~I have a couple things to say before you read this. First of all I have only seen the very first episodes of Kenshin and the very last ones. I don't understand some of the stuff, but I wanted to see Kenshin and Kaoru together so I wrote this. I'm sorry for any mistakes, and I had to exclude some of the characters because I would have screwed them up since I didn't know who they were. ~

Sano dragged Kenshin through the flames and out of the collapsing building. The blood was dripping off Kenshin at a steady rate, leaving trails of crimson across his body. Sano needed to get him back to Kaoru and the others before he lost too much blood.

Kenshin was battling to keep consciousness. He kept slipping in and out of dreams. One moment Sano would be carrying him and the next he would be somewhere totally different. One of his dreams was of Kaoru. She was sitting next to him. She was talking him, but he couldn't understand what she was saying. Her lips, so beautiful were moving, but he could not hear a sound. Then she started to cry and Kenshin didn't know why. He tried to say something, but he couldn't. He reached out to her, but then she was gone. All that was left was blood covering his hands.

Kaoru sat on a rock on the outskirts of town. She had been spending most of her free time there waiting for Kenshin. She didn't have a lot of time since they were rebuilding the city, but whenever she could she came out here. It seemed like forever since Kenshin had left. A tear leaked down her cheek. "He has to be alive, he promised that he would go back to Tokyo with me!" she whispered to herself, her hands clenched tight, more tears leaking down her cheeks. She didn't care about his past or the battousai within him. She loved him. She needed him to come back. Everyone needed him to come back. They all needed Kenshin to come back. She believed that he would, but she was still worried. The battle with Makoto Shishio wouldn't be an easy one.

The sun had started to set when she saw two figures coming slowly towards her. She sat up as she recognized the small slumped figure with red hair. "Kenshin!" She ran towards them. Kenshin, Sano, and Aoshi were all beaten up, though Kenshin had the worst of it. He was a bloody mess and his clothes were in shreds. Sanosuke wasn't using his right arm. He was cradling against his body as though he couldn't use it. Kaoru ran over to them. Kenshin was unconscious.

"Is Kenshin all right?" she said, worried as she slung Kenshin's other arm over her shoulder and helped Sano carry him to the village.

Kenshin opened his eyes. He was now being carried by two people. When he opened his eyes again he was being laid down on a bed. Kaoru was standing over him, tears in her eyes. There was blood, his blood staining her kimono. "Miss Kaoru?" He managed to ask before everything went black again.

Kaoru removed his tattered clothes and threw them away. Even if they had managed to sew them back together, they'd never be able to get the blood stains out. Sano noticed her deep blush as she quickly covered Kenshin's lower half with a sheet. He winced as he carefully wrapped up his right hand which had been smashed in the battle with Shishio.

"Yahiko, go fetch me some hot water and bandages quick." Kaoru said moving a strand of Kenshin's hair out of his face.

"Hai" Yahiko answered unusually obedient because of the seriousness of the situation.

Kaoru gently wiped the blood and dirt off Kenshin's slim body. She was blushing hotly, embarrassed at seeing him half naked.

"I can do that Kaoru," Sano said amused at the scene unfolding in front of him.

"No. I need to ask something of you."

Sanosuke nodded for her to continue.

"I need you and Yahiko to go to Tokyo, to fetch Megumi. I know your injured, but I can't really trust anyone else and I can't really make Yahiko go on his own. Kenshin's really hurt and I'm worried he won't make it." Tears leaked down her face.

"I'll go right now." Sano stood up and walked out of the room leaving the two of them alone.

Kenshin felt something warm wipe the grime off his body. It felt so good, the warmth was intoxicating. He mumbled Kaoru's name softly as thoughts of her invaded his mind.

Kaoru heard him mumble her name. She finished cleaning the grit off him and started to bandage up his many wounds. Finally she had finished and washed off her hands. She looked back down at him lying there under the blankets. She walked up to the side of the bed and stared at him, a misty expression on her face. She traced the lines of his crossed shaped scar on his face, a tear forming in her love filled eye. He had been through so much pain. It broke her heart to see him lying there. She gently swiped his hair back and pressed her warm lips lightly against his forehead. Slowly she caressed his cheek, wishing with all her heart she could do this when he was awake.

A couple weeks passed. Megumi came and tended to Kenshin's wounds. Sano steadily gained back the use of his right hand and was continually arguing with Megumi and Yahiko. Kaoru was worried. Kenshin had not yet gained consciousness.

Kaoru walked into the bedroom with new bandages in her arms. Megumi had gone to take care of a sick child in the village so the responsibility of taking care of Kenshin had fallen on her shoulders. Not that she minded. She was so worried that she would do anything to help him. She had been tailing after Megumi and sitting by Kenshin so much that she had nearly gotten sick and Megumi had ordered her off to bed. She started as she saw Kenshin sitting up in bed, just now pulling on a shirt that Kaoru had laid out before. "Kenshin!" she said a bit startled. She was so used to seeing him sleeping that it was a little weird.

"Miss Kaoru, I believe I have you to thank for taking care of me."

Kaoru nodded, strangely shy. She had been thinking of how she would tell him that she loved him, but now that he was standing in front of her she wasn't sure she could.

"Kenshin, you shouldn't be up." Kaoru said as she walked over to the table and set her load down.

"I'm fine Miss Kaoru, you don't need to worry." Just as he finished saying that he felt a weakness sweep over him and he collapsed into a fit of coughing on the bed.

"Kenshin!" she said worried. She pulled the blankets back over him. "Go back to sleep and rest Kenshin. I'll go draw you up a bath."

Later in the bathhouse Kenshin and Kaoru began to argue. "Miss Kaoru! I can't do that! That's no proper!"

Kaoru rolled her eyes, exasperated. She was in a stubborn mood. "Oh come on Kenshin, just get in the bath. I'm not going to look. You're too weak to do it by yourself. You can't even stand!"

Kenshin who had been leaning against Kaoru for support tried to stand on his own, but failed. Kaoru started to tug off his shirt.

"Miss Kaoru!" Kenshin said blushing madly.

"I'm not going to stop until your in that bath whether you are in your clothes or not!"

Kenshin whimpered as she stood threateningly over him. "Couldn't Sano or Yahiko...?"

Sano and Yahiko stood just outside the bathhouse listening to the events going on inside. There was a loud splash heard from inside. Yahiko peeked through the tiny window. Kaoru had pushed Kenshin in the water, though he still had his pants on.

"Remind me again why we are doing this?" the ten year old boy whispered to the former gangster. They had 'disappeared' when it had come time to give Kenshin his bath. Sano sighed and rubbed Yahiko on the head.

"You'll understand when you're older Yahiko-chan"

Yahiko smacked his hand away. "Don't call me Yahiko-chan. I'm not a child!"

Sano smiled.

Kenshin felt very nervous about the situation. "Damn that Sano." Kenshin whispered to himself. It was obvious that he had snuck away, leaving them alone on purpose. The steam from the bath rose around him as he sunk under the water to cover his bare chest. He closed his eyes and let the warmth seep up his tired body. He heard a splash and opened his eyes to see Kaoru with her sleeves tied behind her She was holding a wet sponge in her hand, an evil grin on her face.
