I guess I will update one more chapter… so yeah I got a couple more reviews… so it's pretty cool. I hope that I get more soon. I'm still writer's block on my Harry Potter story, so give me some ideas for that one… and for this one too!!! Never know…. I might use them. Anyway, on with the show… or story.


Kim threw off her clothespin in frustration. She still didn't know what the heck was going on up in this here joint, and she wanted answers.

"Just who the heck are you anyway?"

"I'm sorry Miss Possible."

"Call me Kim."

"Excuse me. I'm sorry, Kim. Well how can I start off?

"Uhh.. With your name??" said Kim.

"My name is Professor Possible."

"What?!?! You're a Possible."

"Of course…. I am Professor Spit'z Possible."

"Spit'z Possible… hmm… how come I've never heard of your before?"

"Because I'm 'top secret'." he said using the action of quotation marks.

Kim smirked. "I see… so why'd you bring us here?"

"Your father… which happens to be my brother by the way… as you can tell. Heh… anyway. Your father came to me after hearing of the sent beam towards outer space from you."

"Yeah… oh this is my friend Ron, by the way. He's my partner."

"Uhh.. Sidekick, KP…. Hello Prof P." said Ron "I'm only a sidekick actually… I'm not all skilled and athletic as Kim here."

Kim frowned as well as the professor. "Nonsense Ronald… you are just as important to this as Kim is. Remember…you two are a team and your adventures in time proves that you two impossible to stop when together."

"Hey… how'd you know about that?!" asked Kim.

"Ahh yes… well I've been following you ever since you first set up your website."

"You have?!"

"Yeah…. You'll never know what the internet can do… spy ware sometimes can be your best friend."

Kim gasped. "Wait… YOU'RE those stupid pop-up ads that show up whenever I go online?!"

"It's a risk, but hey… someone's gotta do it."

"If you weren't my uncle… I'd sue you."

"Or you could try, cause technically I don't exist."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't really exist out there in the outside world because I was able to keep my name undercover. I used to be a top secret agent… just like you, Kim."

"Wow… really?"

"Yeah…. I must say you have some lucky genetics."

"I noticed…"

Prof P laughed. "Yeah… well I'm not agile enough to keep up with the missions like you.. So I referred you and your website to the GJ, our partner in Spy Agency."

"So THAT'S how they got my website."

"Exactly. Of course, it was your 'I can do anything' speech that intrigued them from the get-go and from what I've been hearing, you've been nothing but a success… you and Ron, of course."

"Yeah, we've been doing great so far."

"Yes, now if you please follow me, I will tell you more about why you are here."

"Sure thing, Professor."

"You can call me 'Uncle' if you want."

"Ok… Uncle."

"Sure thing Uncle P!!" shouted Ron then he shut his mouth realizing his mistake.

Professor Possible chuckled. "It's ok, Ronald. You can call me Uncle too if you want."

"Only if you just call me Ron. But I think Prof P suits you better."

"Sounds good to me. Now please follow me into the main chamber."

While Kim and Ron were following, they looked in awe at all the high quality technologic stuff that was in here.

"Man, not even GJ has rad stuff like these."

"You're right, Ron… this is sooo awesome."

"Kim… I didn't know you had such a cool uncle."

"You know… actually I didn't either heh…"

They continued walking until they saw Professor and Dr. Possible at a large computer.

"So my fellow family tree. What's the sitch?" said Kim.

Dr. Possible smiled. "Well Kim, your uncle and I have found out exactly what that ray beam did when you sent it out last night.

"Uhhh 'accidentally' sent out… it wasn't on purpose."

"Yeah, eye-witness over here!" replied Ron offering his two cents.

"Right. Anyway, that ray was something that was created in this very facility… in order to make contact."

"Contact.. Contact with whom?"

"Why, the supernatural of course!" piped up Prof P.

"Wait… you created that device to contact aliens??" asked Ron.

"Precisely… we tried to decipher a code that we got about fifteen years ago and channeled it into a beam of light. We wanted it to say.. 'Hey there, we're from earth'."

"Wow.. That's pretty amazing." said Kim.

"Yeah…" said Prof P. "Only…. Uhhh we kinda miscalculated our decoding."

"What do you mean."

"What he means, Kimmie, is that instead of saying 'Hey there, we're from earth'… it said 'Beware, war from Earth'."

"Well, that bites."

"Precisely.. And if our satellites are correct, a huge amount of moving force is headed straight for earth's direction."


"They're coming here…. To battle Earth."

"Great." said Kim sarcastically. Kim turned to Ron and they met each other with the same look in their eyes. They were for once scared. It hasn't been this serious before. Usually it's just a plan from Drakken, or an invasion by Monkey Fist or something… but supernatural beings headed straight for Earth to destroy it? This was not… part of Kim's 'I can do anything' list.

"Which brings us to why I brought you here." said Prof P. "Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable, GJ's top agents and frequent world-savers… I need you to lead a team of agents and help stop these alien forces from destroying earth. Your father has told me all about your adventures and how wonderful a person you are… and I know that you are the perfect choice for this mission. You and Ron have overcome all odds in order to fight for the good of the world. Now you must reach down deeper and fight for the good of the UNIVERSE."

Kim gasped and stepped back. What a mission!! But was she ready? Could she really be ready to not only save the world, but the entire universe? She took a look at her dad, and he was smiling at her. He looked into his eyes and saw the words that needn't be said. He had complete faith in her. She turned and also saw a similar look coming from her newly found uncle. She then looked at her best friend and at first he looked fearful. It seemed that he too was afraid too. Yet when they looked at each other… his face soon became determined. He looked at her with faith and trust, and knew that she would be able to do it… and that means a lot. She had the faith from almost everything she needed to get it from… her family, and her bestest best friend. Now she only needed faith in herself… Kim Possible. Then she remembered something her father once told her way back in preschool when she was afraid to spend a day in kindergarden……

"Anything is possible for a Possible!!!"

Ron nodded to Kim and she nodded back.

"Let's do it. Bring on those icky gooey whatever you all them thing-a-ma-jiggers. Team Possible is ready."


Sorry… this chapter is pretty short… I just wanted to make it a little bit more suspenseful and everything. No there isn't going to be no all star dream team like the Justice League or anything. Just keep your shorts on, because everything will come into place. Well I guess I'll catch you guys all later!! I hope to update as soon as I can… I give you my word… alright then peace out everyone.