So Sorry guys! I totally though I had finished this! Thanks for the reviews, please keep them coming. It took me a bit to type this up still have a bit to go but I didn't want to keep you waiting any longer for an update. If you know my stuff you know I'm FAR from perfect. I have no beta and all I did was run this through spell check. Hope you like it, not too much action going on here.


No one bothered to light a torch. After the second turn it was pitch black, Janet was glad the man had a good grip on her arm as she trip yet again. As they moved deeper into the cave Janet's eyes began to adjust. A little farther and torches appeared on the walls. The tunnel was wide enough for two, the floor was warn smooth and the walls appeared, for the most part, naturally formed. Janet had long ago lost track of the twists, turns, and numerous branches in the tunnel system.

The tunnel began to widen and Janet heard the murmuring of a crowd. She watches as the men in front of her turned right but she saw a vast cavern below her. There were large stalactites above but the floor was flat, with the exception of a lone column toward the back with a seat carved into the base.

They entered the cavern maybe two stories above the floor, turned left and descended down a flight of stairs carved into the stone. Janet was then marched up to the column and forced to kneel. Every time she tried to look up she was smacked in the back of the head.

'Why do you have two women? I asked only for the one they called Delpha.' King Sammr asked.

'Your highness, they were together when we approached. They put up a fight.' Jensn grabbed Janet and stood her next to him. Holding her with one hand he pulled the zat from his waist band with the other. 'This woman defended the Delpha with this. We thought she may be of some use to you as well.'

'Why do you carry the Delpha?' Sammr asked.

'Sire, she was injured in the struggle to capture her then again when she tried to escape in the forest.' Magr explained as Jensn gently placed Sam on the ground.

Sammr looked over Sam and then at his bruised and bloody warriors. Maybe this woman was indeed Delpha. Looking back and pointing at Janet he said, 'give this one that which healed the others.'

Jensn started rummaging through the med pack until he found the healing device and took it to Janet.

Janet looked between the men, surely they didn't think she could use the healing device. When she did not take the device the man on the throne started speaking again.

'Where is Katrin? She will speak to them!' Sammr bellowed.

'I am here Sire.' A woman emerged from the crowd.

'Tell this one to heal the Delpha.'

An old woman in rags cautiously approached and started speaking in Goa'uld.

"I don't understand." Janet said

The King yelled. The old woman took the healing device and shoved it in Janet's hands still speaking in Goa'uld and trying to usher Janet to Sam's side.

"Look I can't use this." Janet tried to hand it back and pointed to the med kit, "I need that to fix Sam."

'Sire I do not believe this woman knows the language of the gods.'

'We saw her taking care of the wounded during the battle Sire, she is a healer.'

'Throw them in a cell, I want to know the moment Delpha awakens!'

The men bowed then picked Sam up. Janet grabbed for her bag but was pulled away. They were taken through a different tunnel off the side of the cavern, a short walk later Sam and Janet were tossed into a stone cell with surprisingly sturdy wooden bars.

Janet watched the men walk away with her pack. Shoving the bars one last time she moved over to Sam. There was a nasty cut on her cheek, her left eye was completely swollen shut, there were two visible lumps on the right side of her head near her temple as well as a third on the left side of her head. Blood covered her face from a hit to the nose, it flowed in several directions from the various positions she had been in since the fight.

Janet started to explore the rest of Sam's head for any damage hidden by her hair. She came across a fairly large lump, even though her touch was light the contact caused Sam to moan.

"Sam open your eyes."

"No." Sam swatted at Janet's hand.

"Now is not the time to argue with me Sam."

Sam sighed.

"I mean it Samantha! I need your big brain to get us out of here."

Sam sighed again. "My brain is mush."

"You've taken numerous blows to the head. Open your eyes for me."

To her credit Sam did try to open his eyes but between the lights and the pain she didn't get too far. Gingerly she felt her swollen eye wincing.

"I can't."

Before Janet could respond she heard footsteps, she placed a hand on Sam's shoulder and whispered "Don't move, no matter what."

Standing Janet moved over to the bars and saw the old woman coming with a bucket and some rags being escorted by a pale scrawny young man. The man opened the cell allowing the old woman in. He said something to the woman, looked from Sam to Janet back to Sam then left. Janet watched him leave then turned to see the old woman sitting next to Sam.

"Wait!" Janet rushed over stopping the woman. God knows what was in that water. "Sam are you still awake?"


"There is a woman here, I think she spoke Goa'uld to me earlier."

Sam managed to crack open her good eye and look up at the woman next to her. She was very pale and her clothes were thread bare, but her eyes looked worriedly back.

* Don't worry. It's worse than it looks. * Sam said in Goa'uld.

* So you do speak the language of the Gods! *

"Sam ask her if she can get my med pack." Janet injected once she saw they were communicating.

* There was a bag. Can you get it? There is medicine to help me in it. *

* I can try. *

The old woman moved to the bars, called out and soon the scrawny man was back taking the old woman down the hall.

Janet waited for the echo of their footsteps to fade away before speaking to Sam again. "I know you have questions but for now I want you playing dead whenever someone is around, unless I tell you otherwise. They tried to get me to use the healing device."

"They must have seen me use it after the attack."

"My thought exactly. I figure unless the woman blows our cover they are going to leave you alone until you are able to talk."

"It would be nice if it's still in your bag."

"You know I wouldn't let you use it Sam."

"You've got to sleep sometime." Sam could see Janet was about to respond but hearing something she spoke first, "Shhh, someone's coming."

Janet watched the slight smirk fade from her friends as her face relaxed to feign sleep then turned her attention to the cell door. She released a breath she hadn't realize she'd been holding when she saw her med kit slung over the should over the guard. He opened the door letting the old woman in then stepping himself and placing the bag on the ground. He moved closer to Sam only to have Janet jump between the two. The man looked at Janet's steely glare then over her shoulder to the woman laying still and pale before whispering something to the old woman and walking out, securing the door behind him.

The woman moved back next to Sam, put a rag in the bucket of water and rang it out.

"Sam tell her not to use the water. I need to treat it first." Janet listened to Sam translate as she searched for the iodine tablets. Finding them she dropped a few in the large bucket before bringing the bag next to Sam.

"Janet this is Ida she was given as a slave to the Goa'uld when she was young. Apparently a few years ago he decided shew as no longer any use to him, he sent a Jaffa to hill her but he snuck her out and let her go."

"Lucky for her." Janet said, only half listening as she searched through her bag. "They made a mess of this! They must have just dumped it….. Ah ha! Here we go!"

"You stay away from me with that!" Sam said as Janet held up the largest syringe she had ever seen.

"Relax and trust me." Janet gently cleaned an area along the severely swollen cheekbone. "This is going to hurt, but I need you to hold still."

Janet inserted the needle and began drawing out a large amount of blood. As the syringe filled the swelling went down allowing Sam to open her eye.

"Well that's a neat trick." Sam said feeling the considerably smaller lump.

"You were hit hard enough to tear tissue under the skin. Because there was no laceration the blood had nowhere to go. You know how head wounds bleed. If it starts to get bigger again I may have to make a small incision, this is the only syringe I have like this and I'm not risking reusing it." Janet looked at her watch then started pulling out a suture kit. She then took some gauze, dampened it in the water, and began cleaning away the blood on Sam's face.

*Why did your friend wait to use the water?" Ida's soft voice startled Sam who had forgotten she was there.

*Sometimes water can make you sick. Those things Janet put in the water make it safe.* Sam explained.

*We know this. My grandchild suffers from such a sickness. Can your things help her?"

"Janet her granddaughter is sick from the water, do you have anything in your bag of goodies to help her?"

"Probably but I would have to examine her first. Somehow I don't think they will let me make house calls."

As soon as Sam translated Ida got up, called the guard, and left without a word. Once the footsteps faded away Janet asked, "What was that all about?"

"Don't know. I just told her what you said."

"Hold still I'm going to numb this." Sam nodded. "At least they left my bag."

"Good, I need to patch you up as well." Sam said.

"I'm fine Sam."

"You were out a lot longer than I was. And you bleed all over that nice young man carrying you." Sam smiled a little at the face Janet made.

"The bleeding has stopped, I'd rather not chance messing with it. Other than that I'm fine." Janet poked Sam's face, "Can you feel this?"

"No. Damn it, I've managed to avoid any scars on my face." Sam almost pouted causing Janet to grin.

"I can't believe I'm going to say this but I think they will try to get you to use the healing device. Use it here first then your eye. Don't push yourself though!" Sam started to say something but Janet stopped her. "Don't talk until I'm don if you can't get the device you don't want an ugly looking scar."
