*** Alright!  Yes, I'm finally back with another chapter!  Yay!  I just had my wisdom teeth yanked yesterday, so…yeah.  Oww.  Lol.  Anyway, have a happy Valentines Day everyone and I'm sorry for the long wait!  Oh, and I decided not to have Amy fall for Sunshine because…well…everyone does, and Aim's gonna go her own way.  Love me anyway? ***


Chapter Two:  Onto the Bus.


          "Amy!  Amy child!"  Mrs. Childs slammed open the door to the eighteen year old's room and was pulling up every window curtain she could get her hands on.  When the girl merely stuffed her head under her pillow and grunted, the already dressed woman wandered over next to her, sat down upon the bed and pulled the pillow away from her daughter.  Throwing it across the room, she clapped loudly in the girl's ear.  "Amy!  Get up hunny!  It's time for you to get to school darling!  The bus will be here in half an hour!"

          "The bus!?!  You're making me take the bus to my first day of school?  But mom, I have to make it to the councilors and get my classes set up!  I'll never make it to first hour on time!"  By now, Amy was sitting up in her bed facing her mother with her arms wrapped tightly around her body attempting –and failing- to retain some of her body heat.

          Mrs. Childs fingered her daughter's wild brown hair.  "You know, you really should get going.  Your hairs a mess and you want to look your best for your new friends."

          "Friends?  I have no friends here." And with only one year to make it through, I doubt I'll be needing any friends.

          "Well, you will soon hunny.  Just, be sure to be making the correct friends."  Mrs. Childs looked at her daughter seriously, then pinched both of her cheeks, much to Amy's displeasure.  "Come on now!  You have to be ready for school!  Go was up now!"


          Correct friends?  What on earth does she mean by that?  Amy's mind was a jumble of thoughts as she wiped the soap off of her face with the rusty brown water from the faucet.  And what if I can't even make any friends?  What if I don't choose the correct classes, or the correct activities, or don't like anything I chose to do?  "How could they just throw me on the bus, wish me luck, and then go back to their lives?  If they really care that much about my future, you'd think they'd at least come and help me pick out my classes on my first day of school." She spoke aloud as she sat down on the toilet and pulled on her socks.

          "Amy!  Bus will be here in five minutes!"  Her father yelled up the stairs.

          "Coming dad!"  She yelled back.  Standing up again, she surveyed herself in the cracked bathroom mirror.  Wearing a grayish/blue skirt with a single, small blue butterfly to the bottom right, a grayish/purple shirt on top with pink flowers on both sleeves and cute little black shoes, she was a picture of what an adorable girl should be…except for her hair.

          Amy still hadn't figured what to do with it, and the time to present herself was closing in fast.  Finally, she grabbed a grayish/blue headband and brushed her hair back as best as she could.  Unruly curls billowed around the fabric, detesting its attempts to keep them under control.  Just stay there, would you!  She thought as she wet her hand and tried patting her hair down.

          "Amy!  The bus is down the street!"  Mr. Childs shouted, standing at the bottom of the rickety stairs.

          Shit.  Giving her hair one last brush, she threw open the bathroom door, sprinted into her room, grabbed her backpack, and ran down the stairs.  "Bye dad!"  She said, and kissed him on the cheek.

          "Bye Aim!  Good luck!"  He shouted back, watching her make her way down the driveway, trying not to trip over the displaced bricks.

          "Study hard!"  Her mother shouted out the door.

          Yeah, fine, whatever.  Let's just focus on getting to school without being a total freak.


          The dusty, once sunny-yellow school bus slowed to a stop directly in front of Amy and her new home.  Breathing deeply, she couldn't help but shift her feet nervously as she waited for the door to open.  From inside, she could see the driver, an old, grumpy looking lady, look her over.  Finally, the door creaked open.  "You Amy Childs?"  She asked.

          "Umm…yes ma'am."  Amy answered back. 

          "Right then.  Being as you're a nice white girl, you should sit in the front with the rest of the white girls.  Come now, get in, we have to get going you know."

          Amy climbed the stairs to the inside of the bus and surveyed the area. Sure enough, the whites were in the front, blacks in the back.  Unfortunately, there seemed to be no room in the 'white' section.  "Umm…" Amy shifted uncomfortably.

          "Harry, move over and let her sit with you." The bus driver shouted.  Grudgingly, one of the boys slid over against the window.

          "Damn…I thought I was gonna get my own seat today."  Amy heard him mutter.  Quickly, she maneuvered her way around the legs and backpacks in the bus and sat next to 'Harry.'  He looked at her out of the corner of his eyes, then turned his head to stare out the window.

          So much for Southern hospitality.  Amy looked around the bus, staring at everyone with her dark brown eyes.  Wait…aren't whites and black's supposed to be able to sit together now?  So…why are we separate…


***Alas, another short chapter.  But it does add some baseline to the story!  I shall console myself with that.  Well, I hoped ya'll enjoyed it!  I can't wait to show what I've got planned for Amy's future!  *grins* Please review! ***

And now, for the thank yous!

~~beautyqueen321~~ Thank you for reviewing me!  I hope you enjoyed this chapter and all the future ones.  Thank's for complementing me so nicely!

~~Zoe~~  Thank you for the review!

~~Ara Kane~~  I'm glad I created a good picture of the house and thanks for the kudos.  *grin*  Yes, I do think PMS makes up for lack of acne, but if you don't mind, I may insert some PMS into Amy's life later on.  Thanks for the idea!

~~Lynnika~~ Hey!  I'm glad you're liking this story as well!  *grins*  Yes, parents can be annoying sometime.  Alas.  Hehe.  Oh well, we shall survive!  Oh, and never fear, I shant kill you for never seeing Remember the Titans.  I hope you enjoy this chapter too!

~~Dueljewl~~ Cool name!  Anyway, I'm glad Amy's fairly likable.  Yay!  I hope you like this chapter!