline but I digress) I updated, so please don't kill me! I might even get to update more this week or in the next for weeks because no more 18 credit hours!!! WHOA HOOO!!!!

Anyways, I hope all of you enjoy the story!


'Common tongue'

Dreams/ thoughts/memories Thoughts in dreams or memories

PS- the first part is a dream sequence. Just thought you should know!

Why can't they understand the way we feel
They just don't trust what they can't explain
I know we're different but deep inside us
We're not that different at all.

Phil Collin "You'll Be In My Heart" Tarzan soundtrack

Elrond was running as fast as he could. He had to reach his nine year old son at the end of this gauntlet.. Everywhere he looked orcs and evil men stood jeering him as he rushed to his little boy at the end of the row of demons. Except for every step that he took, Estel got further and further away from him.

"Estel! Ion-nin! I am coming hold on my child!!" Elrond screamed out loud. He was almost there, but a man stepped up to his son and raised his knife.

Elrond urged his legs to run faster to reach his son. He was almost there, when the man brought the knife across Estel's throat. Estel's large silver eyes locked on to his father's eyes as he died. I love you Ada. I will never forget you.

The elf lord screamed and fell to his knees as he watched the precious life blood drain out of the young human. The man who had slit his child's throat grinned with pride and turned to face Elrond. Elrond realized that he wore Elrond's own face. Still Elrond forced himself to his feet and to walk over to the body of one of his most precious treasures.

"Hen-nin, neathen, neathen ion-nin." (My child, I am sorry, I am sorry my son sindarin.) Elrond exclaimed. "Amin hiraetha! Amin mela lle ion-nin! Estel-nin!" (I am sorry! Quenya I love you my son! My hope!)

"Tua amin!" (help me) Elrond screamed so many times, weeping not caring what he looked like. All the faces that surrounded him grinned back evilly at him. His heart was heavy. He had to face the truth, "Amin ndengina ho. Amin ndengina ion-nin." (I killed him. I killed my son)

Elrond saw the dagger that had slit his child's throat in his hand and he raised his hand up to eye level. He stared at the blade for a long moment, before turning the dagger towards himself and leveling it at the level of his heart. The elf lord brought the dagger into his heart in one quick motion into his heart.

Then everything went black. He had failed to save his youngest son, for he had killed Aragorn by his own hand..

Elrond woke up with a start, clutching the bed sheets to his chest. Where was his son? He could not allow his son to die! He had to find his son before…. Before what?

It had just been a dream, a very bad dream that had some basis on reality. His son had been in the hands of evil men twice, but he had not been killed, let alone by his own father's hand.

But it still is my fault. I should have protected him better, I should have done something better! It was my fault that he suffered at all.

"It was not your fault Uncle, you could not have know that that man was there." Tindomiel whispered softly to her uncle as they hid from the marauding bands of men.

"You got hurt Tindomiel and you are telling me that it is all right?" Elrond exclaimed outloud. "How can you be so calm, you almost died.

"Dina!" (Be silent) Tindomiel whispered as loudly as she dared and covered her uncle's mouth with her hand. "Aye, it is all right. I am fine, it is not my time yet. Right now we have other things that we have to concentrate on. You have to be focused Ata."

I need to relax and remember that that was not what happened to Estel. He did not die by my hand and he is very much alive. Elrond thought to himself. I should probably go downstairs to see where the child is now. That is the only thing that is going to reassure me that he is all right.

Elrond climbed out of bed and put on dark green breeches and a fresh blue tunic. He combed and braided his long brown hair into a complicated and intricate pattern before he left the room to find the young human.

The battle raged, elf against man, as all of Estel's family and friends fought their hardest to rescue Elrond's youngest. Celeborn was busy killing any man who stood between him and his grandchild. Elladan and Elrohir where fighting back to back, they were covered in blood. Galadriel had her sword in her hand and had engaged what appeared to be the second in command. Haldir and the others of Lorien's guard were shooting all the men who were trying to escape from their clutches. Not that he was any better, for Elrond was literally slaughtering every single person who had dared to touch his beloved boy.

A child in a village a day's ride away from here had tipped them off that a group of "bad men" had been spotted the morning before. They were moving slowly, heading east and had appeared to have a young elfling in their keeping. Elrond had known immediately that it had been his child.

Now they had finally caught up with the men and Elrond was searching frantically for his beloved son. He saw his precious little boy at the end of the column of marauding men. The scene seemed so familiar to him, yet he could think of why at this point in time.

You need to be focused….you have other things that you have to concentrate on.. The words flowed through Elrond's mind although he could not remember who had said them. But that was not important now, for the commander of the band of men was trying to escape with his son and another child as hostages.

Elrond began to run towards the human, his son and the other child. He drew his bow from his quiver where he had had it tied as he rushed towards his son.

'What are you going to do elf, shoot the little elf prince and the girl. You could miss and hit them instead of me. Then all of your good work will be for nothing.' The man said when he realized he could not escape, his best chance was to make a stand and try and scare the elf into thinking that he would hit the children.

Elrond shot, the little girl flinched as the arrow passed over her head, but Estel did not even bat his eyes. The arrow sunk into the man's forehead and the knife that had been held against the children's throats fell away.

Estel ran, more like walked as fast as he could, to where his father was standing. Elrond noticed that the child limped and his tunic was soaked in red blood. "You saved me Ada! You saved my friend and me! Thank you Ada! And Grandmother and Grandfather are here!"

Elrond embraced his child and smiled. "Aye hen nin, I found you." Then he let his child go and turned to the others to make sure they were handling the surviving members of the marauders. Estel crossed over to where the little girl was standing unsure as to what she should do.

Elrond looked around the house for his son and found him nowhere. But Elrond had saved the most obvious place for last, for it would make sense for his child to go make himself something to eat after having been through such an ordeal. When he entered, he was slightly disappointed to only find his in-laws sitting in the kitchen.

"Have you seen ion-nin this morning, Ada and Nana?" Elrond asked his elders respectively as he could.

"Estel has left house and ventured off into the Valinor to the forgery." Galadriel said off handedly. When she was not greeted with any immediate reply she looked up to see Elrond's eyebrow of doom lifted and his lips set in a hard line.

"Ion-nin ventured where?" Elrond asked his father and mother-in-laws. He had managed to scare the two of them by acting angry that they had let his poor son out of the house. Actually he was just relieved that his son was alive and well. Jesting and teasing his in-laws was helping his poor nerves recover from the terrible dream he had faced.

"He went with Elros to say thank you to his cousins and to visit them." Galadriel said wearily, Elrond had been unpredictable lately, who know what he would do.

Celeborn, who unlike his wife, saw the twinkle in Elrond's eyes, grinned as he added more detail to Galadriel's response. "The two of them wrote Estel letters of welcome and of belated birthday wishes."

Elrond blinked for a moment, looked up to the right of his vision and mouthed silently to himself. His heart grew heavy once more. Then his grey eyes met Celeborn's, his face was deathly solemn and concern. "It has already been his birthday, I cannot believe that we missed his birthday."

"I do not think he even realized that it had been his birthday either Elrond. He did not seem to mind that we had forgotten as well." Celeborn said with a reassuring smile.

"It does not matter whether or not he acts like he does not mind or not. It is the principle that I forgot that it was my own child's birthday, while his cousins who have never celebrated his birthday remembered." Elrond said sinking down into the kitchen chair. "I cannot believe that I forgot."

"What did you forget Meleth? (love)" Lady Celebrian asked from the doorway as she entered into the kitchen. She began to busy herself with preparing the midday meal.

"Estel's birthday. I forgot his birthday." Elrond moaned softly to himself. "He only has been here for a few days and I already forgot the most important day of the year."

"Nobody celebrates their conception day, Elrond. Why is it so important to you that you celebrate Estel's?" Celebrian asked softly to her husband, turning away from her sandwiches to talk to him directly.

Celeborn just started laughing, "Iel-nin," he said through his laughter. "Did I not teach you anything when you were a child."

"Ada what are you talking about?" Celebrian asked her father, turning to wash her hands in the sink and wiping them on a towel from the rack next to the sink.

"Humans do not celebrate their conception days, because they are not born on those days. They celebrate the day of their day of birth in order to keep track of their age. Their birthdays are very important and I missed our son's!" Elrond said banging his head on the table that he had laid it upon.

"I am sure he does not mind you forgetting his birthday Elrond. We have all had a few trying days lately." Celebrian told her husband.

"Aye, we have had. But that is no excuse to forget my own child's birthday." The muffled reply came from the head facing the table. "I forgot his birthday."

Celebrian watched and listened for a few minutes to her husband belittling himself. She was racking her brains for some kind of solution to this problem. Suddenly it came to her, she placed her hand on his back. "What if we celebrate Estel's birthday tonight? Then you could stop blaming yourself and feel that you have fulfilled your obligation to our son."

Elrond raised his head off of the table. "That could work. It could, that way we could introduce Estel to life in the Valinor and still celebrate his birthday."

A smile returned to the elf lord's face and he relaxed. Why had he not thought of it before? Elros and him had even done it for Manwendil and Tindomiel's seventeenth birthday. He could not help but chuckle remembering that day.

"What is it that you are laughing about ion-nin?" Galadriel asked her son-in-law gently.

Elrond smiled and turned to his in-laws and his beloved wife. "I was just remembering how Elros once forgot Manwendil and Tindomiel's birthday."

Celeborn laughed, "I remember that! He was rushing around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to throw a last minute party for them. "

Celeborn grinned then and crossed over to Elrond was standing. He patted the younger elf lord on the shoulder. "If I remember correctly he even dragged you into the party preparations."

"He also entangled you in his plot as, Celeborn." Elrond said with a smile and a shake of his head. "Then again you were always a favorite among the twins. They loved you dearly."

"Ah aye, they did indeed, but the two of them always loved their father's twin the best. I remember having to tell Dinel and Mai many stories involving their uncle. They loved you the best, other then their father. They always hated it when you went back to Arda." Celeborn shook his head and stared seriously into Elrond's eyes. "In fact they once thought of stowing away on your ship and following you back to Lindon! Amazing children Elros had, quite extraordinary."

…….you have other things that you have to concentrate on… The words from his memories and dreams flooded back to him. "Tindomiel…."

"What is it that you just said Elrond?" Celebrian asked, who had been listening quietly to the entire conversation between Celeborn and her husband.

"What? What did you just ask me a'mael?" Elrond asked his wife, startled out of his thoughts.

"You just said what sounded like Tindomiel's name out loud. I was wondering if that was truly what you said." Celebrian asked confused.

Elrond paused for a second, thinking and then nodded. "Aye, I guess I did say her name out loud. I have a few things on my mind that I have to deal with and I want to go track down our youngest. I have a few things I want to tell him."

He turned back to his in-laws. "Will you start the preparations for tonight?"

"Wait! We are going to have the party tonight?" Lady Celebrian asked amazed at her husband's sense of urgerncy.

"Aye. We will have it tonight if we can get everything prepared in time." He turned back once more to his in-laws. "So what say you?"

"We will prepare the festivities, do not worry Elrond. Estel will have his birthday. He will."

"Good. Then I believe it is time for me to track down my wayward son. How long ago did he leave home?" Elrond asked Galadriel inquisitively with a twinkle in his eyes.

Galadriel laughed, "Your son left two hours ago, they probably headed to the forgery first."

Elrond smiled for that made sense to go to the hot forgery first and then head to the much cooler river and sea to cool down. "Then that is where I must head to find Estel." Elrond chuckled, Celebrian could not help thinking that the rich tone of her husband's voice was the most beautiful sound in the world.

He kissed Celebrian chastely on the mouth and then rushed to the door. He was gone before a minute had even gone by.

Celebrian just stared at the place where her husband had stood not only a minute ago. She shook her head and sighed. "I do declare that that half elf becomes more and more like a man each and everyday!"

Celeborn and Galadriel just smiled secretly at one another.

"He is both a man and an elf Celebrian, maybe he is just getting in touch with his human side as well as his elven side. He is more like his son then he knows." Galadriel said softly, before kissing her daughter on the forehead and started the preparations for the festivities that night.

Elrond grinned to himself as he walked, after of hearing his wife and her mother's conversation. "Uuma dela mela en'coiamin, I am better then I every was before." (Don't worry love of my life)

Elrond smiled to himself and walked first towards the forgery, then stopped. No they would not be there any more, for after seeing Manwendil they would go see Tinu and she worked elsewhere. Slowly Elrond turned and walked towards the sea. He passed by Thranduil's home, only to see them emerging from it.

"Suil mellyn-nins" (Hi my friends) Elrond called to Thranduil and Legolas.

"Suilaid mellon nin" Thranduil replied to Elrond's call. Legolas smiled to see the other elf lord up and about.

"Where are you headed Lord Elrond?" Legolas asked his friend's father with a wide grin on his face. "Where is Estel, we were just going to go look for him?"

"I am out to collect my wayward son, who has apparently found it necessary to visit his poor cousins as the are busy laboring." Elrond said with a wink and an equally wide grin. "I head for the sea for I known my twin, Estel's guide, will take him to see Tindomiel last."

"We will come with you." Thranduil said softly looking Elrond directly in the eyes. "It is past time that I speak with my beloved friend."

Elrond smiled, understanding what Thranduil was speaking of, as his son looked puzzled. "That is very good Thranduil, I am glad to hear you speak those words."

Elrond's words caused Legolas to look even more confused. The elder elves just smiled and laughed at Legolas' confusion.

"You will understand in due time Legolas." Elrond promised the younger elf. "Your father just has to sort a few things out first."

Thranduil nodded and startled his son by pulling him into a warm hug. Elrond looked on with a light heart.

Aye today was a good day for healing. Elrond thought to himself. It is a very good day indeed.

Legolas shook his head at his crazy elders and smiled. Then they all turned and headed to the sea.

Some ends are never true

Some begins have no ends

For love is our greatest gift

Love knows no bounds or limits

For the love of a child and his parents

Is the greatest love of them all

For there is no limit to unconditional love

No race, no age, no war, no blood

Love is the greatest thing of all.

C. Alexandra D.

Somewhere something is calling for you
Two worlds, one family
Trust your heart
Let fate decide
To guide these lives we see

Phil Collins "Two Worlds" Tarzan Soundtrack


LalaithofBruinen: Here is the last chapter I hope you enjoyed my story!! I am so glad you reviewed it!! Thank you!

radbooks: No that wasn't the last chapter. : ) I hope you enjoyed the real last chapter though! I will have a lot of room to play around, this is so totally going to be fun. Though it makes you think what is heaven? Alas, I'll figure it out somewhere along the line. It is kind of funny that you thought that the letters were going to be from Gilraen and Arathorn, because I did toy with the idea. I still haven't figured out how I am going to deal with those two. Any ideas, I am taking suggestions? Thank you for your sympathy, 18 credit hours was horrible, I am just glad I have only sixteen next quarter. Happily that time of my life is over!! (yah!) I hope you have a great week! Thank you for reviewing!!

Kitten-KC: I am glad to hear that you enjoyed the last chapter, I hope you enjoyed the last chapter of the story as well. Thank you, I try to make the characters interesting. I love Elrond the most, he is the most fun to portray other then Estel. I hope you enjoyed this chapter as well! Have a great week and thank you for reviewing!!!

siegle: Beautiful chapter? starts blushing like mad Um… thank you? grins Thank you very much! I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. And I am glad to hear that you enjoyed the last chapter as well! (Now only one can hope you enjoyed this one as well!)

Elven Kitten: Glad to hear your proud!! I am too! I am seriously glad you liked the last chapter, and I hope that you enjoyed this one. Hope to hear from you soon!!

grumpy: I am glad to hear that you like the last chapter. 18 credit hours were totally killers ( I just sounded like a valley girl, shutters and then laughs ) Thank you so much for the encouragement!! See I wrote more, good huh? Yeah I am slightly glad Estel is out of Arwen's clutches it makes writing a lot easier, unfortunately you didn't get to see Mai and Tinu were up to. They are busy working, they will be in the sequel so don't worry. (Though I hate to break it to that Tindomiel and Tinu are the same person! : ) Sorry I couldn't resist teasing.) I liked writing the scene between Estel and Elros, so I am very happy to hear you liked it. I hope you liked this chapter just as much!! Thanks for reviewing!!

trustingfriendship: I am glad you like Estel's interaction with the elder people in his family (although I don't know if I should tell them they are elderly to their faces or not. Especially Elros, I don't think he thinks of himself as old. Sorry weak attempt at humor.) Did I mention they are fun to write, especially Elros! No Celeborn and Galadriel are equally fun to write and I am babbling… So thank you for reviewing and I am glad to see you review. Trust me I look forward to receiving reviews, they make me happy. Thank you and I hope you have a great week!

shana: I updated!! I am glad to hear that you like my stories, I love writing for people. It is always good to hear that people like to read them. : ) Your wish was my command, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Have a great week! Thanks for the review!!!

hopegrl18: Hey!! How are you? grins at the very friendly person I updated, I am so glad to hear you like my stories As for Elven Mortal, I don't know when I am going to start posting it, because it is kind of on the backburner to some other stories that I am working on. Hopefully I will begin to post it during my Christmas break in four weeks. I can't promise that is a final date though, I have to work on the story a little more and think where I am going to take it. But either way thank you!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the rest of the story! Thanks for the review and thank you for the encouragement!!

spanishgoddess86: Hola! I am glad to have a great review, so here is the last chapter I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you very much for reviewing, and thank you for the compliments!!

Thank all of you!! You all are great! I hope you all have a great week and if you live in the US Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone is having a good holiday season, no matter what you celebrate! Thank you all for your encouragement and I hope you have enjoyed this chapter and this story because I had the most wonderful time writing it for all of you!!

Love, Peace, and Hope

C. Alexandra Nightshade3